Smuggler's Luck

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Smuggler's Luck Page 6

by S. W. Gunn

  Trying to calm them Jarron said, “Hain she’s only half Eal’tain.”

  Hain asked in shock, “You knew?”

  “Yes but why should it matter?” He answered.

  Hain grunted at Jarron before turning to Dalain and saying, “Cousin had I known I woulda come here.”

  Jarron was very flustered. Her father, who she had not known, abandoned her as a small child and yet Jarron’s own friend acted as though she was his personal enemy because of that relationship. He told both of the Kalan her whole story that she had told him and Feligrin aboard the Keg.

  After a long silence Dalain finally spoke, “Very well. I ain’t overly happy about it all but she has human blood and the lad here seems to be enamored with her so she can stay for now.”

  Jarron could sense relief coming from Elyse.

  “Why do you have issue with the Eal’tain?” Feligrin asked.

  Dalain thoughtfully rubbed his beard for a moment before speaking, “Decades before we met the humans, we made contact with the Eal’tain. We attempted to forge a tradin’ alliance with ‘em, like we did later with the humans an Brumkin. The Eal’tain refused, instead they offered to trade knowledge, knowledge which they judged at various levels of value based on their opinion. Needless to say, the Kalan got the short end o’ the measurin’ stick. Just after they left, citizen of Kala-a-Karum contracted an unusual disease that none o’ the doctors could cure. Thousands of Kalan died before we could resolve the issue. Since that day no Eal’tain has been allowed to step foot on Kalan controlled territory.”

  Feligrin nodded grimly at his story.

  Elyse said, “Dalain I would never do anything to hurt friends of Jarron, Feligrin or Hain. They saved me from my prison. Plus if it helps, I haven’t ever met my father, or any other Eal’tain. For all purposes, outside of my ears, I am a human.”

  Dalain nodded firmly. Jarron heard Hain grunt and turned to see him looking very unhappily in his direction. The look was a mixture of disappointment and frustration.

  Locking eyes with Hain Jarron said firmly, “I didn’t know it would be an issue, but if you want her to leave, I’ll be going with her.”

  She squeezed his hand softly at his proclamation.

  Dalain announced, “No worries lad, the lass is welcome in my hall. Now ‘bout dis business with the robed human you described. I’ve already sent feelers out an once I get somethin’ I’ll let ya know. For now, you’ll stay here an once we know what’s goin’ on we can plan the next move.”

  After a pause he stood up and announced, “Well friends, enjoy the meal. I must go run a planet.”

  He walked quickly out the hall. They all began to eat in silence. Jarron could tell immediately that Hain was still very unhappy with him because he ate his meal in complete silence and only drank the one mug of ale.

  As they finished the meal Feligrin turned to Jarron and asked, “Whatcha gonna do now Jarron?”

  “Honestly I’m quite tired. I think I’m gonna get some sleep.” He told Feligrin.

  No one said another word as they all rose from the table and slowly walked back to their individually assigned rooms. Jarron closed the door and stripped off his shirt. He climbed into the bed and pulled up a blanket up to his abdomen. Usually Kalan did not care about comfort, many of them sleeping on wood or even stone slabs, but this bed was extremely comfortable so he was quite impressed with it. He suspected that it was a guest bed intended for any human guests that Dalain might have in his dealings as ruler of the planet. Jarron’s eyes began to flicker as a deep sleep overcame him.

  Chapter 5

  Almost as soon as Jarron faded off to sleep his mind began slip into a dream. He found himself in the cockpit of the Keg, at the controls. Hain was sitting at weapons control with Feligrin sitting next to Jarron and, oddly enough, Elyse sitting behind him. They had nothing but open space in front of them. Twisting the controls he sent the ship into a wide spinning barrel roll. As the ship started on a sharp spin Hain grunted, Feligrin howled in glee and Jarron could hear Elyse behind him gasp at the sudden turn. Grinning widely, he turned the ship out of the spinning barrel roll and into a soft curve. Once he hit the apex of the curve he had a feeling that someone was watching him. As he continued to fly the ship the sense of being watched grew in intensity. It began to overwhelm him. Jarron startled awake to see Elyse sitting in a nearby chair watching him as he slept.

  She said bashfully, “Sorry I just couldn’t sleep, so I came here. You were sleeping so peacefully that I just couldn’t bring myself to wake you. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Jarron rolled over from his back and turned to his side to face her, with his head resting on a pillow.

  “No I was dreaming but I’m glad you’re here.” He told her.

  She asked, “What were you dreaming about?”

  With a wide grin he replied, “I was flying the Keg and was doing some of my favorite tricks.”

  She chuckled before asking him, “You really love to fly don’t you?”

  He nodded at her before stating, “It has been something that reached out to me even as a small child. I would sit in my room as a boy staring out into the night’s sky wishing I was out there flying a ship.”

  She stood from the chair and then moved directly next to his bed before sitting down on the floor next to where his head was. They were now at eye level with each other as she was sitting near him.

  “Jarron,” She said softly, “I’m very worried about where we’re headed. I’ve never felt this way about anyone and the fact it’s all happening so fast scares me.”

  “I know what you mean because it’s as frightening to me as it is you. I’ve never felt this way either but I can tell you that I’m not going anywhere.” He said to her as a way to try and reassure her.

  She smiled widely at his words. Jarron reached out with his left hand and softly placed it against her cheek which she responded to be grabbing his hand that was touching her cheek.

  “Is it okay if I stay here with you? I can’t sleep in my room.” She asked.

  He nodded at her. She stood up and slowly climbed over him onto the empty half of the bed. Jarron rotated onto his back. He felt her moving on the bed as she lifted the blanket that was on him and then moved next to him. She tucked her head through his left arm and then gently rested her head on his shoulder. Heat from her body radiated intensely around him as she rested her arm on his bare chest and then pulled her body as close as she could to him. He lifted his left hand up and began softly stroking her hair. It was as he ran his fingers through her hair that his fingers touched her pointed ear for the first time. He found himself fascinated by it. He softly ran his finger along the edge of her ear. She laughed as he continued to touch her ear.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked her.

  Cheer was in her voice as she answered, “People are always fascinated by my ears. You don’t know how many times people have asked to touch them. Honestly you’re the first person who has touched them without asking since I was a small child.”

  He removed his hand from her ear and said shamefully, “I’m sorry, I just had never felt anything like them. I’ll stop.”

  She shook her head and said, “Please don’t stop, when you touch me it feels wonderful.”

  He grinned and then with a roguish smile he told her, “I can think of many things that feel wonderful.”

  She laughed at his words.

  “Good night Jarron.”

  “Good night.”

  He started to once again softly touch her pointed ear. After only a few minutes he could hear her even deep breathing, which let him know that she had fallen asleep. He quickly fell asleep as well.

  * * * * *

  The next morning Jarron awoke to feel her still snuggled up against him. She was awake and looking up at him. He smiled as they caught eyes.

  She said, “Good morning.”

  “To you as well. I have to say that waking up to your beautiful face has to be the best way to start an
y morning.” He replied.

  She flushed slightly and then kissed him. The kiss started off soft but then grew in passion. Elyse pressed herself into him and began running her hands along the sides of his bare chest. Jarron wrapped his arms around her and slowly pulled her onto him. He softly caressed her arms as he kissed her. Suddenly she pulled away and rolled off the bed.

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  She nodded before saying, “Yes, I’m just not ready for that.”

  “Alright, we’ll take things a little slower.” He told her.

  She sat down on the bed. He sat up, moved behind her, slid one leg on each of her sides and then pulled her closely next to him. She rested her back against his chest.

  Jarron asked her, “When you were at that church what did you think you’d end up doing with your life?”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and answered, “Honestly I just planned to continue healing people and doing good deeds. How about you?”

  Jarron chuckled because doing good deeds was not on his normal to-do list.

  He answered, “All I ever do is kinda live one day at a time. Since I met Hain all we’ve done is go from one planet to another delivering whatever we were hired to ship. It’s been both exciting and more than a bit dangerous at times. We’ve had our ups and downs but we always seem to come out on top in the end.”

  She nodded thoughtfully and then asked, “How did you meet Hain and Feligrin?”

  “It’s a bit of a story.” He replied.

  She giggled and stated, “I can sit here in your arms all day.”

  He laughed. He softly ran his hands along each of her arms just below the sleeves of the shirt that she wore.

  “I wouldn’t mind that either.” He told her before starting his story, “About seven years ago I was just a crazy sixteen year old boy. I was wild, running around causing trouble and driving my parents insane. My father had the last straw when I stole a sporting conveyance for a joy ride. I totaled it, along with about five other ones. My father disowned me and kicked me out of the house so I spent my time bouncing from one friend’s house to another. After about two months of that I decided to get a job piloting since it was the only thing that I could do. It didn’t take long to get a job, which I completed pretty quickly. I hopped from job to job for at least a year. Just about six years ago I was finishing up a job and sitting in a bar waiting for my contact. Sitting across the bar from me was a gruff Kalan male, Hain. After an hour or so of waiting my contact showed up, he was a real large and mean human from the Mars Base. Built like a tank and a surly attitude to boot. He sat next to me and said ‘Little man that shipment was there, but it was a bit roughed up.’ I told him that maybe his goons should have packed it better or something like that. He got pretty upset and threatened to cut my pay in half, which pissed me off so I told him off.”

  Jarron paused to catch his breath and then continued his story, “The man stood up and grabbed me by the collar. He then picked me off my feet and began threatening to kill me. He tossed me halfway across the bar. Just then Hain’s voice boomed out a warning to the man. The man turned to him and threatened Hain. He again warned the man. The man charged at Hain, who dodged his attack and then bashed the man upside his head with a maul-rifle. It only took one hit for Hain to drop the man and knock him out. Hain helped me to my feet and I thanked him. He asked what was happening so I told him the whole story. After a long discussion we went into business and we have been partners ever since.”

  Jarron looked at Elyse and saw that she turned her head to face him and was paying close attention to his entire story.

  “What about Feligrin? How did you meet him?” She asked.

  Jarron grinned and then answered, “That’s a much easier story. Hain and I had been partners for almost a little bit under six years. We took a long term supply job from several planets that restock the Deep Space Station called Whitmire 5. The job lasted several months and at the end of the contract we stopped at the small pub on the station. Feligrin was our waiter. He badly wanted to leave the station so we brought him with us. We always seemed to be a few hands short many times so it was an easy decision. He has been with us for just a few weeks.”

  As he finished his story he saw that she was staring deeply into his eyes. He returned her gaze and was hit with a sudden sense of nervousness. He was unsure if that was her or him. Reaching out with his hand he softly stroked her cheek.

  She smiled at him as she announced, “We should probably go to the dining hall and get some breakfast.”

  “I suppose we should.” He told her with a sly grin.

  In a sudden movement he twisted her slightly and then looped his arms under her armpits, before lifting her up and rotating her until she was facing him. He then guided her legs down alongside his hips and shifted her so she was sitting on his lap, facing him. At first she appeared shocked at his quick movement but then laughed loudly. Jarron found her laugh to be delightful to hear. Using his right hand, he slowly brushed her hair that had whipped across her face out of his way and then softly kissed her on the neck. He could feel the goose bumps rising on her skin as he gently kissed her. After letting him kiss her neck for some time Elyse tilted his chin so their eyes met.

  She gave him a soft kiss on the lips and then stated, “Okay, you need to stop that before we get ourselves in trouble.”

  “But trouble is my middle name.”

  She laughed at his comment, softly stroked his cheek with her hand and then asked, “Where do you think we are headed?”

  “No idea,” He said, “But I like the direction.”

  He kissed her softly on the lips yet again.

  A knock came rapping on the door, followed by Feligrin’s voice, “Jarron are there?”

  “Yes Feligrin, what’s up?” Jarron said loudly..

  “Dalain wants us all to meet him for breakfast.” Feligrin declared through the door.

  He replied, “Okay.”

  Through the door Feligrin said, “If you see Elyse please let her know too.”

  She chuckled.

  “Will do bud.” Jarron called out.

  He turned back to her and said, “Okay, let’s get ready and go get some breakfast.

  She nodded at him but did not move. Jarron pulled her closer and gave her a firm hug, which she responded to by hugging him.

  “Okay, let’s go.” He said.

  She gave him a pretend pouty face and then laughed before standing up.

  Jarron told her, “Don’t worry, we’ll finish this later.”

  She smiled widely at him. Jarron grabbed his shirt, which he put on quickly. He walked into the restroom and took care of his hygiene before returning to the bedroom. Elyse was sitting in a chair near a mirror and slowly brushing her hair with his brush. He found himself entranced by her slow and methodical movement. She caught sight of him watching her in the mirror. She gave him a wide smile before standing and walking up to him. Slowly she circled around him and began softly brushing the end of his long ponytail.

  “How long did it take you to grow your hair this long?” She asked.

  “I started right before I met Hain. Originally it was just laziness but Hain insisted I let it grow out like a proper Kalan so I figured to give it a try. After a while I found that my long hair made me stand out,” He blushed as he said the next part, “With the ladies at various ports that we would go to.”

  She laughed at his comment and then said, “You don’t see too many men with hair halfway down their back, especially good looking ones like you.”

  It was unusual for him but he found himself greatly pleased at hearing her compliment.

  “Ya, I’ve really grown to like it.” He stated.

  “Lemme put it into a braid.”

  “Okay, have at it.” He told her with a chuckle.

  She guided him into a sitting position on the bed and then climbed onto her knees behind him. She then removed the two bindings that he used to hold his hair in place. Slow
ly and evenly she ran the brush through his hair, making sure to break up the occasional knot that she found. Once she finished brushing his hair she slowly began the process of making one long braid that extended from the base of his skull to the end of his hair. After she finished she stood up and circled the bed until she was in front of him.

  “Not bad,” She said, “Let’s see how it looks, stand up.”

  He stood up as she instructed.

  She rubbed her chin in thought before declaring, “Something isn’t quite right.”

  She reached around him and grabbed the braid, which she then lifted it up and gently draped it over his shoulder.

  “Much better.” She stated.

  “Ready to go eat?” Jarron asked.


  “What else do you need to do?”

  She pulled him closer and gave him a deep kiss.

  As soon as he started to bring his arms around her she stepped away from him and stated, “Alright, now I am ready to go eat.”

  He laughed at her as he opened the door to let her step out. Once he left the room he closed the door behind him. As they slowly walked down the hallway Elyse reached out and held his hand. Jarron glanced over at her and gave her a broad smile, which she returned. He again had to force himself to look away as they walked. As they approached the dining hall they could hear the raucous sound of laughter echoing through the hallway.

  Elyse said, “Sounds like they are much happier today.”

  Jarron nodded at her. When they entered the dining hall Hain, Dalain, two Kalan that Jarron didn’t know and Feligrin looked at them.

  Dalain bellowed out, “Jarron my lad, I’m happy to see ya made it out alive. I wager you’ve had a busy night eh?”

  All of the Kalan laughed uproariously at his words. Jarron tried his best not to be embarrassed, although he was certain he failed. He casually escorted Elyse at the same chairs that they sat in the night before and then tucked in her chair as she sat down. Once she was sitting he took a seat.

  Hain examined him closely before saying, “Lad what happened to your hair?”


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