Acolyte's Underworld: An Epic Fantasy Saga (Empire of Resonance Book 4)

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Acolyte's Underworld: An Epic Fantasy Saga (Empire of Resonance Book 4) Page 29

by L. W. Jacobs

  “Ellumia,” editor Martus said, recovering quickly. “You, ah—”

  Behind him a young woman began scribbling, no doubt recording this all for an article. Ella was, after all, the most wanted person in Worldsmouth at the moment.

  “I came for my royalty share,” Ella said, working to keep a smile from her lips at the man’s bewilderment. “I imagine sales have been good, following the events at the Downs.”

  “Very good,” he said. “But you shouldn’t be here.”

  “I imagine you know by now I can get out of most situations that might come up.” Martus’s face drained of color and she let the smile come out. “Now. There is a certain woman in Brokewater I want designated recipient of my royalty shares from now on. And don’t doubt that I will be monitoring them.”

  “Right!” the man cried. “Ah—Sesha, come here. Make up a standard royalty share document for Ms. Merewil.”

  The clerk’s face drained of color too—and that was only from what they’d heard of the Downs. If they only knew. Well, they would soon enough.

  Ella dug in her satchel, withdrawing a fresh sheaf of papers. “I have another article for you, if you’re interested,” she said.

  The editor’s eyes darted between her and the papers. He licked his lips. “I, ah, of course we’re interested, but orders arrived from one of the arbiters this morning. We are to cease and desist publishing anything by and or directly related you. Madame,” he added.

  Apparently a handful of murders was all it took to make this man lose his cool. He clearly didn’t know what the Councilate was doing in his name in the south. All the more reason to get her article published. And many more after that. “Well,” she said. “I’m sure I can find another establishment willing to publish it.”

  His smile was pained. “You—may find that difficult. The arbiter was most persuasive.”

  “I have my ways,” Ella said, pulling the spear-pin from her braids. Might as well make an exit to match their entrance.

  “Ah—something came for you,” the man said, turning and rummaging through his paper-strewn desk. He came up with a sealed riverpost. “Just this morning.”

  Ella recognized the script on the outside. It was her mother’s.

  “Thank you,” she said, heart clenching. She tore it open, surprised at her own need to know what it said.

  Dearest Ellumia,

  Thank you for your post, and congratulations. I cannot be happy enough for you to join me in motherhood, though I warn you it will not be easy. Thank you too for your thoughtful words. I agree, let us let the past be the past. I have talked with your father, and he’s agreed to drop the charges against you. I would also like to be there when you exchange vows with Mr. Kulga. We cannot officially condone the marriage or let you carry the House name, of course, but I would at least like to be present, and to meet him. May your love last longer than mine.

  I await word of your ceremony plans. I would very much like to meet again on more civil terms.

  Love always,

  Your mother Elyssa

  Ella looked up to find Martus and Marea staring at her, and only then realized tears were running down her cheeks.

  “Well?” Marea asked. “What does it say?”

  “It says she’s sorry,” Ella said. “And that she forgives me.”

  The reporter behind Martus switched to a fresh sheet of parchment, still scribbling madly. “You,” Ella said, pointing a finger at her. The woman froze. “You will record nothing of this last bit. The Runaway Knife has spoken.”

  For added effect she believed a dagger stuck into the woman’s writing desk, pinning the parchment to it.

  The woman screamed, and Ella tipped a wink at Marea. Then with a thunder clap they disappeared.


  And so the saga ends… for now. There is more to tell in this world (like what Tai was up to in Ayugen and Aran) and I hope to return to it soon, after I play in some other worlds. Or, maybe some other continents on this world…

  If you’re itching for something more, there are two novellas set in this world. The first, Urchin’s Gambit, follows Aelya a few months before Beggar’s Rebellion, as she settles some old debts and makes some new allies in Ayugen—that one is free everywhere (just click the link). The second, Assassin’s Tribute, follows a troubled assassin Ella’s parents send against her while she’s still working as a calculor aboard a ship. That one is also free, but only available to my mailing list--who also get deleted scenes and previews of upcoming books and extra stuff like polls to help me pick titles and covers. If that sounds good, just click the link for Assassin’s Tribute. Or, if you prefer audio, the Beggars and Brawlers podcast covers a lot of the same topics, and comes with an audio version of the novella!

  If all you’re looking for is news on the next book, you can follow me on Amazon or Bookbub for new release updates. And if you enjoyed the series, please leave a few ratings on Amazon. I’d love to hear what you thought.


  This was not an easy book for me. Partially because I wanted it to have exclusively female points of view while I (surprise!) am not a woman. Also because my daughter Juliette was born around the halfway mark of the book, and while my wife continues to be amazing in making time for me to write, still the sleep hours got squeezed and the brain wasn’t always working right. But first and biggest thanks need to go to Bri, for making my writing possible at all.

  Further thanks need to go to my beta readers, who helped me catch the places where my sleep-addled brain had made obtuse magic (Lukasz), and pointed out where my women were acting too manly. Sonya did an amazing job and detailed job I still owe her for. HRFW nitpicked my opening pages to glory, and Leggs LaRoux gave me a much-needed nudge on Marea.

  I have to thank my cyberspace friends in the World Domination thread as well, for moral, technical, and promotional support in the trying times that birthed this book. And crabs as well. And cake. Crab cakes, even.

  To my fruit-loving patrons in western North Dakota and eastern Montana, a heartfelt thanks. This and all my books are fueled by cherries and peaches. To Wilfred Berkhof, for Santa Claus and the Fireys.

  And finally to you, cherished reader. That you’ve dedicated the finite and precious moments of your life to reading four of these books now means the world to me. As long as you’re reading, I’ll keep writing.

  From a wintry Colorado morning,







  From the Author

  Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, consider leaving me a review or some stars on Amazon. Authors live or die by their reviews these days, and every one means a lot to me. For previews, deleted scenes, and a free novella not available anywhere else, click here for Beggars and Brawlers: the Resonant Saga Newsletter. Or if you prefer audio, check out the Beggars and Brawlers podcast!




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