Girl On Fire

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Girl On Fire Page 5

by Kim Thomas

  Running down the stairs I quickly grabbed my car keys and placed a final few lit matches in the entrance hall and calmly walked out the door.

  Slowly I made my way over to my car and entered like I was going to work in the morning before reversing quietly off the drive way.

  Just as I reached the end of the driveway the top windows of the house I once occupied shattered sending thousands of fragments of glass flying through the night sky.

  Reversing onto the road, I turned on my favourite power song and patiently waited to see the final act of my masterpiece.

  BOOM!! The bottom half of my old house exploded onto the driveway; into the night sky: and across my neighbour’s lawns.

  Grinning to myself I put my car into gear and quickly sped away.

  There was no way I was going to top that masterpiece my friend although now it is the time for my grand finale.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Speeding up I swerved directly outside the police office and parked myself on a sideways, I wouldn’t need this car now anyway.

  Stepping out of the car I made sure that I made my entrance into the building as hot as my entrance into the car park by slowly placing my sexy stiletto foot out of the driver side of the car and slowly lifting my body from the car. I could feel the glances of everyone around me and I must admit I looked pretty awesome dressed in tight leather pants that clung to my ass and a tightly fitted v neck black top that amplified my curvaceous breasts. My hair was loose and fell elegantly down my back and I made sure that I was perfectly trim from my toes to my eyebrows.

  Slamming the driver’s door I made my way into the reception area of the police office which seemed to be very busy this evening, people were sat in the chairs waiting for people they loved or maybe to be interviewed by police officers.

  Walking up to the reception I slammed my hand down on the top to get myself noticed by the prim and perfect women on the other side of the desk.

  “Hello how may I help you?” The prim and perfect women who apparently was called Brook, I mean BROOK come on, what’s next Petal?

  “Hi I need to speak with Detective Blake, I’m Anna he will know who I am, it is rather urgent” I smiled sweetly at miss perfect.

  “I am afraid Detective Blake is busy at the moment, can I help you with your matter?” Perfect Brook asked me kindly.

  “Unless you can arrest me I am doubtful of how helpful you can be to me” I answered sarcastically and confidently.

  “Excuse…excuse me?” Miss Perfect stuttered, clearly shocked by my response.

  “I need to confess to three murders that I epically committed” I graciously announced which almost gave the receptionist a heart attack.

  “I will go and retrieve Detective Blake for you madam” Miss Perfect nervously whispered before running away from her desk through the door out the back.

  Turning around I realised that everyone was staring at me which made me have a huge mischievous grin on my face. This is what I wanted those months ago, I wanted people to see me, the real me and realise that I was more powerful than they were. My dream was coming true.

  “Mummy is she a murderer?” A little boy who I reckon is five or six asked his mother who simply put her finger on her lips to inform him to be quiet.

  “Yes I am, do not worry I only murder really naughty people” I responded to the little boy before smiling at the little boy who half smiled at me back, I do not think he was too sure what to make of me.

  His mother looked horrified that I was interacting with her little boy and stood up to move as far away of me that was feasibly possible in the small reception area.

  “Anna” I heard the masculine voice of Detective Blake from behind of me.

  Turning around I found Detective Blake standing waiting for me next to an open door that was called ‘Interview Room’ looking extremely dashing in a tight blue suspenders and a black shirt.

  “Detective Blake, good to see you again” I bit my lip mischievously as I turned to him.

  “Come with me Anna” Detective Blake gestured through the open door, smiling politely at me.

  “Thank you Detective Blake” I said walking through the open door and swaying my bottom.

  “Please Anna take a seat, would you like a drink? Coffee? Maybe tea?” Detective Blake offered gesturing to the drinks machine on the side stand.

  “No thank you, I had a glass of wine before I left home. Oh wait I should not have told you that!” I replied giggling mischievously.

  Detective Blake turned his head and smiled at me before pouring himself a large cup of coffee and walking over to the table and sitting across from me. I was having a severe case of Déjà vu.

  “Right Anna where would you like to begin?” Detective Blake asked crossing his legs and relaxing on his chair.

  “Normally the logical place would be the beginning, are you sitting comfortably Detective Blake?” I answered Detective Blake, relaxing back on my chair.

  “Always” Detective Blake responded.

  “You may need to make that begin recording” I gestured over to the recording machine.

  Detective Blake nodded at me before reaching over and begin recording our conversation, I only needed to tell my story once people didn’t deserve to hear my story more than once.

  “I would like to confess to the murders of Una Shield; Gregg Sales; Tom Matthews: and Kate Philson” I confidently said leaning forward to hold my hands on the table.

  “Anna you do not know what you are saying” Detective Blake whispered with a hint of shock in his voice.

  “There must have been part of you that sensed it was me. I was always there” I taunted him, enjoying the shocked expression on his face.

  “How did you murder the victims?” Detective Blake asked regaining his professional posture.

  “Firstly they are not victims however I will be happy to explain each individual murders. Do you need me to wait until you have undone your pen lid?” I asked pointing towards his pen that he had taken from his front jacket pocket.

  “I am sure I can keep up” Detective Blake sarcastically responded and folding his legs as he got comfortable in his seat.

  “Una was first on my list who was rather an accident although looking back I realise that I did mean to burn that bitch to death, she deserved what happened to her. I never even noticed the café although walked passed the café every single morning and every single evening. That one cold day I decided to grab myself a coffee because I was tired and I fancied a pick me up from work. And there the bitch was. She used to bully me at school, when I say bully it wasn’t simply words she was a physical pig. Once she smashed my face against one of those rough brick walls and made sure she rubbed my face until I looked like I had been dragged through a road full of gravel. I never got her back for what she did to me at school, she deserved what I did and trust me the world is better without that stupid bitch bully” I waited until I continued as Detective Blake was scribbling on his notepad which reminded me fondly of taking notes at college.

  “How did you commit the murder on Una Shields?” Detective Blake gruffly asked with a hint of disappointment in his voice, the poor man he thought me knew me so well.

  “I knocked her unconscious with a my sleeping tablets; doused areas of café in bleach; turned on the stoves; took the lighter from my pocket; lit a tea towel; knocked grease all over the floor;; went across the street: and got knocked over as the café exploded. I must admit I was impressed and horrified by my work, it was rather artistic” I reminisced my first murder that I brilliantly committed.

  “And when we spoke together just after the café fire, why did you not let me know what had happened?” Detective Blake asked quietly moving the pen in his hand.

  “You will understand after I have finished” I replied confidently which made him shift uncomfortably in his chair.

  “Tell me about Tom Matthews, he was your manager where you worked is that correct?” Detective Blake asked prof

  “Yes he was and he was the biggest arrogant pig headed prick I had ever met in my entire life. He was definitely on my list for getting what he deserved. That evening he made me work on late and he had been a twat all day. He was the kind of man that you would go to with all your ideas and he would take them for his own and he had favourites in our workplace. He was a manipulative ass, making you think that you meant something when actually you didn’t. Anyway that evening I agreed to work on late, I had not been sleeping since Una and I thought making myself tired would help my sleep. However Tom molested me by moving his hands up my legs and under my skirt, when I slapped his hands away he threatened me by saying that I was close to being fired and if I wanted to keep my job I would need to basically fuck him. He told me no one liked me and I was a useless bimbo. And I decided that enough was enough and the world was better without him” I swiftly recalled the incidents of my second masterpiece murder.

  “And how did you murder Tom Matthews?” Detective Blake asked still jotting down the notes from my second confession.

  “I lured him with the promise of sex into our stationary cupboard which was larger than the usual cupboard and kept all the flammable cleaning equipment and other safety equipment. In the cupboard we always kept a chair and pieces of rope as sometimes when people left we would have a goodbye ceremony which we jokily would bind someone to a chair. I pushed him into the chair and undid my shirt sexily and while he was distracted I tied him to the chair, binding his complete body tightly to the chair to ensure that he couldn’t move. We had some dark brown parcel tape which I used to gag him but he wasn’t nervous as I told him that I didn’t want anyone to hear his screams of pleasures when to be honest I just wanted silence. I used a cloth which stank of bleach to tie around his eyes which was when he first began to struggle as the bleach must have burned like a bitch. I doused his trousers in a variety of liquids which I believe began to scold his body as his clothes began to disintegrate due to the chemicals. Since Una’s murder I carried my lighter in my pocket as for me my lighter is my symbol to the reason why I killed them and why they deserve it. Anyway sorry got slightly distracted, once I doused his body including his hair I removed the tape swiftly from his mouth pulling off some of his moustache at the same time. He was begging and pleading, promising me everything from money to a promotion, to shut him up I poured bleach into his mouth, held his mouth shut and once I knew he had swallowed the liquid I sealed his mouth back over with the tape. Standing back I lit the corners of tea towels some used which we stacked in the corner and also some paper, closed the stationary door, collected my belongings and walked out my workplace. We never had CCTV as where I worked they were not that modern or up to date” I finished folding my arms.

  “How did you know you succeeded?” Detective Blake asked writing notes into his notepad.

  “I was at home and had made dinner for Gregg, we had cod loin and new potatoes with a small salad from the night before. We switched on the television and there was the breaking news. Successful business burnt to the ground, arson suspected. That’s what they said arson! They had no idea and still they have no idea. I knew he had successfully died the day after when I received a phone call from a work colleague who said the firemen found a body and it was Tom” I answered smiling to myself.

  “How did you feel when you heard you succeeded in your second murder?” Detective Blake probed with his pen poised on his notepad.

  “Excited and alive” I replied biting my lip as I remembered how that felt.

  “What about Tom’s family? He had two young daughters who now have no father, how did you feel about leaving them alone in this world?” Detective Blake probed again trying to appeal to my humanity.

  “He had not seen either daughters since they were born, I think he called them rodents and he wished they were dead” I replied to his question and shrug my shoulders.

  “Now finally tell me about Gregg, why did you kill the man you loved?” Detective Blake asked as he moved a photograph of Gregg I took in front of me.

  “Because he was sleeping with another women in our bed and lying to me” I answered and sipped a glass of water.

  “So you killed him, just like that” Detective Blake clicked his fingers in the air.

  “Of course not, there was important planning and intricate details that needed to be conduct and yes murder” I sarcastically answered.

  “Tell me what you did to him” Detective Blake said.

  “Them Detective Blake, them” I smiled at Detective Blake who shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

  “Who was the other victim?” Detective Blake asked a little nervously.

  “Kate, I do not know her last name but I definitely know she worked with Gregg” I smirked as Detective Blake shifted through his notes.

  “Kate Philson, his secretary” Detective Blake showed me a photograph of Kate.

  “That is the bitch, had chubby thighs and quite saggy tits for her age, she was sleeping with Gregg” I pushed the photograph back to Detective Blake.

  “Anna what did you do to Gregg and Kate?” Detective Blake asked, leaning back in his chair to fold his arms.

  “I tortured them; tied them up; fed them bleach; and nail varnish remover; even Gregg’s cologne: and burnt them to death. You should have seen the explosion of my old home, it was intense and incredible. You would have been proud Detective Blake” I replied to his question and smiled radiantly at Detective Blake.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "Why did you commit those murders Anna?" Detective Blake asked me while leaning on the table and holding his hands in a thoughtful pose as if he was contemplating my answer.

  "Do you understand or have knowledge of the concept of Karma?" I asked him which made him sit back and cross his arms frustrated.

  "What goes around comes around that we cannot get away with our sins and we have to pay for them eventually" Detective Blake correctly answered me.

  "Yes and we, I mean I was conducting karma’s duties" I answered confidently.

  “That is slightly obnoxious don’t you think?” Detective Blake asked cocking his head to gaze at me.

  “That depends where you are sitting” I replied leaning back to fold my arms to gaze at Detective Blake who was shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

  “I am sitting on the right side of the law, where are you sitting Anna?” Detective Blake twisted my comment around to become a probing question to me.

  “Comfortably” I sarcastically answered.

  “Anna I can help you but you have to let me in and be honest with me” Detective Blake leaned forward and whispered to me.

  “We can help each other Anna, I know you are an intelligent women and that is why you know that I can help you and you can help me” Detective Blake whittled on like a bunch of old women in a coffee shop talking useless crap.

  “There is something you can help me with, Detective Blake” I leaned in and whispered to Detective Blake like I was telling him a secret.

  “It would be my pleasure Anna, how can I help you?” Detective Blake nodded like one of those toy dogs you can have in your car window.

  “Can I have a glass of water?” I whispered to Detective Blake who looked clearly irritated.

  “My pleasure” Detective Blake responded professional as ever.

  “Answer me one final question Anna and you can have this glass of water” Detective Blake was stood up and holding the glass of water.

  “Ok” I nodded in agreement to the final question to be honest I was dying for a glass of water.

  “Did you feel anything towards those you murdered while you were killing them?” Detective Blake asked while sitting back on the chair in front of me.

  “Of course I did, did you not understand my comment earlier about Karma? You have to feel hatred to be able to commit Karma’s actions otherwise you would commit the actions upon everyone. Hatred is how you justify who you will kill next” I answered honestly.

  Detective Blake nodded at my answer and passed me the glass of water as promised which I sipped slowly.

  “What do you want Anna? From this confession what do you want?” Detective Blake asked pointing his perfect finger in my direction.

  “Nothing, Detective” I replied smiling sweetly over at him.

  “I disagree, I think you want to be remembered; revered: for people to both fear you and admire you” Detective Blake summarised before folding his arms and gazing at me thoughtfully.

  “I think you think that you understand me which I think is an interesting yet naive notion. You think that because you have a qualification and experience of studying a varieties of different personalities, you have a wealth of knowledge and can dissect a person simply by talking to them. I think that you are naive at the fact that personalities and people are far too complex to be understood or to be dissected. Don’t you agree Detective Blake?” I summarised directing the question to Detective Blake by gesturing my hands.

  Detective Blake didn’t answer but by looking in his eyes you could see those sophisticated brain clogs turning and churning. He clearly didn’t understand that we didn’t care what he thought, we only wanted to be victorious and wanted to claim the victory.

  “Do you want a lawyer or legal representative Anna?” Detective Blake asked a little gruffly.

  “I believe that they are the same thing” I sarcastically responded which made Detective Blake crease his eyebrows at me.

  “Anna, please answer the question for the tape” Detective Blake said professionally although you could tell he was becoming irritated by me which amused me immensely.

  “For the tape I do not require legal representation” I leaned over and spoke directly into the tape.

  “Anna Gerard I am arresting you for the murders of Una Shield; Gregg Sales; Tom Matthews: and Kate Philson as confessed by yourself this evening. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand, Anna?” Detective Blake finished pulling out his handcuffs from his pocket.


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