The Chosen

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The Chosen Page 6

by Kaitlin Himmelstoss

  “Dagny, they are warlocks. They don’t follow the laws of physical properties.”

  “How does this involve my parents?”

  “It is peculiar that your father had so many shipyards. If I were to venture a guess, I would say he was dealing with more than just ship building.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Neither do I. It is what Isadore is looking into. If The Order is involved in this somehow, we may be facing a very dangerous journey ahead of us, one that you may want to remain in Crown Bay for.”

  Dagny didn’t respond. She just nodded and swallowed hard. He could see she was distressed. They were no closer to solving the mystery of her brother’s disappearance. Leif had hoped by morning; Isadore may have more leads.

  Chapter 9

  Desmond was sitting in an elaborate chair with gold and white painted lines adorning it while cushioned with soft red velvet. He sat unamused holding a goblet filled with thick red wine as he was slouched back, staring out the window. The sky was dark and the candles around the filthy room only amplified his feelings.

  With his head buried in Desmond’s lap, his male prostitute, a young, strapping man with feminine features and delicate hands, continued to pleasure him with rhythmic movements. Even enjoying such sensation, Desmond sat with a sour expression and scarcely did a hint of pleasure escape from his lips.

  Desmond took a drink and continued to stare out the window. He was concerned, now that Dagny had managed to hire a sell sword to find her brother, things were getting stressful for him. He didn’t like stress, he liked causing it. That is what gave him pleasure, that it what got him off.

  He envisioned himself strangling Dagny with his bare hands as she desperately gasped for air. Already hard, he felt himself smirk at the thought and his dick became painfully stiff.

  “Pick up the pace.” he ordered in almost a growl.

  As his companion obeyed his orders he sat smugly and took another sip. If he killed Dagny, the Brotherhood would have no reason to continue their assignment. It was the easiest plan, not as easy to pull off. With Leif guarding her like he was back in the Royal Commons, it would be difficult to get to her. He could send one of them. He thought about it but then chased that though away quickly. He worked for them, not the other way around. It was his job to take care of these problems, not come to them with problems.

  He was in debt and this was his eternal payment. He felt his senses stop and surge all at once as he felt himself ejaculate into his companion’s mouth. The man caught his breath. “You may leave.” he said, extending his hand with several coins in it. He still lacked any emotion.

  “Sir, are you not pleased? Shall I continue again?” the man asked looking up at him from his kneeling position.

  “If I wasn’t pleased you wouldn’t get paid. Leave now.” he ordered.

  The man quickly took the coins and retreated out of the room, wrapping a small cloth towel around himself as he left. Desmond sat a moment in the chair, his pants around his ankles. He thought about Leif. He could lure him away with a prostitute. He was an attractive man always looking to get laid. He would easily give in to free temptation. He could pay her well, keep him entertained for a while, enough time for him to find Dagny.

  Why was she with them? It puzzled him when he saw her passing through the Royal Commons. He even sent someone to check on her whereabouts in her home but she had not returned. It would have been easy to kill her there. Instead she was galivanting around The Thumb with the Brotherhood. He despised them all, especially Leif.

  His perfect body and face. His mind quickly faded when he thought of Isadore. He feared him the most. He knew who he was. They had warned him to stay away from him. He could read thoughts; he could see right through his façade.

  He drew a long breath and decided to find Leif a woman to distract him with. First, he needed to locate them. They were in The Thumb. It wouldn’t take long to weed them out.

  Desmond stepped out of Stanley’s drawing up his dark oversized leather coat. He wore a much different outfit when venturing into The Thumb. His fancy brocade detailed jackets and waistcoats were left back in The Springs where he now lived. Tonight, he was dressed in dark leather and cloth with a long black leather coat. He looked around at the dimly lit streets and drew up his hand as it clamped his tricorn hat and placed it securely on his head.

  His jacket collar was raised high and he sunk his face into the shadows and ventured out into the night. After a few inquiries he was able to track them down. He knew where they were staying for the night. The inn was not far. He couldn’t just go in there. He needed to place his distraction and conceal his face. The night was still fairly young. Since he didn’t know how long they would stay in The Thumb he wanted to act fast and snuff out this threat.

  He stood on the corner looking at the inn just across the way. He remained in the shadows pondering over how he could accomplish this task.

  “Isadore has left.” a voice whispered.

  He snapped his head around quickly staring into the dark alley. He could just make out the shape of a man. He approached draped in long dark robes with a hood hanging low over his face. Desmond didn’t need to see his face, the piercing blue eyes glowed at him.

  “They found evidence.” Desmond whispered.

  “Take care of it.” the man whispered.

  He paused looking at him. It would be so easy for the man to just raise his hand and set the building on fire. He was a warlock, a powerful and dangerous one. Desmond had seen his abilities, but he knew The Order remained invisible. They had to. Any movement like that would draw attention and they wanted to remain in the shadows, slowly taking over.

  “I will.” he whispered. “I will kill the girl. She is the only reason the Brotherhood is involved.”

  “You will not be seen.”

  Desmond nodded firmly. The shadow lifted his hand and there before his eyes, a black shimmering mist whirled around and created a dark mask. It was black and covered one’s entire face. The man extended it to Desmond. He took it with some hesitation. “Wear it. No one will know your identity.”

  Desmond gave a slight nod. It did not look like anything special but he would follow orders.

  “I need a distraction for Leif.” he whispered.

  He would have paid a prostitute but even money wouldn’t keep her silent if tempted with more money. He would have to kill her too. The warlock remained silent.

  “Your distraction is already in place.” the man whispered.

  Desmond looked over at the inn, it looked the same but he would have to trust the warlock’s word. As he glanced back up the shadow was gone. He had said Isadore was not in the inn. He had limited time.

  Leif and Dagny sat for a while by the fire. They had exhausted their conversation about her family history and were chatting about personal things. Dagny was fascinated with Leif’s past and their conversation exposed more of him that made him more relatable to her. It was a strange feeling, since she had always thought of people from The Thumb as being so different from her.

  Leif got up to get another drink. He was out of the smaller room and back in the pub. That is when the red temptress walked in. She was tall, slim and stunning. Her long wavy red hair fell gracefully down her back. Her porcelain skin was flawless and her blood red dress hugged her in places it shouldn’t have and ended far shorter than it should have been.

  Leif felt his mouth drop slightly as she strutted across the room towards him.

  “Well, hello handsome.” she whispered.

  He felt a knot in his throat. His head seemed to spin as if he were under some strange spell. He tried to speak but mumbled words that slightly resembled “hello” fell out of his mouth. “I am just passing through the city, I must say, I am glad I stopped in here. Imagine if I had missed meeting you?”

  She gave a tempting smile and drew her hand up to his face, gracefully running her hand down his cheek. “Are you busy tonight?”

  “No, busy…I
, no, no I don’t think.” he fumbled over the words as he swallowed hard.

  Her touch sent static throughout his body. His manhood swelled uncontrollable. She looked down and let out a pleasurable laugh.

  “Oh my. Is that for me?”

  She leaned closer so that her lips were pressed right at his ear. “I have been so desperately seeking someone to please me, don’t let me suffer any longer.” she whispered.

  She didn’t wait for his response but rather took his hand and pulled him along towards the stairs. As he was being led back up to his room, Dagny saw him leaving with her. She raised her eyebrows.

  “He is unbelievable.” she said loudly.

  Gorm and Revna glanced up and saw him leaving. Gorm let out a chuckle.

  “That’s Leif for ya.” he bellowed out.

  Revna watched them and squinted her eyes.

  “I don’t know Gorm, don’t you think he is acting kind of funny?” she stated slightly suspicious.

  They watched the two disappear up the stairs. Leif was almost in a trance. Dagny felt slightly hurt. She did find Leif attractive and she enjoyed his company. They were having a nice conversation, so his abrupt departure to an obvious whore was disappointing and hurtful.

  “Well, I believe I have had enough conversation for one night. If Mr. Argent decides to come back down to continue our meeting, please tell him I have retired for the night and I do not wish to be disturbed.” she said in a slight huff.

  Dagny stormed off back up the stairs to her room. Gorm glanced at Revna.

  “What’s with her?” Reven asked.

  “Leif woos. He woos them all Revna, even Lady Marfell.” he said with a wink.

  She rolled her eyes. “It must be difficult to be so attractive.” Gorm said looking up thinking. “All the women fighting over you all the time.”

  “And all the angry husbands chasing after you to kill you.” Revna added with a slight smirk.

  Gorm nodded with a hearty laugh. He drew a long breath and looked back over at the empty stairs. “You are right though; something does not feel right about that woman.”

  Revna raised her eyebrows slightly. They stared at each other a moment and then, as if lightning struck them both, they both muttered the same thing at the same time:

  “A succubus.”

  Chapter 10

  Dagny was in her room. She had just changed into her nightgown; a white laced dress with a white coat to cover herself with. She sat at a small desk in the corner with a candle glowing brightly as she carefully dipped her feather pen into her ink well and wrote in beautiful cursive her detailed adventure with the Argent Brotherhood. She kept a journey always. It was never more than just fun activities she had participated in such as attending a ball or visiting a garden. She loved to write and record her adventures.

  This was the first time she really had an adventure to write about. It was the first time the pages told a fantastic and scary story of her travels. Despite Leif abandoning her downstairs, she was still eager to write about all that had transpired that day.

  She was concentrating on her writing, ensuring that the flow of ink was proper. She didn’t notice anything at first, but eventually she felt a cold breeze caress her night gown. It felt like a cold hand brushing up against her. She ignored it, believing it was just a draft from the window and continued writing.

  Leif was in a trance. This gorgeous woman was tempting and assertive. She had pulled him up to his room and before he knew it, she was straddled on top of him as he laid on his bed, almost unable to break away his urge to have sex. He couldn’t move. She had pulled her dress up around her waist and was laughing as she looked at him and continued to lean down kissing his neck.

  Each passing moment he felt himself grow harder as she started rocking on him, getting him excited. She continued to distract and dominate him. He was nothing but a helpless victim and he didn’t even realize it.

  She paused a moment and pulled her dress up over her head. She wore a fancy laced corset that was red and black. Her breasts were pushed up high and his vision was lost in her cleavage. She smiled and let out another seductive laugh as she leaned down.

  “Do you want me to please you Leif?” she whispered as she kissed his ear.

  “Yes.” was all he could manage to muster out in a strained helpless voice.

  She smiled and slid down to the floor. She was on her knees as his legs dangled over the side of the bed and his back was pressed flat on the mattress. She started to pull at his belt, undoing the buckle and then sliding his pants down. She didn’t hesitate and caressed his dick with her soft hands. He strained his neck back moaning with great pleasure as his hands gripped the bed sheets tightly.

  Dagny was nearly done with her entry and she would retire for the night. She wrote her last sentence and smiled with satisfaction. She placed the feather pen back in the ink well and paused looking back down at her perfect lettering. Just then, she felt a big gust of wind. It tossed her hair, which was now down her back, in untamed golden curls. She turned quickly feeling the cold to find its source.

  To her surprise she saw the window on the other side of the room was wide open. She stood up and walked a few paces to it then stopped. She hadn’t opened the window. Her heart felt a stabbing pain in it of fear. It was like her brother’s room. An open window that otherwise should not have been open.

  She took a step back staring at the window and the black night that engulfed the outside. She turned to leave and find Gorm or Revna to help her but was face to face with a masked shadow. It stood blocking the door in all black. His coat danced around his calves as it hugged him in shadows.

  The mask was unnatural, it covered his face and molded to him like a second skin, creating the face of a demon. Its twisted teeth snarled at her and its eyes glowed red with anger. The mask Desmond was given wasn’t ordinary, it was infused with warlock magic and concealed his face entirely, creating him as a monster. Dagny let out a scream as the dark figure came at her with a drawn dagger.

  Leif was so far gone he could hear nothing. His heart was racing as this mysterious woman was giving him great pleasure. He was paralyzed with pleasure he couldn’t even think straight. He was about to drift off into a zone when a small thought lingered in his head. She knew his name. He never told her his name. Something was wrong.

  He gasped and tried to focus.

  “Stop.” he wheezed out with a struggle.

  She continued and ignored him. He reached down with his hands and grabbed her hair and tried to pull her back. “Stop!” he tried to shout, but it came out more like a whimper.

  She paused and slid up onto him taking hold of his hand and bringing it back to the side of his head.

  “What’s the matter handsome?” she whispered.

  “How do you know my name?” he asked catching his breath.

  She paused and quickly smiled.

  “I don’t know your name, please tell me so I know what to scream out later when you are fucking me hard.” she said as she leaned down and kissed his neck.

  “You said my name.” he said a little more firmly.

  The woman paused and drew back looking at him with a seductive smile. Just then she let out a demonic laugh. It echoed around the room. He looked in her eyes and saw they were glowing green. He quickly went to push her off but she pinned him down to the bed. Her strength was immense.

  “Foolish man, I will devour your soul.” she hissed.

  Her face transformed and her true appearance manifested. She was a twisted demon, with fangs, and a forked tongue. Her back sprouted two webbed wings who’s flesh clung to them like cobwebs. She growled and went for his throat. He twisted his hand free and stopped her but she was more powerful than him.

  His hand was shaking, trying to keep her back as she snarled at him, pinning him to the bed. He was about to lose his strength when the demon jerked forward a moment. Her face was changed to one of stunned pain. She looked at Leif and then opened her mouth vomiting out blood
all over Leif. He turned his head to the side as it splatters across his chest.

  In one hefty heave, Gorm pulled the demon backwards off of Leif with his ax still embedded in its back. It took an abrupt flick of the ax handle and the demon was released, rolling on the floor. It was injured but not dead. It got on all fours and growled, now focusing her attention on Gorm.

  They had just reached Leif’s room in time when Gorm ran in and slammed his ax down on it from behind. Leif was still in shock laying on the bed, covered in blood. Revna was just inside the door way watching Gorm and the demon square off.

  “Vile creature! Who sent you?” Gorm shouted at it as he readied his ax.

  The demon stared at him with her glowing green eyes. Just then Dagny screamed. The demon started laughing with guilty pleasure.


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