Born Sinner

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by Vivian Gray

  Born Sinner

  Blood Ravens MC, Volume 1

  Vivian Gray

  Published by eBook Publishing World, 2019.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. February 18, 2019.

  Copyright © 2019 Vivian Gray.

  ISBN: 978-1386607670

  Written by Vivian Gray.

  Also by Vivian Gray

  Bad Devils MC

  Born Killer

  Bred Killer

  Made Killer

  Blood Ravens MC

  Born Sinner

  Inked Sinner

  Tough Sinner

  Bonebag MC


  Diesel's Vow

  Diesel's Sins

  Broken Mavericks MC


  Trigger's Fuse

  Trigger's Ride

  Chained Kings MC


  Sinned Tonight

  Sinned Again

  Death Angels MC


  Screwed Fast

  Screwed Hard

  Death Knells MC


  Silas the Outlaw

  Silas the Beast

  Devil's Crucifix MC

  Born Biker

  Bloody Biker

  Atoned Biker

  Midnight's Hounds MC


  Shotgun's Bullet

  Shotgun's Shaft

  Savage Hearts MC


  Slash and Burn

  Slash and Dominate

  War Choppers MC


  Jet's Bride

  Jet's Wrath

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Also By Vivian Gray

  Born Sinner: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Blood Ravens MC Book 1)

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Sign up for Vivian Gray's Mailing List

  Further Reading: Inked Sinner

  Also By Vivian Gray

  Born Sinner: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Blood Ravens MC Book 1)

  By Vivian Gray

  I was born to break girls like her.

  I PLANNED TO MAKE HER beg for mercy.

  But Maria took me by surprise.

  I’ve been a bad man, a born sinner since Day 1.

  But with her... there might be hope for redemption.


  I don’t believe in love.

  A cheating ex cured me of that stupid delusion.

  In her wake, she left seething rage and a death wish.

  And now, it’s time to get my revenge.

  Because the woman who broke my heart has a younger sister...

  And a father who’s the head of the biggest cartel in the state.

  So why not use the innocent girl to destroy the guilty man?

  I’ve spent years doing anything that my club, the Blood Ravens MC, needs me to do.

  I collect debts, break skulls, enforce the outlaw’s brand of justice.

  Compared to all those dirty jobs, this is going to be pure and sweet.

  But Maria isn’t the cruel cartel princess I expected her to be.

  She’s too smart, too sexy.

  And when she says she wants to help us bring down her father, I don’t know what to do.

  Can my enemy’s daughter be trusted?


  They took me.

  Or rather, he took me.


  He chained me to a bed, made me his.

  And deep down, I loved it.

  But afterwards, I begged to know what he wanted from me.

  Or more importantly, from my father.

  That sick, cruel father of mine who wanted to bar me from my dreams.

  The father I’m desperate to make pay for his crimes.

  So when Blade told me what they planned to do, I offered to help.

  I helped the man who kidnapped me.


  Because, for the first time, I felt like I mattered.

  Maybe I’m being stupid and naïve.

  Maybe, all the biker sees when he looks at me is a silly girl, a midnight plaything, too distracted by his brawny shoulders and his prowess in bed to realize I meant nothing to him.

  But maybe – just maybe – he feels what I’m feeling, too.

  That’s all I can hope for.

  Because I didn’t want to fall for the man who took me.

  I just wanted to be free.

  But I’m learning now that freedom has a price.

  And that price might just be my heart.

  Chapter One


  Once upon a time, I was pretty chill. I didn’t like to get in fights, and I’d never even taken a punch. But that was a long time ago. Flash forward to the present – where I’m wailing on a dirtbag from the city who owes the Blood Ravens money.

  That’s my MC, the Blood Ravens. We’re your pretty typical motorcycle club – guys looking to advance and guys who’ve already advanced, fixing up bikes by day and slinging shit where we have to by night. And we collect when we’re due money, as I’m doing right now. I’m the club enforcer, the guy who the top guys count on to get shit done. I go by Blade.

  Currently, I’m fist-to-teeth with some sorry son of a bitch who owes us a cool ten Gs. He seems to have lost it – “misplaced it” actually, is the phrase he used. But I don’t have time for this shit. When you owe, you pay up – that’s what my old man taught me, one of the few lessons he stuck around to tell me. Which is just as well; I learned most of what I needed to on my own anyway.

  “Come on, Blade,” the guy, Brett, whimpers through the bloody mess that is his mouth. “You know I’m good for the money. I’ll get it to you. I swear to God, I will.”

  “That’s the thing, Brett,” I say serenely, taking my time. I rather enjoy this part of the job – if we’re being completely honest. “I don’t know you’re good for the money. I assumed you were good for the money, but when I came to collect, you didn’t have anything for me. So how am I to assume that you’re good for the money when I come to collect and you don’t have the money?”

  “B-because you – you kn-know me, man!” he exclaims, shuddering in fear. “And – and I’ll give you whatever I have, okay? What I’ve got, it’s – it’s yours. Will that – will that do it for you?” He spits on the ground, nothing but blood, and shakes again, looking timid and afraid.

  I stroke my chin thoughtfully and grin at him. “You know, it just might. What have you got to offer me?”

  “I can give you five thousand in cash.” He pulls himself straight up and heads towards the safe I know he has hidden behind a portrait of himself with a woman, probably his wife or girlfriend. “Plus some collateral.”

  “Collateral?” I ask, almost amused. “Come on now, Brett, unless it’s something I can give to Crusher and the boys back at my HQ, ‘collateral’ ain’t gonna do shit for me. The only thing we’re really interested in is cold, hard cash. That’s the only thing we can trade in, ain’t it?”

  “What about this?” he asks as he opens up the safe and pulls out a rock of a ring. Looks like Brett’s been planning on getting engaged. “This is worth at least six grand, man. And you can hold it until I get you the rest of the money.”

  “Brett,” I say patiently, “in all honesty, what the actual fuck are you thinking of anyway? We’re a motorcycle crew, not a
fucking pawnshop! So here’s what you can do. You can go down to the pawnshop up the street and see what you can get for it. Pray it’s five grand or more. Then, you can come back here, pay me, and I’ll be on my way. How does that sound?”

  “Aw, come on, Blade,” he pleads, “have a heart. I trust you more than some janky-ass pawnshop with this ring. I wanna... I’m getting engaged, man.”

  “To the girl in the photo?” I ask.

  He nods. “Her name’s Sandy,” he stupidly tells me. “We’ve been together five years. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

  “That’s a very sweet story, Brett. And if she’s been with your scummy ass for five years, I’m guessing she ain’t going anywhere. So why don’t you take that ring, go down to the pawnshop, and come back here when you’ve got my goddamn money?”

  Brett looks at me forlornly, but he says nothing. Instead, he puts the ring in his pocket and walks out the door.

  I gaze around the apartment for a while. After ten minutes, I help myself to a beer out of the fridge and check my watch. This bastard is taking forever. I’m halfway through my second beer when he finally manages to come traipsing through the door.

  “Well, I’ve got your money,” he says, an undercurrent of viciousness in his voice.

  He goes to the safe and grabs what’s left in there, then counts it all in front of me, all the way up to ten thousand dollars.

  I open up a manila envelope and stuff the bills in there.

  “Been a pleasure doing business with you, Brett,” I say, smiling from ear to ear. He doesn’t respond. “Aw, cheer up,” I add, almost mocking him with consolation. “Sandy may not have the ring, but she’s got you. And it’s better that she has you alive without a ring than dead with one, don’t you think?”

  He shrugs. “Does this mean you’ll be leaving me alone now?” he asks, almost as an afterthought.

  “As far as the Blood Ravens are concerned,” I reassure him, “you’re squared away. But I suggest you not come knocking on our door anytime soon. As you now know, we collect.”

  “Yeah, I got that part,” he says quietly.

  Seeing nothing more to do or say to the guy, I walk out the door with the manila envelope, whistling an aimless tune to myself as I go. I head out to the street, then cut down to the alley where I’ve parked my bike.

  The next thing I know, I’m on the ground with a lump on my head and a splitting headache. I look up to see three guys hovering over me, thrashing me. Sons of bitches must’ve jumped me. I take cover under my arms for a moment as they continue kicking and punching me until I’m able to get my bearings and sweep the feet out from one of them.

  That’s my opening. I swiftly turn around and smack one of them right in the jaw, then turn and kick the third guy in the gut with the side of my foot, a powerful blast that sends him stumbling across the alley and into some garbage cans. The guy I initially tripped up is now back on his feet, and he comes at me.

  I manage to dodge his fist, but I miss his left hand, where he’s holding a knife. He stabs me once, not too deep, but enough to make shit really uncomfortable for me. Without thinking, I swing for his face and connect, sending two teeth flying out of his mouth.

  I don’t hesitate to do what has to be done next: I jump on my bike and ride through the alley, half-expecting the bastards to give chase. They don’t – but that’s when I realize that they’ve taken the manila envelope full of money that I was bringing to Crusher, the Blood Ravens’ boss.

  “Fuck!” I curse to myself as I ride. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  When I get back to HQ, I go immediately to Crusher’s office.

  “Boss,” I tell him, “we’ve got a problem.”

  “How’d it go with that delinquent Brett?” he asks me serenely.

  “Fine, fine,” I tell him. “I got the money, but—”

  “Blade, are you bleeding?”

  I look down at my shirt, which is seeping with red and oozing just a little bit. “Yeah,” I reply thoughtfully. “I suppose I am a little bit. But Crusher, listen—”

  “No, man, first things first. We gotta get you cleaned up.”

  I go with him to the first aid room where we keep our bandages and antiseptic – all the kinds of things you’d need in an MC dealing with the kind of shit we deal with.

  “So what happened?” Crusher asks as I bandage myself up. “Brett get a little feisty on you?”

  “No, boss, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I got jumped.”

  “Jumped?” Crusher asks in disbelief. “By whom?”

  “Not one hundred percent sure. But I have a funny feeling it was the Espinozas.”

  “The Espinozas?” he asks, dumbfounded. “What the fuck kind of business would they have on that side of town?”

  “Shaking me down, for one,” I tell him. “They got the ten Gs I got off Brett. Took it right out from under me.”

  “One of them took you down?”

  “No, boss, that’s what I’m saying. There were three of them. They knew I was there. They’re clearly keeping an eye out for us now.”

  “Well, what the fuck would they be doing that for?”

  “The only reason I can think of is that they’re moving in on our territory now.”

  “You still keep in touch with Carmen?”

  I hesitate. Carmen, my ex, is an Espinoza sister. She and I were a pretty hot item once upon a time. But that time came to a close as the Blood Ravens grew ascendant and before the Espinozas had consolidated their power in the drug trade. I hadn’t heard hide nor tail from her in over a year. Which was just as well; the bitch had broken my heart.

  I don’t tell Crusher any of this, however. Instead, I just say, “Not recently, no,” and look down at the ground to cover up whatever I might be feeling.

  “Well, I don’t give a shit,” Crusher tells me. “Whatever the case, Juan Espinoza and his merry band of fuckwads have gone too far this time. You don’t steal from the Blood Ravens! Son of a bitch should know that! I think... I think the time has come to do something drastic, my friend. Something that’s gonna get the attention of all those sons of bitches.”

  “What are you thinking, boss? Juan keeps a close eye on all his shit. We can’t just go in and hit one of his storehouses or whatever.”

  “No, we can’t, can we? But what if... now hear me out, Blade... what if we weren’t to hit his storehouses? What if we were to hit him where it really hurts?”

  “What are you saying?” I ask, now very interested. “Are you thinking of going after Juan himself?”

  Crusher shakes his head. “No, that will never do,” he explains. “Juan will have his guards everywhere. We need a soft spot. A weak link, if you will. And who’s the weak link of the Espinoza clan? Who’s gonna sing for us if we need them to sing?”

  I shake my head in confusion. Then, suddenly, something occurs to me.

  “Boss, you’re not thinking of going after Carmen Espinoza, are you?” I ask, almost horrified at the notion. “Because she’s a smart girl. Too smart to get caught. If I were thinking along those lines, I’d honestly think the better one to go after would be... her little sister, Maria.”

  “That’s the ticket, fella,” Crusher remarks, grinning. “From what I understand, Maria is a little bit more independent-minded. She doesn’t like being told what to do. And if there’s anything her father likes doing, it’s telling other people what to do.”

  “Maria is strong-headed,” I tell him, “and she’s strong-willed, too. But what do you expect to do? Just pick her up off the street? Head her off after school?”

  “We need to bide our time, Blade,” he explains patiently. “We need to exercise extreme caution and patience. We need to be very, very careful. But we need to track the Espinozas’ every movement. If we do that, we’ll learn exactly where Maria is going to be.”

  “And you think that’ll get into Juan’s head?”

  “I do,” he says succinctly.

  And that’s that. Once C
rusher has come up with a plan, it’s up to the rest of the guys in the crew to execute it.

  This sits very, very well with me. For one, if we’re successful, we can get that bastard, Juan Espinoza, to back off our territory and stop selling his sloppy-ass drugs in our area. That’s ours; he doesn’t get to hone in on it just because he’s a top seller – or thinks he is. But more importantly, picking up Maria will allow me to get a little revenge on Carmen.

  Back in the day, Carmen and I were quite an item. I’d never been in love before, and I haven’t been since. She was beautiful – long black hair, legs that went all the way down to the floor, and an ass that simply would not quit – but she was also a part of her dad’s inner circle. That proved to be a sticking point when I started rising up in the ranks of the Blood Ravens.

  The Blood Ravens and the Espinozas weren’t rivals, per se, but they definitely weren’t on the best of terms. The final straw had come when Carmen had asked me to leave the Blood Ravens because that her father wouldn’t let her see someone like me. I told her I couldn’t – this was my crew, my family – so instead, she told me we couldn’t see each other anymore.

  I was heartbroken, and I knew that I would never feel the same way about anyone ever again.

  And two weeks later, she was in the arms of some other guy who her dad didn’t approve of, and they were married.

  So yeah, the idea of getting some revenge on Carmen was pretty damned appealing. And getting revenge on her piece of shit father, too, made it all the better. I was in for this, whatever the cost.

  Chapter Two


  “Maria? Maria, are you even listening to me? Maria?” My father’s voice intoned over the music playing in my room.

  “Not particularly. No, dad,” I tell my father, who’s standing in my doorway seemingly insistent on making my life a living hell.

  Dad sighs and yells over the music, “Could you at least – could you at least turn that shit down, Maria? Come on.”


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