Song of Awakening

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Song of Awakening Page 1

by D. R. Rosier

  Song of Awakening

  Melody Smith 01

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2016. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description

  Chapter 1

  I heard laughter in my ears, “Stop fidgeting,” Lisa said sharply, but humor infected her harsh tone. That wasn’t entirely unexpected, the only thing Lisa took seriously was a good bloodbath, otherwise she was one of those chipper happy people that set my teeth on edge.

  She was also my partner for this job, or one of them, and my best friend. We’d hit it off immediately when I’d first gotten the job at Walker security services, and we even shared a living space. I suppose that might say something about me as well, but in my defense, she’s a vampire, of course she likes bloodbaths.

  I was in a bar, and not just any bar, but one in the middle of nowhere Texas. The walls were all wooden, there was country music twanging in the background, and there were at least fourteen vamps in the bar that I’d identified so far. There were also a few elves, a bunch of humans, two mages, and a few witches. The place was packed. The bar was also safe zone, a place all the other races could meet and not shed blood, because they usually didn’t all get along. Which was another reason my night was so complicated.

  “I feel naked, this plan is stupid,” I complained back to Lisa. I was wearing magical earrings, which meant we could communicate privately.

  Lisa laughed, “But you look really hot in those daisy dukes and that red halter top.”

  Halter top? The thing was like a string over my nipples, halter top my ass.

  I rolled my eyes, “I meant my weapons, and armor, as in not having any. Of course I look hot in the damned clothes,” I snapped back.

  Lisa sighed, “I know, but you know what Brent said. The last four skips he sent you after ended in a massacre, not that I’m complaining, but apparently Stuart was all up Brent’s ass for it.”

  Ugh. Brent was my boss, Lisa’s as well. He was a mage and the owner of Walker security services. Some days I was a bounty hunter, other days a security guard for some spoiled rich person, and then on the odd occasion I was an executioner. My talents came into play when a supernatural skipped bail, escaped justice, or needed protection.

  “That wasn’t my fault, we didn’t start that fight, and every asshole in the place decided to throw down.”

  Lisa giggled, “That was fun though, wasn’t it? Don’t worry, if things go south I have your back. But you know you won’t have a problem.”

  I frowned. That was true. It should be easy to make the vampire skip, Gene Phillips, leave the bar with me. And after he left with me it should be child’s play to get him in cuffs and return him to holding. No mess, no fuss. In theory.

  I was five foot eight, had long straight ash blonde hair down to the crack of my ass. My body was toned and in shape, but not muscular enough to mess with my soft curves, and I had perfect thirty-six C, twenty-four, thirty-six measurements. Not too voluptuous, not too skinny, and I had it all hanging out in this nothing shirt, short shorts, and a pair of red three-inch high heeled knee high boots. Add in a model beautiful face with high cheek bones, blue eyes the color of the ocean, and pouty lips that made most men think of them wrapped around one thing, and it should be easy.

  Oh, and if all that wasn’t enough, I was also a siren. Increased strength, speed, and the ability to enthrall men with a look and a few notes hummed under my breath, and more than that with a song. Most men anyway, there were exceptions, and magic that would block a siren’s power, but they weren’t common. It wasn’t all roses though, women had an instinctual dislike and hatred toward sirens, and men… well sometimes it’s nice not to be hit on at all, and that just doesn’t happen with me very often.

  I know, poor me, all those hot men wanting to pleasure me. Still, it accounted for my bad attitude much of the time.

  It was probably why a psychotic vampire like Lisa was my best and only girlfriend, all my other friends were male. I loved her to death, but she was even more prone to violence than I was, which was saying a lot. If she ever lost her job where she was legally able to beat up supernaturals on the wrong side of the law, I was sure she’d become one. Don’t get me wrong, Lisa is a sweetheart most of the time, but the scent of blood is for her, a lot like the scent of chum is for sharks.

  Still, I felt naked without my spelled blades and hand guns, but really there was no place in this outfit for that. Plus, my target would be able to smell the metals, the mixture of iron, silver, and good old fashioned steel which made it lethal to just about every supernatural out there. Last but not least, even as a member of Walker security services, which was a supernatural contractor for private and government security, I couldn’t break the no violence rule in a safe place like this. It was like a… sanctuary.

  My only option was to seduce the asshole outside.

  “Any day now Mel.” I heard Lisa’s impatient voice in my ear.

  I grunted in dissatisfaction, easy yes, but not my preferred method.

  I slammed down the rest of my drink, and got up. I used my best swaying walk and closed in on Gene at the end of the bar. He looked lost in thought, and he was alone. I slid into the seat next to him and accidentally brushed my hand along his arm to get his attention.

  He looked over and shook his head, “You got the wrong equipment to seduce me honey, take a hike.”

  Oh right, men with the right magic, and gay men were immune to me.

  I heard Lisa’s burst of laughter in my ear drums, “Didn’t see that one coming.”

  I took a second to think of alternatives. I didn’t want to leave and wait in the parking lot, goddess knows how long before this reprobate left. For all I knew he was hiding out in here and had no intentions of leaving. He was charged with using compulsion on human women, not only for food, but to turn them into whores. Obviously not for himself, but to sell to others.

  The first part was iffy under the law, since a vampire feeding actually left the human healthier afterwards, assuming the vampire didn’t rip their throat out, but the second part would earn him a long time behind bars. I knew from the briefing his business had helpers, other vampires, so he could in effect, just stay in here.

  Although if he wanted to feed, he’d eventually have to leave. The humans were safe in here, as no vampire would be dumb enough to violate the sanctuary. Still, waiting around for three or four days didn’t appeal to me at all.

  That said, if I hummed a few notes and tried to make him follow me out, I would be violating the rules myself. It was tempting, but a really bad idea. I was resigned to a long stakeout, and just about to get up when he spoke again.

  “Are you deaf, or just a stupid skank? Fuck off already,” he snapped at me acidly.

  “Oh fuck, don’t do it,” I heard Lisa’s strained voice in my ear.

; Impulse control was one of my shortcomings when someone pushed my button, luckily I didn’t have that many pet peeves, but this asshole just triggered the worst one. I snapped my fist out and punched the bastard in the throat. No one calls me a skank.

  He gasped for air, even a bloodsucker needed to breath, and I hummed a few notes under my breath, and he got a confused look on his face as I erased his short term memory and confused him. I could do a few different things with my voice besides turning someone into my sex toy, which by the way is illegal as hell for some reason, so I don’t do that. I can attract all the men I need without it after all, between my siren pheromones, aura, and my looks, my song was overkill in that area.

  Of course, that didn’t mean I didn’t want to sometimes. It was in my blood, a siren enthralls and enslaves men, owns them. Right or wrong, it was how we were built. In modern times however, it was also a good way to get thrown in an eight by eight cell, and eat three square but tasteless meals a day. Plus, orange really clashes with my hair.

  I sighed and looked around, no one had noticed my assault, and my victim didn’t even remember it. In for a penny… I hummed a few more notes, making him sleepy, and lifted his arm and got under it. He was weaving around like he was drunk as I moved us in the general direction of the door. I was trying to make it look natural, more or less.

  Most of the people in the bar ignored me, too busy hitting on, or talking to, the people they were focused on. Some of the men looked over, but merely gave Gene a jealous glance since it looked like he was getting to take me home. They say perception is everything, and it was definitely on my side right now.

  Two sets of eyes however, tracked my progress with a hunter’s gaze. They were definitely vampires, and it occurred to me a couple of Gene’s flunkies could be here keeping an eye on him. They were both stone faced, and kind of cute for vamps actually. I looked away quickly and shuddered at the thought.

  Had I mentioned the attraction thing I couldn’t control tends to make me hot as well? It had to do with the whole wired to want a male harem of slaves thing I think, plus, violence turned me on a bit, and I had really enjoyed punching this asshole in the throat, not to mention getting away with it. It was something I could mostly control, but I failed enough that it made keeping boyfriends problematical.

  I realized if I was a human woman all of that would make me a little psychotic, but nope, I was a completely sane siren. I think.

  They both stood up, so I picked up the pace slightly toward the door, and used my strength to steady his walk a bit, his feet were barely touching the ground and I was hoping no one else noticed.

  I sighed in relief, on the inside, when the bouncer opened the door for me. I smiled at him alluringly and mouthed a thank you. I saw Lisa leaning up against the car with a pair of cuffs in her hand, wearing skin tight leather pants, and a red sports bra, with a leather halter top over it. A real halter top, not the miniscule thing I was wearing.

  She also had knee high red leather boots, with dagger pommels sticking up out of them, and a sword belted around her waist. At five foot three, with a pixie face, raven hair, doe eyes, and a curvy body, she looked both adorable and hot. Although, I’d never tell her about the adorable part, I liked my head attached to my shoulders after all.

  Something about vampires and kittens not being at all alike, vampires weren’t supposed to be cute, but Lisa was. Terrifyingly cute at times, but cute nonetheless.

  I was about halfway to the car when the bar door opened behind me, and the two vamps came out and straight for me. I dropped the douchebag on the ground and turned around. A moment later Lisa was beside me, handing me my sword, and she had her other hand on the hilt of hers.

  I took it by the sheath with my left hand, and rested my right on the pommel.

  I smiled sweetly, “Can I help you boys with something?”

  Lisa snickered.

  What? I’m not always a bitch.

  One of them said, “We want Gene.”

  I shook my head, “He’s going to jail for a long time, it’s my responsibility to put him in it. I’m not about to give him back to his toadies. I…”

  The other vamp hissed and his eyes turned red as he interrupted me, “Fuck lady, we want him dead, we don’t work for him. Just walk away, tell your boss he got himself offed. We’ve been waiting two days for that piece of shit to leave the sanctuary.”

  I had to be honest, right after the surprise I felt for that statement, what he’d said sounded really appealing to me. Of course, I knew deep down inside even a punch was an overreaction to being called a skank, it hardly earned him the death penalty. Plus, I kind of wanted the bastard to suffer. Slavery is wrong, I knew that, even if my desires ran counter to that on occasion. I wanted him to have the chance to become someone’s bitch on the inside, the same way he enslaved those women he picked up.

  “Sorry, he’s in my care, and he’s my responsibility.”

  The other one grinned, “Alright fine, suppose we go back in and let Theo know what we saw, we both saw you throat punch the asshole, and spell him.”

  Theo was the reason why the bar was a sanctuary, and no one was dumb enough, except apparently me, to violate it. He belonged to the one race that wouldn’t be touched by my sword, unless I was very lucky that is. Theo was a dragon. All sanctuaries were owned by that race. Dragons were both more powerful with magic than human mages, and of course the biggest and strongest of the shifter races. Even mages, who took second place, were way out of their league when it came to dragons.

  I screwed up my face and tapped my cheek, “Right, that was what… three minutes ago? Still in short term memory.”

  They looked confused for a minute, until I opened my mouth and started to sing. No memories of it, I didn’t do it. Unlike vampire compulsion, I couldn’t touch long term memory, but I could flush the short term easy enough. I don’t know why my magic works that way, it just does. The songs I sing are instinctual, the notes, and sometimes words, just come to me when I focus on the affect I want.

  They both rushed me before I’d gotten to the second note however, and I pulled my sword and heard Lisa pull hers. The parking lot didn’t count, only inside was safe. Still, these guys possibly weren’t bad, maybe this asshole had turned their younger sister into a whore? Or maybe they were just as bad as Gene and were trying to eliminate the competition. The point was, I didn’t really want to kill them in defense of the piece of crap lying at my feet, no matter which option was true.

  That wouldn’t be an issue though. It was almost unfair, I was at least as fast as a vamp, and they only had teeth and claws since their weapons were probably still in their cars.

  Lisa darted forward and faked high with the sword, and then dropped to her knees and punched the guy in the nuts… really hard, he went head over heels and was flipped onto his back. Lisa had never told me how old she was, but I’d never seen another vamp that could match her, and I knew strength and age went hand in hand with that race.

  When mine lunged at me, I faked left and then spun right, and then punched out with my sword pommel and clipped his temple as he stumbled past me. Then, as he fell, I opened my mouth and sang again, this time getting all the notes out as I sheathed my sword. There were two components to my songs, and the magical side only reached out to whomever I’d targeted, which meant Lisa was more than safe as Gene’s two would be killers completely forgot about us, and more importantly, my assault on Gene inside the sanctuary bar.

  I watched the two groaning on the ground, now minus their memories of the last ten minutes or so, as Lisa picked up Gene, cuffed him, and threw him in the back of the car.

  Lisa snickered, “Let’s go Mel. Before those idiots get up. I’d hate to have to kill to protect this shithead.”

  I nodded, she’d read my mind.

  We got in the car and drove off, I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I heard my boss’s voice, Brent Walker, come out of the spelled earring, sounding really pissed off.

ody, get your ass in here now.”

  Fuck! The boss had been monitoring the op, so much for getting away with the punch…

  Chapter 2

  Lisa turned to me as we got closer to the Walker security services building in Dallas, “Relax, Brent has a soft spot for you and you know it.”

  She was kind of right. He’d always looked out for me, but the last time I’d gone off book, he’d threatened me with dire consequences if I stepped out of line again. I wasn’t always breaking the rules, but I did have a few triggers that always set me off.

  They say being aware of a problem is the first step to fixing it, but so far it hadn’t helped me all that much. I already knew I’d do it again, just thinking about what the asshole called me made me want to crawl in the back and smack him around some more. Bitch, slut, whore… hell, even the c-word that made most women flip out would just roll off my back. But the word skank drove me nuts for some reason.

  I said doubtfully, “Maybe, he read me the riot act last time. I’m lucky Theo didn’t catch me and make an example.”

  Lisa examined me, seemingly ignoring the road, but I knew her vampire senses were more than up to the task.

  “Do you really think he missed it? He probably chose to ignore it, since no one else saw.”

  My first inclination was to scoff at the idea, but she was probably right.

  “Got plans tonight?” I asked curiously, changing the subject.

  She sighed, “Nope, did you have something in mind?”

  I nodded, “If I make it out alive, how about a club?”

  She tilted her head, “Sure, I’m kind of thirsty.”

  I knew what that meant, vampire club. Outside of the sanctuaries the races didn’t mix all that much, and going to that type of club meant the humans there were hoping to get picked up by a vamp. I was in kind of a unique category, as sirens weren’t exactly thick on the ground.

  A lot of sirens lived out in the Caribbean on their own islands which were self-governed, and humans could be weird and self-destructive. Some believed us to be minor goddesses of love, it took all kinds after all. They would show up and volunteer to be a sex toy in a harem, which wasn’t against the law, since it was done of their own volition. Of course, they couldn’t change their minds once it happened, so…


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