The King's Ancestors

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The King's Ancestors Page 32

by Robin Simmons

  Raven Kallestor stood by a fresh grave on this crisp fall day. The funeral had just finished. Everyone else had left. Only five remained at the grave: two young men, a young lady, and two older men weathered by time and the trials they endured. One had been blond but now was mostly white, and the other once had black hair but now it was peppered with gray, accenting the gray beard the King wore.

  Raven turned to Andrew and said, “I am sorry. I know how you feel to lose someone so close.”

  “Do not be,” replied Andrew, “you gave me the best years of my life, making it possible for me to marry your sister.”

  The two young men were Raven and Andrew’s sons and they were the best of friends. The young lady was Lorriel’s daughter, who, like her mother possessed an extraordinary gift. Raven had just finished telling them how it all started, the Crestlaw and Kallestor friendship, and why they should be friends forever, like their parents. Soon they would give their sons the rings they each wore. For now, they waited patiently with tears in their eyes for this chapter in their lives to close.

  The king knelt down and placed a single white rose on the grave and thought, “When my time comes, will anyone place a single white rose on my grave? I hope it will be so...”

  As Raven stood and looked at the graves of his father and mother, brother and sister a feeling he had not experienced in a long while crept into his soul. It was soothing and loving, a soft presence in his mind. Raven stiffened, frozen in place as a million emotions raced through him at once.

  Then a soft voice came into his mind saying, “Raven, I have returned.” He whirled around and saw four women standing at the gate of the cemetery. The others followed Raven’s gaze to where the four women stood. He shouted her name and ran to her as she in turn stepped forward from the others to meet his embrace. Nothing was said, only tears streamed down their faces as they held each other. When Andrew and the others joined them, Rebekka pulled away to look into Andrew’s face. What she saw there made her heart sink and she knew the grave was Lorriel’s.

  She came forward and hugged Andrew saying, “I am sorry, I am too late.” Andrew withdrew from her embrace so she could see him smile as he said.

  “You bring us joy in our sorrow by your return, do not be sorry.” Rebekka looked at Raven with pleading eyes and he nodded for her to go to the grave. As she went, Edward started after her but Raven held his arm.

  “Give her a few minutes alone at the grave, Edward, they were the best of friends and loved each other dearly.” Raven then turned back to the others standing there and spoke first to the old woman.

  “You were the young girl who took Rebekka away years ago, were you not?”

  The old woman said with shock, “How did you know?”

  “I knew the time travel would make you old as it did to my sister, Lorriel. Let me thank you for bringing her back to us.”

  “You are not angry with me?” Elise said.

  “No,” Raven said calmly, “you were young and those were terrible circumstances for anyone to be in.” Before Elise could answer, Raven turned to the young lady standing beside Elise and said.

  “You must be my daughter.”

  “How do you know that?” Adriell asked. At that moment Rebekka joined them wiping the tears from her eyes. Raven smiled at his daughter and said.

  “Well, first of all your mother left here pregnant. And secondly she told me she had a daughter.”

  Now Rebekka was shocked, “How could I have told you?”

  “Three times our minds touched briefly in the first months of your absence.”

  “How,” Rebekka asked, “is that possible separated by such time?”

  “I do not know,” answered Raven, “but I know it was you.” Rebekka looked over her shoulder nervously and asked.

  “Where is Layton Teal?”

  “I killed him three days after you disappeared. I am sorry I prevented you from coming back for all these years,” Raven said sadly. “I did it for the safety of us, and for all of the kingdom. I hope you can forgive me.”

  “I could have come back,” was all Rebekka said.

  “What do you mean?” asked Raven.

  Rebekka looked at him sadly, “I convinced Elise not to return in four days as Layton had commanded her. I felt the ancients would be safe if he could not travel in time. By not returning we effectively stranded Layton here in our time. I always felt guilty for what I felt Layton might do to everyone when he found out he was stuck here. I am so sorry Raven, if I had known he was dead I would have returned in four days.” Neither of them spoke after that, and Andrew finally broke the silence.

  “It seems the both of you made very hard decisions in the best interest of the whole kingdom.”

  Rebekka asked Raven then, “How did you kill Layton Teal?”

  “That is a long story I will tell you some other time,” Raven said. “Let me just say we could not have done it without the help of the ancients, our ancestors.” Rebekka’s eyes went wide at the mention of the ancestors helping them, so Raven explained.

  “Lorriel took us back in time to meet them and learn how we could defeat Layton. Because of that she aged very quickly...” Rebekka held up her hand for Raven to stop for she saw how much this pained Andrew to remember. Raven paused and then said one more thing; “Lorriel saved us all by her sacrifice, it was she who really defeated Layton. But enough of this, you have a son that is a man now.” Edward held out his arms and Rebekka embraced him.

  “Oh Edward,” she said, “you have really grown up. I want you to meet your sister, Adriell.” Edward started to shake Adriell’s hand but Adriell rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him in a big hug.

  “It is the answer to my prayers to finally meet my brother,” Adriell said. And then looking at Raven said, “And my father.” She came to Raven and hugged him as well. While Raven held her he started crying again, he could not believe that his arms were finally holding the daughter he thought he would never see.

  “We have a lot of catching up to do,” Raven said. “In the castle are refreshments and others that will rejoice to know of your return.” They headed for the castle and as they walked holding hands, Raven asked Rebekka.

  “Adriell is a wonderful name, how ever did you choose it?”

  Rebekka laughed, “Think Raven, what does the name sound like.”

  Raven thought for a moment and then a smile came upon his face.

  “Like Andrew and Lorriel combined. What a marvelous wit you have about you,” Raven laughed.

  When they entered the great hall Raven made the announcement right away. “In our grief this day, God has sent someone to cheer our hearts. The Queen and her daughter have returned.” There were audible gasps from the crowd, for many had come to the funeral and were having refreshments in the great hall while the close family said their last farewell.

  Rebekka caught the eye of a man she knew right away to be her younger brother Gregory. Beside him was an old man that leaned on a staff. She ran up to them and hugged Gregory, then kneeled in front of her father. She could see his eyes were dim and there were tears streaming down his cheeks as he asked in almost a whisper.

  “Is it you my daughter, is it really you?”

  “Yes it is, father,” Rebekka answered. “And you have a granddaughter named Adriell.” Rebekka motioned for Adriell to get closer to her grandfather as he held out his hands.

  “Come here child,” he said. Bandon let his hands move over Adriell’s hair, and then to her hands that he held lovingly.

  “Even though I cannot see well,” Bandon replied, “I can tell you are very beautiful.”

  Adriell blushed, “Oh grandfather, you are such a tease!”

  Bandon smiled, “She is like you, Rebekka.”

  Rebekka took his hands and said, “I have a very special gift for you father since your eyes are not what they used to be. Calm your mind and let me speak to your mind and I will show you.” Rebekka closed her e
yes and not only spoke to Bandon’s mind, she shared her visual memories of Adriell growing up. Her birth, first birthday, and childhood flashed before Bandon’s mind in vivid color and sound, and when Rebekka was finished she had shown Bandon most of Adriell’s life. Tears once again streaked down Bandon’s face as he spoke.

  “How did you do that my daughter?”

  “I really do not know,” Rebekka said. “It was something I thought of just now to do for you.”

  Bandon smiled and said, “Now I can enter the grave in peace since I have seen that which I have missed.” With the help of his staff he stood with effort and said to Gregory, “Come we must be heading home.”

  Gregory looked at Rebekka and said, “Come see us soon.”

  Rebekka nodded, “We will.”

  Rebekka took Adriell’s hand and said, “Come out onto the balcony with me, there is someone special you must meet.” When they were outside Adriell was puzzled because there was not one soul on the balcony. Rebekka saw her puzzling look and said.

  “Join my mind.”

  Adriell did speaking to her mind, “I am here mother.”

  “Stay with me as I take you to meet someone,” Rebekka’s thoughts echoed in Adriell's mind.

  “Andronicus?” Rebekka questioned, and almost immediately came the answer.

  “Welcome home,” Andronicus said. “When I detected the time shift I hoped it was you. I had a hard time refraining from contacting you, but I knew you needed time to properly greet Raven and Edward. I have missed the touch of your mind immensely these past years.”

  “I have yours as well,” Rebekka echoed. “There is someone here I want you to meet.”

  A new voice came to Andronicus’ mind, “Hello Mr. Andronicus, my name is Adriell and I am Rebekka’s daughter.”

  “How wonderful to meet you,” Andronicus said.

  “He is an android,” Rebekka told Adriell.

  “Are you sure she can...of course she can understand,” laughed Andronicus. “She is from the future and knows all about androids. Do come and see me when you can.”

  “We will,” Rebekka said. “But until we come I will speak to you every day.”

  “Me too,” the soft, little voice chimed in. “Now that I know what your mind sounds like I can talk to you whenever I want.”

  “Are you telepathic as well?” Andronicus asked.

  “Yes I am,” Adriell said laughing.

  “How wonderful,” was all Andronicus could say.

  “Good night, Andronicus,” Rebekka and Adriell said.

  “Good night,” he echoed.

  Raven saw Rebekka and Adriell go to her father and brother. He smiled as he watched them go and then turned to the new acquaintances of Elise and Pi.

  Elise,” Raven said as they sat at one of the tables in the great hall, “how can I ever thank you for bringing Rebekka back to me?”

  “Seeing this joyous occasion is all the thanks I need,” she replied.

  Raven could see in that one answer how close a friend Elise had become to Rebekka.

  “Strange,” he thought, how circumstances and twists of fate turn enemies into friends.

  “There is one thing,” Elise said, interrupting Raven’s thoughts.

  “Yes, anything you want,” Raven stated.

  “Rebekka has always told me how good barbecued Tor is. In the future there are not many of them so we do not eat them. It surely would be a treat for this old woman to taste something new.”

  Raven laughed and motioning toward Edward said, “Tomorrow Edward and I will hunt Tor and have it prepared for you.” Still smiling, Raven turned to the other woman. “You have not said much since arriving here.”

  Pi looked at Raven and smiled, “I have been observing and watching everything,” Pi stated. “But I believe there is something you need to know about Queen Rebekka and what she did all those years she was away.”

  Raven stiffened, he was not sure he wanted to hear what this woman Pi would tell him. His mind flashed to the possibility that Rebekka had fallen in love with someone else, but then he pushed that aside. He always believed Rebekka’s love for him was as pure as his was for her, he would not doubt her now. Pi watched the conflicting emotions move over the King’s face and then settle into peace.

  When he did not say anything she continued; “Queen Rebekka put herself in danger for the sake of all the people of Layton’s empire. She took Layton’s place as head of state and in less than a year she undid most of the damage Layton Teal had done to enslave the people. She gave the people back their empire. On the day we left to come here, the people of the empire unveiled a statue of her, to honor the sacrifices she made for the empire and its people. She was almost poisoned, shot once, and almost was shot again until an evil man named Max came to his end. But after it was all over, the people became free once more. I wanted to tell you this because of the heartache you both feel for the time you have lost. Please understand that the time you were apart was not wasted or lost. Many people will live life much happier now for what she accomplished.”

  Raven nodded, “It was good then that she helped a few people in your time.”

  Pi laughed, “King Raven, it was not a few. Layton’s empire is thousands of times larger than this small kingdom. She helped millions of people.” Raven was shocked! He had no idea that Rebekka had done so much for the people of another place and time. Then he smiled and said.

  “Rebekka is a Queen in any time or place.”

  Elise smiled at that statement saying, “You are more right than you know, she will always be known to those people as Queen Rebekka.” At that moment Raven had an overwhelming desire to be with the Queen he had missed so much. He said a polite “thank you” to Elise and Pi and went to find her.

  Raven found Rebekka and Adriell alone on the balcony and went to where they were standing. He hugged Adriell again and asked.

  “What are you two doing out here all alone?” Rebekka smiled and said.

  “Touching an old friends mind that I have not touched in many years.”

  Raven smiled too, “He has missed you much over the years my dear. Did you know that Andronicus is not just a machine like he wanted us to believe, but has feelings like unto us?”

  Rebekka nodded, “I know he does,” was all she said. Raven put his arm around his wife and just stood beside her.

  In the silence Adriell cleared her throat, “I think I will go find Edward and get acquainted with my older brother.” With that Adriell left the two alone on the balcony. When she was gone Raven said.

  “Let us go to the garden and walk.”

  “I thought you would never ask,” Rebekka said laughing. They went down to the courtyard and as they passed the fountain Rebekka stopped and looked at the casting with the inscription remembering her. Raven watched her read it and said.

  “I guess we do not need to keep that there any longer since you have returned.”

  “You must leave it!” Rebekka stated in an almost panicked voice.

  “Why?” Raven asked.

  “Because, in the future, more than three thousand years from now I will read this message from you. It is that message that prompts us to return here to you.”

  Raven was amazed, “I cannot believe it survived so long into the future.”

  “Nothing is coincidence,” Rebekka replied, “there are reasons for everything.” They were silent for a time as they walked into the garden, then Raven stated.

  “I know there are reasons beyond our own limited understanding that God doth employ. Pi told me how you helped to change an empire while you were there.” Raven held her as he said this next statement: “I would that you were here all these past years, but since that was not possible I am glad that you were able to help a great number of people in another place and time.”

  She looked into his eyes and said, “I learned that from you my King.”

  Raven shook his head, “No Rebekka, you always had
that gift within you.” She smiled and changed the subject saying.

  “I have to tell you something about Pi.”

  “What about her?” Raven asked.

  “She is like Andronicus, an android,” Rebekka said plainly. Raven thought for a while before answering.

  “We should not tell Andronicus about her yet. He feels he is the only one of his kind in the world right now.”

  Rebekka nodded, “Yes, but we should tell him sometime.”

  “We will,” Raven said, “but just not now. Why did you bring Pi with you?” he wanted to know.

  “Elise, Adriell and I are like family to her, she wanted to come.”

  “Then she shall be like family to us,” Raven replied.

  As they entered the garden off of the castle courtyard, Raven once again held Rebekka in his arms.

  As he held her she whispered in his ear, “I have something special to show you, quiet your mind.” Raven closed his eyes and as he did Rebekka let the memories of the past years flow into his mind as she had done for her father. It seemed like years before Raven came back to their present time, although it had only been moments. Tears once again filled his eyes as he now possessed the memories of when Rebekka and Adriell were away.

  When he gained his composure he asked Rebekka, “Join minds with me once more please.” She did and Raven now knowing what to do shared the memories of Edward growing up. He also shared the missing years of Lorriel and her final regret of not being able to bring Rebekka back to Raven. Rebekka was the one who now had tears in her eyes as she held onto Raven. After they calmed down their emotions, Raven and Rebekka headed back into the great hall where the others were. The knowledge that they had a completed and expanded family warmed all their souls on that fall day.


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