Chasing Melody

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Chasing Melody Page 13

by Erin Cristofoli

  She nodded. “I know what you mean. It was an adjustment for me too at the start. I can agree with that.”

  “What about Ivy?”

  Claire opened the front door. “Hey, Big Joe? Would you mind watching Ivy tonight until Chase finishes the show?”

  “You know I can’t say no to anything to do with that little angel,” I could hear him say.

  She came back up and fell into the couch, bumping into me.

  “It’s all settled. You get a bag together and get dressed. I’m going to go and book a room somewhere and I’d better go and pack too. We’re going to have such a good time.”

  Claire came to collect me once the show had started. I had been eagerly ready to go for ages. I followed her from the bus and while I thought we would be hopping into a car to take us to dinner, she steered us toward the venue where the guys were playing.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked, nerves setting in.

  “I really wanted to see Stixx, just for a moment, okay? You really don’t mind, do you? We’ll be quick and I promise you the very best dinner to follow.”

  I stood in the shadows at the side of the stage where no one could see me and watched him. Ugh, why the hell did he have to be so damn sexy? The more I watched him though, the more I realized there was something a bit off about him. His usual energy wasn’t quite there, his smile fading away when he wasn’t talking to the crowd.

  “How’d you like to hear a new song?”

  The crowd cheered loudly at this idea.

  He strummed the first notes and the noise died down. It was just Chase and his guitar under a spotlight. The notes were sad, and the words as they fell off his tongue felt like he had poured his heart out onto the page as he had written it. It was the best thing he’d ever written. It captivated his audience.

  “You sure know how to evoke emotion in him,” Claire stated as she approached where I was standing.

  “You mean this song?”

  When she nodded, I protested, “It’s not about me.”

  “Uh huh, if you say so.”

  There was one last song to finish off the show and I wasn’t sure I wanted to be around when Chase came off the stage.

  I excused myself to find the washroom but found myself pacing the hallway outside, my nerves on the verge of exploding.

  I hovered at the back of the crowd backstage, hoping that Chase wouldn’t catch sight of me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see him after that song. Lucky for me, the band was busy doing interviews with various members of the press, with Chase standing with his back to me.

  “So, Chase, all the ladies out there want to know, are you still dating the nanny? Or is your one special someone still out there?”

  He sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I’m not going to dive into my private life other than to say that I am single, but I’m not looking for anyone right now either. Thanks, have a good night.”

  I had just enough time to duck out of the way just before he abruptly ended the interview and walked away. It wasn’t him to turn away from some good press; something was definitely up.

  Making sure I was not seen by the reporters, I waded through the bodies until I found Claire. When she noticed me, her face lit up with a huge smile. She went up on her tiptoes to give Stixx a sweet little peck before linking her arm through mine.

  “Dinner time, come on, let’s go have some fun.”

  Our cab pulled up to a little spot called Maggie’s a short time later.

  “You’ll love this place,” she said as I was ushered through the door.

  Maggie’s was a cozy but cool little place with dim lights and oversized cushions in the banquets, and it was decorated like a mix between a costal vibe and a country kitchen. Though it looked like nothing from my life growing up, the restaurant felt warm and homey. A sweet young girl named Rose came by the table to welcome us, placing a bowl of sweet potato chips on the table before filling our water glasses. Opening the menu, I found that, while this place did have other options, the majority of the dishes listed were comfort foods. Tacos, roast beef and gravy, seafood lasagne, even chicken korma. If I lived nearby, it would be a regular stop for me. After Rose took our orders of lobster mac and cheese and chicken and mushroom risotto, Claire jumped right in.

  “So, how have you been doing?” Claire asked. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to be around much. With the guys working on a new album, it seems like I am constantly running around.”

  “I’m all right. Ivy is keeping me busy. She’s taken a big interest in phonics, if you can believe it.”

  She laughed. “Really?”

  I nodded. “I know. She’s such a smart little girl. She’s already trying to figure out some words on her own. When she isn’t doing that, she has an endless desire to paint and colour, soon all the walls are going to be covered with her masterpieces.”

  Claire nodded. “How are things on the bus otherwise?”

  I knew what she meant. “A little awkward. Since Ivy’s party, we’ve at least been able to talk again, but sharing the space with him full-time is difficult. It’s making me miss my friends at home. While I love Ivy, I’m also looking forward to the tour ending.”

  “I’ve been meaning to speak to you about that,” Claire started hesitantly. “I was talking with Chase about what would happen when the tour ended. He agreed with me that if you wanted to, which I hope you will, that you could continue to be Ivy’s nanny.”

  My eyebrows pulled together. “Why would Chase need a nanny once we get home?”

  “He still has to work, and making a record always means long hours in the studio.”

  I couldn’t meet her gaze for a moment. “I was thinking that maybe it might be best if I moved on.”

  “You can’t do that! You are my only friend in this madness! Besides, Ivy adores you,” Claire exclaimed.

  Our food arrived and we dug in hungrily, the quiet between us giving me a chance to calm some of the anxiety that the idea of leaving gave me. I hadn’t made my final decision by any means, but it would alleviate the rollercoaster of emotions that I had been feeling daily. But Claire was not finished with me just yet.

  “I think you two could use some time away from all of this insane production,” she said.

  With a shake of my head, I replied, “I don’t think, in this case, that would be good for anyone. I’m not saying I’m not attracted to him, Claire. I am not that good of a liar, but a little time away doesn’t change the fact that I can’t handle what the media said about me. It was awful. I’ve never felt so worthless. Being with him means a cloud being over my head, wondering when the next piece of gossip will hit.”

  She nodded. “I know. I am not trying to diminish how it made you feel, I promise, but you two are so perfect for each other!”

  “Maybe in another lifetime,” I murmured quietly.

  “I’m begging you, please do not up and leave. We all love you, Elle.”

  I smiled sadly. “I make no promises. The only thing I am absolutely sure of is that I plan to finish every bite of this risotto. Oh my god, this is delicious.”

  She smiled at that and thankfully took the opportunity to change the subject, telling me all about herself, and allowing me to just listen for awhile by taking the pressure off.

  We left Maggie’s full and happy, and we made our way to our hotel for the night. I’d been so thrilled to be having a girls night out that I hadn’t thought all that much about things… until Claire hit the top floor button in the elevator.

  “We’re not staying at the top, are we?” I asked.

  She grinned at me. “Oh yes we sure are.”

  When the door swung open, I was dumbfounded. I’d only ever seen a place like this in the magazines. Shit, this place was top notch, and it was going to be expensive.

  “Go on in, Elle. We have lots of fun left to be had tonight.”

  The suite was stunning to say the least. Grey walls decorated with silver mirrors and frames filled with pastel abstract art. I dro
pped my bag by the door and walked over to the massive cream coloured couch, falling back into it and being enveloped in the multitude of pillows.

  Claire giggled. “Do you need help getting out of there?”

  I reached out a hand and she took it, pulling me back to my feet.

  “Over there,” she said, pointing to my left, “is your bedroom. I’m on the other side of the room.”

  “Do we have to rob a bank to pay for this place or what? Seriously though, how much did this place cost us?”

  “Actually, it was Chase and Stixx who insisted that we stay here.” She held up her hands to stop my protest. “I know, I know. You wanted to do this on our own. I told them that, I swear, Elle, but they are good guys. They only wanted us to have a good time,” she said quietly.

  Chase. I really should have known. I wandered over to the large window that ran the length of the living room.

  “Are you okay?” Claire asked.

  I turned and smiled. “Yep, I’m good.”

  She clapped her hands together.

  “Good, because we still have some stuff to do. I thought we could do some clay masks and maybe a mani/pedi if you want. And I think that tonight we should definitely indulge in a super cheesy chick flick.”

  I couldn’t help but be excited along with Claire, she just had that energy about her.

  We went and changed into our pyjamas and when I returned to the living room, I found Claire laying out chips and glasses of wine.

  “Where did all of this come from?”

  “I called ahead to have the room stocked up for us. If it makes up for the room situation, you can owe me thirty-five dollars for all of the goodies and such.”

  I laughed with a nod. “Deal.”

  “Why don’t you pick one of the movies. I took a peek and there seems to be some good choices.”

  We settled onto the lush, shag rug, opting to save the couch until after we were done with all of our primping. She pulled out a huge bag of spa goodies and soon we were covered with mud and were picking our nail polish colours. Claire was really very skilled when it came to painting. I, on the other hand, was awful at it. We giggled and chatted about who our celebrity crushes were, and Claire insisted in playing who would you rather, a game where you compare two celebs and pick who you would rather date. She skipped adding Chase into the mix, much to my relief, letting me just feel light-hearted and giddy as the wine went to my head.

  When the second movie was over, I stretched and got to my feet.

  “It’s pretty late. I think maybe I should go to bed,” I said.

  She nodded. “I am exhausted. Good night, Elle, thank you for agreeing to this. I needed this more than I knew.”

  I pulled her tightly into a hug; maybe too tightly thanks to my buzz.

  “I needed this too. Thanks.”

  I swayed my way over to my room for the night and crashed into the most comfortable bed I had ever been in. As I dozed off to sleep, I couldn’t help wishing I could have more days like this one.

  Chapter Twenty


  The next morning, I woke to the smell of coffee. Claire was sitting on the couch watching a show about wedding dresses.

  “Morning,” I greeted her warmly.

  “Good morning. I’m sorry, did I wake you? You can sleep as long as you like.”

  “It was the smell of coffee actually.”

  “How are you feeling? We polished off a lot of wine last night.”

  I looked over to the bottles still sitting on the coffee table.

  “Wow. Look at those, I feel like I should be feeling like death warmed over, but honestly I had the best sleep of my life. I could get used to that.”

  “Come and sit. I ordered breakfast.”

  She didn’t just order breakfast; she ordered almost everything on the menu.

  “There is no way we can eat all of this.” I laughed.

  She gave me a sly little wink, replying, “We can try.”

  We gave it our best effort, but alas, the food monster spread across the table won. But I guess so did we, stuffing ourselves.

  Claire groaned. “I won’t need to eat for the rest of the day. Who am I kidding? Yes, I will. I love food too much. Ugh, I can’t think of that right now.”

  Her crazy pained rant sent us both into a fit of giggles mixed with groans.

  “We should get up and move around.”

  She pushed herself slowly to her feet. “We are in no rush, but we can head back to the buses any time. I am sure Ivy will be eager to see you.”

  “Yeah, I think I will go get dressed. I won’t be long.”

  I took a little longer than I had expected, savouring the spacious shower. The sight of the deep soaker tub nearly drew me in, but I was eager to be back with Ivy, so I managed to resist. Once we were all packed up, I took one last glance around the suite and out at the view. I was glad that we had had the opportunity to stay here. I had to be sure to thank Chase for his generosity.

  “Thanks again for making a girls’ night happen, Claire, I loved it.”

  “Aww, you’re welcome. I had a blast.”

  Claire sure had been right. The second I stepped foot on the bus, Ivy threw herself into my arms.

  “Where were you? I missed you.”

  “I missed you too. I was spending some girl time with Claire.”

  She rested a hand on my cheek. “I’m a girl too, Ewlle.”

  Ivy was too precious for words. I placed my hand over hers. “I know, sweetheart.”

  Chase emerged from his room in my favourite pair of his faded blue jeans and a fitted grey t-shirt, watching us.

  Ivy gasped. “You painted your nails? They are so pretty! I want to paint my nails too!”

  “Claire did them for me. Do you like the purple?”

  She nodded excitedly.

  My gaze shifted over to Chase who was grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He leaned up against the counter and chugged the liquid down. I couldn’t help but watch his every movement. Claire came up beside me and took Ivy.

  “Go,” she whispered into my ear.

  I cleared my throat awkwardly and walked over until I was in front of him.

  “I wanted to thank you for setting us up in that suite last night.”

  He looked concerned for a moment, shooting a frown over to Claire before looking back into my eyes. “I told Claire to keep that part quiet. I didn’t want…”

  I brought a hand up and rested is on his arm so that he’d stop. I don’t know what possessed me to touch him, but I didn’t’ regret it. “I appreciate it.”

  “Well, I’m… glad.” His shoulders visibly relaxed, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “Look, I know you just got back and all, but would you mind terribly if I left Ivy with you for a little bit?” When I nodded he continued. “We’re having a band meeting at the picnic tables out there,” he said, pointing outside.

  “We’re going to have a late lunch delivered a little later if you’re interested.”


  “Ivy, stop squirming!” Claire laughed.

  “I want Ewlle!”

  She practically leapt into my arms as I held them out to her.

  “Your daddy has to go do some band stuff. Do you want to play with me for a bit?”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck, squeezing tightly.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” I laughed.

  “Have fun detaching her.” Claire grinned.

  We watched the two of them head off to get business done, and Ivy and I got to work, making up for my morning absence.

  We jumped from building blocks to dolls to painting. I had managed to convince her to watch some cartoons when I could hear Chase’s muffled voice coming from outside as he shouted for us to join the rest of the group outside. A quick glance around the bus reminded me that we had pretty much destroyed the bus in record time. I had to tidy up.

  When we got outside, I looked around at the table filled w
ith food and my stomach grumbled with anticipation. After the morning feast, I was surprised by my body’s reaction.

  “What took you so long? We were waiting on you,” Chase asked.

  “I’m so sorry everyone. Ivy and I had A LOT of fun for the last couple of hours and it showed. I couldn’t leave it like that.”

  “Ah, okay. Well sit, everyone is starving.”

  “Wait, you don’t want any of this,” Claire told me.

  “I’m pretty sure I do.”

  “No, you do not,” she stated firmly, a look of determination on her face.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Stixx asked her. “Let the woman eat.”

  “Elle?” It took me a moment to recognize the voice.

  A few feet away, my best friend Mark was standing, hands in his pockets and a huge grin on his face. Oh my god!

  I let out a squeal, the band all turning away from the food to look at what was going on.

  “Chase, take Ivy,” Claire instructed. I slid her down into his waiting hands.

  I glanced at Claire in disbelief, who was grinning widely at me before dashing towards him and launching myself into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  I could hear him laughing in my ear, but I didn’t care how silly I looked. My best friend was there in the flesh and nothing could be better than getting to see him.


  Who the hell was this guy and how did he get in past security? I slumped down at the picnic table, my appetite gone. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Even when Claire came to sit beside me, my gaze stayed put.

  “It’s not what you think,” she stated.

  I just grunted in response.

  “Snap out of it. Jeez. You’re acting like a sulky teenager.”

  “Did she hear my song last night?”

  She nodded. “She did. She didn’t think it could be about her, but I know she was touched by it. You can make it work, Chase. I just know it. Somehow Elle needs to be convinced that the media garbage is something that she can get past. I’d be scared off too if I’d been attacked like that.”

  “Look how happy she is,” I said flatly, my eyes still on her. “She hasn’t been that happy since all hell broke loose.”


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