They Won't Believe You (Scottish Dark Romance Book 1)

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They Won't Believe You (Scottish Dark Romance Book 1) Page 5

by Paisley Alice Quinn

  Dexter cuddled up next to her as she watched TV. Her ear was itchy, and she scratched it thoughtfully.

  “Left for love, right for spite.”

  She couldn’t remember where she had got that from. Nor did she know her left from her right.

  Upstairs, Craig switched off his music. She heard him talking to someone, presumably on his landline since he’d thrown his phone away. Next thing, he was thudding down the stairs. She opened her door.

  “Heading out?”

  “Two bouncers have called in sick at The Duke.”


  “Flora asked if I’d fill in for them. She shouldn’t be working without crowd control.“

  She smiled. “How gallant of you.”

  “Not at all. Just helping out a friend.”

  She went back inside her flat and plonked herself back down on the sofa. The evening had grown cold, and she was happy to cuddle up with Dexter and watch the Commonwealth Games. She had been to see the games four years ago when they were held in Glasgow. Had actually sat in the stands and watched the Women’s Freestyle, her event. Coach McCracken had sat beside her, his keen eyes trained on the pool.

  “When you’re not swimming, you should be learning,” he had said. “You watch these girls, Kylie. Watch their tactics, their form, but most of all, watch for the spark in their eyes. The ones who want it most, those are the ones who win medals. The ones willing to do whatever it takes, the ones that never give up. Those are the ones that take home the gold.”

  Kylie had nodded, her eyes following the swimmers as they took their places for the race. She had wanted to be like them more than anything.

  She awoke the next morning to find Dexter drooling on the pillow beside her.

  “You know I bought you a bed?” she said as the dog licked her face. She yawned and stretched, tripping over Sinister on her way to the bathroom.

  She put on the kettle and ate a bowl of cereal with water since she was out of milk.

  “Roll on payday,” she muttered as she choked down a cup of black tea. It tasted smoky and bitter, like a cup of hot ashes. She didn’t like it, but she drank it. She needed something to keep her going.

  “It’s alright,” she told Dexter. “They’ll have proper milk at work.”

  She put on her work clothes, scratching her ankles as she pulled on her socks. Her stomach was itchy too, but she didn’t have time to worry about it. She needed to get a wriggle on if she was going to walk Dexter. That was her routine now, walking him up and down the street before she went to catch the train. Dexter was not happy about being shut up in the flat afterwards. His whining was so pathetic that Kylie felt bad.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t take you into work. It’s not allowed.”

  She checked the windows. Normally, she left them open so that Sinister could come and go as she pleased, but she didn’t want Dexter getting out. Sin would have to roam about outside until she got back from work. Flora would take pity on her, if she wanted to come in.

  “Right, bye then, Dexter. See you later.”

  The dog let out such a mournful howl that she contemplated chucking a sickie. But no, they’d all think it was because of Lachlan. Lachlan might even think it was because of him, and she wasn’t giving him the satisfaction.

  There were several boxes of new books waiting when she arrived at the library.

  “Sign here, hen,” the driver said, holding out an electronic form.

  “Thanks,” she said, scrawling her name.

  He looked at what she had written and laughed. “Could have done that myself!”

  She shrugged and turned to the boxes. Bend at the knees, she reminded herself as she picked up the one on top.

  “Let me give you a hand with that.”

  She glanced up and saw Lachlan, his quiff perfectly intact despite the wind.

  “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Course you are, you’re always fine.”

  She didn’t recognize the expression on his handsome face and wished they could go back to a week ago, before he had asked her out. It had been nice having a work friend, and now it was just awkward, and there was no going back.

  She staggered into the library and set the box down by her desk, returning for another. She went in and out several times before the job was completed and she kept forgetting to bend at the knees.

  “I hope you’re not going to leave them like that?” Muriel said as she walked by. “Someone could trip over them. Health and safety!”

  “Stupid bitch!” The beast snarled inside her.

  Kylie glared at her departing back, then headed for the staff room, leaving the boxes right where they were. A hot cup of tea was just what she needed. She added too much milk and sugar and flicked through one of the new anime comics. There was no one else taking their break at this time. No one to bother her. She rolled down her socks and examined her ankle. There were half a dozen little spots there, all in a line. What was that? An allergy? She had had chicken pox when she was a kid and she’d had the measles vaccine. At least she thought she had.

  She drank her tea and became engrossed in her comic. Then Shona walked in and stood at the tea point, mixing some awful flax seed concoction. Kylie got to her feet and tried to sneak by, but Shona had eyes in the back of her head. She spun around, practically salivating as she spotted Kylie. It was the kind of look you’d give a fine plate of grouse, right before you devoured it.

  “I hear he’s moved on.”


  “Lachlan. I hear he’s got his eye on that new girl, Ainsley.”

  “Right then. Good for him.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “No, why should I?”

  She felt like she was listing, taking on water. She banged her mug against the wall as she stumbled out the door. Her chest felt too tight and she needed to get away from Shona and her gossip. She really didn’t mind. She didn’t give a fuck what Lachlan did any more. He could fuck himself silly just as long as he didn’t bug her. Her breathing slowed as she reached her desk and set her mug down in its rightful place. It was only then that she noticed the big crack in the handle. She picked it up and it came right off, broken in two places. Her eyes filled with tears. The mug was special to her. Her friend Ruth had given it to her for her sixteenth birthday.

  “I can fix that for you if you want?” said a voice behind her.

  She turned and saw Marc Peters, his hair flopping over his big ears.


  “Just needs a bit of superglue. Leave it with me.”

  She bit down on her lip. “Thanks. That’s really kind of you.”

  Marc picked up the mug and turned it over in his hands, examining it.

  “Born to swim?” he said, reading the caption.

  She smiled weakly. Even with him being so nice, she felt hemmed in, like she couldn’t breathe.

  He wants to look down your top, the beast whispered.


  She spotted Muriel coming down the corridor, a dark look etched across her brow.

  “I’d better move these boxes.”

  She continued her work, up and down the ladder and all around the library, working so that there was no time to think of anything else. All the while, her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she hadn’t had enough to eat.

  She wiped the sweat from her brow as she slid down the ladder, picturing in her head that it was a fireman’s pole. There was Ainsley, walking by with a smile on her face. Should she warn her, she wondered. Or would things work out differently between the two of them? Was there something about Kylie that made men behave like such jerks?

  She pushed her trolley towards the finance section, the books full of numbers that made her eyes hurt. Normally, she enjoyed flipping through the books, getting a snapshot of what they were about, but these ones bored her senseless and worst still, they made her feel stupid. She placed them back on the shelves and left them to gather dust. Out of the corner of her eye, she wa
s aware of a familiar figure, big and broad. It was Craig, standing by the periodicals. She walked over to him.

  “Back again?”

  “I’m still working on my dissertation.”

  He looked defensive, she thought. There was a guarded look in his deep blue eyes.

  “How far have you got?”

  “Not far enough. It’s due in soon.”

  “Well, I’d better leave you to it.”

  “Wait – Kylie!” He placed a heavy hand on her shoulder, and she tingled at his touch.


  “Are things… square with you and Lachlan now?”



  “Nothing. You’re embarrassing me!”

  Like Marc earlier, he stood too close. So close she could smell the menthol soap he had used in the shower. She resisted the urge to breathe him in.

  “So, is he – bothering you?”

  “No, Craig. You’re the only one bothering me.”

  “Would you tell me if he was?”

  She opened her mouth, but the lie would not come.

  “No,” she admitted. “Probably not. Look, I can take care of myself, Craig. You should know that by now.”

  She pushed past him and returned to her trolley.

  Craig watched as Kylie walked off. He loved the way she walked, her peachy bottom wiggling with every step. He gave himself a shake. He knew he shouldn’t be staring. He didn’t want to creep the girl out. He was there to look out for her, to make sure Lachlan didn’t put his filthy hands on her again. He’d has his chance and he’d blown it. She was Craig’s now, even if she didn’t know it. In time, she would realise how much she needed him. How much sense it made for the two of them to be together. But he wouldn’t rush her. He could be very patient when he needed to be.

  But oh, how he longed to run his hands through her gorgeous black hair! How he longed to kiss her lips and taste her neck. He and Kylie were meant to be, and he couldn’t believe he’d let Lachlan come between them. He wouldn’t make the same mistake again.


  “How you been, boy?” Kylie asked Dexter when she got home. Dexter did his happy dance, circling her legs like a baby shark.

  “I bet you’re ready for a nice walk. Come on, let’s get your lead.”

  But when she returned with the lead she saw that Dexter was scratching himself profusely. She picked up the comb and raked it through his fur. Fucking fleas. He was riddled with them.

  She needed to buy some flea stuff from the pet shop, but she didn’t have any money. It would have to wait until payday, along with everything else. God, why had she thought it was okay to spend the last of her cash? This wasn’t even the first time she’d been caught out. Would she never learn?

  She could not bear the thought of having fleas hopping around her flat. She was going to have to get rid of them, even if it took her all night. She filled a bucket with warm, soapy water and washed Dexter in it. He loved splashing about in there and didn’t seem to mind at all. She shampooed his fur and then combed through it again. By the time she was finished, he looked like a different dog.

  “You’re even more gorgeous than I realised!” she told him, as she towelled him dry.

  Even with damp fur she could see a change in his colour, and the water in the bucket was filthy. His previous owner had not taken good care of him. She would do a much better job.

  Without warning, Dexter leapt from her arms and made straight for the mattress.

  “No, no, no, I’ll have to change the sheet!”

  She pulled it off and spread her sleeping bag out on the mattress instead. She would have to take it all to the launderette on Friday as soon as she got paid.

  Once Dexter was clean, she set about cleaning the rest of the flat. She lugged the vacuum up the stairs from the basement and ran it up and down, taking special care to clean the rug around where the animals ate. Sinister opened her mouth, baring her sharp white fangs. She did not like it when she vacuumed, and she liked it even less when she used smelly cleaning products.

  “It’s alright, Sin.”

  She reached for the cat and held her up so she could check her coat for fleas. She didn’t find any, but she wondered if she should give her a bath too. Sinister’s eyes narrowed, and she hissed loudly, so Kylie set her down again. Perhaps she would wait until she got the flea stuff. Bathing the cat was not her idea of fun.

  She scratched her ankle, and when she looked down she saw fleas jumping on her leg. Ugh! She grabbed one between her thumb and forefinger and rushed over to the sink with it. She thought she saw it fall down the plughole, but it was so small it was difficult to be sure. Could you even drown a flea? They didn’t breathe the way people did. Lord only knew what it took to kill them. She looked around the flat noticing more black specs on the floor.

  Fucking fleas!

  She pulled out the vacuum and started all over again. Sinister jumped up onto the window ledge and hid behind the curtain, but Dexter didn’t seem to mind. He had his eyes shut, his tail curled around him in a picture of perfect contentment. Oh, to be a dog!

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Kylie went to the door. It was Flora. She had dark circles around her eyes as if she had just woken, and she yawned widely before she spoke.

  “How long are you going to be vacuuming? It’s giving me a headache.”

  “Sorry. Almost done.”

  She wasn’t going to tell Flora about the fleas. She was far too embarrassed.

  Flora looked past her into the flat.

  “You still haven’t returned the dog, I see?”

  “I’m not going to either.”

  Flora shook her head sadly as if she’d caught her shooting up. “Well, I hope you know what you’re getting into.”

  “I do, thanks.”

  She didn’t mean to shut the door so abruptly, but she really needed Flora to get off her case. There was no way she could return Dexter to that man. No way in the world.

  “What brought on the cleaning spree?” Craig asked a little later, as she bumped the vacuum back down the stairs. “Here, let me help you with that.”

  “That’s okay, I can do it.”

  “But seriously, it’s a funny time to be cleaning!”

  Kylie thought of the bites on her ankle and resisted the urge to scratch them. No, she could not let him know. She could not let anyone know.

  “Foot inspection!”

  The whole team lined up, all twelve of them, facing the wall. Coach McCracken walked along the line, lifting each of their feet in turn, inspecting them to see if anyone had a verruca. They truly were the plague of the swimming team. You could pick them up so easily, swimming as much as they did and they were a bugger to treat.

  Kylie’s body stiffened as she awaited her turn. She checked her feet regularly, so she knew she was clean, but she still dreaded these inspections. Ruth had had one a couple of months ago and Coach had announced it to everyone. She had had to wear one of those ugly plastic socks every time she swam until he was satisfied the verruca was gone. Even though it was something that could happen to anyone, the way he talked about it you’d think Ruth had done something wrong.

  She was the last girl to be checked that day, but all the others had to stay till he gave the word. It was cold since they were all in their swimsuits, and they were shivering and goosepimply, dying to get into the pool.

  She sucked in her breath as he picked up first one foot and then the other.

  “Clean,” he pronounced, as he dropped the first foot.

  He picked up the other.

  “Clean,” he said again, and she let out all the breath she’d been holding.

  He dropped her foot but continued to stand behind her and she waited for him to say they could go. She was eager to start swimming, psyched to beat her best time.


  There was an audible gasp from the others. He yanked a strand of her hair which she had not yet pulled back into her swimming

  “Kylie’s got nits!”

  Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. Was it true?

  “Kylie, wait here. The rest of you, down to the pool. You can start on your warm ups.”

  Her heart pumped in her chest. She felt like her teammates had deserted her. She touched her hair, trying to see the nits for herself and wished she could sink into the ground.

  Coach towered over her and she fought the urge to shove him away.

  “Well, what have you got to say for yourself?”

  “I…” She wasn’t sure what he was looking for. “I’m… sorry?”

  “You’re dirty, that’s what you are. Do you realise how contagious these things are? You could contaminate the entire team.”

  “I’ll get rid of them.”

  “Too right you will. Right away.”

  “Yes, Coach.”



  Kylie awoke early on Friday, her stomach rumbling loudly as she chugged down her last cup of horrible black tea. This would be the last time, she promised herself. And she would buy chicken for dinner, with mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables. The thought was so appealing that she could almost taste it. Maybe she would get pudding too. A big slice of apple pie or a deep-fried Mars bar.

  She stopped at the cashpoint on her way to work but the money was not in her account yet. She would have to check again later. She walked wearily into the library and felt a wave of dizziness as she lugged books from one end to the other. Her usually strong limbs did not work well without sustenance. She felt slow and weak, frustrated by her lack of energy.

  She continued with her work until her hands started to shake, then she stopped what she was doing and headed to the staff room where she made herself a cup of tea with plenty of milk and sugar.


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