Flawed: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 1)

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Flawed: (A Psychological Dark Romance) (The Dark Necessities Prequels Book 1) Page 8

by Felicity Brandon

  Spanking her wet snatch three more times, he paused only to torment her beautiful nipples a little more, before he resumed the pace of his palm. His hand became relentless, spanking her harder as he pushed her toward the ecstasy they both wanted, and he watched completely transfixed as the wave of pleasure overwhelmed her body. She shook at the pressure, calling out in desperation as the climax took hold. Ethan spanked her a few more times, ensuring he connected with her no-doubt swollen clit as she spasmed over his body, before he finally permitted his index finger entry into the hot, wet space beneath her pubic hair.

  “Oh,” she called out, accepting his digit with apparent satisfaction. “Oh, God, Ethan, yes!”

  “Come for me, Lily,” he ordered her in a deep timbre. “Feel me inside this beautiful pussy and surrender to me.”

  “Oh!” she groaned breathlessly, pushing her pussy backwards to greet his finger, before gyrating her hips forward again.

  He probed deeper, relishing the way the walls of her pussy convulsed around his finger. Lily was so damn tight, he wasn’t sure how the hell she was going to be able to accommodate him when the time came, but there was no doubt in his mind, she would easily be lubricated enough.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, telling her his opinion for what seemed like the tenth time tonight already. “And I can’t wait to have you.”

  A low moan leaked from Lily’s mouth as his palm shifted, connecting with her clit. She was clearly so aroused, that the direct stimulation to her nub was having nothing but a positive effect on her. That’s how much she’d relished her spanking.

  “Who owns this wet pussy, Lily?”

  Ethan’s words cut through the palpable tension in the room, making Lily’s eyes flutter open from the orgasm-induced stupor she had slipped into. A part of him wagered it was a risk to ask such a direct question of her so early into their liaison, but Ethan couldn’t resist. The connection between them was just so magnetic, he had to ask. He had to know if she already knew the answer—if she could already sense it

  “You,” she rasped, the word flying from her lips. “You own it, Ethan.”

  He grinned down at her admission as though they were the sweetest words in the world. And, in his head, they were.

  “That’s right, beautiful,” he told her lovingly. “I own it, little flower, and don’t you ever forget it.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Nothing had prepared Lily for that dream. She had woken hot and sweaty, but worse still was the warmth of her bottom and the slick arousal between her legs. It was as though all those things had really happened to her. Her arse ached as though Ethan’s hand had actually been swatting the cheeks, and her sex was soaked with desire, but even more perturbing was the achy need she felt at her core. It was a longing she’d rarely experienced before, but one that left her feeling bereft in some fundamental way. As though she needed to be filled and stretched and owned.

  Lily sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, her eyes flitting to the nightstand to look at the time. It was nearly half past six in the morning, and she’d soon have to rise for the day, but first she needed to get a handle on herself. Collapsing back against her pillows, she allowed her mind to slip back to the incredible intensity of the dream she’d been enjoying.

  When Ethan had initially spanked her by the fireplace, it wasn’t humiliation Lily felt, though that’s what she had expected. At that moment, all she could focus on was the sweet sting of that large palm as it swatted first her backside, and then her sex. Each new strike connected with the small, pulsing nub at her front, as though Ethan knew full well what the effect would be, and as she thought back on the event, Lily realized that she was right—he must have done. Ethan understood her body in an almost instinctive way, and as he’d spanked her on the rug, he’d known just where he was taking her—right to the edge of heaven.

  The climax had been like nothing Lily had ever experienced. Sex wasn’t something her parents had ever even discussed with her before, and so, she’d never properly studied her own body. In fact, embarrassingly, she reckoned Ethan had explored more of her sex than Lily had ever done, and on some level, that was pretty shocking in its own right. She’d had no idea how powerful pleasure could be until Ethan had bestowed it upon her. The sensation was so intense, it was almost painful, and then, when she finally let go, it was fabulous. The exhilaration that consumed Lily was so liberating, it almost made her want to cry.

  How could she have gotten to nearly nineteen and not even known that carnality like that was possible? Lily shook her head as she considered the idea. Perhaps that wasn’t really the issue at all anymore. Maybe what counted was now that she knew such pleasure existed, how could she go on living without it?

  The day crept by with an excruciating lack of pace. At lunchtime, Lily’s belly had been wrapped up in knots again as she skipped from the entrance of the salon, hoping to see Ethan. Her gaze traveled the length of the street, searching for his car, and then along the lines of people rushing down the pavements on their way to and from appointments, but it was to no avail. Her heart sank as she began to accept the reality—Ethan wasn’t there. He wasn’t there, and she had been stupid to have gotten her hopes up. After all, everything she had dreamed last night had been just that—a dream. A series of images playing out in her head and nothing more. After grabbing a sandwich from the local bakery, she skulked back to work, trying not to be consumed with the disappointment she was feeling, but failing miserably.

  By the time she finally left the salon later, the light was already fading. It was nearly a quarter to six in the evening, and as she began her trek up the dark street, Lily couldn’t believe she’d been silly enough not to arrange a lift home with her father. He would have gladly offered her one—she knew that—but she’d foolishly been hanging on to the idea that Ethan would be there waiting for her. A notion that made her snort wryly as she wrapped her coat more tightly around her chest.

  “Going somewhere, beautiful?”

  Her heart leapt at the sound of his voice, and without even needing to turn around she knew it was Ethan. Catching her breath, she spun on her heel to see him leaning casually against his car behind her.

  “I thought I was taking you home from now on?”

  The way his brow arched as he asked the question made that same hot arousal rush from her core, and for a moment she just stood there, transfixed by the look of the handsome man who was waiting for her.

  “I wasn’t sure if you meant it,” she responded as her face began to flush.

  Ethan shook his head, rolling those blue eyes as he strode toward her. “I thought we went through this already?” he purred as he gazed down at her. “I’ll be here for as long as you want me.”

  Oh God, she thought as she gazed up into his eyes. Was this guy serious?

  He grinned in response, although no further words were exchanged at that moment. Instead, his fingers brushed the loose strands of hair from her face and he swooped, capturing her lips exactly as she had dreamed. Lily’s lips parted, welcoming the sweet intrusion of his tongue, and instinctively, she leaned into his body. Her hands rose into the length of his hair, fisting it tightly as he claimed her mouth. By the time he drew away, she knew she was panting, but there was little embarrassment. Ethan had come for her, and that kiss—that had been real—her tingling sex was an absolute testament to the fact.

  “That’s a lovely welcome,” he mused as he smiled down at her. “Have you missed me, little flower?”

  Lily gasped at his words. Little flower—wasn’t that what he’d called her last night in the dream? “Yes,” she admitted in a tiny voice. “Yes, Ethan. I missed you.”

  Ethan winked at her. “Get in the car,” he told her sensually. “And we’ll talk.”

  She was almost trembling as he grasped her small palm and drew her toward the passenger seat. As she stepped inside the car, and he closed the door behind her, Ethan stopped to catch his breath. Never had he experienced a connection
like this, and never had his visions been stronger than they were for Lily. He wasn’t sure what it was about the little nymph. Of course, she was beautiful—they were all fucking beautiful, weren’t they—but it was exponentially more than that. Spending time with her, whether it was in the here and now, or in the dreamscape they seemed to have created for themselves, was spellbinding. The light Lily emitted in his meditative thoughts was so bright, it shone past everything else; literally casting the other women into shadows. Ethan hadn’t even thought about another woman since Lily had called to him in the graveyard—he couldn’t—there was no space in his head for anyone else. It was like he was completely transfixed with her, and after last night’s sensuality, he was only certain of one thing. Ethan needed more. More of Lily. More time with her, more of her body and more of her submission. More than that, he couldn’t say. His visions showed him nothing now beyond the curve of her belly and the excited light in her eyes.

  He climbed into the car beside her, turning his attention on those bright green eyes.

  “What’s happening, Ethan?” She blurted the question out as though she’d been holding it in all day. “I mean, I feel like I’m going mad, but it’s like you’re in my head or something. And the dreams…”

  Her voice halted, and Lily blinked up at Ethan, as though she was imploring him to say something.

  Ethan smiled. “The dreams are real,” he assured her, sensing what was weighing on her mind without even having to try. He’d not really even endeavored to get inside Lily’s thoughts when they’d been together in person, but as he looked at her flustered face now, Ethan began to envision just how sublime that would be—to control her body and her mind all at once—now, that would be really something.


  He pursed his lips at the question. Of course, he’d been expecting it. It was what any normal person would ask, but that didn’t mean the answers would be any easier to explain. “I don’t understand all of it myself,” he conceded as he slid the key back into the ignition. “All I can tell you is that I’ve been meditating for years, Lily, and you’re the first person I’ve ever met who has affected me this way.”

  He didn’t mention the fact he could also slip inside her mind and read her thoughts. That would definitely have been too much for this moment.

  Lily blew out a breath, but managed a small smile. “Wow,” she mused aloud. “This is crazy, Ethan.”

  “Maybe,” he agreed, edging closer to her seat. “But I hope it just goes to show how much you’ve been in my mind these last few days.”

  “It does,” she admitted. “And I feel it, too, Ethan. Last night’s dream was…”

  She hesitated, apparently unsure how to continue, although the hot blush at her cheeks was going some way to communicating her thoughts to Ethan.

  “Fucking hot?” he offered with a grin.

  Lily swallowed at his choice of words. “Right,” she whispered with a coy, little smile of her own.

  “Let’s make it happen then,” he declared. “The dreams are amazing, don’t get me wrong, but if you truly feel the way I do, then what are we waiting for? You’re over the age of consent, aren’t you?”

  If Ethan thought her face had been flaming before, then he’d been wrong. Lily’s cheeks were a shocking scarlet now, and he reached out to her instinctively, squeezing her knee gently.

  “I’m only eighteen,” she conceded in an embarrassed whisper. “Almost nineteen.”

  Ethan’s cock throbbed at that thought. “Perfect,” he drawled. “Well over the age of consent, then?”

  “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she panted.

  Ethan could sense how much effort it was taking for her to meet his eye, but Lily was forcing herself to do so, those green eyes burning with a torrid mixture of her humiliation and arousal. Fuck.

  “I know,” he told her soothingly. “I understand, but based on how wet you were for me last night, you don’t have anything to worry about, Lily.”

  She bit her lip, a gesture Lily seemed to do whenever she was contemplative, nervous—or horny. “I’d love to,” she admitted after a moment. “It’s just a question of where and when. My parents are pretty old-fashioned. I don’t think they’ll approve.”

  Ethan chuckled. He could have guessed that much for himself, and after all, he could hardly blame them, could he? He wasn’t exactly likely to be a good influence on their daughter.

  “You can come to my place,” he replied in as unthreatening a tone as he could muster.

  “The place from the dream?” she asked with wide eyes.

  Ethan shook his head. “No,” he answered. “That’s not where I live.”

  Lily’s expression faltered a little at his response, but she didn’t protest the point, and Ethan was pleased. He did know where that particular room was, but that wasn’t something he wanted to go into at this point.

  “Tonight?” he continued, pressing what he sensed was his advantage.

  She blinked at him. “Probably not tonight,” she breathed. “I’ll have to come up with an explanation for my parents, and that will take a little time.”

  He watched as her gaze lowered, the silence in the car threatening to deafen them both until her eyes met his again

  “What about tomorrow?” Lily asked excitedly. “I can tell them I’m spending the night with Jody. They don’t usually mind that.”

  “Your friend from the other night?”

  “That’s right,” she replied eagerly.

  “Okay then,” he told her with a smile. “I guess I can wait one more night, so long as I’m allowed another kiss now—to keep me going?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  She dreamt of him again of course, but it was different this time. There was no casual dialogue between then, or even the gentle caress of Ethan’s fingertips to ease Lily into the eroticism. This time the dream was all about the heat and intensity. It was as though neither of them could wait any longer. Lily’s senses were filled with the touch of his hands; palms that spanked her backside until she groaned at the glorious ache and digits that pinched her nipples until she begged him to stop. Though she didn’t know why she begged because it was the most compelling sensation Lily had ever known. She could feel his fingers inside her pussy, delving into the space that no other man had ever explored before and then they were at her mouth, demanding she lick his fingers clean of her own slick juices. Humiliated, she obeyed, but Lily knew how much the treatment was turning her on, and as his mouth claimed her after she’d complied, she could tell just how pleased Ethan was with her performance. The whole experience left her breathless, and she woke at three o’clock in the morning, even more horny and agitated than the morning before.

  Hours later she was ready to meet Ethan—more than ready actually—and as she spun a tale about Jody to her parents, Lily could already sense how excited she was. She met him in the usual place on Nelsons Walk, the tension in the car close to electrifying as soon as she closed the passenger door.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he purred, throwing her one of those smiles that made her panties moist before he’d even touched her.

  “Hi,” she replied, swallowing back on the nervous energy that was running amok in her body.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  Lily took a deep breath. She didn’t think she’d ever been more ready for anything.

  It took him less than fifteen minutes to drive her back to his place. His sister had been dispatched for the evening, and he parked in his usual spot outside the house he and Kitty shared. It was a relatively small semi-detached property, a pretty common style in those parts, but he was proud of it just the same. It was his, having bought it outright after his father’s estate had been liquidated, and like everything that belonged to him, Ethan protected it fiercely. Glancing left into the passenger seat, his gaze took in the look of Lily. It was obvious she was nervous, and excited, too. Her small, fidgety movements reinforced the point every time she took a breath, or collecte
d the stray strands of her beautiful hair away from her face. There was a faint blush on her exquisite cheeks. It wasn’t a flush of embarrassment—yet—but it was just enough color to let him know what was on her mind. Just a hint of what was to come.



  Now she really did sound breathy, and he lifted his gaze from the curve of her shoulder to meet her eyes.

  “Yes, beautiful.”

  Lily was wearing one of those sweater dresses, but it was an off the shoulder number, and revealed the top of her toned and supple body. Based on how her breasts looked in the dress, he also suspected she wasn’t wearing a bra, and that prospect was exciting beyond reason. Although they had explored one another a little in their dreams, he was still to really see Lily’s body, and his cock roused at just a glimpse of her flesh.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” she answered, and he could tell by her tone that she was practically forcing the words out of her mouth.

  He smiled, licking his lips before he slid his key from the ignition and responded. “Why?”

  She blinked at him wildly. “Because you’re making me nervous.”

  That admission made the smile twist into a grin. “Nervous?” he repeated.

  “Mmmm,” she replied with a coy nod. “You look like you want to devour me.”

  Ethan laughed at that—he simply couldn’t help himself. Never had a truer analysis of his intentions been made. “That’s because I do want to devour you, Lily,” he told her in a soft purr.

  He stared into those green eyes, fixing Lily with the full weight of his gaze for a moment.

  And you want me too, don’t you?

  He never said the words out loud, but something about her reflexive gulp made him wonder if she hadn’t heard them anyhow.


  There it was again, that soft desperation in Lily’s voice. She sounded almost pained. Almost.


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