Loving Daisy

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Loving Daisy Page 13

by R. M. Lynn

  I stood, my hand going to my mouth, and tried to see if Dash was moving. His knee was bent up while his other leg was down in front of him, and his one hand was on his stomach. The coach was yelling at the refs, at the other team, and their coach, and I watched as Maddox rushed over to our friend on the ground. He tore his helmet off his head, his hair matted down with sweat with black smudged under his eyes, and I saw his lips moving as he crouched down next to Dash. Colt was there next, standing behind Maddox, but his attention shifted to the guy who had injured our friend in the first place.

  The other guy said something to Colt, and I could see him grin even with the facemask and helmet over his head. Colt made a move to lunge at the guy, but Luke Taylor, the tight-end for our team, grabbed him quickly and pulled him back. Maddox stood then and dropped his helmet as he stepped up to the other player. The guy stepped into Maddox’s space, their chests hitting, and Maddox’s jaw was clenched so hard, I could see it jumping from the stands.

  “No, no, no,” I muttered to myself as Logan laced her arm through mine and squeezed me close. “Don’t do it, Mac.”

  He’d ruin everything he worked for if he got into a fight at that moment. Scouts wouldn’t even glance his way if he showed a temper on the field. Thankfully, the medics pulled Dash up to his feet, and Maddox stepped back from the other player, albeit forcibly. The crowd cheered for Dash, and the guys on the Stingrays all gave him quick pats on his shoulders, back, or even his ass before they all got back onto the field and into position.

  “C’mon, boys, fucking wreck them!” Logan screamed, much to the dismay of some parents around us, and I let out a laugh as I shook my head at her.

  By the time the game ended, we’d only won by six. I met the guys with Logan after the game and waited patiently for them as Colt bounced between his parents and brothers with Maddox at his side, and Dash huddled up with his mom and sister.

  “Maddox looks hot as hell right now,” Logan muttered next to me, and I rolled my eyes at her as she giggled and nudged me with her elbow.

  He did look hot as hell, though. His hair was damp from a shower, and he was dressed in a tight t-shirt and fitted jeans, ready for whatever party was going on next. Maddox’s eyes suddenly flicked to mine, and he gave me a smirk before putting his hand to Colt’s shoulder and muttering to him quickly. After getting a quick hug from Colt’s mom, he headed my way, and I laughed into his chest as he hugged me to him tightly. Logan pretended to swoon next to me, and I rolled my eyes. Blush quickly slipped into my features, though, when Maddox caught her and let out a chuckle as he released me.

  “Close game, buddy,” Logan said to Maddox with a raised brow. “What the hell?”

  “Yeah, I could hear your distaste out on the field,” he replied with a smirk. “Their defense has beefed up since last year. Their pass rusher is new and fucking good. He’s supposedly a junior, but he wasn’t on the team last year or the year before that. Jake Bennett is his name.”

  “I know,” Logan shot back with a sly smirk. “I had my eye on him every time his tight ass was on the field.”

  Maddox rolled his eyes with a shake of his head before I asked quietly, “That guy that hit Dash? What was that about?”

  “Fucking Gavin Bradshaw. He’s a dirty player, and he has been since freshman year. He’s lucky all he did was knock the wind out of Dash.” Maddox shook his head once more. “I’d have broken his leg if it were anything more.”

  “I’m glad he’s okay,” I whispered and looked over to watch Dash as he gave a quick hug to his mom and then his nine-year-old sister, Raven.

  He approached us, gave Logan a hug and Maddox a pat on his back, before throwing his arm around me and pulling me tightly against his side. Colt came to his other side then and gave him a squeeze to his shoulder.

  “MVP right here,” Colt laughed, and Dash shook his head in response with a smirk.

  “Thanks, man, but we’ve all gotten hit a lot worse before.”

  “Medics cleared you, right? You good for a party?” Maddox asked, and his eyes flicked to me briefly, almost as if he was asking me, too.

  “You know I am,” Dash laughed and gave me an enthusiastic squeeze. “You coming, baby? I got fucking decked on the field, you know. Do me a solid.”

  I rolled my eyes but gave him a nod. “I’ll go but only for you, hot stuff.”

  “Ooh, hear that?” Dash teased and looked up at the guys. “She says I’m hot.”

  Logan laughed and yanked on Colt’s hand, demanding she get a ride from him. Dash followed them along, and Maddox slid his arm around my shoulders to lead me to his own car. While Logan had dressed for a party to come to the game, I did not. Thankfully, Maddox didn’t seem to mind stopping at my house to change. While he chatted with my dad downstairs, I hurried up to my room to find something to wear that wasn’t a t-shirt with one of their numbers on the back. I found a simple navy-blue dress in the back of my closet. It was short and tight in the right places, so I quickly pulled it on but left the black Chucks on my feet.

  Once dressed, I slipped into my bathroom to hurriedly do something with my face and hair. I ended up just braiding my hair down my back and doing just enough makeup to make it look as though I spent more than five minutes on my look. When I emerged from the bathroom, ready to go, I jumped at the sight of Maddox lounging on my bed.

  “Shit, Mac, you scared me,” I breathed and shook my head at him. “I didn’t think Dad would let you up here.”

  “Nobody can resist my charm, Daisy,” he commented as he typed a message on his phone, “not even your dad.” His eyes raised, and he sat up as he looked me over. “Fuck, Daze, you look… You…”

  “What?” I moaned with a sigh as I looked down at myself. “Is it too much? Girls wear dresses to these things all the time. I thought I’d be okay. I wore that other dress before. Should I change?”

  “No, no,” he replied quickly and got up to stand in front of me. “You look amazing. You’re…” He brushed a loose piece of hair behind my ear as his teeth dragged over his bottom lip. “Beautiful. You’re beautiful, Daisy. Even without all this. You know that?”

  I blushed and looked down at the space between us as I muttered, “Thanks, Maddox.”

  He gave me another once over before he stepped back from me and gave a nod. “You ready then?”

  I nodded and walked with him down the stairs. Side by side, my hand itched to slip into his, but I restrained myself even when our fingers brushed. Maddox waited by the front door while I said goodbye to my dad, and then we headed out to his car. When we pulled up to a curb about ten minutes away from my house, I looked at Maddox and scowled.

  “Where are we?”

  “Luke’s,” he answered and gave me a small smile. “We don’t have to stay too long if you don’t want. Just let me know if you want to leave early.”

  I gave a nod and got out of the car when he did, and once we started down the sidewalk toward the large house, Maddox stopped short and grabbed my hands in his. I looked up at him with a small smile as his teeth dragged over his bottom lip.

  “What is it?” I asked softly and raised a brow expectantly.

  “I just… Luke’s parties get kind of rowdy. Fights, a shit ton of booze and drugs, and a fuck ton more sex. Just… I want you to be careful, okay?” He shrugged. “I guess I’m hoping you could just stick with me tonight.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I laughed out quietly. “Let’s go.”

  He led me inside the packed house, and I sucked in a breath when his hand grabbed mine as we pushed through the crowd. The same hand holding mine at that moment was the same one that was up my shorts the night before. A blush crept into my features at the mere thought of what he did to me on the beach. I had desperately wanted to give him what he gave me, but he refused. I wondered as we headed to the kitchen for drinks when the next opportunity would be for me to touch him.

  “Shit, I didn’t think you’d show,” Luke greeted Maddox with and smacked his shoulder with his hand. Luke
was a big guy. He had to have a good two inches on Maddox as well as an extra twenty-five pounds at least. His dark blonde hair landed an inch or so above his broad shoulders, and his beard was longer than a lot of the other guys’ on the teams. Most just kept a bit of scruff. He looked to me with a smile and said, “Hey, Daisy. We have AP Biology together, right? You sit up at the front, though.”

  “Uh, yeah,” I laughed out. “Great game tonight.”

  “Yeah, thanks. This guy, though,” Luke chuckled and jostled Maddox playfully by the shoulder, “almost got his ass booted off the damn field.”

  “It would’ve been worth it,” Maddox insisted just as Colt and Logan filled in the gaps around us. “Hey, guys.”

  Colt squeezed Maddox’s shoulder and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his side. “Hey, flower, looking good.”

  “Oh my God, Daze, you look amazing,” Logan cooed and put her hands on either side of my face. “Fucking beautiful. Maddox, you told her she looked beautiful, right?” I blushed and rolled my eyes as it was clear she was already a bit tipsy.

  “Yes,” Maddox murmured and gave a small smirk as his eyes locked to mine. “I did. Because you’re, right, Lo. She’s gorgeous.”

  “Guys, stop it,” I snapped with an awkward giggle. “Can someone get me a drink?”

  “On it,” Luke assured me. “You want something, Tate?”

  Maddox gave him a nod before Luke walked off to get us something to drink. He looked back to Colt and asked, “Where’s Dash?”

  “Out back with Aaron and Jimmy. He’s good, though, man. Don’t worry about it,” Colt insisted. “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

  Luke returned a moment later with two red solo cups, handed them to me and Maddox before he slipped into the crowd in search of another guy on the football team. For the next couple of hours, we mingled, and Maddox didn’t let me out of his sight. I remained an arm’s length away from him at all times, and if we got separated by the crowd for even a second, he was yanking me back through the bodies separating us. At some point, a few drinks in, Logan yanked on my hand and dragged me away from our group and onto the makeshift dance floor when Ariana Grande’s Boyfriend began to play loudly over the speakers.

  “I fucking love this song,” Logan yelled over the music as she began shaking her ass in front of me.

  I laughed as she turned to me and grabbed my hips, moving us in sync with the beat of the song. I let out a small yelp of surprise when a hard chest hit my back, and I froze at the sensation of a large hand splaying across my stomach. Looking up, relief swelled in my chest at the sight of Maddox’s face. Logan hopped back up in front of me and began moving my hips again even as I tried to smack her hands away. I could feel Maddox’s crotch at my backside, and I guessed he was mortified at me grinding back against him. However, to my utter shock, he brushed Logan’s hands away from me and replaced them with his own on my hips.

  Logan let out a laugh and sidled up to an unsuspecting guy before beginning to dance with him. And that was how my first dance with Maddox Tate came to fruition. He gripped my hips as I moved against him. I trailed my hand up from his thigh to wrap around the side of his neck, and his hand slid up along my ribs, his thumb brushing the underwire of my bra. I was suddenly hot, and it wasn’t because of the overcrowding of bodies around us. When I felt his lips barely graze over the pulse at my neck, I tipped my head back against his shoulder, hoping he’d drag his teeth over the spot next. I needed to feel him, desperately, and I turned in his arms just as the song changed.

  His storming eyes, heated and severe, bore into mine. And then, the heat was gone, and he was frowning, muttering something about staying put and he’d be right back. I couldn’t tell for sure because it was loud, but I watched him storm through the crowd and head down a massive hallway off to the left. Determined to make him explain his behavior, tell me why he ran off after putting his hands on me the way he did, I followed him as quickly as the gyrating crowd would let me. Just as I hit the hallway, a door was closing at the far end of it, and I hurried toward it. The door shut just as I reached it, and I knocked on it forcefully.

  “Maddox, I know you’re in there,” I snapped and knocked louder this time. “Let me in.”

  “Just give me a minute, Daze, shit,” Maddox shot back through the door.

  “I will make a scene, Mac.” More knocking. “Don’t test me.”

  The door flew open, the heat– or maybe anger– was in his eyes again, and I glared up at him as I shoved my way into the bathroom with him. Shutting the door behind me, locking it, I raised a brow at him and waited for him to speak.

  “What?” he snapped out finally.

  “What do you mean, what?” I retorted and threw my hands up in the air with a breath. “You just ran off like I was on fire.”

  “I felt like I was on fire,” he countered, and I frowned, not understanding. He cleared his throat and softened his voice. “Touching you like that out there, it was… I needed to step away before I did something you probably didn’t want me to do.”

  I took a stepped toward him. We were so close that my breasts brushed just below his chest, and I had to tip my face up to look at him. His jaw ticked as he kept his hands to his side in clenched fists. My fingers trailed down his abs, feeling them tighten under his t-shirt, and stopped just above the waistband of his jeans.

  “And how do you know I didn’t want it?” I asked in a soft tone, hoping to God it sounded at least mildly sexy. “Whatever it may have been, that is.”

  “I–I guess, I didn’t.”

  “What did you want to do to me?” I asked next, stepping as far into his space as I could. “Do you still want to?”

  He swallowed and lifted a hand to my waist. “You have no idea how many dirty things involving me and you go through my head every day since I first kissed you.”

  “Me, too. I’m going to have a permanent blush on my face.”

  He let out a low chuckle as his other hand came to my hip, and he pulled me tightly against him. My hands slid up his chest, and I pulled him down by the back of his neck until our lips touched. Soft brushes of our mouths quickly turned into a hungry, hot make out session. My hands slid under his shirt to relish in the feel of his abs. The feel of my hands on him must have sent him into overdrive because he quickly lifted me up onto the vanity between two sinks and stepped in between my legs. I shimmied to the end of the granite top and wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer and feel him right where I needed him.

  Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Maddox pulled his head back, a small moan escaping me at the loss of his mouth on mine, and he growled out, “Occupied!”

  “Sorry, man,” we heard the intruder mutter behind the door, and then Maddox’s mouth was on mine again, his tongue tangling with mine.

  His hand slid up the skirt of my dress until his fingers found the fabric of my panties. My hips instinctively pushed into his hand, but before I could succumb to the feel of them at my entrance, I slid off of the vanity and pushed him back from me slightly.

  “Daisy, I–” he began to apologize, I was sure, but I stopped his words with my hand to his mouth.

  “Stop,” I insisted. “I want to try something else.”

  I undid his jeans in record time, and his hand went to my wrist in an effort to stop me. “What’re you doing?”

  “I’ve never hooked up at a party,” I told him and got down onto my knees slowly. “And I’ve never given a blowjob. Seems like a good opportunity to get two firsts for one.”

  “Daisy, stop,” he forced out, his hand going to the side of my neck and pulling me up slightly. “You don’t have to do that. Okay? Stop. Let me take care of you.”

  “Stop acting like I don’t want to. Let me.” I pulled down on his pants slightly until they and his boxers came down enough that his hard cock sprang loose. I looked up at him as I settled back on my knees once more. “Unless you really don’t want me to?”

  “Fuck, shit,” he breathed out
as my hand wrapped around the base of his cock. “You know I want it, Daze. I don’t want to force you to do anything you’re not ready for.” His eyes remained on my hand wrapped around him. “This whole thing was about you in the first place.”

  “I’m ready, and I want this. I want to give you this.”

  I was suddenly nervous, but only because I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to do it right. What if he hated it? Really, there was only one way to find out, though, so I put him in my mouth and bobbed my head forward. His hand flew into my hair, gripping hard but not hard enough to hurt, and a string of curse words escaped past his lips. I swirled my tongue around the head of him, something I read in a trashy romance book once, and heard him let out a low groan.

  “Fucking Christ, Daisy,” he got out huskily, sounding as if he was ready to explode. “You’re doing great, baby.” He stroked some hair back away from my face. “Can you go any deeper? It’s okay if you–”

  Tears sprung to my eyes briefly as I took him as deep as I could, the head of his cock hitting the back of my throat. Glancing up, I watched Maddox’s head lull back and another low groan escaped him. I swirled my tongue around him again and decided to pick up my pace a little. He seemed to like it based on the sounds he made, and I couldn’t help but letting out an eager moan of my own, the sound vibrating against his cock.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” Maddox breathed out and made a move to step back from me. “I’m going to come, Daisy.”

  I slid my hands to the back of his thighs, keeping him in my mouth, forcing him to come in my mouth. The white, sticky substance filled the back of my throat a moment later, and he pulled out as I swallowed. I grimaced at the sensation while he pulled me to my feet. Tucking himself back into his boxers, he did up his jeans and lifted me up onto the counter once more. He kissed me tenderly and slid his hands around my waist.

  His forehead pressed to mine as he murmured with a smirk, “You didn’t have to swallow.”

  “Oh, I think I did,” I joked dryly. “To get the full experience and what not.”

  His lips were on mine again, and I let my fingers sink up into his hair at the back of his neck. He trailed his mouth down my jaw to my neck, nipping at my pulse and flicking his tongue over the spot. His hands slid up my skirt, and in a flash, my panties were off and on the floor between us. In another quick movement, he was down between my legs and setting one of them over his shoulder while his lips trailed up my inner thigh. My heart was ready to beat out of my chest, and I gripped his shoulders as nerves took over.


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