Girl On Fire

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by Kim Thomas

  Opening my eyes the women who stared back at me knew what she wanted, revenge.

  Taking my lighter out my handbag I ran my finger over the dove engravings which I also had tattooed on my lower back.

  The engravings on the lighter was what made me get the tattoo.

  To me the doves resembled freedom and in my life that was what I always craved.

  I started smoking when I was at school because of Una’s relentless bullying which was when I bought the lighter therefore it was symbolic that me and Una’s story would end with the lighter.

  Chapter Five

  Re-entering the café, Una was now slumped over the table in similar position to the homeless drunk.

  Walking over to the front door of the café I locked the door and turned the closed sign on.

  Shutting the blinds of the window, I flicked the lights off until the café was in complete darkness.

  Turning around I wasn’t sure what I was going to do next, to be honest what happened next was instinct more than reason.

  Entering the kitchen area I turned on all the gas stoves.

  Picking up a long napkin I tied it around my face, I didn’t want to inhale the gas fumes.

  Casually walking passed a pot of greased I knocked the pot to the floor, exploding the liquid.

  Gazing around the room I could see no fire extinguishers or any fire alarms or even water sprinklers.

  Suddenly I stopped in my tracks. What the hell was I doing?

  Was I really going to kill Una and the homeless man?

  I knew why I wanted to, Una deserved to get what was coming to her.

  She had been a cruel bitch for years but did I really have this in me? Could I really take two people’s lives?

  “Yes you can” A voice suddenly whispered in my ear.

  “Whose there?” I said out loud, turning around to look for who whispered to me but no one was there.

  “It’s me, your friend” The voice whispered again.

  “You can do this Anna, she deserves it” The voice whispered to me again.

  It was like I knew the voice but I couldn’t see who was whispering to me.

  Running my hand through my hair I looked at the lighter in my hand and I knew instinctively what I had to do.

  Taking a pair of kitchen gloves from the box I walked back into the café area and dragged Una’s unconscious body into the kitchen area then went back into the café area and did the same to the drunk homeless man who I know never did anything to me but who would miss him really?

  Slightly cruel but honest.

  Looking at their bodies down on the floor and the lighter that was in my hand, I wondered again if I was doing the right thing.

  Did they really deserve to die?

  But then I heard Una’s cackling laugh as she taunted me and bullied me with relentless torture and my mind was conclusively made up.

  Taking a stack of paper I lit the corner of the paper and chucked the flaming paper on the grease on the floor and then on the gas stove both which erupted in flames.

  Running back into the café area I quickly took my bag and also the cup which had my DNA on and quickly exited the café by the side door.

  Walking calmly across the road I was thrown onto my back as the back of the café completely exploded sending fragments of building and glass everywhere including into five passer-by’s one which was me.

  ‘Young lady are you ok?” An elderly gentlemen asked me.

  “I…I think so” I innocently said acting a little bit like a damson in distress.

  “Let me call the fire brigade and an ambulance, you lie there just in case you have any hidden injuries” The kind elderly gentlemen said as he gave me his jacket after taking out his mobile phone.

  “Hello there has been a fire at The Hill Café and there was an explosion which has injured a few people who were walking by…thank you very much…please hurry” The elderly man put his mobile phone down and stood up to look at the other passer-by’s.

  I hugged the elderly man’s jacket around my body as I began to shiver which I wasn’t sure was down to shock to what I had done or shock due to fright, I couldn’t tell as I was numb, emotionally and physically.

  Suddenly sirens and lights erupted the evening sky as the fire brigade and ambulance quickly arrived although the café had been completely burnt to the ground all that was left now was rubble.

  “Hello young lady my name is Jane I will be taking care of you, what is your name?” Jane the ambulance lady asked me kindly.

  “Anna…my name is Anna” I whispered quietly.

  “Hello Anna, where are you hurt?” Jane pulled out a blanket which she wrapped around my shoulders.

  “My head I think, I fell” I whispered gesturing to my head.

  Jane took out an oxygen mask which she gave to me, placing the oxygen mask around my face my nerves began to calm and I slowly began to stop shivering.

  “Can I have your hand please Anna” Jane asked.

  Holding my hand out, Jane placed clamps around my finger I presume she was testing my blood pressure or something, I never really understood medical equipment although I did take a first aid course for my work but I didn’t really pay attention.

  “Your vitals seem ok Anna however I do want to take you to the hospital for a routine examination because you hit your head and you also may have experienced minor smoke inhalation, I believe the police want to quickly ask you a few questions is that ok?” Jane asked me softly.

  “Yes that is ok” I whispered, nodding in agreement.

  Jane helped me up and led me to the back of the ambulance.

  “If you could sit here I will let the police know they can ask you a few questions, keep using the oxygen mask Anna and if you feel dizzy please let me or someone know. I will be back shortly” Jane smiled down at me.

  Looking at the complete chaos I had caused I couldn’t believe what I had done but do you want to know the most unusual part? I didn’t feel remorseful or guilt or shame, I felt nothing.

  Chapter Six

  “Hello Anna, my name is Detective Brooklyn Blake, I am investigating the tragic events that have happened here today can I ask you a few questions?” Detective Blake smiled down at me reassuringly.

  I gestured that he could sit next to me in the back of the ambulance as I wrapped the fire blanket tighter around me. I was still shaking from a mixture of shock and despair, what was wrong with me?

  “Thank you Anna, this will not take too long and then you can go to the hospital and they can check that you are well” Detective Blake said before sitting next to me.

  Gazing at him from under the side of my hair I was able to see his face properly this time. He must be in his middle twenties probably 24 but his eyes told a different story. They were old, old beyond his years, he had clearly seen too much in his short life. But Detective Blake no doubt was gorgeous and handsome.

  “What time did you arrive at the café Anna?” Detective Blake put his authoritative policing voice and I knew that the interrogation would begin now but what was I meant to tell him? The truth or a really good lie?

  “Around 5.15pm, I had left work and needed a caffeine boost before I headed home like I do every night. I study you see and sometimes after work I need to have a boost before I begin studying” I replied putting a shaky tone to my voice to make myself feel vulnerable.

  “I understand. I adore caffeine. Did you see Miss Shield’s when you came to get a coffee? Was there anyone else present in the café?” Detective Blake asked softly to me as I coughed to imitate that I was unwell when really I felt well.

  “I saw Una, Miss Shield and a man who had cleaning equipment, they went into the back together. He was very tall although everyone is quite tall to me. He had a stripy brown shirt and dark blue trousers. He wanted her to see something” I replied convincingly to his questions holding the blanket tightly around my body to show my vulnerability.

  Detective Blake quickly scri
bbled down my responses then reached into his pocket to pull out his business card from his wallet.

  “If you are worried or have any further information or simply want to talk to anyone please give me a call, I will always answer Anna. Thank you very much for your help and please make sure you have rest for a few days” Detective Blake kindly said to me handing me his business card.

  “Thank you, Detective Blake” I smiled innocently up at him as he stood up and walked away from the back of the ambulance.

  Watching Detective Blake walk away I breathed a sigh of relief, thank god the first interrogation was over.

  As long as I kept to my story, I think I can get away with what I had accidentally done.

  The scary thing for me wasn’t the fact that I had killed someone or even two people if you include that homeless idiot, the scary part was the fact that I don’t feel a shred of guilt for what I did.

  “Madam please can you sit in this seat and put your seatbelt on, we will take you to the hospital now, they can check that you have not inhaled any fumes from the fire” The ambulance lady kindly said gesturing to the seat.

  Slowly standing up I pretended to be uneasy on my feet, for show for the police officers and the ambulance staff. The lady held my arm to support me and led me over to the seat and assisted in helping me with the seat belt.

  I knew I needed to act convincing for them to believe that I was a victim as opposed to a perpetrator.

  The ambulance lady joined her colleague at the front of the ambulance and I heard the engine and sirens begin which made me feel like an excited little girl, they have the sirens on for me! How cool is that?

  Suddenly we were speeding and weaving through the traffic which I could tell because the ambulance was constantly moving from side to side. Before I knew it we were at the hospital and the back doors opened as quick as lightning.

  A wheelchair was ready for me which was being held by a nurse, I felt like a celebrity, all these people were here for me and I felt completely fine! The ambulance lady helped me out the seat, led me over to the wheelchair and helped me into the wheelchair.

  “This is Anna, she was involved in the arson in the café. Anna is quite shaken and is in shock” The ambulance lady updated the nurse who nodded and rubbed my shoulder with reassurance.

  “Anna my name is Jean I will be your assigned nurse this evening, is there anyone you would like us to call?” Jean asked me softly while wheeling me into the hospital.

  “My boyfriend and mother, I have there number in my mobile phone but I do not know where my handbag is” I replied quietly with a slightly shake to my voice for effect.

  “Here is your bag Anna, you take care and get better” the ambulance lady ran up to us and handed me my handbag and smiled sweetly down at me.

  “Thank you for you and your colleagues help” I smiled sweetly up at the ambulance lady who smiled back at me reassuringly. Deep down I knew they would be asked to write a report about how I was and I wanted them to be convinced that I was a victim, I needed everyone to be convinced I was a victim which technically I was.

  “Anna is it ok that I take your contacts from your mobile phone? Are your boyfriend and mother saved under any particular names?” Jean leant down and asked me holding her hand reassuringly on my knee.

  “I saved them under Mum and My Boo” I made myself blush to make myself seem embarrassed by my declaration of what I saved my boyfriend under, which seemed to work as Jean laughed quietly.

  “Don’t worry I have my husband saved as Boo Boo therefore my boo is slightly more normal” Jean commented like we were two friends having coffee.

  Jean stood up and continued to wheel me into the hospital and took me through A&E and into a quieter unit where she took to me to a corner cubicle. Pulling the curtain around us, she leaned the head of the bed up to a vertical position I presume for my comfort.

  “Do you need help onto the bed?” Jean asked me kindly.

  “No I should be…” I stopped as I attempted to get up and pretended to be shaky on my feet, Jean quickly grabbed me to stop me falling down and led me to the bed, securely sitting me on the bed.

  “Sorry” I mumbled pretending to be ashamed.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. And do not panic they have captured the man who did this although he is slightly unwell but he has agreed he started the fire. You have nothing to worry about” Jean reassured to me much to my surprise.

  My lie worked but why did he agree to setting the fire? That thought puzzled me.

  And how did he not die in the explosion?

  I relaxed back on the bed, relieved that the evening was over although I must admit it was rather exciting don’t you think?

  “I am going to get Doctor Samson who will be conducting the tests on your this evening and will contact your boyfriend and mother. As soon as Doctor Samson gives you the all clear we will be able to release you and you can rest in your own bed. Does that sound good Anna?” Jean softly said rubbing my shoulder reassuringly again.

  “Thank you Jean” I nodded in agreement.

  Jean left me alone in my cubicle which left me alone with my thoughts.

  Did I just get away with murder? And more importantly did I just ENJOY getting away with murder? The sensation that I feel, I cannot describe how it feels but it’s incredible. Like when you are on a large dip on a rollercoaster, that adrenaline that courses throughout your body that makes you feel incredibly alive.

  I know what you are thinking, how could she say that after she took another person’s life? Does she not feel guilty?

  And the answers to your questions yes I do feel somewhat guilty but you were there with me you know that I took that bitches life through self-preservation, she provoked me. You know that, you do believe me don’t you?

  Suddenly the curtain opens and there stands another damn hot man although he seems older than Detective Blake, who I am sure I will see again.

  “Hello Anna, I am Doctor Samson, I am going to conduct a few tests and Jean has informed me your family are on their way. Therefore as soon as we get an all clear, you can go home” Doctor Samson said in a professional way with his sexy masculine voice which was like ice cream melting in your mouth.

  “Thank you” I said quietly before mimicking a cough.

  “I am going to check your chest, this might be slightly cold” Doctor Samson said before putting his stethoscope on my chest.

  Doctor Samson listened to my chest for around two minutes before putting the stethoscope on the top of my back and leaning me forward.

  “Oh Anna my apologies!” Detective Blake walked in but turned around to give me privacy.

  “We are conducting a few tests Detective, can your discussion with my patient wait for ten minutes the tests should be completed by then and then my patient needs to wait for her results. You can discuss the case with her then, is that ok Detective?” Doctor Samson said with a hint of resentment in his voice, clearly him and Detective Blake have some unresolved history between each other. How exciting!

  “Marcus, I mean Doctor Samson I will return and speak to Anna shortly” Detective Blake said before leaving the cubicle.

  “I apologise about that Anna” Doctor Samson formally said before rolling up my sleeve and taking my blood.

  I didn’t respond, my thoughts were developing their own theories about that unusual encounter between Doctor Samson and Detective Blake anything from infidelity to a deal gone wrong.

  I completely forget where I am for a moment as I try to put the pieces of the Doctor’s and Detective’s puzzle together therefore do not register when Doctor Samson leaves the cubicle, I presume the tests have been completed.

  I hear my mother and boyfriends frantic voices coming down the room and begin prepare myself for the best act in my life. I was always brilliant at making myself cry even when I didn’t need to but I was required to cry to achieve a specific reaction from someone.

nbsp; I guarantee you have done that before, let’s face it we all have at some point in our life, correct?

  I felt the fake tears begin to roll down my cheek and by the time that Doctor Samson, my mother, boyfriend and Detective Blake returned my fake tears were falling tremendously down my face and landing on my ample chest.

  “Anna my darling don’t cry it’s alright” my mother ran over to me and put her arms around my shoulder but I shrugged her off for effect.

  “Mum please, I want to go to home and go to sleep. Gregg please take me home” I begged Gregg.

  “Is she ready to be discharged?” Gregg asked Jean.

  “I will find Doctor Samson who can make the decision” Jean smiled before exiting the cubicle.

  “How are you beautiful, we will be home soon and you can have a nice long sleep” Gregg stroked my head and kissed me on the forehead.

  “Hello I am Doctor Samson, I just want to conduct a quick check for concussion then I will be happy to discharge Anna” Doctor Samson said and looked in my eyeballs.

  “I cannot see any signs of concussion therefore I am happy for you to be discharged and will go and prepare your papers and Jean will present them to you. Take care Anna” Doctor Samson smiled down at me reassuringly.

  “Come on beautiful” Gregg said picking me up from the bed.

  “Here are your discharge papers, take care Anna” Jean handed me my papers and smiled at me kindly.

  I was exhausted that I fell asleep in Gregg’s arms.

  Chapter Seven

  Suddenly my alarm clock goes off which awakes me with a start.

  Yesterday is a mixture of a blur and a realisation but I didn’t want to stay at home and think about my feelings I needed to go to work and act normal.

  As I attempt to get dressed for work I am achy but I am determined to act normal, I am not going to let that bitch win.

  I am still tired; emotionally exhausted; physically sore: and confused as I walk into my workplace, I could do with a few hours of filing.

  “Anna meeting NOW!” Tom shouted at me.

  And now I have to sit in a meeting with pig headed cowards and listen to them acts like the snakes they are.

  “We will be delegating the tasks of the upcoming presentation to our elite customers and we will need to iron out the issues that we currently have been experiencing” Tom my arrogant arsehole of a manager guffawed said as he stood ready to point his laser pen at the presentation screen.


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