The King's Ancestors

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The King's Ancestors Page 11

by Robin Simmons

  Rebekka was trying in vain to free herself from the voice when all of a sudden she heard Raven’s voice faintly then stronger. “Come to me, I am here.” She fled from the evil to the voice she knew and woke from her sleep.

  Raven was relieved to see Rebekka awake but could also see the terror in her eyes and she grabbed him and began to cry.

  “Did you have a bad dream he asked?”

  “No,” she sobbed. “A voice of evil came to me as I was falling asleep. I tried to wake up but could not until you came to me. He was evil I know it, he kept calling for Merry and promised revenge on all the others.”

  They all looked at Andronicus and he answered their questions with an edge to his voice when he said. “The enemy is here!”

  Rebekka was shaken but not totally undone for she stated, “He is looking for the ancients for I recognized the woman’s name Merry from the journal of Amnon. What are we to do?”

  “Our plan has not changed,” Andronicus stated. “We now know for sure who we are dealing with and will be doubly cautious. But we still must find out why he is here without giving anything away. If we learn that the enemy’s arrival here was just a stab in the dark, we will do nothing and let him return to his own time.”

  “Do nothing!” Andrew interrupted, “We should try and destroy him so others will not suffer. Look at what he did to Rebekka, just in her sleep!”

  Andronicus now spoke in a tone none of them had ever heard him use before. “You will do nothing! Do you understand!” And then he softened. “You have no idea who you are dealing with. Do you think that the ancients would have destroyed him if they thought they could? They were the best and brightest of his day and yet the only option they found was to flee his presence. If you underestimate him he will destroy us all.”

  Raven had learned to control his fear in battle, but this revelation about the enemy, Layton Teal, had him very troubled. Raven knew he was not the wisest man that ever lived and he was fearful of confronting a man their ancestors had found frightening and brilliant. He knew one mistake and the enemy would know more than they wished. Raven was shaken out of his thoughts by the sound of Rebekka talking to Andronicus.

  “I am afraid to go to sleep again,” she was saying.

  Andronicus nodded and then added, “Your abilities far exceed anyone I have ever known who was telepathic. The enemy has that ability but to a weaker degree and you were like a magnet to draw him to you. His advantage is he knows many tricks of the mind and uses them to the fullest, but you are much stronger. Let me show you how to lock your mind so he cannot enter. Close the doors to your mind as you would close the door to your room. Lock it with a special key that only you have and no one else knows about, then decide no one can enter until you unlock it.”

  Rebekka did this and felt more at ease and finally began to relax.

  “We all should get some rest,” replied Raven. “Tomorrow will be a hard day for us all.”

  When they retired for the evening, Rebekka lay next to Raven and held him, still a little fearful of falling asleep. But fatigue overtook her and she began to drift off again. This time she felt someone try to enter but the door kept them out. She was barely conscious of the effort and knew the door was too strong for anyone to enter so she finally drifted off into peaceful sleep.

  Early the next morning as everyone gathered for breakfast there was silence, for no one had anything to really say. They all knew the task before them and there was really no point in talking. The breakfast was excellent as usual but was tainted by the impending task before them.

  Andronicus finally broke the silence when he said. “You all have fantastic abilities, let them guide you. If there ever was a time in history when such an enemy can be outsmarted and overcome it is here with you. Remember, you fight for the Glenfair of all ages. If the enemy succeeds and destroys your ancestors, you will cease to exist and the kingdom will never be.”

  They all looked at each other and without speaking knew somehow this to be the truth. The love Raven saw pass in the glance Lorriel gave Andrew touched his heart greatly.

  He looked at Rebekka and their eyes met and she spoke to his mind. “What ever happens today my beloved husband, know that I love you with all my heart. You have been the best of husbands and the best of kings.”

  Raven replied with his mind just for her. “How precious you have been to me, the apple of my eye. I have come to know you are the half that I have lacked all my life. You have made me whole with your life and love. How can I not love you more than my own life? And if we fail and we cease to exist, I have to believe God knows we did and there is no injustice with God. My faith in Him tells me we are at his mercy in things that far exceed our limitations.”

  “I pray that God will have mercy on us too,” Rebekka echoed. With that they rose from the table and headed down the garden path in silence to the fate that awaited them in the valley below.

  Master Fields and Sauron waited anxiously for the return of King Raven, Rebekka, Lorriel and Andrew. Right after breakfast word came of their return and Sauron and Master Fields rushed to the courtyard to meet them and find out the news. As Raven rode up and dismounted both older men waited for the news from their king. They both loved and trusted him and knew he would tell them everything they needed to know.

  Raven said plainly; “There is a threat to our kingdom from a very evil man that we must go meet.”

  “I shall gather the troops we have in our garrison,” Sauron said.

  But Raven raised his hand. “No, we go in a small group.”

  “But surely,” Master Fields replied, “a sizable force would make a frightening impression on this evil man. How many troops does he have with him?”

  “Less than twenty,” Raven replied, “but I do not believe a show of force will make any difference to this man, nor will it make the kingdom safer. No one is to engage him in arms unless I command it, is that understood?”

  They all looked at Raven but none challenged him because they had pledged to obey the commands of the king. Not because he was king, but because they knew whatever Raven did, it was for the good of the kingdom and they trusted his leadership.

  “And one last thing,” Raven added, “no one is to talk to this man except me, and keep your thoughts focused on your love for our kingdom.”

  “Who will go with you Sire,” Sauron asked?

  “You, Andrew, Master Fields, Lorriel and Rebekka.”

  “The women,” Sauron asked, concern in his eyes.

  “Yes,” said Raven. “We are not going to fight a war, we are going to find out what this man wants.” Raven saw Jerddin’s eyes downcast so he spoke. “You too Jerddin, we will need you.”

  Jerddin’s head snapped up in a proud look of pleasure to be included in this elite group.

  “How could I leave him behind,” Raven thought, “for he risked his life to stand with me in the great battle.”

  When they were dressed in their armor, they mounted their horses and headed for the Halfstaff River and the confrontation that awaited them with the enemy of the ancients.

  Chapter 4

  Confronting Your Fears

  “Fear is something God has given us as a warning to preserve life. But if we fear of losing things dear to us, it may keep us from enjoying them while they are in our grasp. For alas, finite man is eventually stripped of all by the sands of time.”

  --The Wisdom of Fathers

  The ride to Halfstaff River was tortuous to those who knew what lay ahead. Master Fields, Sauron, and Jerddin seemed content to be on this journey and waited patiently for the events to unfold before them. The two older men, experienced enough not to be anxious or unsettled, rode along with purpose, determined to defend king and kingdom. Only Jerddin was excited, not at the prospect of battle but of the privilege of being asked to participate. When the company reached the Halfstaff they turned down river to where they knew they would find the camp of the enemy. The smoke of the fire
from their camp could be seen in the distance and they rode toward it. As chance would have it, there was a small rise in the land just north of the enemies camp. Raven’s company stopped on the north side of the knoll and dismounted and staked their horses.

  “Why don’t we ride in Sire,” Jerddin asked, “it would give us an advantage.”

  “I do not want them to feel threatened. We will walk to them so we will be on level ground.” With that the small group of Glenfair’s people headed over the knoll.

  Layton Teal had arrived with his small company of men in the ancient history of the past. He was following the only lead he had found in history that even hinted of a possibility of those he sought. Yes, he was sure they had fled to the past, the future was a frightening unknown, but the past was predictable history. What lay ahead for mankind in the future could not be determined unless you went there. Those who betrayed him would not fly into an unknown situation that could be worse than what they had fled. It was remotely possible that they had done just that, but knowing those who had slipped from his grasp, he doubted it.

  He thought about this lead, a warrior mentioned in the Wickshield histories, actually recorded by one of his ancestors, a general of the Wickshield army. It spoke of the unnatural abilities of speed and coordination in this warrior, the ability to pluck an arrow out of the air. They believed him invulnerable, even a demon some had rumored. The warrior by himself had slaughtered one of the elite forces of the Wickshield army. Layton Teal knew of no man that could do that except Uriah.

  He was the first of his kind, a genetically engineered warrior that had been created to fight. What he had not bargained on was Uriah developing an independent spirit that led to this betrayal. Something had gone wrong with his programing but no one knew what. Layton made sure those who were responsible had suffered and died as a result of this malfunction.

  Layton chided himself, he should have predicted the events that took place. He knew there would be an attempted rebellion among his top people, but that had not worried him and he had taken steps to put a stop to it when it happened. But this disappearance of some of his scientists and military men, and most of all the woman he loved, caught him by surprise. He had gotten where he was by always predicting human behavior, and out thinking his opponents. But this infuriated him, his personal body guard Uriah, his chief of staff, and a small band of doctors and scientists had outwitted him. His whole regime knew of the victory that had been won against him, unofficially of course, but he had heard rumors of people betting on how long it would take him to find the traitors. He most of all wanted to find Merry, the woman he loved.

  Well, Layton thought, not love in the conventional sense, he found her appealing but he really loved her for what she could do for him.

  She was a time shifter and there were precious few of those in the whole world. With Merry by his side, as his wife, no one would ever dare challenge him and his total power base would be complete. It took him years to find another time shifter just to go and search for the rebels. It also took several years as well to create a machine to enhance the time shift enough to go this far back in time, for it was well known that time shifters could only travel at most ten to fifteen years in time.

  He had found out about the crystals from one of his spies, but by the time he decided to act on this inside information they were all gone. And that scientist, Samuel, had purged all of the computers of his research. He had tried to duplicate the crystals to no avail and felt the whole thing was a loss until another technological development was found to do the same thing. Each one of them wore a micro patch, to be tracked and amplified by a machine when the girl shifted time. All Layton had to do was to tell the machine which patch to amplify, or all of those who wore them and when the time shifter shifted time she would take all of them with her.

  Layton wondered why there had never been a male time shifter, all of the known ones had been female. He secretly wished that he had the ability himself so he would not have to bother with this young woman. She was immature and moody, and when threatened she went into fits and was not able to function at all. He had to pamper her and treat her differently than anyone else to get what he wanted. How unlike Merry she was. That is why Layton did not worry about Elise obeying his commands, for she was so young she could not do anything else. He knew she was afraid of him but Layton did not use that fear on her as he did others. It was much easier to get what he wanted by giving the child what she wanted. He looked over at Elise and wondered at his observation of her. She looked more womanly, mature than the last time he had taken notice of her features. He was getting rusty, he would have to pay more attention to details. How could she have grown up without his noticing? Layton wrote that off to all the business in preparing for this greatest of all adventures. He had been very busy collecting an elite force of commandos armed with the latest in weapons. He knew he did not need very many men with him to conquer even the largest army during this time period. That was not his intention though, for he was here only to capture the traitors and see them tortured and destroyed. Uriah was dangerous, but not a match for the force he had assembled.

  Today he had decided to go to the castle in the middle of this land and get some answers. But before they broke camp someone shouted that people were approaching. Good, thought Layton, maybe I will not have to search for answers, they will come to me. His soldiers were at full readiness as the group approached them from the top of the small rise directly north of their camp. Layton saw that the group was smaller than his own and felt no threat so ordered his men to stand down. Then he waited for them to come to him.

  As they topped the rise Raven noticed how quickly the people below formed ranks and were ready for anything that would come upon them. Very precise military discipline Raven noted with rising apprehension. Master Fields noticed that as well and glanced at Raven to see how he was taking in the whole situation. They proceeded down the knoll till they were just outside the ranks of soldiers and stopped. Raven looked over the people before him and soon picked out their leader, because everyone was looking to him to see what to do next. He also noticed that they were all men except one young woman barely out of her teens.

  For a while no one said anything, and then Raven spoke, “I can tell by your dress that you are foreigners, what is your business in Glenfair?”

  Layton Teal noticed right away the accent and the difference in speech and almost decided to leave right then and there. But something in the way this man moved and carried himself made his senses tingle so he said, “We are looking for the man who almost single-handedly defeated the Wickshield army some time ago. Can you tell me where I might find him?”

  Everyone in Raven’s party were looking at each other and him, all recognizing the tongue of the ancients.

  Layton noticed the movement and surprise in the people when he spoke and noted the reaction. It was as if they recognized the speech and accent.

  Raven spoke again; “I am the one you are looking for, I am also the king of Glenfair.” After saying this he concentrated on Rebekka’s mind and spoke to her; “This is the time to set moral restraint aside and listen to the enemies thoughts.”

  “Yes,” Rebekka agreed, “I will do so.” She concentrated her thoughts on Layton Teal, a little fearful because of the trouble she had the night before, but also confident that she could now handle any assault this man threw at her.

  At first she began to hear his thoughts when all of a sudden he spoke, “Ah, one of you is trying to listen but I will not allow that.” And instantaneously a wall came up that shut Rebekka out.

  She concentrated harder and began to remove the barriers he had set up and in a short time was back listening to his mind.

  Again Layton responded, “You are very powerful, no one has ever broken through my barriers before.” And with that Layton sent a mental slap across the short distance to the mind that had touched his. It was not anything that he could harm anyone with, but if it was not e
xpected the recipient would be stunned and react. Rebekka recoiled at the slap and stumbled back a step, then Layton’s voice came back into her mind; “So there you are my dear, you are very powerful and dangerous to me. I cannot allow you to listen in on my thoughts so you must go.”

  With that Layton Teal spoke loudly to Raven’s group, “Send the woman,” pointing to Rebekka, “over here, I want to speak with her privately.”

  Rebekka desperately spoke to Raven quickly in his mind, “He knows that I have been listening to him, he knows it is me!”

  Raven noticed the nervousness of his group growing so turning to Layton he replied, “The lady you speak of is the queen of Glenfair, she will not come to you for we do not know your intentions.”

  Layton Teal called Elise to him and spoke to her quietly so no one could hear.

  Raven saw the enemy place something in her hand and she nodded and stood by his side.

  Layton now spoke again, steel in his voice; “Let the lady come part way and my dear companion Elise will meet her half way, she has a gift to present to her.”

  Again Raven answered, “The queen will not come she will stay here.”

  Layton was tiring of this game and was not getting anywhere so he said plainly, “If she will not come then we shall take her by force.”

  At those words Raven drew his sword and all of his company did the same except for Rebekka and Lorriel.

  Layton watched this action with mild amusement and almost missed the distinguished difference in the glint of Raven and Andrew’s swords (for Andrew wore the armor of the ancients as well as Raven) compared to the rest.

  At first he was stunned then elated, the king and another had swords and armor made of triberridum, a titanium ceramic alloy. He knew now his guess had not been wrong to come to this time. His eyes searched frantically for any other clues and stopped when he came to the knife on Raven’s side. He recognized it immediately, it was the knife he had given to Merry as a present. On the handle were his initials “LT”. He knew now beyond any doubt that these simple inept folks could tell him what he wanted to know. But he was still worried about the woman, he did not want her to give anything away. She must be dealt with now.


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