Reaper's Blood (The Grimm Brotherhood Book 1)

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Reaper's Blood (The Grimm Brotherhood Book 1) Page 5

by Kel Carpenter


  Sex Vampire

  A gray Porsche pulled up next to the curb outside the Graves’ front gate. The car came to a full stop, and Tamsin rolled down the window.

  “Hop in, loser,” she called, quoting Mean Girls.

  “Oh my God,” I grumbled, climbing into the passenger seat. “You’re still doing that?”

  “Just for you, babe,” she said, smiling perfectly. Who was I kidding? Everything about Tamsin was perfect. Her white smile. Her chocolate-colored skin. Her dark, wavy hair and golden eyes were accentuated with her perfect makeup skills. I leaned over, twisting in my seat to hook my right arm around her shoulders and pull her close.

  “I missed you,” I said. “LA is great, but it’s not the same without my best friend.”

  “Back at you, asshole,” she said, embracing me tightly.

  We pulled apart, and she clasped my shoulders. “Now, you look like crap, and I’m picking you up from the Graves’ mansion—where I’m pretty sure you slept your first night back in Farrow’s Square. Anything you wanna tell me?” she prompted, smiling again.

  My happiness at seeing her fizzled out because one thing with Tamsin and I was that we never, ever lied to each other. Not that I was great at it anyways. While blunter with me, she was the honey to my vinegar. Which kinda said a lot about how much of an asshole I was when I thought about it.

  “Want to?” I hedged, sitting back in my seat.

  She answered by lifting one perfectly sculpted brow. “Spill it.”

  I blew out a breath, trying to figure out where to even start when something Graves said the night before came back to me. Tamsin grew up in Farrow’s Square. If everyone was somehow connected to the supernatural world, that meant my bestie was no exception. But did she know . . .

  “What do you know about supernaturals?” I asked her, staring her straight in the eye.

  I was expecting her to laugh, or to brush off the question. What I was not expecting, in any universe, was for her to groan.

  “Oh, shit. I was hoping we’d never have to have this conversation.” She studied me carefully, seeming to appraise my appearance in a new light. “Do you want to start or should I?”

  “Me? It looks like I wasn’t the one keeping secrets, Tam. So why don’t you tell me how it is I only learned that monsters were real yesterday, and my question doesn’t seem at all shocking to you.”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t want to keep it from you, Salem. It’s kinda rule number one, though. We aren’t allowed to talk about it with people who aren’t . . .” she trailed off, shaking her head. “I’m a succubus,” she finally blurted. She looked like she was waiting for me to jump out of the car and take off down the street. Which said a lot because I don’t run. Literally. I’ve probably ran like three times in my life.

  I blinked at her, not familiar with the term. “What’s that? Some kind of fairy or something?”

  She laughed, shaking her head. “No. Not a fairy. I guess you could say I’m like a sex vampire.”

  “A what now?” But even as I asked the question, it made a weird sort of sense. Tamsin had always been drawn to men. It didn’t matter if they were single, married, or didn’t bat for her team, they couldn’t seem to get enough of her as soon as she opened her mouth. I’d chalked it up to my best friend being supermodel hot, but maybe it was something else.

  “Succubi feed off of sexual energy. We need it to survive.”

  “That . . .” I trailed off, trying to think of the right words, “sounds like fun?”

  Tamsin laughed, looking relieved. “It can be. It can also be a giant pain in the ass. But enough about me. It’s your turn.”

  “Well, I’m not sure mine is as easy to explain . . . you ever heard of a Grimm?”

  She snorted, her expression going dark. “Those power-happy ass clowns? Who doesn’t know about the Grimms?”

  Her reaction had me faltering. Graves wasn’t lying when he’d said people hated his—err, our—kind. “Um, well. Looks like I am one. Surprise,” I added weakly, doing little jazz hands when she didn’t speak.

  “Come again?” she said, leaning closer.

  “I bet you say that to all your meals,” I said, attempting to break up the tension.

  Tamsin didn’t break a smile. “I knew that it ran in your family. I mean, obviously I knew about your brother and father, but I didn’t think . . . there’s never been . . .” she trailed off, her eyes widening as a thought occurred to her. “Salem, did you die last night?”

  “Uh . . . kinda?”

  “You bitch! And you didn’t call me?”

  “And say what, exactly? I didn’t even know supernaturals were a thing, how was I supposed to know you weren’t going to have me committed?” She opened her mouth to reply, but I waved her off. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Graves found me before I had a chance to do anything.”

  “Found you?” she asked. “Where were you? What happened? I knew I should have called when you didn’t show up for the funeral. I just sort of assumed it was you, and—”

  “I was skipping the funeral either way.” I sighed. “About half an hour out from the house, an animal ran into the road and I swerved to avoid it but flipped my car. I woke up a few hours later in the woods. Graves found me digging through the wreckage for Hostess cupcakes.” I lowered my head in both hands and scrubbed them down my face.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  I dropped my hands into my lap and glared over at her. “Do I look like I’m joking, Tamsin?”

  “Well, I had to ask,” she said, defensively. “I mean, you can’t tell me that doesn’t sound a tiny bit crazy, even for you.”

  “The dying part?” I asked. “Or the—”

  “The fucking cupcakes. Dude, you died, and your biggest concern was finding food? I’m not sure if I should be laughing right now or not. Why didn’t you just call someone?”

  You know, when she put it like that, it really did give the situation a bit of perspective.

  “Speaking of cupcakes. Any chance you brought me anything . . .” My words dried up at the withering look on her face. “Alright, I’ll take that as a no. You’re forgiven. This time. Because I called last minute. But next time—”

  “Put your seatbelt on,” she said. “I’m starting to see how you ended up with Graves. Did he offer you food?”

  “There were M&M’s in the car,” I said, knowing I should probably feel some shame about it, but unable to find the fucks I never had to begin with. I clipped the seatbelt and the car started moving.

  “Have you eaten anything this morning?” she asked like the amazing best friend she was. “And where is that dickhead now? You look like a hobo, Salem.”

  I looked down at my torn shirt and baggy pants. “Yeah, I kinda do. It’s not his fault, though.” I scratched the top of my head, and it occurred to me, I needed to do something about my hair as I pulled a stray leaf out of the tangled strands. “His mom came home this morning, so I snuck out the window and climbed down a tree, sort of. It was more falling than climbing, but whatever. Anyways, I hid in a bush until I could call you. Great timing, by the way. Your ringtone almost gave me away.”

  “Did it ever occur to you to just act like a friend sleeping over?” she asked.

  “Apparently Mr. Three First Names doesn’t have friends, or girlfriends, or is friends with girls outside the whole Gamma Rho sausage fest,” I said. Tamsin snorted. “He thinks people will question us hanging out if I don’t go back to attend the university, but I finished like six months ago, and this is your last semester.”

  “Well, he’s got half of a point. The thing he overlooked is that you’re Shep’s sister. If he starts hanging out with you, most people will write it off as him helping you through a rough time. Even Gamma Rho.” She sped down the highway before taking the exit into town.

  “You think? Because I don’t want to go back to school. College was hard enough the first time I did it. Accelerated semesters or not.” I paused, eyeing
the McDonald’s as we passed it and debating how much I was willing to sacrifice for a Big Mac. “Any chance we can stop somewhere—”

  “We’re not stopping anywhere with you looking like that. I’m taking you back to the house. Sigma Upsilon actually stands for Succubus United. Surprise,” she said sarcastically as she pulled onto University Drive. “Luckily for you, cooking is a succubus thing. They were already starting on breakfast when I left to get you.”

  My mouth watered just thinking about it. “Have I told you lately how much I love you, Tam?”

  She smiled a little. “Never hurts to hear it.”

  “Well, I do,” I said with an emphatic little nod as she found a parking spot on the street. “Is there anything else I need to know about succubuses?”

  “Succubi,” she automatically corrected. “And no, not really. I mean as a general rule we don’t tend to have a filter, especially when it comes to sex, but neither do you. No one is going to try anything if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. It’s just this is all new to me. I don’t want to accidentally put my foot in my mouth, ya know?” I asked, stepping out of the car.

  “When has that ever stopped you before?”

  “Okay, good point,” I said, following her up a narrow walkway.

  “Just keep an open mind and all will be well. I think we’ll be able to find you something a little less hobo chic for you to wear as well.”

  “Bless you,” I said as she swung the door wide open and gestured for me to come inside.

  “Welcome to the Sigma house, Salem.” The smell of bacon hit my nose first, followed by coffee and vanilla. “The kitchen’s that way,” Tamsin said, gesturing to my left. “You might want to wipe the drool off your chin, though.”

  I glared at her and followed my nose to the kitchen. Tamsin knew me well enough to know I was going to be miserable to be around if I didn’t get something in my stomach ASAP. Ever since I was a kid I’d been that way. Shep always said I needed to stop eating my feelings. I told him if he ever tried to take food away from me again, I was going to have a sister instead of a brother.

  She followed close behind me, waving to a blonde with a pixie cut standing at the stove. “Mandy Jane, this is Salem.”

  The girl’s smile wavered as she turned to greet me, her eyes widening slightly as she took in my appearance. “Walk of shame?” she guessed.

  I snorted. “You could say that.”

  “Help yourself to the coffee. It’s a fresh pot.”

  “You guys are angels,” I breathed, wasting no time filling a mug. Tamsin was ready with the creamer, handing it to me before I needed to ask. “Thank you,” I murmured after the first delicious sip.

  Mandy Jane had a plate of blueberry pancakes and a side of bacon waiting for me on the table. “Dig in,” she said.

  I’m not sure if it was the food or being around Tamsin, but I was feeling more at ease than I had been for a while. It felt like I could breathe again.

  I didn’t look up until my plate was clean, blushing a little when I realized I was practically deepthroating my fork trying to get the last of the syrup off of it. “Uh . . . that was delicious.”

  Mandy Jane beamed at me. “There’s plenty more if you want seconds.”

  “She’ll go into a coma if she eats anymore,” Tamsin answered for me before I could accept.

  I might have pouted, but I didn’t contradict her. I’d already had four pancakes and six pieces of bacon. I’d be good for a few hours.


  “So, Salem,” Mandy Jane said, sipping her own mug of coffee, “you going to tell us about the guy that left you looking like roadkill this morning?”

  “Interesting choice of words,” I muttered to myself.

  “Either he was amazing, and I want to know everything, or it was so bad you had to escape before he woke up, and I still want to know everything. So which is it?” she asked, her green eyes sparkling with laughter.

  Two more succubi walked in, saving me from having to immediately respond.

  “Hey, Tam,” one of the girls wearing a multi-colored beanie and with cornrows down to her back said. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Tanya, this is Salem.” Tamsin grabbed my forearm and pulled me next to her. “Salem, this is Tanya and Kayla. Tanya was my big when I first pledged.”

  “Hi, nice to meet—”

  “Girl, you reek of being horny and unsatisfied,” Tanya said, dropping all small talk. She snapped her fingers twice. “Tell your new friend Tanya what happened.”

  She started to come forward, and Tamsin stepped in front of me. “Actually, Salem has been through a really rough time. I’m going to take her back to my room and help her pull herself together.”

  Tanya half-frowned but shrugged and let it go. “You just give us a call if you ever need some help with that situation, Salem.” She and Kayla waved as Tam pulled me down the hallway.

  She dragged me into the last door on the right and closed it shut behind us.

  “Okay,” Tamsin said. “So, there’s one thing I might have forgotten to mention to you.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and lifted an eyebrow. “And that is?”

  “No one here can know you’re a Grimm. No one anywhere, really. Graves might have told you we sort of hate the Grimms here. What he didn’t tell you, I imagine, is why.”

  I shrugged, letting my arms drop away as I took a look around her room. Clothes were strung across the floor. Her bras hung off the bed posts. Half a leftover pizza was sitting on the end table and beside it was a bowl of condoms. Not used. Thankfully.

  “He said they’re like the police,” I said, returning my eyes to her.

  “That’s surprisingly accurate,” Tamsin said with a frown. “Here’s the deal. For the last several hundred years, reapers have been the self-appointed enforcer of supernatural rules and laws. Like all self-appointed pricks, the power went to their heads. Right now, you’re in the middle of what basically amounts to a turf war. Supes are dying because of reapers, and reapers are dying from what we assume is probably supe retaliation. The whole point of me explaining this is that if anyone knows you’re a reaper, they’re going to shun you. However, the reapers are misogynistic assholes and not likely to claim you. It’s a shit situation to be in, especially when you don’t understand your powers. At all.”

  She paced back and forth, talking an awful lot about shit I didn’t know an awful lot about. Fortunately for me, she used small words.

  “So basically, no one wants me, and even though I’m now part of this world, I don’t fit anywhere?” I asked, unable to keep the sulk out of my voice.

  “Yes. No.” She groaned and then grabbed my arm again, pulling me down onto the bed beside her. “It’s complicated. What really needs to happen is you, me, and Graves need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart—so then you can make a semi-educated decision on how you want to handle this. You have options, but all of them have consequences that you don’t know enough to fully understand.”

  “I already know what I want to do. Graves is going to train me to be a badass reaper, and then I’m hunting down the bastard that killed my brother. What’s there to talk about?”

  Tamsin stared at me for a second before shaking her head. “It’s almost sweet how fucking naive you are right now. Girl, you may think that this is straightforward, but you have no idea what you have just gotten yourself into. It’s not that black and white.”

  Before I could open my mouth to grill her further, the sound of shouting down the hall brought us both to our feet.

  “Not again,” Tamsin whined, throwing the door open so we could peek our heads out.

  At the other end of the hall, a very naked man was stumbling out of a bedroom. “Laura! Laura, come back!” He was shouting, tears running down his face. “Don’t leave me. I need you. Baby, please. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Fuck,” Tamsin said, leaning against the doorframe while other
succubi flooded the hall.

  “Damnit, Laura,” Kayla said as she stomped down the hallway. “You can’t keep doing this shit. Enthralling is an executable offense. Are you trying to get us all killed?”

  “Executable?” I whispered, my eyes wide as I glanced at Tamsin.

  She nodded.

  A tall, Bettie Page look-a-like popped out of another door. “Shit. I didn’t mean to. I must have gotten carried away. I’ll take care of it.” She strutted down the hall to the still sobbing man. “Jake. Jake, look at me.”

  He fell to his knees and started kissing the tips of her polished boots. “I don’t deserve to look at you. You’re a goddess, I’m just your slave.”

  “I wasn’t asking, slave,” she growled, her voice a sexual purr. Even I wasn’t immune to the web of seduction she was weaving around him. Desire coiled low in my belly, and I shifted uncomfortably as my nipples grew hard.

  “What is happening?” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest to try and stave off my unwanted reaction.

  “She’s charming him. It’s Succubus 101. We can make our prey feel whatever we want them to. Desire. Need. Even fear.”

  “Fear?” I asked. “I thought you guys just wanted sex.”

  “Ever heard of a sadist?”

  I grimaced, looking at FemDom Laura in a new light. “Are you saying that’s not consensual?” Given the way Jake was standing to attention—in both ways—it certainly didn’t look like he was unwilling, but watching the rapid shift of his emotions, it was hard to tell.

  “Eh . . . it’s a gray area. Most supe powers are, but succubi more so.” Tamsin lifted a shoulder. “The guy is begging for it; it’s his scene. But we’ve been taught to only use our powers to enhance the pleasure for both parties, even though we can actually do a lot more. It’s easy for us to accidentally overdo it when feeding. But when prey get addicted and can’t function without, we call it the thrall. It comes from them being addicted, but it creates a dependency that isn’t healthy and long-term tends to fuck with their heads too much. This isn’t even a bad case of it.”


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