Player Reached the Top. LitRPG Series. Book II

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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG Series. Book II Page 18

by Scar, Rick

  Raven applied Inspection to see whom exactly he faced. They were his enemies, so he was not concerned about being impolite.

  Name: Monsieur Lonius en Baskar VI

  Level: 57

  Name: Paul es Galaker II

  Level: 35

  The third noble, the one with the kerchief, apprehensive of touching other people, the ground, and anything that could soil him, was Drogo er Cavalini.

  “Please, young king! We’ve underestimated your resolution. Please let us explain everything. I’m a brother to the late king, Julier en Baskar X.”

  Stunned at hearing that, Will kept his grip on the hostage. Despite this NPC’s low level, the rogue was not going to underestimate him. “Come on.”

  “I’m uncomfortable talking like this.”

  “You should’ve thought about that before ambushing me.”

  “That was no ambush. Just a test to expose a spy if they pretended to be you. Things have been chaotic since the princess came back. Crowds of spies tried to infiltrate us, disguised as her suitors. As the princess’s uncle, I had to make sure it was really you.”

  “Make sure by killing him?” Daltaro smiled, keeping his aim at the other noble.

  “No. No. Our court wizard has invented a potion removing any disguise below legendary rank. Although we only have a tiny quantity, it would suffice for a couple of usages.”

  “And you had no other time and place to use it?” Will asked his hostage sarcastically.

  “Galaker gave us a few reasons for… Hey, wait. Why did we have to come here, really?” Lonius en Baskar seemed to suddenly wake from a dream, struggling to recollect why exactly they had obeyed this man.

  “Daltaro! Shoot his right leg!” Will shouted, wheeling around and throwing Air Knife at the left leg of the man taking flight. The archer’s arrow was faster, making another wound in the poor noble’s body. “Hey, what’s going on here?”

  Releasing his grip on Monsieur Baskar and squatting next to the shot man who was down, squealing, the rogue twirled his dagger, unsure of how to begin the talk. The sprawled noble apparently had his reasons to oppose Will, and those reasons were probably related to Princess Nanel.

  “I think I can explain that.” Putting himself in order, Lonius approached the wounded Galaker. “Using us was his attempt to get rid of a rival. He doped us with an intoxicating powder forbidden in our country. He might have succeeded if you were weaker.”

  “A rival in what? Is he after the throne?” Will winced mentally.

  “Fortunately, he isn’t. But he’s been in love with the princess since his early years. He spent a fortune on finding her when she ran away. And now she comes back to tell she’s going to marry some White Raven. That seemed to drive him mad with jealousy.”

  “So he’s a rejected lover?” Raven sighed with relief.

  “Forgive me, young king-to-be, but if that’s your real face, and you are telling truth, please let me use the disguise-removing potion on you.”

  “You’d be better not to waste such a rare potion. Do you know what this is?” Will stood, showing his messenger ring to the other man.

  “Sure I do. My dear Nanel has mentioned you are a messenger. No need to waste the potion then, really. Better take it. You may use it later. It is good for removing any disguise, not only those used by Latians.

  You have collected an item

  Name: Dissolver of Lies

  Rank: Rare

  Removes any disguise or illusion below legendary level.

  Application: Pour over the target

  Effect: Instant

  “Um, thanks,” Raven said, putting the potion into his inventory. “But what are we to do with your jealous friend?”

  “He behaves like a raving lunatic, but I’d rather not have him killed. The wounds he got today will be a lasting reminder of his stupid attempt at you both.”

  “She WILL be mine!” the man lying in the pool of blood screamed between squeals of pain.

  “Um.” Will squinted. He would rather not have any jealous, enraged idiot behind his back. Such a man could cause a lot of trouble.

  Better kill him—but not where the late king’s brother and my possible in-law can see it. Damn! I should’ve done that during the fight, using the moment. Although… what can stop me now?

  “I’d rather not have a man playing dirty tricks such as these behind my back. Please forgive me, dear king’s brother, but he deserves a place in the other world.”

  “If you kill him, you will be opposed by the majority of nobles.”

  “Opposed? In what way?” Will knew little about in-game politics. He’d rather ask stupid questions now that face serious problems later.

  “They will rebel.”

  “What if”—Raven made a vague gesture—“what if… and this is just a suggestion… I kill all rebels? What happens then?”

  “The nation will be plunged in chaos. The noble families are the pillars of our order.”

  “Well. Can I put him in prison then? For his attempt at my life? Two months will be enough.” That would win Raven enough time to discover a more permanent way of removing this princess-obsessed obstacle from the picture.

  “I can assist you with that. But the most I can promise is a week in prison.”

  “Thank you. I think I can sort it out myself.”

  “Hey! What should we do with these bodies?” Their talk was intervened by the mercenaries who’d been silent before.

  “Forget them. You may leave.” Lonius waved a hand, dismissing the soldiers. Muttering something under their breath, they walked in different directions.

  “So it was not a single company?”

  “Sure it wasn’t. Galaker is not the sort who can convince skilled mercenaries to join such a weird scheme. That rare, forbidden powder… well, he was wise enough to use it on us and not anyone else.”

  “I still don’t get it. Why did he need two more nobles here, one of them the late king’s brother?”

  “That’s a no-brainer. Having us witness your death, he would have escaped persecution.”

  “He’ll face no serious consequences over his failed attempt either, will he?”

  “The main thing is that everyone is alive… except for the mercenaries.” Monsieur Baskar smirked, glancing at the dead bodies.

  “You’re right. I think it’s time for me to meet the princess, before anyone else tries to kill me.”

  Chapter 123. Is This My New Role?!

  L ooking back at this incident, Will wondered if he should have let his demon servant out then. That would have solved the problem instantly.

  The Khalapheer was asleep inside the crystal. Will had learned about this option when taking the first look at his servant’s stats. The monster’s description had the Summon/Dismiss button. The dismissed servant was placed into the crystal to sleep there until the next summons.

  This convenient option eliminated the need for Will to have all subjugated creatures dogging his steps wherever he went. Putting the Khalapheer into the crystal, he could use it as a trump card in his future battles…

  … if he didn’t forget he had it, sure.


  Will and Daltaro reached the palace with nothing more to report. They were able to get in only because they personally knew the guards and their captain, Emin de Folker. The two were instantly recognized and brought to their friend’s familiar office where they saw him poring over papers.

  “What’s come to you, Captain?” Will asked, waving a hand from the doorway. “How did a soldier become an office drudge?”

  Seeing those who’d saved his country and opened his eyes to the terror inside the palace, the captain smiled faintly. “It’s been a long time, Raven,” he said, coming to meet them. “Daltaro.”

  Shaking their hands, Emin paid attention to the rogue’s appearance. “What’s up with your eyes?”

  “Is there something wrong with them?” Will frowned.

  Daltaro coughed. “Um, Captain. He’s just bad at
using mascara. He borrowed it from my girlfriend but took no advice on how to apply it… and here’s the result.”

  “Huh?” Emin stared at the adventurer in confusion. “What sort of mascara is that?”

  “Daltaro,” Will drawled, squinting one eye. “I hate it when you talk like that. What damn mascara? And what is so damn wrong with my eyes?”

  “That’s all your fault, Captain. As one wanderer whom I met in the south used to say, ‘He who does not know the truth has more freedom than he who knows’. Now I’ll have to show him the truth, putting a burden on his shoulders.” Moaning and groaning affectedly, Daltaro took Will by the shoulder, nudging him towards the nearest mirror.

  This was the first time Will had seen his full-height reflection in the game. Peering from the mirror was his familiar real-world face, albeit modified slightly by the encoder. His short black hair and… and golden eyes with vertical pupils surrounded by tiny scales. Will was surprised by how well it looked with all the rest. Turning his head slightly to make sure it was his reflection indeed, Raven smiled a wry smile. “So that’s what changed after the challenge. Why didn’t you tell me right away?”

  “I was unsure of how you’d respond.” The archer shrugged. “Now that you’ve had a good look of yourself, and of the captain too, isn’t it the time to see your fiancée?”

  “Oh. You are here to visit the princess? I totally forgot that. Let me accompany you to her chambers. Maybe you’ll tell me briefly about your new adventures on the way. I have a couple of things to share too. Please come.” Emin pointed towards the door. Glancing back at his desk, he lingered, as though trying to recall if he had forgotten any other important thing, then he followed the friends.


  Their walk to Nanel’s chambers was short. Approaching the door, they heard loud metal thumps on wood and the girl’s panting.

  Standing at the door were four stern men with excellent-looking gear and arms. Spotting the visitors, they took battle stances, ready to attack. Their auras were powerful, their faces completely devoid of emotions, and their eyes focused on the guests. “The sixteenth of this month. What did you do on that day?”

  The rogue glanced at the captain, confused at the guards asking such a weird question. Then he remembered this country was teeming with the Swarm’s spies.

  “Um. Athra’s Day? I inspected my guardsmen at the square next to their barracks. Then |I worked with papers, ordering the swords for our next-month recruits. Then I had some rest, meeting my friend at a local tavern.”

  “Rill?” The guard asking the question turned to his comrade.

  “Everything is correct.”

  “Well.” The warrior smiled slightly. “Greetings, Captain. Who’s there with you?”

  “Ummm…” Will scratched his nose and winked twice, but eventually, he decided to ask the question: “What was that?”

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you. Our research on enemies brought its results. We’ve found out they can’t read our memory, so they can’t know when we did one thing or another. They know we did it, but they can’t say when. At least their spies of elite rank or below can’t do that.”

  “I see.” Will was not sure if this information would be of any use, so he just went in to meet his wife-to-be.


  When the door opened, the first thing the three of them saw was a wooden dummy and a practice rapier bashing it.

  The sweaty, panting Nanel continued her practice, paying no heed to the sound of the opening door. Her chambers looked like nothing Will expected of a royal lady or princess.

  Will exchanged glances with Daltaro. Seeing Emin shake his head and, making a how-I’m-tired-of-that face as he opened his mouth to call to the girl, Will smiled and stopped the captain. “Please, let me do it. I have prepared a good phrase just for this occasion.”

  Barely containing a laugh, Raven cleared his throat loudly and addressed the princess: “Hi, darling. What do we have for din—”

  Saying that with a broad smile, he was about to take the nearest seat, but things went wrong before he could even finish.

  The girl stopped instantly and, swinging broadly, threw a knife behind her back.

  She didn’t seem to have any knife a moment before!


  The rogue activated his skill that had been so helpful in avoiding Daltaro’s arrows, snatching at the dagger hilt a moment before its sharp tip would have hit his face.

  “Hey! I’m your husband-to-be! Why did you do that?”

  Will had expected nothing like that. It was good enough that he’d practiced this skill; now, this time paid him back by avoiding the blow that otherwise would have swept away more than a half of his health. The game characters’ head and neck were their most vulnerable spots—that’s why the rogue always targeted them in battle.

  “Raven? Master Daltaro? When did you arrive?”

  “Master? This one?” Throwing the dagger into the dummy, Will glanced at his companion ironically. “Why do you address him like that?”

  “Nanel. How many times do I have to say that? You should be in bed. You wound has not yet healed!” Emin extended his hand toward the princess. “Give me your blade. Now. Tell me: where do you keep getting these from? That’s the sixth one I’ve taken from you.”

  “But, master! If not for my practice, I’d already have been dead!” the girl protested, clutching the rapier to her chest and half turning away from the captain.

  “I’ve put more guards at your door. Two squads of four who never part, so none of them can get substituted. None of those pestering princes or aristocrat boys are now allowed in your chambers. You only see those who you absolutely need to. So lie down and get some rest. I’m telling you!” The captain started to grow angry, his hand still raised in the air.

  Raven lifted a hand to drive their attention and, getting it, he asked: “Was she attacked in the castle?”

  “Hush.” Crossing his arms, Emin watched Nanel who still held her rapier. “Yes. Unfortunately, she was. One of the guests turned out to be a spy who tried to kill her—for a reason only known to him.”

  “Um… er…” The princess was confused. “It could have been my words about marrying Raven? He attacked after hearing his name.”

  “Hey, wait. Where were the guards? Why was no one by her side?” Raven asked. How come she’s been wounded? I sent her here to avoid her falling victim to any random monster. I thought she’d be safe here.

  These questions apparently embarrassed the captain. After a pause, he replied: “It was another aristocrat with a marriage proposal. He said his son had long been in love with the princess, and he was the best match for her. Just what the hundreds of others said. We couldn’t get them all through a torture chamber, you know, so we just brought them into the hall one by one. And there… there he landed a blow to her before we killed him. It just happened so fast… If Nanel hadn’t been practicing, she would have been dead. I must admit that.” Glancing at the girl and scratching his chin, he continued. “She dodged a lethal blow to her heart. The two seconds she won saved her life.”

  “WHAT?” Raven chocked, hearing he’d been so close from losing his fastest and most efficient option for ascending the throne. He even broke into a sweat as he imagined what could have happened.

  Damn. Damn. Damn. I’ll have to stay by her side until I officially become the king. Holy crap. I fucking hate being anyone’s nanny!

  Chapter 124. The Heiress

  “W ill anyone tell me how do I become the kin… er… the husband of our beautiful princess?” Raven remembered what Emin had said about their awful bureaucracy making the princess run away. “What should I sign? Whom should I notify?”

  Hearing his question, Nanel was about to say something harsh, but instead, she shook her head and started to open the bureaucratic hell to Will.

  “For a start, we’ll have to get a permission from the royal elder. That’s a very ancient wizard who… whom only a suicidal person would approach by wil
l. We must obtain written consent from him and present it to the Council of Six. This council is responsible for all royal betrothals. They are not really influential but, getting their clearance, we’ll avoid any rumors and aristocratic requests to revise your appointment as… as my h-husband.” Nanel forced the last word out as if she still hated the very idea of their fake wedding. “The absence of any documents will no longer matter after you become the rightful king. But if it gets discovered before, we’ll be doomed to a lengthy investigation.”

  “Wait. Don’t you have an absolute monarchy? Why can’t the two of us just get married? You are the late king’s daughter. I’m your…” It took Raven some time to remember the proper word. “…your fiancé. You’ve made your choice, and that’s me. Who would dare to dispute it?”

  What Will had already heard was enough to make him itching to kill all those scribblers. The last thing he wanted was to follow all those crazy procedures.

  “The noble families do.” The captain smirked. “If you have all the documents, they won’t be able to challenge your rights legally. Their only option will be a rebellion. But to do that, they must be confident of victory and have strong support. Most likely they’ll have neither.”

  “What if anyone turns for help to… to the Swarm, say? Or even to the Holy Empire? What then?”

  “You’re making a mountain out of a molehill,” the captain said.

  “So you haven’t considered this option?”

  “We keep an eye on any nobles who can become enemies of the crown. No trouble will come from them.”

  “Just as none comes from those attacking the princess?” Will was not going to make a fatal mistake. Neither was he going to let Emin do it. “You do understand it is the nation at stake, Captain.” My nation. “And all its members. We can’t risk that much.”

  Although Raven was no politician, he was used to thinking a few steps ahead. His job as a negotiator taught him that. The job in which he’d gradually become very successful, being awarded a medal of honor.


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