by Sara Zaske
protests at, 99–100
tiered education tracks in, 93–94, 179–80
traffic/mobility classes in, 117
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 94, 180–82
PSI. See Policy Studies Institute
Psychology Today, 73
PTA. See parent-teacher association
Reagan, Ronald, 169
“redshirting,” 191–92
religious discussions, 152–56, 207
responsibility, 2–3, 9–10, 12–13, 27
adolescents and, 173–75
college students and, 182–86
commuting/mobility as lesson in, 115–28, 196–201, 207
German perspectives on, 25, 28, 157–65
historic crimes and acceptance of, 157–70
teaching, 83–84, 95–96, 154, 157–70, 172–79, 184–86, 207
Ripley, Amanda, 181
Robert Koch Institute, 105
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 106
Rosin, Hanna, 138–39
Rosmus, Anna, 161
SAFE program, 65
Saint Martin’s Day, Germany, 141–42, 143
Sandseter, Ellen, 137–38
Schilt, Jaap, 153–54
Schneider, Frau (teacher), 93, 96, 145
Schriever, Peter, 165
Schulz, Anna, 15–17
Schulze, Hagen, 6
Schuman, Rebecca, 178
Sears, Martha, 44–46, 49–51, 65–66
Sears, William, 44–46, 49–51, 65–66
Seifert, Monika, 7
self-directed learning, 75–76, 77–85, 94–95, 112–14, 127, 193. See also situation approach to learning
self-reliance (selbständigkeit), 64
in adolescence, 176–82
attachment parenting balanced with, 48–49
in college and adulthood, 182–86
movement/commuting’s tie to, 115–28, 196–201, 207
as parenting goal, 2–3, 9–13, 196–201, 205–7
play’s tie to, 79, 81–82, 127–28
sex abuse, 66–67, 123–24, 147
sex education
abstinence and, 146, 148
age of consent and, 175
in Germany, 144–49, 175–76
homosexuality as topic in, 148
pregnancy/abortion and, 146–49, 172, 175–76, 185
sex rates, teenage, and, 148, 175–76
in U.S., 146–49
sexually transmitted diseases, 146, 148, 172, 176
Shell Youth Studies, Germany, 177, 183
Das Sichere Haus, 132
situation approach (situationansatz), 71–78, 82–85
Skenazy, Izzy, 118–19, 122
Skenazy, Lenore, 118–19, 122, 199
Slate, 178
slavery, 166, 167, 168–70
The Smartest Kids in the World (Ripley), 181
Soviet Union, 4, 6–7
Spanhel, Dieter, 49
SPD (Social Democratic Party) (Germany), 165
Der Spiegel, 129, 206
Spiegelman, Art, 167
Stop It Now! group, 66
“strange situation” study, 47, 59
Strasser, Todd, 159
Student, Christoph, 151
Suggate, Sebastian, 75
Syrian refugees, 5–6, 165
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy
Lessons, 93
Telegraph, 168
Texas State Board of Education, 168
Three Bears fairy tale, 102
tool safety, 133–34
Tough, Paul, 77
toy-free kindergarten project, 110–14
Trump, Donald, 5
Turowski, Annette, 180–81
Tyler, Mrs. (teacher), 192, 194–95
Unfallkasse Berlin, 132
United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), 206–7
United States (U.S.). See also education, U.S.
abortion rates in, 146
American exceptionalism idea in, 166–67
commuting/mobility of children in, 118–21, 126–27, 196–201, 207
corporal punishment in, 7–8, 207
crime rates in, 119, 120–21
crimes, historic, by, 165–70
pregnancy rates in, 146, 148, 172, 185
racism in, 165–70
sex rates, teenage, in, 148, 175–76
sexually transmitted diseases in, 146, 148, 172
volunteerism in, 183
voting rates in, 183
universal preschool, 61, 69, 203
University of Bergamo, 120
University of British Columbia study, 137
University of Michigan studies, 8, 105
University of North Carolina study, 120
University of Texas study, 8
University of Virginia study, 74–75
Until It Hurts (Hyman), 140
U.S. News & World Report, 163
Vietnam War, 6, 169, 209
volunteerism, 183
voting rates, 183
waldkitas (outdoor), 112
Warner, Judith, 48
Warwitz, Siegbert, 133, 136, 140
The Washington Post, 165
The Wave (“Die Welle”) (movie), 159, 164
Where to Invade Next? (movie), 164
WHO. See World Health Organization
Wiesel, Elie, 167
Winner, Anna, 111
women, 60–61
parenting bias and, 48, 53–55, 62, 65–66, 203
World Health Organization (WHO), 36, 40
World War I (WW I), 17
World War II (WW II), 17, 129, 166–67
German denial post-, 160–61
Germany’s postwar culture influenced by, 3–7, 11, 66, 157–65, 168–70
Wowereit, Klaus, 11
Zaske, Georg, 169–70
Zaske, Gustav, 15–17