The Chosen

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by Kaitlin Himmelstoss

  The Argent Brotherhood

  The Chosen

  Book 1

  By Kaitlin Himmelstoss

  Chapter 1

  “Wake up” she snapped as she slapped the side of his head.

  Leif was groggy and tired as he flinched back at his attacker. He didn’t want to get up. The thought was so undesirable to him in his current condition. His head spun and his stomach churned in disapproval.

  “Leave me be.” he muttered, pulling the heavy fur skin over his head.

  For a moment it was silent. The sound of nothing filled the room leaving him at peace. Did she leave? He prayed she did.

  The sound of fabric flapping in an abrupt manner broke the silence as piercing light magnified the dark room in brilliant yellow. Even though his head was stuffed under the skin, he could feel the heat warming his body.

  “Get up Leif, we don’t have time for this.” she snapped as she yanked the skin off him.

  He moaned and rolled over trying to shield his eyes. Even his eyelids couldn’t protect them from the morning sun that was now cascading into the room, chasing away every shadow that tried to linger.

  He had been out late. He was drinking as well. Two things he often avoided but nonetheless, last night he drank and wallowed in self-pity, loathing his life. What troubles did he face this morning that he would now regret?

  “You and Gorm really made a scene last night. Both of you need to get up and fix this now.”

  He lifted his arm from his face just enough to peek out and see his unrelenting attacker. Revna stood with her arms crossed staring at him. Her tall slim frame was covered in skin-tight leather, worn and comfortable. Her long dark curls hung around her shoulders, causing her pale skin to glow. She was beautiful, but deadly. At 30 years old she had mastered the skills of the small blades better than anyone Leif knew.

  Leif already knew it was her. He could tell by her aggressive attitude. She was a blade spinner, one of the best he had ever met. While only her two daggers were visible on her belt, she had several other sharp and deadly instruments she could whip out and dissect any man with in a matter of seconds. It was why Leif recruited her to his gang.

  “Revna you are fired.” he mumbled as he tried to roll back over.

  She drew a long breath and came over grabbing him by his boot. She yanked him hard and he slid off the bed partway. His body fumbled as it hung on the edge, teetering, as he flailed his arms out to brace himself. Eventually, gravity won and he slid off and thumped to the floor.

  He sat there a moment gaining his bearings. He was still fully clothed, wearing leather and cloth to his fitted and muscular frame. The only things he managed to remove before passing out on the bed last night was his belt. It sat in a lump in the corner of the room with his daggers and sword still attached.

  “You can’t fire me Leif. It takes three votes.”

  “Gorm will back me up if you woke him the same.” he wheezed out as he crawled to his knees.

  She stood over him with her arms crossed again. He glanced up and let out a slight laugh.

  “There is nothing humorous about this. Our reputation is on the line. You and Gorm may have damaged that reputation last night. You need to fix this.”

  He slowly stood up and rubbed his head. He couldn’t remember everything that happened. The alcohol and drunken state he had been in numbed everything, including his memories. He walked over unsteadily to the dresser where he splashed water on his face from the basin. He drew a deep breath and composed himself.

  “Alright, what happened?” he asked, now more awake.

  Revna let out a sigh and shook her head.

  “You punched Norman Therall in the face for starters, you were kissing Harold Karmen’s wife, you started a brawl over peanuts and you broke two windows, a chair and one table.”

  He looked at her a moment feeling the churning return to his stomach.

  “Norman Therall?” he said as his face grimaced.

  “Yes. He has a black eye.” she said firmly.

  Leif let out a defeated moan and walked over to his belt. He scooped it up and hastily strung it around his waist. He stopped and drew in a breath, preparing himself for the situation he would now have to face.

  “Is Gorm up?” he asked.

  “He’s downstairs, drinking.”

  He glanced up and shook his head. It was going to be a long day.

  Chapter 2

  Crown Bay was busy on this morning. The port near The Thumb was buzzing with activity as Leif, Revna and Gorm made their way down the cobblestone streets. The Thumb was always busy. It was the working part of the city, where the lower-class citizens strived and strained to make silver. The streets weren’t as clean and polished as The Springs. Even looking across the inlet, The Springs appeared to glow a golden hue. The wealthy and privileged resided there, in tiered houses and castles.

  The bay was filled with ships of all colors, sailing into Crown Bay to deliver and trade goods across Suloo. The continent was filled with many villages and cities in the southern half. It was desirable to trade as Crown Bay was the capital city of Suloo. Vanguard was the second largest kingdom just north of Crown Bay. Traders moved across the continent to earn their gold.

  The Thumb stuck out on a peninsula in the lower part of Crown Bay. The horseshoe shape of the inlet was fitting. The Royal Commons sat high up in the center of the bay. Its tall structures and magnificent castle walls surrounding it in great beauty. This was The Crown, the ruling government of Suloo. On either side, upper and lower, The Springs and The Thumb hugged the cove creating a protected barrier from the open sea.

  Leif and his two friends moved quickly. They needed to make amends with what occurred the previous night. Their reputation was on the line and this was their work, their only means of a living. They entered a small shop off the side of the street. Inside the air clung to thick pipe smoke that moved in a hypnotic trance as it lingered around the room.

  “You bastard. You show your face in here, after what happened last night!” an angry voice bellowed out as soon as they walked in.

  The shop was filled with several men, all burley with overgrown beards and rugged hands that had seen too much in one life.

  “Norman, good morning.” Leif said trying to sound pleased to see him.

  Leif was not intimidated by the group, despite his smaller frame. He was well built and strikingly handsome at 29 years of age. He was a gifted swordsman and was the leader of his gang of sell-swords; The Argent Brotherhood.

  “Leif Argent, you have some nerve coming in here. I have half a mind to kill you right now.”

  Norman stood up and approached him. His massive appearance was overpowering as he looked down at Leif. His rusted colored beard flowed down his chest and held specks of food throughout it. His face was worn and scarred and he now sported a fresh, dark purple eye, compliments of Leif.

  “Norman, I know you are upset. I myself was upset when I found out this morning.”

  “Found out?” he growled.

  Leif swallowed hard and glanced at Revna. She stood behind him with her arms crossed and nodded, as if to say, keep going.

  “Yes, you see Norman, I may have had too much to drink last night. Normally, I am not one to partake in such reckless practices but last night was especially difficult for me.”

  “We all heard Leif, you were dropped by The Crown.” he bellowed out with a laugh. “You think anyone will hire you now? After this?” he growled pointing to his eye.

  “Norman, why did I strike you?” Leif asked.

  The room grew silent for a moment. Norman straightened up slightly, caught off guard by his inquisition.

  “You don’t even remember?” he asked hoarsely.

  “Was it justified?” he as

  Norman glanced back at his friends who were all slightly avoiding eye contact.

  “I may have commented on your sister.” he said regrettably. “and what a fine ass she has.” he almost whispered that last part.

  Leif let out a sigh.

  “And if I were to say the same about your sister?”

  Norman laughed.

  “If you had met my sister, you would not have said such a thing. Her ass is far from fine. It is large. Quite large.”

  The room was filled with slight snickering. Norman cleared his throat. “But I understand your point. I should not have said those things about your sister to you. From now on, I will only say them when you are not around.”

  Norman was trying to be sincere to Leif and make amends. Revna rolled her eyes in disgust and walked out.

  “Then are we good?” Leif said extending his hand.

  Normal looked at it and grabbed his forearm in a hefty shake.

  “We are good.”

  Leif turned to Gorm and nodded. They started to make their way out. “Leif, one thing.” Norman said approaching him as they neared the door.

  The other men went off chatting again filling the store with quiet banter. “If you are looking for work, check this out. This woman approached me last night. I am not interested in taking on any rescue missions. This might be something you could handle.”

  Norman handed a folded slip of parchment to him. Leif looked at it and then nodded.

  “Thank you. I will look into it.”

  Leif and Gorm left and found Revna outside leaning on the side of the building. She was waiting impatiently.

  “Let’s move, we still have more people to make amends with.” she said not looking at the two.

  “I may have a job for us.” Leif said holding up the paper in-between his two fingers.

  Revna’s interest was intrigued. She tilted her head.

  “It’s a rescue mission.” Gorm said before she could get her hopes up.

  “A rescue mission?” Revna said almost disgusted.

  “It’s work.” Leif said glaring at the two. “And right now, with our employment from The Crown suspended, we need all the work we can get.”

  “Fine, we can consider it. But we still need to fix your escapades from last night.” Revna said keeping them on track.

  Gorm nodded in agreement. He ran his fingers repeatedly through his golden beard, brushing away any crumbs or dirt. He knew their next stop, Harold Karman’s house, may not go as smooth as their meeting with Norman. He wanted to look presentable. He tried to adjust his heavy ax on his back, but it remained where it was, sticking out to the side.

  Gorm was a big man. His rugged appearance made him seem like he would be in his forties or fifties even, but underneath all of his beard was a tough 33-year-old. He was muscular and strong. He towered in height and had wrists as thick as tree limbs. He wore leather and fur with some slight bits of metal armor. His was a brute. Leif called him “the wall” because he was nearly unbreakable. He was their strength and often held the attention of any attackers just due to his appearance. This was an advantage, as while he held the threat, the others would attack from the sides.

  Leif recruited Gorm first into his gang. Gorm had worked for his father and uncle prior to him taking over the business. The Argent Brothers were well known in Suloo. Nadim and Flok were the two brothers that founded the sword for hire group. The two would take on assignments from individuals seeking justice or vengeance. Eventually, their reputation spread and they were summoned to the Royal Common’s where they were employed by The Crown. Their tasks were more investigative in nature, uncovering deflection and treason.

  Nadim was Leif’s father. Leif joined the two and the trio worked for a while, building their business. Eventually, Gorm Thunder was hired on. Nadim and Flok retired from the business and left Leif in charge. He changed it to the Argent Brotherhood and started recruiting members to work for him.

  Since that time Leif had hired Revna Castwell and Isadore Darkspear to join him and Gorm. Their suspension from The Crown was a blow to Leif. He took it hard but this opportunity may be the small glimmer of hope he needed to ensure that the Brotherhood would continue on.

  They had approached Harold Karman’s house. Leif swallowed hard.

  “Well this ought to be fun.” Gorm said in a low growl.

  Leif looked over and Gorm pulled out a flask and took a long swig. He paused and then extended his hand out to Leif. Leif took it and drew back a long swig himself.

  “Alright, let’s do this.”

  He felt the confidence flow down into his stomach as he approached the door. Before he could knock the door swing open and Harold’s wife stood there smiling.

  “Leif baby!” she squealed as she leapt into his arms and started kissing him.

  A loud thunderous pounding of feet stormed to the front of the house.

  “Oh shit.” Revna said looking up in a panic.

  Harold came storming out.

  “You son of a bitch!” he screamed seeing his wife all over Leif.

  Leif was frantic trying to push her off and retreat.

  “Time to go.” Gorm said backing up and yanking Leif by the back of the jacket off the front porch.

  The three of them took off sprinting as Harold continued shouting and followed after. He was half dressed dragging his sword with him running them down.

  “You’re a dead man Leif Argent! You hear me! DEAD!” Harold shouted.

  Chapter 3

  Dagny walked quickly up the steps towards the Grand Hall of the Royal Commons. She was in her finest dress and looked stunning. Her hair and posture were flawless. It was a drastic change from the streets of The Thumb she had ventured into last night. In her desperation she sought out any sell sword she could find in the hopes of getting her brother back.

  She had never ventured into The Thumb before. She had often heard stories of the vile and underprivileged low-life’s that resided there. She was a wealthy heir; a Spring-Born. She had never ventured beyond the guarded gates of her parent’s estate. She had never mingled with commoners. She was preserved and perfect in every sense.

  After her parent’s death in an unfortunate sailing accident, she and her brother Arman, took over their parents’ estate and paved their way as high-class members of Crown Bay at only 24 years of age. That was the life she knew; it was the only life she wanted, or so she thought. It all came to a halt when her brother was taken.

  She had appealed to The Crown before. She asked for their assistance, pleading the importance of Arman. The Crown took note of the incident, but it was not considered a priority, since neither of them held a position within the governing body. It was what led to her desperation to seek out a sell sword down in The Thumb. She regretted the venture, it left her feeling violated and dirty. No amount of scrubbing would clean her dress from the filth that penetrated the fabric.

  She threw out the dress she wore, vowing never to return there again. She was now back at the Royal Commons hoping to appeal to them, once again, to help her in finding her brother.

  The room was round and filled with golden seats, each one looking like its own throne. They were higher up on a balcony looking down into the room. The Crown members were the supreme rule of the land. Even with her wealthy status, she was still beneath them and she felt it as they looked down upon her.

  There were pews that lined the entrance of the room, where those seeking an audience could wait their turn. When one was addressing The Crown, they would approach a small pulpit to stand on to be seen by all. Not all members of The Crown were always present. There were twenty seats in total, but only a handful of them were ever filled at once.

  To be selected to be a member of The Crown, one was chosen by an exiting member, generally, one who was near death, as members never left otherwise. There was no method to choosing. Each member would pick their predecessor so when their chair became vacant, the person they wanted would fill it. There was no ma
jority or voting in that sense. The only voting done was by the members when presented with decisions for Suloo.

  To keep The Crown organized there was a Chairman. This was Desmond Hargrave. He was in late thirties, tall and well built. His dark hair was neatly kept back in a tight pony tail. The lines on his face were deep, marking frown lines that were distinguishing to him. He sat in a larger chair slightly lower than that of the other members but centered in the circular formation. He reviewed all the inquiries and called upon those seeking an audience. He wasn’t nice in any sense. Dagny hated speaking to him.


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