Ghost Town

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Ghost Town Page 8

by Michael Collins

  ‘Maybe we won’t get our hands on the gold Crampton,’ said Joe, ‘But it also seems that you and that inbred preacher ain’t going to get it either.’

  Crampton threw the rope around the church beam above him and secured it, Joes hands were still handcuffed behind his back and the sheriff tied the rope to the cuffs.

  ‘Think it’s time I gave you a lesson in manners Flanagan,’ said Crampton shoving him down the trap door.

  Joe dropped through the trap door screaming out loud as the rope pulled his arms up out of the sockets, Crampton could hear the muscle and flesh tearing as Joes full weight caused him agonising pain.

  Crampton hoisted Joe back up through the trap door, his arms looked completely deformed with the rope pulling them above his head, Crampton could imagine the ball joints protruding from the sockets under the skin, Joe’s body weight was just hanging and stretching his skin at the top of his arms. Crampton reached into his right hand boot and got the hidden Derringer out, he clicked the hammer back and pointed it at Joe’s knee.

  ‘Your finished Crampton my father will come looking for you and he won’t rest till he finds you and fucking kills you!’ screamed Joe as he started to lose consciousness with the pain.

  Crampton fired the gun blowing Joe’s knee cap off.

  ‘Joe screamed out as the pain shot through his body.

  Crampton pointed the gun at the other knee and fired, Joe had lost consciousness and didn’t scream out to Crampton’s dismay.

  ‘Well let’s hope he does a better fucking job than you young Flanagan,’ he said, ‘He cut the rope and Joe’s limp body fell into the basement of the church, Crampton pulled the rope back over the beam and slammed the trap door shut.

  Sequence 7. The Saloon

  Elber and Edie were watching the events unfold outside the bank, people were running backwards and forwards with buckets of water from the stream. Samuel had come out and was telling Elber what had happened inside.

  ‘The gold was outside the bank in the container Elber, Mindel brought it all in and put it into the open safe,’ said Samuel, ‘But then the manager refused to give Crampton the combination for good reason which messed their plans up. Eli was responsible for the initial shots and murdered Jake Reynolds wife in cold blood. Jake closed the safe and blew the bank up but not before Crampton shot him.’

  ‘So, the gold is locked in the safe and nobody can get at it now?’ said Elber.

  ‘Nobody except me Elber, I managed to watch the manager earlier when he opened it and I memorised the combination,’ said Samuel.

  ‘Well done Samuel,’ said Elber.

  ‘It may come in handy later on and give us a bit of leverage.’

  ‘Good thinking Samuel, so where is Joe Flanagan is he dead too?’ said Elber.

  ‘No Crampton took him to the church handcuffed.’

  ‘The church! Why not the jail house?’ said Elber.

  ‘My thoughts exactly at first Elber, I now realize that he wants all the Flanagan’s in one place for the final showdown.’

  ‘Sounds weird,’ Samuel.

  ‘Not really Elber he wants all the Flanagan’s in the same place so he can dispose of them all at once, it’s the Flanagan demons that are keeping the Dethrock ghosts in the church and I suspect his plan is to draw them out of the church and the Dethrock Ghosts will follow this in turn will weaken the light shield clearing the way for their escape.

  ‘So, Crampton’s plan is to kill all four of them so their spirits will leave the church, then him and Mindel can go back through the light shield, but that won’t do them any good now because due to an unfortunate snag earlier they haven’t got the combination,’ said Elber.

  ‘More importantly,’ said Samuel, ‘They thought they were going to their own timeline in 1850 and had their plan worked they would have done so. And then you four arrived and came through the light shield, this interrupted the timeline and knocked it out of sequence so if they had have gone back through they would be in our timeline of 1950.’

  ‘What was all the shooting about then if Joe was cuffed?’ Said Elber.

  ‘Oh my god Elber! I almost forgot! Crampton shot the hostages as well! It’s all becoming clearer now!’

  ‘But what for Samuel? They were no good to him.’

  ‘He wanted to destroy the signed documents in the bank and they would have seen this, had he got the combination he would have shot Jake and the hostages anyway, he would have burned the documents shut the safe back up again. Either way he would have to blow the bank up with the dynamite with the risk of the unfortunate hostages seeing it anyway, it was a no win situation for them. This was the towns people’s legacy it was their insurance that if the main breadwinner died the families would still get there share whatever the cost.’

  ‘I don’t understand! why kill everyone?’ said Elber.

  ‘Any of these innocent people left alive would have a legal right to claim their share of that gold and Crampton knew this, anyone of these people would be a potential witness if the truth got out. He has been in the time loop for quite a while now and he is learning from his mistakes, so better to kill them all and make it look like the Flanagan’s were responsible. As I said earlier had everything gone according to plan in the first place he would have gone back to 1850, everybody in this town was dead anyway, so himself and Mindel can then casually go to the bank without fear of anyone seeing him or trying to stop them, he just opens the safe gets the gold and burns the documents and they would have been home and dry and that was his original plan Elber, then him and Mindel would have got clean away with the raw gold. But now things have changed because the documents got locked in the safe and this as affected the timeline again. The Flanagan’s have been set up to take the blame, the people of Dethrock were afraid of them when they came to the town and terrorized them beforehand. Sadly, now all the town is dead their spiritual incarnations are still afraid of them. And not only that, one more thing disrupted the timeline for Crampton Elber.’

  ‘And what was that Samuel?’

  ‘William Dalton.


  Bart Flanagan had been round the back of the mayor’s house when he heard the shooting and explosions he ran to the side of the house and hid behind a stack of barrels to see what was going on in the bank.

  He swore under his breath thinking that it was Bo And Joe in the bank especially after what he had told them. He had heard Bo calling for him when he was sat round the back earlier. Bart knew that Crampton wouldn’t be far away so decided to wait a while so he could weigh the situation up, he didn’t want to go out all guns blazing just yet, he had also heard one of the town people say that Crampton had arrested one or two of the Flanagan’s so he assumed it was Joe and Isiah. He got his harmonica gun out and clicked the magazine in place ready.

  Bart was convinced that Anna Dalton knew something about the murder of his wife, he would go back and see her again later he thought, in the meantime his priority was his three sons.


  Eli Mindel was back outside the rear of the saloon, Isiah Flanagan was still unconscious, Eli could see movement in the window of the saloon and reloaded the turret gun. Amos and Ritchie were wandering about in front of the saloon in their new attire trying to blend in with the locals although they were getting some funny looks. Amos kept glancing up the street to the church he could see his grandfather stood at the corner at the rear of the church.

  The mayor could see his grandson and he gave him an inconspicuous wave from the corner of the church.

  The mayor had heard a bit of commotion coming from the inside of the church and a couple of shots, it didn’t sound like Crampton’s guns though. He looked at his watch he was waiting for his other self to appear down the street and go into the saloon to see Bo, this would give him 15 minutes to speak to his wife. It was going to be a very emotional task for him and time was of the essence before his other self-returned to the house.

  Eli Mindel was in position behind the stage coach
he had seen movement through the saloon window and he opened fire with the turret gun he fired about a dozen shots haphazardly at the window, splinters of wood and smashed glass erupting from the impact of the bullets as they passed straight through and hit the unsuspecting hostages.

  Amongst the turmoil and screaming, Mindel ran across to Isiah who was just starting to come around he pushed the barrel of the rifle against Isiah’s shoulder and fired Isiah screamed out in pain clutching his shoulder, Mindel threw the gun down and picked his own rifle up and reloaded it.

  ‘I have got him! I have winged him,’ shouted Mindel.

  The mayor and Bo ran out the back to Mindel he waved his gun towards Bo.

  The mayor made sure Isiah’s guns were out of reach.

  ‘Tie him up mayor nice and tight please,’ said Eli pointing his gun at Bo.

  The mayor tied Bo’s hands behind him.

  ‘Tell the sheriff that Bo came quietly,’ said the mayor.

  ‘Now tie the other one up mayor,’ said Eli,’ Don’t worry the sheriff will look after them.’

  He tied Isiah up then he left them with Eli.

  ‘I am off to check my wife is okay,’ he said and ran off and leaving them.

  Mayor Dalton was waiting at back of the church he heard the shots from the saloon and waited for his cue, he didn’t have to wait long he saw his other self-running from the saloon to the house, then after a few minutes he came out and ran to the railway station to send the telegraph.

  The mayor left the back of the church and ran down the backs of the buildings to his house he had 15 minutes before his other self comes back. He went in the back door again, Anna was in the office watching events through the window when he went in.

  Eli Mindel was taking both men to the church he had seen the mayor going into the railway station, and as he turned around again he had a glimpse of the mayor running from the church at the back of the street towards his house.

  ‘What the fuck!’ he said to himself.

  Mindel took the prisoners to the church for Crampton then made his way over the mayor’s house.

  ‘That was quick William,’ she said, ‘Sounds like a war zone out there darling.’

  He ran over to her and hugged and kissed her.

  ‘William what’s come over you?’

  ‘I need to talk to you now Anna,’

  ‘I thought the sheriff would have had it all in hand by now,’ she said pointing outside.

  ‘Anna come and sit down now please I need you to listen.’

  ‘And that preacher fellow is always by his side, yes, I am coming William,’ she said.

  Anna sat down beside him in the office.

  ‘I am going to ask you a question Anna and I don’t want you to freak,’ said the mayor.

  ‘Anything you want William.’

  ‘You were going to tell me something about 30 minutes ago before I went across to the saloon do you remember?’ he said he held her hand.

  ‘Well it’s not important now,’ she said.

  ‘I would like you to tell me now Anna please we are all in danger.’

  ‘Have you been drinking again William what do you mean we are all in danger?’

  ‘I can’t explain now I haven’t got the time Anna, did it have something to do with Bart Flanagan’s wife, what were you going to tell me?’

  ‘Are you sure you are okay William you sound frantic?’

  ‘I need you to tell me now.’

  ‘Well he came to see me about 35 minutes ago before all the shooting and explosions started,’ she said, ‘Earlier on I had left the bank and Bart was telling the sheriff about his wife’s death and how she was raped and robbed of her jewellery, I got quite upset at what I heard and ran back to the house, I think Bart Flanagan saw my distress.’

  ‘And what did you hear and why was Flanagan here?’

  ‘Bart Flanagan was almost in tears as he told the sheriff how she was murdered and he wanted justice, he came over to see me because he wanted to know why I was so upset.’

  ‘He didn’t hurt you did he?’

  ‘Oh no William he was quite civil,’ she said.

  ‘So why were you upset? Is it what you were going to tell me?’

  ‘Yes, it was,’ she said.’


  ‘On the night that Bart’s wife was murdered,’ she continued, ‘I was sat in the room doing my sewing and I saw two horses galloping into town through the window, you had gone to the saloon a few hours before. I looked out of the side window and saw two masked riders it looked like they were going to the stables. After about five minutes I decided to go and investigate because I heard the stable door banging in the wind, I lit a lamp and set off to the stables when I arrived there was nobody about. but I did notice the two horses that had just come in, their saddles had been removed but they were both still steaming from the ride I could see it rising from their bodies and I knew instantly that these were the horses. On closer inspection, I recognised one of them as the sheriffs.’

  ‘Well that’s not unusual Anna, the sheriff may have been up to the gold mines checking them,’ he said.

  ‘I thought something like that William,’ she said, ‘But why would they wear masks and then in the lamp light I saw something sparkling on the floor beside the horse.’

  They heard a sound at the window, William stood up and went to look out but couldn’t see anything, the mayor went and sat back down.

  ‘So, what was it you saw?’ he said.

  ‘It was a piece of jewellery William like a gold shaped leaf possibly an earring,’ she said.

  The mayor reached into his pocket and got the little box out with AD on it and opened it, he took out the gold earring.

  ‘Is this it?’ he said holding it in front of her.

  ‘Yes, but, how did you get that?

  ‘Never mind that at the moment Anna I will explain later,’ he said, ‘Please continue.’

  ‘I heard Bart say that the robbers ripped her earrings out after they raped her,’ tears were filling her eyes up now as she spoke and she took her handkerchief from her bag.

  The mayor looked down at the floor.

  ‘It must have been an awful ordeal for that poor woman, I cannot imagine how she suffered and to top it all she was pregnant, I wouldn’t wish that on anybody not even Bart Flanagan’s wife,’ she said wiping the tears, ‘There is an indent in the earrings which housed a jewel and I think they were diamonds William the same diamonds that are in the sheriff’s guns I think, like some kind of trophies.’

  ‘Oh my good lord Anna, so it was Crampton and the preacher who raped and killed her.’

  Eli Mindel was crouched down by the window listening the sweat now running down his brow, He had heard enough of this incriminating evidence and he ran off back to the sheriff.

  ‘I didn’t want to believe it at first William especially with you and Jethro finding and building the town up together like you did, I just put it to the back of my mind but I couldn’t stop myself thinking about it and when I heard them speaking earlier it all came back and overcame me.’

  ‘It’s not your fault darling, you weren’t to know at the time,’ he said.

  At that moment, Samuel emerged through the wall.

  ‘What is it Samuel?’ he said.

  ‘Whose Samuel? Who are you talking to?’ said Anna.

  ‘Mindel was listening at the window mayor he heard everything you said he is back in the church now,’ said Samuel.

  ‘Oh, my god Samuel!’

  ‘William who the hell are you talking to, are you sure you are alright?

  ‘Darling I am fine and I know it looks crazy to you but I need you to do as I say now please and no questions I will explain later.’ Said the mayor.

  ‘Are you certain you haven’t been drinking William?’

  ‘Listen Anna I haven’t been drinking, you are in danger and I need you to go to the railway station now, at the back of the main office is a mail room,’ he looked at his watch there was
two minutes left before his other self-came back. He opened the drawer in his desk and took out the colt 45 he checked it and gave it to her.

  ‘I want you to run down there when I tell you, then get inside and don’t move till I come for you.’

  ‘But I don’t understand,’ she said.

  ‘Do as I tell you I will explain later,’ said the mayor.

  He took her to the back door and down to the Store where he had a view of the railway station exit.

  ‘Anna promise me you will do as I tell you,’ he said’

  ‘I will William but!’

  ‘No buts darling I promise I will explain to you later,’ he said.

  At that moment, the other mayor came out of the station and made his way to the crowd in the street.

  That’s you,’ she said.

  ‘Anna do as I tell you go now please, I will be with you in a few hours, whatever you do stay hidden, now go!’ he shouted.

  She still wasn’t sure but she reluctantly ran to the station running past the general store and the stables, the mayor saw her going into the station and blew a sigh of relief.

  Bart Flanagan was still waiting for Crampton he was crouched amongst the barrels outside the mayor’s house, he heard the mayor talking as he approached from the Store up the back street, he was talking to someone but Bart could only see the mayor.

  ‘So, the plot thickens Samuel?’ he said, ‘Looks like we have all been misled by Crampton especially me.

  ‘We cannot prevent what is going to happen, but we can sure make it difficult for him,’ said Samuel.

  ‘Crampton still needs the combination if he is to finish his plan, dynamite will be no good.

  ‘There will be no need for dynamite I already know the code mayor let’s go back to the house and I will let you write it down,’ said Samuel.

  ‘You have the combination?’ said the mayor looking surprised.

  ‘I will explain later,’ laughed Samuel.

  ‘Very well,’ said the mayor, ‘Let’s go and write down the combination.


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