The King's Ancestors

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The King's Ancestors Page 23

by Robin Simmons

  “You would have gone back with me to Layton then?” asked Elise.

  “Yes,” Rebekka said, “I would have. I could not harm you. That is the past Elise, let us think about our plans for tomorrow.”

  “How will you handle Evil Max?” Elise wanted to know.

  “I have a plan,” Rebekka said, and began to tell Elise what she had decided to do about Evil Max Bane!

  Chapter 7

  The Battle For All Ages

  “What thinkest thou of war? Man’s wicked heart hath spawned it in ages past and shalt perpetuate it in the ages to come. Be thou ware, O King, that thy warring be not unto self gain. For if thou warrest for any other reason than the defense of thy people or others, thou shalt suffer loss even though thou winnest.”

  --The Chronicles of the Ancients

  The garden lawn of Andronicus’ retreat began to take shape as the time travelers began to emerge from their travel to see the ancients. It was only moments before that Master Fields had bid them farewell and he was just beginning to speak with Andronicus when they were back. At first Master Fields thought something had gone wrong with the time travel but then realized that they would probably return close to the same time they left. As the time travelers took in the familiar surroundings, Raven stepped forward to face Andronicus. And before anyone knew what was happening Raven hit him square on jaw, knocking him to the ground.

  Everyone was stunned and so shocked that they just stood there as Raven said. “That was for not telling us of the harm it would do to Lorriel when she traveled so far back in time. You knew it would make her age quickly with such a long time shift.” Then shaking his hand he added, “That really hurt!”

  Andronicus stayed on the grass and only sat up looking perplexed. “King Raven,” he said, “striking me thus will only injure yourself or damage me, I would recommend you vent your aggressions differently. I did tell Lorriel of the danger this long shift in time would pose for her, I felt it was her decision to make.”

  “That is where you were wrong,” Raven stated still angry. “As King of this realm I am responsible for the safety and well being of any of its subjects, especially my own sister. By not informing me of this danger you circumvented my authority.”

  Andronicus nodded solemnly and said, “I apologize for not informing you of the consequence this long time shift had for Lorriel. I did not see things from your perspective and I ask your forgiveness. I sought only to keep the rest of you from any more anxiety than you already had. Would you have prevented her from taking you to see the ancients?”

  Raven shook his head, “No he said sadly, I would not, but you should have told me nonetheless.” With that he held out his hand to Andronicus to help him up. Andronicus grasped Raven’s hand and rose to his feet.

  “May I ask,” Andronicus said in his normal tone, “were you successful in finding help from the ancients?”

  Raven allowed a slight smile to form on his face when he said. “Yes, I believe we found an answer. Let us go inside and lay the plans for tomorrow’s confrontation with Layton.”

  As Andronicus and Raven walked together toward the glass mansion, Master Fields spoke softly to Andrew, “I do not understand any of this. What did King Raven mean when he spoke of Lorriel, did something happen to her?”

  Andrew nodded and said plainly, “We will tell you everything that has happened the last few days.

  “Days!” Master Fields interjected. “You were only gone a few....” He stopped mid-sentance and looked at Andrew, “Days you say? My understanding of the world and time will never be the same after this.”

  Andrew only smiled, knowing what changes had taken place in his own understanding since they had found this place.

  Once inside the mansion and seated around the table the discussion turned to Lorriel’s condition. When it was explained to Sauron and Master Fields that such a long journey ages the time shifter, they could now see the visible signs of aging they had missed before.

  Sauron asked, “Is there nothing we or Andronicus can do for Lorriel?”

  Raven looked at Andronicus for an answer to which Andronicus shook his head and said. “Samuel Crestlaw worked until Merry’s death to find a way to reverse the aging process brought upon her by the long time shift. Though he valiantly tried, nothing was found to help her condition.”

  He then looked at Lorriel, and Andronicus saw a hint of sadness upon Raven’s face. “I am sorry Lorriel, there is nothing that can be done.” There was silence for a while as everyone looked at Lorriel.

  She in turn looked back defiantly and said. “We should discuss the problem at hand and how to defeat Layton.”

  Raven nodded and began to outline what they had learned from the ancients concerning the weapons and tactics Layton often used. He also explained that they had learned Lorriel could control time differently than simple time travel within the perimeter of the stones.

  “How will that help us?” Master Fields wanted to know. “Will you transport him to some other time or place?”

  “We cannot do that without Lorriel going with him as well, and that we will not do. No, the answer lies in her ability to manipulate a single object or person within the circle of the stones. To slow them down or speed them up in relation to the time everyone else is in.”

  Sauron cleared his throat and said, “Sire, I do not understand what you are trying to tell us Lorriel can do.”

  Raven started again. “Within the circle of the stones Lorriel can speed me up so I will be able to move faster than the eye can follow, every one else will look as if they are standing still or barely moving to me.”

  With that Master Fields interjected, “You could disarm Layton’s whole force before they knew what was happening.”

  Raven nodded, “That is the theory and plan we have.” Raven looked on the faces of the others and saw that Sauron and Andronicus were disconcerted. “Is something wrong he asked them?”

  Sauron responded, “Are you sure this will work? I do not like the word theory. Have you tried and tested it to make sure it can be done? Things can go wrong with the best laid plans.”

  Andronicus added, “Time manipulation of this difficulty has never been successful before. Are you sure it can be done?”

  Andrew now spoke and assured Andronicus of the tests and success of Lorriel when they had practiced with the ancients.

  After another moment of silence Raven continued. “It is the best plan we have, and it is the only plan we have. Here is what we will do: We will have the Dukes wear the stones and surround Layton’s small group of soldiers. Master Fields will wear my stone as well to make use of all five. The Dukes will stay mounted on their horses in this circle and will only draw their swords to distract Layton. He will think that we mean to attack and will only be amused by the notion. But the Dukes and the rest of you will not advance, only I will step forward a few paces to address Layton.”

  “How will Lorriel know when to initiate the time control?” Andrew asked.

  Raven smiled with that question, and held up the knife with Layton Teal’s initials inlaid in the handle. “I will return this to him and that will be the signal for Lorriel to start her time control. I will toss it to him, while it is in the air she will begin.”

  They all nodded at the plan with Master Fields asking one question. “How will you get the Dukes to cooperate? Surely they will not understand any of this, I barely do.”

  “Leave that to me,” Raven said. “I will address them tomorrow before we ride to meet Layton. Now we must head back to Sauron’s castle and prepare for tomorrow.”

  They rose from the table and began to leave except for Raven, he remained seated with a far away look in his eyes.

  When the others were gone, Andronicus asked Raved, “You are still troubled are you not my friend?”

  “You still call me friend after I clobbered you?” Raven asked.

  “Yes,” Andronicus answered, “I know why you hit me, and i
t was just. You have had much on your shoulders lately and even now something weighs heavily upon you.”

  Raven looked up and asked, “How long will Layton be a threat to the safety of this kingdom?”

  Andronicus with that same blank stare said unemotionally. “As long as he lives.”

  “You fear disarming him is not enough to keep us safe, do you not?” asked Raven.

  Andronicus nodded, “No one is safe from Layton until he is dead.” Andronicus could see this truth mirrored in Raven’s eyes. “What you intend to do may separate you from Rebekka forever,” Andronicus added.

  “I know,” Raven said sadly. “But if I do not, then even what we had may vanish. I cannot take any chance for the sake of the kingdom.” As Raven rose slowly a heavy weight seemed to be upon him, Andronicus joined him and placed his arm about his shoulders. Together they walked in silence following the others down the path to the edge of the falls. The others were already there waiting for them and as Raven parted ways with Andronicus he thought he saw a tear in the old man’s eyes.

  “That cannot be,” thought Raven, “he himself said he is only a machine.”

  Andronicus watched the group of people leave. A few of his kind had accidentally received emotions through a different manufacturing technique that was quickly abandoned. The only sacrifice he had made in his existence was agreeing to the loneliness that came from his isolation at the top of the falls. For a thousand years he had waited and finally they had come and what wonderful people they were. They had filled his life like he never thought possible, and now to see them in such difficulty pained him greatly. He hated Layton for what he had brought upon them. Lorriel’s life shortened, King Raven carrying another burden any human or android would be crushed by. And most of all, beloved Rebekka, the one he talked to with his mind perhaps gone forever. He would kill Layton himself if his programing would have allowed it. All he felt now was an emptiness, an aching that would not go away. Is that what humans called a broken heart? Andronicus shrugged that off, for he told himself he had no heart. He raised his hand to his eyes and the lubricating fluid was leaking out in drops, he would have to check that when he was back in his room. Slowly he turned back toward the glass mansion that was his home to wait for the outcome of tomorrow’s events. His steps, slow and defeated.

  When Raven and those with him arrived at the Crestlaw’s castle, Duke Rollins and his son, Terry were already there waiting for their return. Raven saw the distressed look on their faces when he approached them and said,

  “Thank you for coming Jasper and you as well Terry.”

  Duke Rollins asked, “Sire, is there a danger for the kingdom, another war?”

  “There is danger,” Raven answered. “An evil has come upon us that may destroy us. Tomorrow, when the rest of the Dukes arrive I will tell everyone what we face. But now we need rest, for tomorrow will be an important day.” With that Raven pushed past him and headed for his room. The others were silent as well except for Sauron who said to Jasper Rollins, “Come, I will show you your quarters for the night.”

  That night Raven was laying in bed trying to sleep, but it eluded him. His emotions swirled and twirled about, taunting him like elusive spirits who’s cries he could not quiet. Exhausted, he lay there still when above the thoughts that raced through his mind came a cry from Rebekka: “I am sorry Raven, goodbye forever my love.”

  Raven sat bolt upright in bed, he could not have imagined this could he? It seemed real enough, and even sounded like Rebekka. Was it merely his longing for the love of his life and the inevitable decision he had made that might separate them for the rest of their lives? Amidst all the swirl of emotion he faced, he did not know if it was his imagination. How could Rebekka know about the decision he would make? Raven decided it must have been his own longing or design that enabled him to hear Rebekka in his mind. Raven lay back down tired and weakened by that last burst of emotion. The supposed echo of Rebekka had pushed him past the point of exhaustion and he finally succumbed to sleep.

  Early the next morning Raven waited with Master Fields in the large hall of the Crestlaw castle, toying with the breakfast that was set before him. Master Fields watched him with interest, having known Raven too long for his mood to escape his notice. Master Fields knew the king was carrying a great burden, but he also knew that it was one he would keep to himself. Soon the other Dukes arrived and gathered in the hall to be briefed by the King for the reason they were so hastily summoned.

  Raven stood and looked at them and spoke. “Years ago when I gave each of you the armor of your ancestors, I mentioned the need for us to stand together against any evil that came to threaten our kingdom. Such a time has come upon our fair land and I need your help to defeat it.” Raven looked at them to see how this news would be taken and was satisfied that he had their full attention. “I also told you that there may come a time of crisis that requires us to trust each other fully in order to be victorious. So I now ask all of you to trust me in the matter I am about to reveal to you. Even if you do not understand what I tell you we must do, you must believe it is the only way this evil can be defeated.”

  As King Raven finished these words Mason Zandel stood and said forcefully, “I know the King has the kingdom’s best interest at heart. If he were to tell me I must die in order to save the kingdom, so be it, for I know that he himself would do the same for all of us.”

  Mason sat down and Sauron Crestlaw rose and said, “Well spoken Duke Zandel.” And raising his fist said, “For the kingdom.” Every one of the Dukes raised their clenched fists toward Raven in agreement and shouted; “For the kingdom.”

  That moment would forever be remembered by Raven as he was touched by the loyalty of every Duke. This great kingdom cannot end today, Raven thought, even if it takes great personal sacrifice. Raven was thankful for the strength the dukes gave him for the decision he had to make.

  Raising his hand to gain their attention once again Raven continued; “Our ancestors, the ancients fled an enemy long ago and came to this place and began our kingdom. Since that time the enemy has tried to find them and he has come here looking for our ancestors to destroy them.”

  “That is impossible!” Terry Rollins stated. “The ancients have been dead for over a thousand years. This certainly cannot be the same enemy!”

  “You must believe me when I tell you that he is the very same enemy, I have no cause to lie to you,” said the King.

  “How can that be?” Bandon Prescott asked.

  Raven thought for a moment, time did not permit him to explain the whole story to them and answer all their questions. Then suddenly he had the answer.

  “This enemy is like an evil sorcerer with great power. He wants to know about the ancients in order to find them and destroy them.”

  “Then we should not tell him anything,” replied Duke Rollins.

  “I wish it were that easy,” Raven said sadly, “but he has taken the queen hostage in exchange for our information.”

  Mason Zandel jumped up once again with fire in his eyes. “We must fight to save the queen.”

  “No,” Raven interjected, “that is exactly what we must not do. He has weapons that can burn all of us to ashes in a matter of seconds. He did that to poor Jerddin when he took the queen the first time.” Mason sat back down and Raven could see that the rest were bewildered at this news.

  Bandon Prescott stated, “We should then tell him what he wants to know, get our queen back and let the ancients worry about him.” Raven smiled softly at the logical but wrong answer Bandon had given.

  “Bandon, what happens if this enemy kills your ancestor in the past before he has any children?”

  Bandon Prescott was not stupid and the impact of Raven’s statement settled upon him immediately, as well as the rest who were listening.

  “What are we to do then?” Mason asked.

  “I have a plan,” Raven replied, “that needs the help of every one of you to succeed.” Ra
ven took the soft leather bag containing the stones and took one of them out for all to see.

  “The ancients made these stones long ago to use against the enemy. They have no power of their own but can be used by someone who has the power to do so.” Raven then went from Duke to Duke handing each a stone. The last stone he gave to Master Fields.

  When he returned to his place, Terry Rollins asked, “Who among us has the power to use these stones?”

  Raven looked over his shoulder to where Lorriel was standing unnoticed until that moment and said, “Lorriel does.”

  There were audible gasps as all eyes focused on Lorriel and she could not help but blush from their stares.

  Raven turned back to the Dukes and said very sternly. “There is a price to Lorriel using the stones, she will grow old faster than any of us because of it.” Then Raven hung his head down slightly and said, “Her years will be shortened by more than half.” Before anyone could reply or protest his head snapped back up, a fire in his eyes that brought everyone to full attention.

  “Be sure you do exactly as I tell you or her sacrifice will be in vain, as well as that of the queen. We must surround this wicked enemy with these stones, only then can we defeat him. You will ride dressed in your armor with the chain and stones about your necks. When we get close to the enemies camp we will split up and form a circle around him. Go no closer than 100 paces from his camp and stop there on your horse. What ever you do, do not advance and do not attack, am I clear?”

  They all nodded, understanding what the King had said but not fully knowing the reason why.

  Raven softened a little as he continued, “The enemy does not know about the stones. He thinks we are simple, ignorant people who cannot fathom his purpose. He also has no idea that we know who he is and why he is here. So to distract him after we form the circle about his camp, watch Andrew Crestlaw as he draws his sword and do likewise, but do not advance. Am I clear? I, and I alone will speak and deal with the enemy. Is that understood? Now, are there any questions?”


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