Fated Redemption

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Fated Redemption Page 10

by Alanea Alder


  Moe wrapped a hand around her mouth.

  “No way AbbyGirl.” He moved his hand and kissed her silly. He and Rhys sat at Rebecca’s table next to Abby. Feeling blissful in her happy place she didn’t realize she was sitting there staring into space until she heard Rebecca’s giggles.

  “Trust me, I know. Aleks almost put me in a coma the first time he kissed me.” Rebecca dipped a spoon into a jar of baby food and began feeding Aidhan.

  “That was the mating bond starting.” Aleks kissed the side of Rebecca’s neck, causing her to squeal. Aidhan giggled at his momma.

  “How come you weren’t at the wedding?” Kate asked from the table she had scooted next to Rebecca’s.

  “You’ll have to ask mini menace here. She drops off the face of the earth for nearly a year then we get her psycho Christmas card. We were heartbroken that we weren’t invited.” Abby picked up a menu.

  “I didn’t know y’all were shifters! Some inside info would have gone a long way.”

  “Yeah right, you would have been chasing us down with a hypodermic wanting to test our blood. I had to bunk with your crazy ass. No way, no how was I going to be looking over my shoulder for four years.” Abby shuddered.

  “True. So I guess you really are moving to Arkadia, huh?”

  “Looks that way. Moe and Rhys are amazing, they have agreed to buying a house and we’ve only just mated.”

  “See, now that’s what I’m talking about, a nice simple mating, that’s how it’s supposed to be. No mate walking away or crazy old men or viruses. Shifters have it so easy.” Rebecca shook her head.

  “Not every shifter finds their mate, Rebecca,” Kate reminded her. Rebecca looked surprised.

  “But everyone here has been, which is good, because I want everyone to be happy.” She made a face at Aidhan.

  “That may be why everyone is finding a mate, and if that is true then we all owe you more than we initially realized,” Gabriel said, walking into the diner with Ashby on his arm.

  All Abby could do was stare. The tall, menacingly gorgeous man had to be the prince, but it was the smaller one who held her attention. He was exquisite in his beauty, and the child he held was no less ethereal.

  “God I wish I could paint! I feel like he’s wasted on ordinary people and scientists.” Abby stared. Ashby looked at her shock on his face.

  “You must know, Rebecca. She said something similar when we met.” He walked over and took the table to the right of them.

  “We met in college and have been friends ever since,” Rebecca offered.

  “He’s just so damn pretty. Hey, can I take your picture?” Abby asked, digging for her phone.

  Ashby looked at her as if trying to determine if she was serious.

  “I guess so.”

  “Awesome!” Abby jumped up and took a couple pictures with her phone.

  “Camille is going to be so jealous. Ha! That’s what you get for stealing my Halloween costume idea last year, heifer!” Abby texted Ashby’s picture to their diva of a best friend.

  “What did you guys go as last year?” Rebecca asked.

  “Cult 80s movie characters. I wanted to be Sarah from Labyrinth and she totally stole my idea. I had to go as Lili from Legend.” Abby grinned as her phone vibrated.

  Who is that and is he single?

  Nope, he’s mated to Prince Gabriel, whom I am having lunch with right now.

  “You are totally torturing her right now, aren’t you?” Rebecca peered down at her phone.

  “Yup. You would consider this having lunch with Prince Gabriel right? Yeah I thought so too. Okay Rhys, Moe, smile.” Abby held up her phone. Her men both gave her bone-melting, sexy-as-hell smiles. She sighed.

  “God you two are so damn sexy!” Abby texted both pictures to Camille.

  “Kate and I voted and Moe won most fuckable male in Arkadia,” Rebecca volunteered. Abby nodded.

  “I can totally see that.” Her phone vibrated again.

  Seriously, where are you?? Hot men are everywhere. Please tell me they are single and want a lioness.

  Nope, I’m in Arkadia and those two visions of sex and sin are my mates, paws off, biatch!

  Laughing, she put her phone down on the table.

  “So what’s good here?”

  “Connor’s chili, but he’s out with Madison today picking up Giddey. I’ve been dying to meet him, he sounds over-the-top fabulous. But Ma made peppers and sausage sandwiches today. I hurt myself eating two.” Rebecca wiped Aidhan’s chin.

  “If you could eat two, then I’ll need three. But maybe I should have just one.” Abby’s mouth watered she as mentally listed the reasons why she needed to lose weight, two reasons being the perfect male specimens at the table with her.

  “You’re not on another diet are you? I keep telling you that you’re gorgeous. I’d die to have your boobs.” Rebecca sighed. Aleks rumbled that he liked her the way she was and nuzzled her neck. Rebecca sighed happily.

  “I don’t like the idea of you not eating. Ma, three sandwiches for Abby please.” Moe was scowling at the idea of her skipping meals. Abby felt her heart swell. No previous boyfriend had ever encouraged her to eat. If anything they monitored and criticized every bite.

  “Save room for dessert,” Rhys whispered in her ear, causing shivers to race down her back. Ma smiled warmly at them.

  “Any friend of Rebecca’s is more than welcome here. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself before Moe came in earlier. I’ll get your sandwiches started. Boys?” Ma asked from behind the counter.

  “Five sandwiches for me Ma,” Moe said.

  “I’ll try one.” Rhys smiled at Abby.

  “That’s Ma, Aleks’s mother. She runs the diner,” Rebecca explained.

  “Thanks, Ma.” Abby waved at the older woman who smiled back.

  She looked down when her phone vibrated again.

  Be visiting soon! Don’t hog all the hot men. Xoxox C

  “Camille said she’s visiting soon.” Abby put her phone on the table.

  “Yay! I haven’t seen her since…” Rebecca’s voice trailed off and Abby leaned over to wrap an arm around Rebecca.

  “What is it, Becca?” Aleks asked, placing a concerned hand on her leg.

  “She hasn’t seen any of us since her father died. It was the last time the five of us were together,” Abby said softly.

  Rebecca wiped a stray tear with one of Aidhan’s bibs.

  “He’ll never meet Aidhan or Aleks. I wonder why I’m thinking of that now?” Rebecca took a deep breath and stuck her tongue out at her Aidhan, whose bottom lip had started to tremble.

  “The ones that leave before us are never truly gone, they are further ahead on the trail watching over us as we catch up,” Rhys said. Abby looked over to see that Moe had casually wrapped his large arm around Rhys. She felt the tiniest moment of insecurity. They had been together longer and Moe had been there for him through his darkest moments. She wondered if they had room for her. Moe must have caught a look on her face because his smile turned to a frown. Determined to ignore how she was feeling she turned to face Rebecca smiling brightly.

  “Rhys is right. There’s no way ole Mr. Morgan would want you feeling down either, missy!” Abby grabbed Rebecca’s nose and wouldn’t let go.

  “Ow, Abby, okay, okay let go already.” Rebecca turned her head this way and that, laughing, which set off the babies.

  Abby released Rebecca’s nose and looked around. Damn there were a lot of kids around. She looked at Kate’s table and felt her eyes bug a little. Did she have four?

  Ma chuckled at the look on her face and put food down on the table. Immediately Moe dug in. Rhys started small with a french fry.

  “You’ve never been around a lot of children have you?” Kate asked taking in her expression.

  “I mean, like, one or two here and there. But you have the start of a basketball team.” Abby had to admit they were all freaking adorable.

��You should see Rhys, he is an absolute wonder with children.” Kate smiled at her mate.

  “Yeah, when you come up preggers I have a feeling you are going to be spoiled by those two.” Rebecca stole a fry off of Abby’s plate. Moe began to choke. Abby wasn’t too concerned until she saw how red his face was getting.

  “Rhys!” Rhys looked over and whacked Moe hard on the back. A piece of french fry flew across the table. Breathing hard, Moe stared at Abby as if she had two heads.

  Wonderful. I’m not even pregnant yet and he’s choking on food. Thank god I have Rhys.

  She looked at Rhys, who had gone so pale she was tempted to check under the table for a femoral cut and blood loss.

  “Guys, I’m not pregnant. Relax.” Abby shook her head and grabbed a french fry. Stupid men.

  “It only takes once,” Rebecca sang, waving her fork about.

  “No way tater tot, you’re just saying that because misery loves company.” Abby smiled at her mates and continued.

  “New topic. Since Moe and Rhys have agreed that we need to move since the bar loft doesn’t have enough space for the three of us…”

  “Maybe four,” Rebecca chimed in. Abby ignored her.

  “I was wondering about the house down the road behind the diner. I saw it driving in.”

  “No. No way.” Aleks shook his head.

  “No.” Rian shuddered.

  “That may not be the best idea,” Ma said diplomatically.

  “The pack member that helped me relocate said that place was haunted. It’s why I bought the Plantation house when I first moved to Arkadia despite it being so big,” Caleb said, holding Merrick.

  Abby and Rebecca turned to face each other.

  “No. Becca no!” Aleks started.

  “A freaking haunted house in a shifter town! When can we go?” Rebecca asked, ignoring Aleks.

  “Becca.” Aleks shook his head.

  “I’d like to take tonight to unwind some more.” Abby shot a sidelong glance at her mates grinning when they sat up straighter. She turned back to Rebecca.

  “How’s tomorrow?” Abby asked.

  “Perfect! Ma, can you watch Aidhan for me?” Rebecca swiveled in her chair and gave her mother-in-law the pouty face. Ma looked at Rebecca concern on her face.

  “Of course I will, but you girls be careful.”

  “Becca, no. That place is dangerous,” Aleks said, sounding more agitated.

  “I have a voice recorder to do EVP work. Do you still have your night vision camera that you use for tracking the little furballs you study?” Rebecca asked, still ignoring her mate.

  “Yup, though I don’t know how effective it will be in daylight.” Abby bit into her sandwich and moaned loudly. The sweetness of the peppers blended perfectly with the sausage that held just a hint of heat. The potatoes had soaked up every single flavor that was currently singing in harmony in her mouth.

  “I know, right? Ma is the best cook ever.” Rebecca sighed happily.

  “Rebecca, seriously, that place is creepy.” Aleks wrapped both arms around his mate and pulled her into his lap.

  “Aleks had the shit scared out of him in that house when we were kids,” Rian said, frowning.

  “Aww my poor honey bear.” Rebecca turned and peppered his face with kisses. Abby noticed the large man didn’t turn away, but soaked up her attention.

  So cute!

  “We’ll be careful, I promise. Scout’s honor.” Rebecca held up her hand with her fingers split in a Spock ‘V.’ Aleks just closed his eyes and sighed.

  Yup, that man knew the score, poor devil.

  “Okay, who else is up for some ghost hunting?” Abby asked. The diner got quiet.

  “Ashby is coming and so is Sebastian,” Rebecca announced, volunteering the two men.

  “I don’t know, Rebecca,” Liam said, wrapping an arm around his mate.

  Ashby had gone white as a sheet.

  “Me?” he squeaked.

  How have they survived nearly a year of Rebecca? Then again, they didn’t have me here egging her on.

  “Ashby, I think you’ll be perfect for this.” Abby nodded sagely.

  “If you really think I can help.” Ashby turned to his mate who was scowling at the entire diner.

  “I’ll feel better about you going after I am introduced to the young woman that is apparently mated to my child,” Gabriel said, his voice sounding hurt. Immediately Rhys popped out of his chair like a jack-in-the-box and walked to stand before his prince.

  “My prince, may I have the honor of introducing Abigail Wright, the third in my ménage mating.” Rhys gave a regal bow. Abby stood and walked over to Rhys, taking his hand. Moe also stood and took a place behind Abby, resting his hands on her shoulders for support. The prince was terribly intimidating when he was in protective mode.

  Ashby elbowed Gabriel in the ribs and stood with their son in his arms. He rushed over to hug Rhys.

  “Oh Rhys, I’m so happy for you. Fate has blessed you twice. I know I’ve only just met her but I just know you’ll be happy together.” Ashby gave Abby a one-armed hug. Abby stared at the tiny, solemn little face staring at her from Ashby’s arms.

  She stared at him just as solemnly, and then suddenly stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Bleh!” The baby’s eyes widened before a tinkling giggle filled the diner. Gabriel moved faster than Abby could track to stare down at his son. Both Ashby and Gabriel looked surprised.

  “It’s the first time we have heard him laugh. He’s such a serious little man.” Ashby dabbed his eyes. Gabriel’s eyes were glowing an azure blue.

  “He looks just like you,” Abby commented.

  “Oh Ashers, he has the most contagious laugh,” Rebecca said. Abby turned and sure enough the entire diner was grinning ear to ear.

  Abby, Rhys and Moe went back to their seats. Abby turned to face Ashby.

  “So you’re in, right?” Ashby took a deep breath.

  “There’s no such things as ghosts right?” he asked, looking over to Gabriel, who noticeably refused to comment.

  “Right, Gabriel?” Ashby asked, swallowing hard.

  “I’m sure nothing there will harm you, mon ange.”

  Abby grinned at his response and looked over to Rebecca.

  “Score!” they said together.

  Abby looked at Gabriel and then Ashby, and had a thought.

  “If shifter blood affects vampires, how come you’re not all addicted?” she asked. Gabriel smiled and looked at Rhys, who nodded.

  “You are correct, normally shifter blood is quite addictive to vampires. However, if Fate chooses a shifter for our mates, their blood simply tastes delicious and does not have any side effects,” Gabriel explained. Abby looked over to Rhys and Moe and winked.

  “In-ter-es-ting.” She drew out the word.

  The diner door swung open and a tall, slim man walked in wearing sunglasses. He paused letting the diner get a good look at him. Madison and Connor came in behind him. Connor immediately dropped the five suitcases he had been carrying. The unfamiliar man dramatically pulled off his sunglasses, revealing startling, honey-colored eyes, and tossed his shoulder-length rich brown hair over one shoulder.

  “Arkadia, I am here! Now, where are the men?” he demanded.

  “Rebecca, who is that?” Abby asked. Rebecca grinned.

  “Everyone, I would like you to meet Gideon McFarly,” Madison said, introducing the man to the room. Everyone offered their name and welcomed him to Arkadia.

  “We leave to pick up Giddey and there’s three new lovely ladies here.” Connor winked at his mate before walking over to Bethy and Asling. Madison rolled her eyes and collapsed into the chair next to Rhys.

  “Who are these two beauties?” Connor said, smiling.

  “Little Bethany Prescott and Asling Stafford,” Aleks said in a deadpan voice. Connor jumped back as if they had turned to snakes.

  “Little Bethy and Asling? My goodness, look at you two. When did you guys get back? Is everyth
ing okay?” Connor swung one leg over a chair and sat so that he could rest his arms on the back of the chair. Madison sat beside him. Giddey stayed where he was at looking over all the men in the diner, winking at a few.

  “Hey, Connor. We’re fine. Just glad to be home. Things were getting a little crazy down in Florida,” Asling explained.

  “The ladies are darling, but umm, where are the men? Preferably the gay men?” Giddey asked, still standing near the door.

  “Oh for goodness sakes, Giddey, you’ve been in town a whole five seconds,” Madison said, sounding exasperated.

  “Oh come on Mad-a-sin, you promised hot, gay lions.” Giddey pouted. It was too much for Abby. She started to giggle.

  “The men here are super hot. I was in town for all of thirty minutes and met my mates. Both of them.”

  “Oh god, that would be amazing. Mating sex is supposed to be super hot.” Giddey looked around the room, sizing up the men.

  The diner door opened behind Giddey and Salsiby walked in. Rebecca tightened the hold she had on Aidhan and wiggled out of Aleks’s lap. She took her seat and leaned over to Abby.

  “He tried to take my baby,” she whispered. Abby felt a cold rage fill her belly. No one messed with her family. She could almost feel Rebecca’s fear. She could handle a pissed off Rebecca, a rambling Rebecca, even a caffeinated Rebecca, but what she could not stand was seeing her bravest friend afraid.

  “He did, did he?” Abby stood and walked past Giddey. With no preamble she raised her fist and punched Salsiby in the face. She aimed for the tiny spot between his eyebrows. The sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberated through the diner. Salsiby dropped like a rock.

  “Oh my god, I thought that was my ex. Oh my, how silly of me, when I look closer, they are nothing alike. Oops. Oh dear he’s blocking the doorway, I’ll get him.” Abby grabbed an ankle and dragged the smaller man’s body outside and left him on the sidewalk in the January winter air. She walked back in, brushing off her hands.

  “It’s cold as balls outside,” she said. Everyone was staring at her in shock.

  She tilted her head.


  “Is it just me…” Rian started.

  “Don’t say it,” Moe, Rhys and Aleks said in unison.

  “Doesn’t she remind you of Rebecca?” Damian finished Rian’s thought.


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