Chasing Melody

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Chasing Melody Page 2

by Erin Cristofoli

  “You’re on the other bus, didn’t I tell you? Be glad you are too, because living with these guys definitely has its challenges.”

  My eyes widened at the realization that I would be alone with Chase. She gave my arm a squeeze. “I promise you will be fine. I know he’s a bit rough around the edges, so don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. I think sometimes he needs a good dose of reality that not every woman is going to melt at his feet.” She gave me a reassuring smile. “I’ll see you at the first rest stop, okay?”

  I nodded. I needed to make this work. Chase was waiting at the door of the other bus when I got there, taking my bag from me and letting me get on the bus first, following close behind.

  The bus was nothing like I had expected it would be. We walked up into the living room with rich wood floors, a grey L-shaped couch, and a square coffee table. The kitchen was small and modern, yet it seemed to have everything you could need. Across from that was a banquette dining table.

  Chase pointed to the lower of two bunks on the right side of the bus. “This is where Ivy sleeps. Your bunk is above hers, so you can hear her if she needs you. There is plenty of storage so you can store your stuff. The bathroom is over there, and at the end of the bus is my room.” He turned back to face me and added, “So, what do you think?”

  “I’m surprised at how spacious it is.”

  He laughed haughtily. “What exactly were you expecting?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, nothing this grand.”

  “With having to tour as much as I do, and with having Ivy with me, it’s important to make sure we have everything. I guess I will let you get settled. I’m going to head over to the other bus for a minute, but we’re leaving soon so don’t go wandering. I don’t have time to wait for you”

  I crinkled my nose at his rudeness but decided not to stir up a fight with him in the first ten minutes of the tour.

  I turned my attention to Ivy. “Well that was only slightly awkward,” I muttered to myself.

  Ivy sat on the floor in the living room playing with some oversized Lego while I unpacked my bag. Chase returned a short time later and the bus engine roared to life.

  “Are you done with your bag?” he asked. “We can store it below.

  I nodded and he grabbed it, bringing it to the front of the bus. “Chuck, store this for me, will you?”

  Chase fell easily onto the couch, stretching out. He watched his daughter playing for a few minutes before leaning over to give her a kiss.

  “Are you okay to watch her for a while?” he asked, glancing up at me.

  “Yeah, of course. That’s why I am here, right?”

  With a jolt, the bus lurched into motion and soon the city was passing by until all we could see was the grey concrete barriers of the highway. My eyes shamelessly followed Chase and his perfectly toned ass as he disappeared behind his bedroom door. Minutes later, the sounds of him lightly strumming his guitar floated out to us. It wasn’t a song of his that I’d heard before, and though I would never admit anything to him, I knew most of his songs.

  Ivy and I moved on from playing with Lego to watching Scooby-Doo when Ivy climbed up on my lap and looked at me.

  “I’m hungwy Ewlle”

  Glancing at my phone, I realized it was way past when I should have probably been feeding Ivy. I would have to make the effort to pay more attention in future. I shifted her off of me and stood up.

  “You can keep watching Scooby, okay? I’ll get you something to eat.”

  There was only one problem – there wasn’t much in the way of food in the kitchen. Everything in the fridge was expired and there was no way in hell I was going to risk poisoning Ivy with the eggs that I found. Aside from a couple bags of chips on the counter, the only thing I could find was a box of frozen waffles.

  “Nothing but waffles,” I muttered.

  When Ivy’s plate was ready, I turned the TV and settled Ivy into her booster seat, placing the plate in front of her. After making a couple more, I walked a plate down the hall and tapped lightly on the door.


  I wasn’t sure what to do. Should I open the door or talk though it? I chose the latter.

  “I thought you might be hungry.”

  Chase slid open the door. “You could have come in.”

  “Well, I thought you might be working, and I didn’t want to intrude.”

  “You made me food?”

  I thrust the plate into his hands. “Yes, this is for you. Though I wouldn’t exactly say that I made anything. There isn’t anything else in the kitchen that is edible.”

  “Shit. Claire usually takes care of that. I guess she didn’t this time. When we get to our first stop, you can get what you need.”

  “Okay.” I nodded.

  “Oh and you don’t need to worry about feeding me, I usually eat at the rest stops,” he said, eyeing the plate with a frown.

  “I’ll remember that for next time,” I clipped out, his lack of appreciation irritating me. Without another word I returned to the kitchen.

  “Ivy, oh goodness, were those yummy?”

  She grinned up at me, her beautiful face smeared with syrup.

  “Uh huh, I am all done.”

  I was surprised she wasn’t still hungry with the amount of food that had fallen on the floor. After I cleaned her up and put the TV back in place, Ivy resumed watching cartoons and I got down under the table to tidy up the mess.

  While I was there, Ivy cried out happily. “Daddy!”

  I straightened up at the sound of that one word, smacking my head against the table. Damn, that hurt!

  “You okay?” he asked, standing behind me as I got to my feet. His eyes were lowered. Had he been checking out my ass? Ugh, this day needed to be over already. I cleared my throat and his eyes flew up to meet mine.

  “I’m fine.”

  Chase walked over and stretched out on the couch. “Uh, okay. I’m going to hang out with Ivy, if you’d like to take a break for a while.”

  Ivy crawled up onto his lap, snuggling against his chest.

  “Daddy, I love you.”

  I watched him kiss the top of her head. “Love you too, lovebug.”

  This guy was such an arrogant ass when we met, it was surprising seeing that he had such a soft side to him. And seeing him smiling with his friends when I’d arrived that morning, I guess it was just me that got his gears grinding. It was going to be a long trip.

  Chapter Three


  Elle stirred in her bunk as I leaned up against the kitchen counter, taking the first sips of coffee. She emerged from her bunk ass first and my dick went hard. For fuck sakes, why did she have to come out wearing booty shorts? The skimpy baby pink tank top didn’t help either. As she turned, I got an eyeful of her perky tits. And, somehow, I had to make it through a busy day. Fuck me, I didn’t have time to jack off.

  “Have a good sleep?” I asked, scowling.

  She jumped, clasping her hand to her chest. Yep, this arrangement was going to kill me.

  “Wow, you scared me.”

  I noticed her eyes wander down my bare chest to my plaid pyjama pants. Her eyes widened and as if in realization of what she was wearing, her arms crossed and she turned abruptly.

  “I’ll be right back,” she called over her shoulder, hastily grabbing clothes and slipping into the bathroom. I took the opportunity to get myself dressed as well.

  Elle returned a short time later showing a lot less skin, but the damage was done. I’d never get that image of her scantily clothed body from my mind.

  “Where’s Ivy?” she asked.

  “My girl likes to sleep in. She’ll probably be out for another half hour.”

  “Being that we’re parked here until after the show tonight, I thought maybe I would take Ivy shopping with me, if that is all right?”

  Unease settled over me. Could I really trust her to take care of Ivy in public? I should make Claire go with her.

  “Can you be
discreet?” I knew I sounded like an ass the second the words were out of my mouth. Elle looked puzzled for a moment until realization set in, her jaw clenching.

  “Nobody cares who I am, Chase. Do you really think I would announce in public that I was the nanny to the great Chase Brighton?” She practically spit the words. “Do you really think I am here to make a dollar off your daughter?”

  I shrugged. “It’s been known to happen. Most of the women I have come across would do almost anything for a little bit of fame.”

  “Yeah, well, I am not most women, and you are an ass. You’ve only known me for a day, but you are so quick to judge me.”

  “I signed up for the media circus; Ivy didn’t. At the end of the day, I have to make sure she is protected.”

  Elle’s features softened as she let out a breath. “I understand that. But I’d like you to stop assuming the worst about me.”

  We stared at each other for a few minutes, the heated air charging between us. I had to get off this bus. I cleared my throat.

  “I’m sure you can figure out what is best to feed Ivy, but if you need assistance, you can ask Claire for help. Your excursion should take no more than two hours, so be back by then. I’d better get to sound check. Here.” I pulled out some cash from the wallet in my back pocket. “This should be enough to cover anything you need to stock the bus.”

  Elle’s eyes widened as she looked at the cash in my hand.

  “Um, I’m pretty sure that is way more than I could ever possibly need.”

  I smirked. “Take it anyway.”

  She hesitantly took the money, making the effort to avoid physical contact with me. I walked to the front of the bus.

  “Daddy?” the sweetest sleepy voice called out to me.

  “Morning, sweetheart.” I picked Ivy up into my arms for a big hug.

  “Where you goin’?”

  “I have to play for a bit. But you are going to spend time with Elle, okay?”

  “Kay, I like Ewlle.”

  I gave her a kiss and put her down. “See you later.”

  Ivy walked over to Elle who scooped her up. “Do you want to go on an adventure with me today?”

  “Yay!” Ivy giggled.

  She was usually pretty cautious with new people. Maybe she knew something I didn’t about Elle. Part of me knew that I was being a dick to her, but seeing her get riled up was a little entertaining. The other part of me was trying to ensure that my cock stayed in my pants. If she didn’t like me, it was probably for the better. The last thing I needed was a woman to get all clingy and weigh me down when all my attention was occupied with the tour and Ivy. Elle sure was making things difficult though.


  I couldn’t believe how bossy Chase had been! Limiting my time when we have no where else to rush off to? Who does that? I tried to shake off my frustration and got Ivy dressed so that we could head out. Ivy’s stroller was nothing like anything I had ever seen before – a pure luxury. The best part? It had a ton of room for groceries. We had walked over to the local market and spent a good hour walking around the shop. In the produce section, we were picking apples when an older woman approached.

  “Hello there, aren’t you a doll,” she smiled at Ivy. “How old is she?”

  “She’s three,” I replied.

  “Such a fun age. You must be over the moon to have such a sweet little girl of your own.”

  I smiled at the kind woman, not bothering to object to her assumption. One day I hoped I would have a child of my own, until then I was going to enjoy my time with Ivy.

  “Oh and look at this fancy pram that they make now. Nothing like when I had my children.”

  My phone began to buzz in my pocket. “I’m sorry, but I have to take this call. Please excuse me.”

  “Of course, dear, have a good day.”


  “Hey, it’s Claire. Where are you?”

  “Grocery shopping.”

  “Oh shoot!” she exclaimed. “I meant to go shopping before we left. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s been good getting off the bus. We’re having fun.”

  Claire sighed. “I wish I could say the same about things here. The mood is pretty strained. I’m hoping the air will have cleared by the time I head back in.”

  Great, I had something to look forward to when I got back.

  “But that’s not why I called you. Would you like to meet me for a coffee when you get back? Everyone will be taking a break soon. I could use some girl time.”

  “That would be great. I’m almost done here anyway.”

  “Great. I’ll come by the bus. See you soon!”

  I hurried with the rest of the shopping and managed to pack the stroller full of bags, carrying Ivy on my hip.

  I walked up to the bus just as Claire and the band were approaching from the venue behind them. Ivy squirmed her way down and ran over to Claire.

  “You’re late. What the fuck is all of this?” Chase asked eyeing the bags.

  “Groceries. What did you think I was going to get? You told me not to worry about feeding you, fine. But you don’t expect me and Ivy to survive on chips, do you?”

  He stalked over to me, grabbing my arm and leading me away from the group before turning and leaning in close.

  “You aren’t Ivy’s mother, so what I decide to feed my daughter is not your problem.”

  I felt like I’d been slapped in the face.

  “Mr. Brighton, I’ll remind you that just this morning there was nothing but chips on that bus AND you gave me money and instructions to shop. AND you hired me to look after your daughter, so that means she is my concern. You don’t need to be an asshole. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have groceries to put away.”

  I didn’t give him a chance to respond. Returning to the stroller, I hoisted up as many bags as I could carry onto the bus and began unpacking. Chase came onto the bus carrying the rest of the bags a couple of minutes later.

  “Thanks,” I said quietly.

  “You’re welcome, and I’m sorry for being an ass.”

  Shrugging I returned to my task. “Okay.”

  I heard him blow out a breath before passing by me and disappearing into his room. When he returned, I could see he had changed clothes.

  “The guys and I are going to hit the gym before the show tonight. I know Claire is coming over to hang out, so I’ll get out of your hair.”

  “Did I hear my name?” Claire said from the front of the bus. “The guys are waiting for you.”

  He nodded and brushed past her and out the door.

  “Whatever happened out there, that looked intense. I’m sorry Chase took his frustrations out on you.”

  “Please don’t apologize for his poor behaviour. Maybe I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

  She set Ivy down and grabbed one of the bags.

  “Oh man, this bus has never had anything remotely healthy on it. Can you cook or something?”

  I nodded with a laugh. “Enough to sustain us.”

  “Well, we do go out quite a bit to eat.”

  “I’m not sure Chase wants me to join in on any of those excursions.”

  “Screw him. You can’t be completely isolated. Besides, we’re friends now, and I want you to join us. How are things otherwise?”

  “Well, this morning he insinuated that I would use Ivy to sell a story to the paparazzi.”

  “He did WHAT?! Oh my God, I am going to kill him. I’ll be having a word with him when he gets back.”

  “No, no, please don’t. I don’t want things to get worse.”

  Claire sighed. “This tour has been stressing him out. To make matters worse, they are trying to write some songs for a new album, and it isn’t going well. It’s not you he is upset with.”

  Ivy came over and wrapped her arms around my leg. “Ewlle, are you sad?” she asked.

  Crouching, I replied, “Nope, your hugs make me feel very happy.”

  She grinned. “Okay.
I’m hungwy.”

  “You go back and play with your doll and I will make you some food.”

  Ivy went back to play, and I turned to Claire. “I can tell you are worried, but don’t be. I’m not going anywhere; I can handle Chase’s attitude.”

  “There’s the spark I saw when we met!” she exclaimed. “Don’t you let him get you down. Show him who’s boss.”

  I laughed. What didn’t kill me would make me stronger, right?

  Chapter Four


  We’d arrived in Raleigh, North Carolina in the early morning hours. The stage crew was busy at work setting up for the show that evening. Brant had suggested we take the opportunity to get in a brainstorming session for the new album and found a room for us to practice in backstage. Unfortunately, I had been trying to write the same song for the past month – the damn thing just wasn’t working for me and I couldn’t seem to move on from it.

  I sat off to the side of the room strumming the same piece of music over and over. Fuck, I wasn’t getting anywhere.

  “Nothing yet man?” Ewan asked.

  “No,” I grumbled.

  “Maybe you need to think about something else,” Brant suggested.

  “You don’t think I have tried?” Song writing had always been pretty therapeutic for me, and not something that I’d ever had so much trouble with, but something was holding me back.

  This was just the way we did things. The music always flowed backstage, jamming like we’d done for years – always working on new music while we toured.

  “You need to relax,” Ewan said as he walked past me, patting me on the shoulder.

  I smacked his hand away. “Maybe you need to fuck off and focus on yourself,” I retorted.

  Drawing in a sudden breath, I knew she was near before I heard them approach. I could feel her energy. Why did she need to show up? Elle’s scent muddled my thoughts.


  “Hey, lovebug. What are you doing here?” I asked, pulling Ivy into a hug


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