Cassandra- Magic's Hope

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Cassandra- Magic's Hope Page 4

by D. R. Rosier

  Always, I felt the drive, and just a little bit turned on even when I was full of magic. Right now I was… saturated with magic. I had too much in me. My inner succubus was completely quiescent, and it didn’t feel right, it was unnatural for me. I was barely even noticing the looks I usually got from the others in the library. I felt unbalanced.

  I released my magic and decided to be on a deserted island I’d often visited before. I’d never really focused on finding new ways to destroy things before, never even considered it as it was outside my nature, but with the threat of the dragons it just seemed like a good idea. Plus, I’d be able to burn up this extra magic.

  First protection though. I gathered the memories of Amber’s fights, and her shields, then built them. Then I pulled them apart looking for ways to improve them. I was actually impressed with my twin, and just went with what she used. But the shields had a major weakness, the raw magic accompanying a breath weapon.

  So I followed that path, one of the shields did deal with organized magic spells, stopping it and tearing it apart, absorbing part and dispersing the rest as harmless raw magic. But like any shield, it could be overwhelmed, at some point just not be capable of keeping up with what hit it, and I knew for a fact dragons hit hard. The bald truth was they had much more magic potential than witches did, luckily they wielded it like a blunt club for the most part.

  As Amber proved, the best way to fight one, was to avoid their attacks, but that wasn’t always so easy. I imagined if I got into a fight on magic world, I’d be fighting up to twenty at a time, assuming they didn’t up their attack numbers as well. Granted, I’d be fighting with a whole village at my side and under a village shield too, but the numbers were still daunting, we’d had enough risk going one on one.

  So it would depend on who broke through the shield first really, there was no way around that. I studied Amber’s fights, and realized on the last one, it had been her needlelike attack with magic and fire that broke through a dragon’s natural shields. More than that though, it had actually been the magic itself, not the fire.

  That gave me the idea to completely abandon the fire and lightning strikes. It wouldn’t be as showy, but it should be more effective, which was much more important. I spent a couple of hours simply building shields around rocks, then hitting it with a very thin spear of magic. Not needle like, more like monomolecular. There would be no defense against it.

  After all, I wouldn’t have to defeat the whole shield, which really would be impossible, but one tiny point of that shield… it would be like a hot knife through butter. Once my magic broke in through the shield, well, my magic would be on the other side, and still subject to creating or doing anything I wanted it to.

  To be honest, that scared me more than anything else.

  So much so that I immediately tried to figure out a way to defend against it.

  The best I could come up with was a similar approach as dueling demons with fire. The defender would have to concentrate their magic at the exact same point in their shield as I hit. I couldn’t really think of a way to do that, at least not fast enough. Perhaps a reactive shield, that did it automatically. That might be fast enough.

  I tried the defense theory on some rocks, and it worked about half the time. The good thing was I didn’t believe the dragons would come up with anything like that, as they were too… not subtle.

  I felt a little more like myself now, I still had plenty of magic, but I wasn’t overfull anymore. I’d done enough experimenting. I looked around, it really was beautiful here. The scent of the ocean, the cool breeze, and the sound of the gentle waves breaking on shore were relaxing. The sun was still high in the sky and I could see to the bottom of the clear blue water. Time for a break. I stripped down, and took a swim. Then I just lay out and relaxed under the sunshine until it was time for dinner.

  Chapter 7

  “Cassie! You’re impossible to track down. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Tammy’s excitement brought a wide smile to my face. My sisters thought I was a perpetually happy person, but that’s because they’d never met Tammy, who took that appellation to a whole new level. She had long shiny light flowing blonde hair, and startlingly bright blue eyes. No real surprise there as she was an angel.

  She also had a body built for sin. I looked good as a succubus and drew the eye, but without the edge of my magic, she made me look downright normal. Her thirty eight D breasts were generous and surprisingly firm and stood out delectably without a bra. Her twenty four inch waist looked positively dainty as her curves spread back out to thirty six inch hips. Her body was better described as waspish, than merely an hour glass.

  Her facial features were delicate and beautiful, except for her lips which were full and then some. Probably the best part of her though was she wasn’t arrogant about that, and her happy attitude was equaled by her sincerity. She had a lot of friends, and a way about her that made them all feel important. No one is perfect of course, but she really does come close, inside and out.

  She was wearing a flowing black skirt with white flowers on it, and a red blouse that was unbuttoned far enough to show a tasteful amount of her cleavage.

  She’s the only one outside of Jim that makes my short list. I wasn’t really looking for anything too serious yet in life, but they were the closest to lovers I’d claim, and did come first in my life as far as bed activities were concerned.

  “Sorry about disappearing the other night on you like that, you read my status right?”

  She snorted, “Off world? Really?”

  She tried to look serious and annoyed, but her eyes sparkled with her hidden smile.

  I giggled, “Yup, and not demon or angel world, a new one. I’m actually going back tonight, after the party.”

  She gave me a sultry look, “Not if I tire you out first.”

  I smiled at the thought and said sensually, “You’re welcome to try.”

  She grinned, “Go find a drink and mingle.”

  I nodded and gave her a light kiss. She’d play hostess for a while and be available for her sisters the first part of the night, I didn’t even see any guys yet from the frats, but it was only about eight. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a mixed drink. I’d have to watch that so I wouldn’t get drunk. It was a lot easier with beer to keep track.

  A drunk witch was a bad idea after all.

  There was some music on in the background, I recognized it as one of the local bands that played at the bar sometimes. The house itself was impressive. It looked a little like a cross between a simple dorm building and a house. Luxury dorm was really the best way I could explain it. The flooring was a natural dark wood, the rooms on the first floor were bright and open.

  The upstairs of course were the bedrooms, they were about twice the size of a normal dorm room, but also had large walk in closets. There was a bathroom on each floor that had multiple enclosed private shower stalls, as well as a whirlpool tub.

  I spent some time mingling with some of Tammy’s sisters. I liked about half of them, the others were… unimpressed with me. I wasn’t sure if they were just jealous of how I acted, disgusted, or jealous because they wanted Tammy for themselves. All I knew was we didn’t really get along. That was about normal though for a succubus, even the friendly ones could be judgmental at times, especially when they caught their men looking my way.

  It would probably sound strange to most… that I got along best with the science geeks, but here I was competition, and it was hard for a normal to compete with a succubus, even the incredibly sexy ones in this sorority. I was friendly enough though, and didn’t poach, but that didn’t seem to matter to most of them. It was the mere fact that I could… the fact I didn’t never entered the equation in their minds. Tammy was the exception here and she’s the reason I was at this party.

  I didn’t let it bother me. I was secure and comfortable with who and what I was. It wasn’t as bad as it sounded either, as I simply ignored that half of the crowd and focu
sed on the rest. Still, I’d be a lot more at home at a frat party, if that makes any sense. Still, Tammy didn’t ask very much of me and we did a lot on our own most of the time, the least I could do is come to a party every once in a while.

  I was startled as strong arms wrapped around me from behind.

  “Mark,” I said playfully.

  He shook his head against my hair. I knew it was Eric of course, but I teased him with a few more wrong names.

  He snorted, “Cut it out, you know it’s me.”

  I turned, went to my tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

  “I did, so have you come to your senses? You know you can’t resist me. Admit it, you want this sexy body of mine,” I said in an over top faux sultry voice.

  He grinned down at me, “Sorry love, unless you’ve changed the plumbing?”

  I snorted and shook my head, “Still a woman.”

  Eric was just a casual friend, but he was probably the only man I knew that was completely immune to my charms, sans magic of course, which I wouldn’t dream of using, so it was a unique relationship. I spent the rest of the early evening chatting with him, and eventually his partner Stephen, until Tammy came and joined us.

  Tammy smirked, “Having fun?”

  I grinned, I really was actually. I had a small buzz going and the music we were listening to seemed to be getting better.

  “I am, it’s a nice break.”

  Tammy shook her head and hugged me, “You work too hard.”

  She was so warm against me, her body so soft, I stole a kiss and felt a surge of desire, but I couldn’t tell how much of it was mine, and how much was hers. There wasn’t any urgency to it, it was more decadent than that. It just felt good, she felt good. Her body, her scent, the emotions that poured off of her and into me, it all set my core to a slow burn as desire built up my need of more.

  I shrugged, “I’m only taking two classes, I just have extra stuff right now.”

  She rolled her eyes, completely unimpressed with my denial of having a strict work ethic.

  “Well good, at least you’re relaxing and having a good time.”

  We talked with Eric and Stephen for a little while longer, before grabbing fresh drinks from the kitchen and heading upstairs. Her room was one of the largest on the top floor, and even came with a private bath. The perks of leadership I supposed… not that I was complaining. My body was heating up and the desire between us grew, but she stripped the clothes off my body with a slow and soft sensual touch between teasing warm kisses. I was boiling with desire by the time she got around to unclipping my bra, she was my focus, and my world in that moment.

  When I was naked I returned the favor, relishing each moment and each new inch of flesh I uncovered. We worshipped each other’s bodies and the sexual tension and desire grew to a fever pitch among soft breathy moans and teasing touches. She laid back onto the bed at my urging, and gasped in pleasure as I took a hard nipple into my mouth, gently sucking, licking, and lightly biting while my hands roamed every delicious curve of her body.

  Just as she opened her mouth to beg for more, I brushed her silken folds with a fingertip. Her core shimmered from moistness, and felt warm and welcoming as I teased a finger lightly up and down between her folds. She gasped and arched her back as I moved my mouth to her other soft yet firm, rounded and pliant mound of flesh. I teased and pleased her body, my own desire barely held back, as I kept her just to the right side of frustration, raising her desire, pleasure, and need as high as I could before she broke.

  I could have fed on her bliss after the magic I used this afternoon, but I knew I’d be overfull of magic in just a few hours, so instead I did the opposite, and linked to her libido and fed her life energy, and succubus magic. She gasped and completely locked up in a silent scream of pleasure as I kept her in an abyss of rapturous bliss, extending and enhancing her orgasm for close to an additional thirty seconds. Almost an eternity for her.

  My body shuddered in pleasure, as a small orgasm overcame me as well through magical and empathetic feedback. Her whole body was covered in sweat and shaking, I could feel the aftershocks of pleasure that radiated through her body every few seconds. I wondered for a second if I’d gone too far.

  Tammy started laughing in delight, then took several gulps of air, “Holy shit. That was… my god Cassie, you’re going to ruin me.”

  I giggled partially in humor, partially in relief, and lay down next to her and kissed her shoulder and ran my fingertips over her body. I knew it would be a few minutes before she could reciprocate.

  “I got carried away.”

  Tammy just looked at me.

  “Well, when I feed that enhances your orgasm, but apparently feeding you does more than that. I’ve fed you my energy before, to revive your libido if I drained too much, or even for just another round. But apparently doing it during orgasm is a lot more… effective.

  She chuckled disbelievingly, “You think? Holy… You should be careful with that though, I think I could get addicted to it.”

  I kissed her softly, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She looked at me seriously, “You know Cass… I do love you.”

  I replied softly, “I love you too Tams.”

  She frowned, which was a look I hadn’t seen often on her.

  “I mean it, I know I can be a little hyper and all over the place sometimes.”

  She’d sounded worried.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  She shrugged, “I’m loving life right now, I have you, the sorority, and life is good. But I’m done this semester… I’m just wondering, about us I mean. I know we have kept it light, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t… fall for you.”

  I bent my elbow and rested my head on my hand to look her in the eyes, “You mean, you’re not sure if we will stay close? What do you want?”

  This was a conversation I wasn’t ready for. I expected something like this from Jim, not Tammy.

  She sighed, “I don’t know, I just don’t want to lose you. I don’t expect you to come away with me and get a house with a white picket fence, and I know you are staying in school at least another year right? Until you can get those doctorates? But what after that? Will you still stay in college?”

  I frowned, “I’m not sure, after I get my doctorates I may leave formal schooling, although I’m not sure for what yet, if anything, past particle physics and magical experimentation.”

  I really didn’t want to lose her either though. I always told myself I didn’t want lovers, but it was starting to look to me that wasn’t entirely true, I did have two didn’t I? Even if there were no spoken commitments, the feelings were definitely there, for both of them.

  I kissed her softly, “But it really doesn’t matter where I am you know, I can come visit you anywhere you are. Does it matter if that’s in a sorority house, or a place you live in the real world with a job. Does that make sense? I didn’t come here tonight for the music, crowd, or to add to the college experience, I just came here just for you,” my voice held an honest intensity that surprised even me as I finished my little speech.

  She smiled into a kiss and pushed me onto my back.

  She sounded relieved, and a little surprised by my answer, “That does sound good. I was worried we’d lose touch, but you can drop in on me anywhere I am, can’t you? Anyway, it’s your turn, I have that challenge to live up to after all.”

  I moaned softly as her fingertips found and lightly teased the outside of my wet and ready labia. That’s right, she was going to try and make me too tired to get out of the bed later on. I arched my back and pushed against her fingers, but she pulled them away teasingly as she devoured one of my nipples.

  She teased me until I was almost losing my mind, until I begged her to finish me.

  And after she led me to an explosive orgasm that turned my muscles to jelly and curled my toes in the aftermath, we continued to take turns pleasuring each other, even taking out a vibrator somewhere around midnight to add
a little spice.

  She was wiped out and asleep by two in the morning. Turns out I made her too tired. It was a fool’s errand anyway, since succubae just get more energy and feel more awake after every orgasm. It was still fun letting her try though.

  She looked so peaceful, beautiful, and happy. I just watched her sleep for a while, not really wanting to get out of the bed or go back to magic world for another frustrating session in the library. I decided then I did love her, and until she told me to walk, I’d have her as a lover. Jim too I thought. I’d still have to feed elsewhere of course, but if she was available, and wanted me, I was hers. Not just my body, but my heart as well.

  It had already been that way for a year after all, recreational sex was when required, not the most desired. I’d just been… unable to admit it to myself. It made me feel… vulnerable, she could hurt me so easily. I caressed her hair and covered her with the sheets, then rolled out of bed carefully, and after releasing the spell, decided I was in my shower at home.

  Chapter 8

  I hated the unnatural feeling of being overloaded, so when I arrived on magic world around one in the afternoon, I tweaked the spell a bit. I strengthened it, and then added a loopback that would cause any overabundance of magic to feed back into the shield making it temporarily stronger. Eventually the feedback stabilized it at a level I felt satisfied, but not overfilled.

  In other words, I was satisfied, but still felt that slight tingle in my body that kept me a sexual creature, which I’d never even noticed until the first time I lost it. I felt like myself.

  For the first time, I felt rather comfortable here. I found out shortly that Maggie wasn’t in the village today, she was visiting the next town over and should be back soon, but one of the others in town escorted me to the library. I made a face as I gathered my magic, practically stopping time at least subjectively, and started in where I left off. I fought off the frustration of it, and continued until I finished every last book.


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