More Rivals of Sherlock Holmes

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More Rivals of Sherlock Holmes Page 11

by Nick Rennison

  I found that besides the goblet some antique rings and a few pieces of gold and silver had been carried off. But these things were of comparatively small value, and the Colonel’s great concern was about the lost skull, which had been kept under a glass shade in what he called his ‘Treasure Chamber’. It was a small room, lighted by an oriel window. The walls were wainscoted halfway up, and the upper part was hung with tapestry. In this room there was a most extraordinary and miscellaneous collection of things, including all kinds of Indian weapons; elephant trappings; specimens of clothing as worn by the Indian nobility; jewellery, including rings, bracelets, anklets; in fact, it was a veritable museum of very great interest and value.

  The Colonel assured me that the door of this room was always kept locked, and the key was never out of his possession. The lower part of the chimney of the old-fashioned fireplace I noticed was protected by iron bars let into the masonry, so that the thief, I was sure, did not come down the chimney; nor did he come in at the window, for it only opened at each side, and the apertures were so small that a child could not have squeezed through. Having noted these things, I hinted to the Colonel that the thief had probably gained access to the room by means of a duplicate key. But he hastened to assure me that the lock was of singular construction, having been specially made. There were only two keys to it. One he always carried about with him, the other he kept in a secret drawer in an old escritoire in his library, and he was convinced that nobody knew of its existence. He explained the working of the lock, and also showed me the key, which was the most remarkable key I ever saw; and, after examining the lock, I came to the conclusion that it could not be opened by any means apart from the special key. Nevertheless the thief had succeeded in getting into the room. How did he manage it? That was the problem I had to solve, and that done I felt that I should be able to get a clue to the robber. I told the Colonel that before leaving the house I should like to see every member of his household, and he said I should be able to see the major portion of them at luncheon, which he invited me to partake of.

  I found that his family consisted of his wife – an Anglo-Indian lady – three charming daughters, his eldest son, Ronald Odell, a young man about four-and-twenty, and a younger son, a youth of twelve. The family were waited upon at table by two parlour-maids, the butler, and a page-boy. The butler was an elderly, sedate, gentlemanly-looking man; the boy had an open, frank face, and the same remark applied to the two girls. As I studied them I saw nothing calculated to raise my suspicions in any way. Indeed, I felt instinctively that I could safely pledge myself for their honesty.

  When the luncheon was over the Colonel produced cigars, and the ladies and the youngest boy having retired, the host, his son Ronald and I ensconced ourselves in comfortable chairs, and proceeded to smoke. Ronald Odell was a most extraordinary looking young fellow. He had been born and brought up in India, and seemed to suffer from an unconquerable lassitude that gave him a lifeless, insipid appearance. He was very dark, with dreamy, languid eyes, and an expressionless face of a peculiar sallowness. He was tall and thin, with hands that were most noticeable, owing to the length, flexibility, and thinness of the fingers. He sat in the chair with his body huddled up as it were; his long legs stretched straight out before him; his pointed chin resting on his chest, while he seemed to smoke his cigar as if unconscious of what he was doing.

  It was natural that the robbery should form a topic of conversation as we smoked and sipped some excellent claret, and at last I turned to the Colonel, and said:

  ‘It seems to me that there is a certain mystery about this robbery which is very puzzling. But, now, don’t you think it’s probable that somebody living under your roof holds the key to the mystery?’

  ‘God bless my life, no!’ answered the Colonel, with emphatic earnestness. ‘I haven’t a servant in the house but that I would trust with my life!’

  ‘What is your view of the case, Mr Ronald?’ I said, turning to the son.

  Without raising his head, he answered in a lisping, drawling, dreamy way:

  ‘It’s a queer business; and I don’t think the governor will ever get his skull back.’

  ‘I hope you will prove incorrect in that,’ I said. ‘My impression is that, if the Colonel puts the matter into the hands of some clever detective, the mystery will be solved.’

  ‘No,’ drawled the young fellow, ‘there isn’t a detective fellow in London capable of finding out how that skull was stolen, and where it has been taken to. Not even Dick Donovan, who is said to have no rival in his line.’

  I think my face coloured a little as he unwittingly paid me this compliment. Though my character for the nonce was that of a clergyman I did not enter into any argument with him; but merely remarked that I thought he was wrong. At any rate, I hoped so, for his father’s sake.

  Master Ronald made no further remark, but remained silent for some time, and seemingly so absorbed in his own reflections that he took no notice of the conversation carried on by me and his father; and presently, having finished his cigar, he rose, stretched his long, flexible body, and without a word left the room.

  ‘You mustn’t take any notice of my son,’ said the Colonel, apologetically. ‘He is very queer in his manners, for he is constitutionally weak, and has peculiar ideas about things in general. He dislikes clergymen, for one thing, and that is the reason, no doubt, why he has been so boorish towards you. For, of course, he is deceived by your garb, as all in the house are, excepting myself and wife. I felt it advisable to tell her who you are, in order to prevent her asking you any awkward questions that you might not be prepared to answer.’

  I smiled as I told him I had made a study of the various characters I was called upon to assume in pursuit of my calling, and that I was generally able to talk the character as well as dress it.

  A little later he conducted me downstairs, in order that I might see the rest of the servants, consisting of a most amiable cook, whose duties appeared to agree with her remarkably well, and three other women, including a scullery-maid; while in connection with the stables were a coachman, a groom, and a boy.

  Having thus passed the household in review, as it were, I next requested that I might be allowed to spend a quarter of an hour or so alone in the room from whence the skull and other things had been stolen. Whilst in the room with the Colonel I had formed an opinion which I felt it desirable to keep to myself, and my object in asking to visit the room alone was to put this opinion to the test.

  The floor was of dark old oak, polished and waxed, and there was not a single board that was movable. Having satisfied myself of that fact, I next proceeded to examine the wainscoting with the greatest care, and after going over every inch of it, I came to a part that gave back a hollow sound to my raps. I experienced a strange sense of delight as I discovered this, for it, so far, confirmed me in my opinion that the room had been entered by a secret door, and here was evidence of a door. The antiquity of the house and the oak panelling had had something to do with this opinion, for I knew that in old houses of the kind secret doors were by no means uncommon.

  Although I was convinced that the panel which gave back a hollow sound when rapped was a door, I could detect no means of opening it. Save that it sounded hollow, it was exactly like the other panels, and there was no appearance of any lock or spring, and as the time I had stipulated for had expired, I rejoined the Colonel, and remarked to him incidentally:

  ‘I suppose there is no way of entering that room except by the doorway from the landing?’

  ‘Oh no, certainly not. The window is too small, and the chimney is barred, as you know, for I saw you examining it.’

  My object in asking the question was to see if he suspected in any way the existence of a secret door; but it was now very obvious that he did nothing of the kind, and I did not deem it advisable to tell him of my own suspicions.

  ‘You say you are obliged to depart for Egypt t
omorrow, Colonel?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes. I start tomorrow night.’

  ‘Then I must ask you to give me carte blanche in this matter.’

  ‘Oh, certainly.’

  ‘And in order to facilitate my plans it would be as well to make a confidante of Mrs Odell. The rest you must leave to me.’

  ‘What do you think the chances are of discovering the thief?’ he asked, with a dubious expression.

  ‘I shall discover him,’ I answered emphatically. Whereupon the Colonel looked more than surprised, and proceeded to rattle off a string of questions with the object of learning why I spoke so decisively. But I was compelled to tell him that I could give him no reason, for though I had worked out a theory which intuitively I believed to be right, I had not at that moment a shred of acceptable proof in support of my theory, and that therefore I could not commit myself to raising suspicions against anyone until I was prepared to do something more than justify them.

  He seemed rather disappointed, although he admitted the soundness of my argument.

  ‘By the way, Colonel,’ I said, as I was about to take my departure, after having had a talk with his wife, ‘does it so happen that there is anything the matter with the roof of your house?’

  ‘Not that I am aware of,’ he answered, opening his eyes wide with amazement at what no doubt seemed to him an absurd question. ‘Why do you ask?’

  ‘Because I want to go on the roof without attracting the attention of anyone.’

  ‘Let us go at once, then,’ he said eagerly.

  ‘No, not now. But I see that the greater part of the roof is flat, and leaded. Now, in the course of two or three days I shall present myself here in the guise of a plumber, and I shall be obliged by your giving orders that I am to be allowed to ascend to the roof without let or hindrance, as the lawyers say.’

  ‘Oh, certainly I will; but it seems to me an extraordinary proceeding,’ he exclaimed.

  I told him that many things necessarily seemed extraordinary when the reasons for them were not understood, and with that remark I took my departure, having promised the Colonel to do everything mortal man could do to recover the lost skull.

  Three days later I went down to the Manor disguised as a working plumber, and was admitted without any difficulty, as the Colonel had left word that a man was coming down from London to examine the roof. As a servant was showing me upstairs to the top landing, where a trap door in the ceiling gave access to the leads, I passed Ronald Odell on the stairs. He was attired in a long dressing-gown, had Turkish slippers on his feet, a fez on his head, and a cigar in his mouth, from which he was puffing great volumes of smoke. His face was almost ghastly in its pallor, and his eyes had the same dreamy look which I had noticed on my first visit. His hands were thrust deep in his pockets, and his movements and manner were suggestive of a person walking in his sleep, rather than a waking conscious man. This suggestion was heightened by the fact that before I could avoid him he ran full butt against me. That, however, seemed to partially arouse him from his lethargic condition, and turning round, with a fierceness of expression that I scarcely deemed him capable of, he exclaimed:

  ‘You stupid fool, why don’t you look where you are going to?’

  I muttered out an apology, and he strode down the stairs growling to himself.

  ‘Who is that?’ I asked of the servant.

  ‘That’s the master’s eldest son.’

  ‘He is a queer-looking fellow.’

  ‘I should think he was,’ answered the girl with a sniggering laugh. ‘I should say he has a slate off.’

  ‘Well, upon my word I should be inclined to agree with you,’ I remarked. ‘What does he do?’

  ‘Nothing but smoke the greater part of the day.’

  ‘Does he follow no business or profession?’

  ‘Not that I know of; though he generally goes out between six and seven in the evening, and does not come back till late.’

  ‘Where does he go to?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know. He doesn’t tell us servants his affairs. But there’s something very queer about him. I don’t like his looks at all.’

  ‘Doesn’t his father exercise any control over him?’

  ‘Not a bit of it. Why, his father dotes on him, and would try and get the moon for him if he wanted it.’

  ‘And what about his mother?’

  ‘Well, her favourite is young Master Tom. He’s a nice lad, now, as different again to his brother. In fact, I think the missus is afraid of Mr Ronald. He doesn’t treat his mother at all well. And now that the Colonel has gone away we shall all have a pretty time of it. He’s a perfect demon in the house when his father is not here.’

  As we had now reached the ladder that gave access to the trap door in the roof, I requested the maid to wait while I went outside.

  My object in going on to the roof was to see if there was any communication between there and the ‘Treasure Chamber’. But the only thing I noticed was a trap door on a flat part of the roof between two chimney stalks. I tried to lift the door, but found it fastened. So after a time I went back to where I had left the servant, and inquired of her where the communication with the other trap door was, and she answered:

  ‘Oh, I think that’s in the lumber room; but nobody ever goes in there. They say it’s haunted.’ I laughed, and she added, with a toss of her head, ‘Well, I tell you, I’ve heard some very queer noises there myself. Me and Jane, the upper housemaid, sleep in a room adjoining it, and we’ve sometimes been frightened out of our wits.’

  I requested her to show me where the room was, as I was anxious to see if there was any leakage from the roof. This she did, and in order to reach the room we had to mount up a back staircase, and traverse a long passage. At the end of the passage she pushed open a door, saying, ‘There you are, but I ain’t a-going in.’

  As the room was in total darkness I requested her to procure me a candle, which she at once got, and then she left me to explore the room alone. It was filled up with a miscellaneous collection of lumber, boxes and packing cases predominating. There was a small window, but it was closely shuttered, and a flight of wooden steps led to the trapdoor I had noticed on the roof. I examined these steps very carefully, and found that they were thickly encrusted with dirt and dust, and had not been trodden upon for a very long time. The door was fastened down by means of a chain that was padlocked to a staple in the wall; and chain and padlock were very rusty. The walls of the room were wainscoted, and the wainscot in places was decayed and worm-eaten. Going down on my knees, I minutely examined the floor through a magnifying glass and detected foot-marks made with slippered feet, and I found they led to one particular corner of the room where a sort of gangway had been formed by the boxes and other lumber being moved on one side. This was very suggestive, and rapping on the wainscot I found that it was hollow. For some time, I searched for a means of opening it, but without result, until with almost startling suddenness, as I passed my hand up and down the side of the woodwork, the door swung back. I had unconsciously touched the spring, and peering into the black void thus disclosed by the opening of the door, I was enabled to discern by the flickering light of the candle, the head of a flight of stone steps, that were obviously built in the thickness of the wall.

  At this discovery I almost exclaimed ‘Eureka!’ for I now felt that I had the key to the mystery. As I did not wish the servant to know what I was doing, I went to the passage to satisfy myself that she was not observing my movements; but a dread of the ghost-haunted lumber-room had caused her to take herself off altogether.

  Closing the door of the room, I returned to the aperture in the wainscot, and minutely examined the head of the steps, where I saw unmistakable traces of the slippered feet which were so noticeable in the dust that covered the floor of the room. Descending the steps, which were very narrow, I reached the bottom, and found further progress
barred by a door that was without handle or lock; but, after some time, I discovered a small wooden knob sunk in the woodwork at the side, and, pressing this, the door, with almost absolute noiselessness, slid back, and lo! the ‘Treasure Chamber’ was revealed. In the face of this discovery, I no longer entertained a doubt that the thief had entered the room by means of this secret passage. And there was no one in the whole household upon whom my suspicions fixed with the exception of Ronald Odell. If my assumption that he was the thief was correct, the mystery was so far explained; and my next step was to discover why he had robbed his father, and what he had done with the property. He was so strange and peculiar that somehow I could not imagine that he had stolen the things merely for the sake of vulgar gain, my impression being that in carrying off the jewelled skull he was actuated by some extraordinary motive, quite apart from the mere question of theft, and this determined me to shadow him for a time in the hope that I should succeed in soon obtaining distinct evidence that my theory was correct.

  Before leaving the house, I sought an interview with Mrs Odell, who was anxious to know what the result was of my investigation; but I considered it advisable, in the then state of matters, to withhold from her the discovery I had made. But, as her curiosity to learn what I had been doing on the roof was very great, I informed her that my theory was at first that there was some connection between the roof and the ‘Treasure Chamber’; but, though I had not proved that to be correct, I nevertheless was of opinion that the purloiner of the articles resided in the house. Whereupon she very naturally asked me if I suspected any particular person. I answered her candidly that I did; but that, in the absence of anything like proof, I should not be justified in naming anyone. I assured her, however, that I would use the most strenuous efforts to obtain the proof I wanted. Before leaving her, I remarked in a casual sort of way:


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