Flawed: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 1)

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Flawed: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 1) Page 4

by Felicity Brandon

  The tall guy shook his head as if he didn’t believe him. “Ladies, were you having fun with these guys?”

  He didn’t even look behind him, but Lily had the idea he was talking to her directly.

  “No, we bloody were not!” answered Jody for them both, stepping forward so she was in the tall guy’s line of sight. “These morons were harassing us.”

  The unknown tall stranger glanced right, taking in the look of Jody for a few seconds, before his attention turned to Lily. Their gazes locked for what was only probably a few seconds, but the intensity in those blue eyes made Lily catch her breath. It was in that moment, when his focus was wholly on Lily that the idiot from the back of the other car pounced, throwing a punch that walloped the tall guy squarely on the back of his neck. His face registered the impact, those blue eyes demonstrating just a flicker of pain before he spun on his heel. It was the strangest thing—his body seemed to move in slow motion as he turned, but then his fist rose, connecting with the other man’s face in what seemed like half a second. Unlike the first punch, Lily heard the sickening moment this one landed squarely on its target, and it looked like it hurt. Certainly, the way his hands rose to his face at once suggested he was in a lot of pain.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” snarled from tall guy. “And don’t let me find you bothering these women again.”

  “You fuck!” cried the one holding his nose.

  His voice sounded muffled now, but Lily could see there was a lot of blood all of a sudden. “He’s broken my nose, Chris!”

  “Let’s just get out of here!” shouted the guy from the passenger seat. “We don’t need all this hassle over two chicks we don’t even know.”

  “They’re not that good looking!” joked the other one in the back of the car.

  “Hey!” yelled Jody, folding her arms across her ample chest. “Take a hike, arsehole.”

  Lily blinked in amazement as she watched the four men finally take her friend’s advice, and a moment later, their car was reversing back up the road.

  Chapter Six

  Ethan watched the car full of pretenders screech away before he turned back to the two women. Lily was even better than his meditations had promised. Layers of long dark hair curtained her small, delicate features, and then of course, there was those amazing green eyes. He didn’t have much time to consider the look of her outfit though, because at that moment, her friend stepped between them.

  “I have no idea who you are,” she beamed, batting her long lashes at him as she flicked her blonde locks behind her. “But, thank you. Those guys were being total jerks.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied, sidestepping the blonde’s advances to keep his eyes on Lily.

  “Who are you?” That was Lily speaking, there was no denying the soft tones of her voice—the one he had heard so many times in his head already—and Ethan smiled as he took in the look of her creamy complexion.

  “A friend,” he told her. “If you want one.”

  A small sigh escaped her lips at that, and he watched as her eyes widened a fraction. “I have a friend,” she whispered.

  Ethan’s lips curled even more at that, and as their gazes locked again, the energy around them began to grow. It was imperceptible to her perhaps, but not to him, not to someone so finely attuned to the elements as Ethan—not to someone who spent as much time in mediation as he did. The connection between them was there, and it was real, just as he had foreseen.

  “What’s your name?” interrupted the blonde.

  Ethan sighed. He hadn’t envisioned Lily being with anyone else the first time they’d meet, but events had unraveled faster than even he had imagined. After he’d sensed Lily’s danger, he’d run directly home, got in his car and used his senses to guide him straight to where he knew he would find her. It had been incredible. In all the years he’d been harnessing the power of meditation, Ethan had never achieved anything like it before, but it had all seemed so natural at the time. He’d heard Lily’s thoughts in his head, like a running commentary. Her voice had been like a radio beacon, and as he left his house and drove out toward the Sloan Park area of the city, it had become clearer and clearer in his mind. And then, her thoughts had shifted, and Ethan had got wind of the looming threat of the car full of men. He’d seen red at that, both his anxiety and anger skyrocketing at the idea anyone else could get their hands on his sweet Lily before he did. By the time he’d turned left into the road where they now stood, Ethan had known he was close. He knew Lily was there—somewhere—and as the stationary headlights of the other car had drawn his attention, he’d known in his gut it was the offending vehicle.

  The rest had all come naturally. His need to protect Lily had been nothing short of reflexive. Ethan couldn’t explain it, but he had given up trying to rationalize the power of his gift some years ago.

  “It doesn’t matter what my name is,” he answered the blonde with a dismissive wave of his hand. “So long as you’re okay?”

  He was talking to Lily directly again now, peering over her friend’s shoulder to catch the look of her wide-eyed expression.

  “I think so,” she replied in a breathy tone that made Ethan’s cock ache. “Thanks to you.”

  The look she gave him at that moment splintered all the thoughts in his head, and Ethan knew it would be burned into his mind for a long time to come. For the first time, he allowed his gaze to travel down the length of her incredible body, taking in her tight fitting blouse and mini skirt. If there’d been any doubt in his mind about how arousing Lily would be, then the image of her standing there reassured him on that point.

  And now there was no doubt. There was no walking away from this woman. He had to have her.

  “Just doing my civic duty,” he told her with a wink. “You ladies need to be more careful. There’s a killer on the loose, you know?”

  “Yeah, we know,” pouted the blonde, linking arms with Lily and yanking her body forward. “Thanks for your help. We’ll be on our way now.”

  She pulled Lily away from Ethan, drawing her back toward the path they’d been presumably taking when the car full of morons had begun to pursue them. Lily’s fine little arse taunted him as it wiggled on its way.

  Fuck. One day soon he was going to have that arse, and all the associated parts for himself. Unlike his normal dark desires, this time Ethan not only wanted those delicious parts, he also wanted the woman they belonged to alive as she screamed out his name for all the right reasons. Ethan’s gaze was still taking in Lily’s fine form as she glanced back, and flashed him a tantalizing smile. He returned her smile, ensuring he offered her one of his most devastating expressions.

  Finally, he had his eyes on the prize, and in all the darkness, there was just a shard of light.

  That was the first night she dreamt of him—the tall guy who had seemed to appear from thin air and rescue her and Jody from the idiots in the car. She had no idea who he was. Lily hadn’t even gotten his name after the event, but somehow, the look of those deep blue eyes haunted her long after Jody had dragged her off to the party, and as she collapsed into her bed, that dark gaze was all she could think about.

  “Who was he?” she whispered into her pillow. “Who would turn up at the exact moment we needed help, intimidate four other guys and then just disappear into the night again?”

  Who was the guy—some sort of superhero?

  Lily’s lips curled at the idea. The party had been pretty dull and uneventful in the end, although Jody had certainly seemed to enjoy herself. Her friend had spent most of the hours there wrapped around some unknown blond, leaving Lily to fight off the interests of other guys she had no desire to associate with. It had all been rather infuriating, especially considering her thoughts were still firmly rooted to the events that had happened before they’d even arrived. If only she had gotten the guy’s name! Lily blew out a lungful of air as the thought crashed through her head for the fiftieth time that night. Why the hell hadn’t she at least asked for his name?<
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  “Just forget about him,” she mumbled into her bed sheets. “Whoever he was, you’re never going to see him again.”

  But her brain could not forget, and as sleep fell over her like a wave, the tall man came to her once again.

  Lily stepped forward in the dream. She didn’t know where she was, yet somehow, she could sense the reverberations around her, the hue of reds and purples vibrating under her feet as she moved. Her body was warm—too warm—but she wasn’t sure why. It was unsettling, yet it was compelling at the same time, and there was never a doubt in Lily’s mind about what to do next. She would carry on through this dark labyrinth. There was something in the middle that needed her attention, something she needed to see.


  In a heartbeat, Lily was in no doubt that he was the thing she needed to find. He was there—somewhere—whoever he was.


  Lily heard the name whispered in the darkness, or, at least she thought she had heard it, but as she blinked around her, there was no sign of anyone else.

  “Ethan,” she repeated as though she was trying the name out for size somehow.

  She smiled at the resonance. Yes, Ethan. That was right. That was perfect.

  The thought of him speared her sleep somehow, the memory of the dark stranger who had come to her assistance earlier in the evening. But why? Why would this man she’d only just met for a matter of moments—this kind, mysterious stranger—why would he be here in this dark and unnerving place?

  Stepping forward, panic began to surge through her, although for a moment, Lily couldn’t understand why. And then it hit her. The ground. The ground underneath her feet was shaking, and as she glanced down, Lily saw in horror that large fragments of it were actually falling away! Instinctively, she began to run, conscious now of where she put each foot, aware of pieces of the ground vanishing around her. Her heart pounded hard as she went, and there was a low sense of dread in her belly, the feeling that every step could be her last, but that she had no choice. She had to run—there was no going back—she could only keep going forward. The reds and purples merged, pressing in on her as though the sky was now also falling in. There was a moment when Lily couldn’t take a breath. There was just no room for the oxygen—nowhere for her to go. The ground beneath her feet was precarious, and the space around her seemed to close in by the second.

  And then it happened.

  Ethan was there, his body stepping out of the gloom to catch her. He thrust one large palm in her direction, and without thinking, Lily reached for it. There was no doubt in her mind. She needed him. She needed Ethan to rescue her.

  As their skin connected, everything changed. The ground stopped trembling, and the oppression that felt as though it was about to cut off her air supply vanished. She could breathe again. She could stop running; she was safe.

  The realization made her want to cry.

  “It’s okay, Lily,” he told her in a smooth, soothing tone. “I have you.”

  Lily blinked up at him, aware that the space around her had changed again. The reds and purple hues had shifted to lighter shades of pink and lilac, and the air smelled fresher; sweeter than it had before.

  Lily. Had he called her Lily? But how could he possibly know her name?

  “Ethan, I—” She hesitated, uncertain what to say as she appraised his deep, sparkling blue eyes.

  It had only been a few hours, and yet somehow, she had forgotten just how striking the man was. Just how bloody gorgeous, and how the sight of him made her heart flutter.

  “You’re okay,” he told her again. “Hold my hand, little Lily, and you’ll be okay.”

  She took a deep breath, unclear about what she was going to say, and not even sure it mattered. He was right. She was okay now. He made her okay.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled, aware of the way his large fingers squeezed her palm in an almost tender fashion. “I couldn’t breathe. I thought I was going to fall.”

  Ethan smiled down at her, the distance between them somehow cut to just a few inches now. “I won’t let you fall,” he assured her. “Not now, and not ever.”

  Lily gulped at his words. They sounded so overwhelming, but his voice held such conviction, as though he’d been waiting to say the words all his life.

  “But, we don’t know each other?”

  His smile grew wider, and for just a fraction of a second, there was almost something predatory about it; something that made Lily’s belly furl into a tight knot.

  “I know you, Lily,” he told her. “And if you close your eyes, and listen to your heart, you’ll find the truth.”

  “The truth?” she whispered, though she ignored his suggestion to close her eyes.

  She just couldn’t. Ethan’s gaze was so intense that somehow, she couldn’t bring herself to block it out. It was like it had some sort of hypnotic hold over her, reminding her of the way he’d vanquished those horrible men with only one punch and a few threats. Lily knew enough to know that shouldn’t have been possible. It was like Ethan was a magician.

  Like magic.

  “It’s not magic,” he replied with a smirk. “Think again, Lily.”

  She gasped at that, instinctively pulling away from his body, but Ethan’s grasp held her steady. His grip wasn’t painful, but it was commanding, letting her know in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t going anywhere. Not yet. Not without his permission.

  “What’s the truth?” she asked, aware that her eyes had widened with the query.

  Ethan’s expression softened. “You don’t need me to tell you what you already know, Lily,” he assured her. “What you’ve always known.”

  Lily pulled in a deep breath, as frustrated by his answer as she was curious. Something about this guy was so damn compelling. She just had to know more. She had done so right from that first moment on that cold street, but what did Ethan’s words mean? What did any of this mean?

  The grip at her hand lessened, and the sensation made Lily’s gaze rise to meet his again. She hadn’t been aware that her face had lowered until that moment.

  “I’ll be here waiting when you’re ready, Lily. When you understand.”

  Ethan’s voice was like a soft, seductive purr, and something about the resonance made her body feel hot and needy.

  “But—” Lily sensed an urgency in her tone now. It was as though she could perceive a change in Ethan—as though he was slipping away from her, and there was nothing she could do to stop him, to bring him back. “I want to understand now. Won’t you tell me?”

  Ethan shook his head with a wistful smile. “I can’t,” he answered in an almost plaintive voice. “That’s not how it works, Lily.”

  He was definitely fading away now, his touch becoming lighter as the space around him filled with bright light. The loss of him made Lily’s heart race.

  “Please!” she called, reaching out to touch the place where he was standing. “Please, don’t go. I want you to talk to me, Ethan. I want to understand.”

  But as her fingers passed through the place he had once been towering over her small frame, Lily knew that wasn’t the whole truth. While she did want him to talk to her, there was something even more pressing on her mind. Something she wanted even more badly. Her lips parted as the realization washed over her like a wave.

  She wanted him to kiss her.

  Chapter Seven

  Ethan lay in bed staring at the painted ceiling above him. His body was weary, but somehow, his head had refused to give in to sleep for the majority of the past three nights. When he had finally been able to get some rest, Lily was on his mind immediately, her presence commanding him somehow, as she drew him back to the same place, over and over again.

  At first, he’d thought it was the power of his meditative mind, and that the things he saw were just more of his prophetic visions, but Ethan soon realized that wasn’t the case. These weren’t visions; the things he was seeing weren’t real. Or, at least they weren’t real to him anyway. These were
Lily’s visions—her dreams—and somehow, she had called him to her, though Ethan had no idea how she managed such a feat. He had been meditating for over ten years, and at twenty-nine, he thought he’d obtained a reasonable capacity for the skill. He knew how to tap into his subconscious mind, he knew the power of his visions, and critically, he knew how to use them to his advantage. They were how he’d first found Lily after all—they were how he had found them all—but Lily was the first woman who had ever haunted him. And the first to compel him to anything other than just bloodlust. Somehow, Lily had come along and infiltrated his mind, drawing him away from his own headspace, straight into her own.

  It was thrilling. And infuriating.

  The good news—or bad news, depending on how he looked at it—was that the strength of Lily’s presence meant that Ethan hadn’t given in to any of his other compulsions. In truth, he’d barely even considered them, and had given exactly zero thought to blondie, his most recent victim, who right at that moment could still be lying in the hallway of her house where he’d left her.

  With a sigh, he rolled onto his side, his gaze searching for the small alarm clock on his nightstand. Surveying its long, black hands, he saw it was nearly eleven in the morning. Eleven. He’d need to get going if he was going to make it to Lily’s salon in time for her lunch break, and that was today’s plan. Over the last couple of days, he had spent time following Lily; getting to know her routes and her routines, just like he always did when he found a new target. But this was different. Ethan didn’t want to wipe Lily out, or, at least, he was almost certain that wasn’t his intention. He wanted to get to know her, to understand her, to appraise the woman in real life, just as their dreams appeared to be doing at night.

  It had been easy enough to find her that first day. Ethan had called on the same abilities he’d employed the night before—when he’d chased away those arseholes—but this time the process was born of patience and not panic. He’d tuned into her thoughts with ease, and it was beautiful. Utterly beautiful, and totally different to any of the other visions he’d had in the past. All he had to do to get close to Lily was focus on her energy, squeeze his eyes closed and listen. Her soft gentle thoughts were right there, floating in the air around Ethan’s mind as though they were waiting to be snared—just waiting for him to catch them. Once he captured them, he could begin to see something of the place around her: where she was, who she was with, what she was doing. Then he could find her.


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