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Anne Page 4

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “It was my pleasure Anne. Have a great bank holiday weekend and I am sure I will see you on Tuesday.” He leans into me his lips press against my cheek as he kisses it softly, his lips lingering a moment before pulling back. “Goodnight Anne.”

  “Goodnight Matt.” I watch him walk back to his car and wave as he drives away before I head inside. I pick up my post and my flowers, inhaling their scent, my hand touches my cheek as I walk upstairs to my flat. Once safely inside I arrange the flowers in a vase of water and place them on the unit in the lounge before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

  Slipping between my cool crisp sheets I shiver as my phone beeps. Reaching across to the bedside table as my head rests back on my pillow I beam as I see Matt’s name on the screen.

  Matt: I have just got home, and I’m laid thinking about you and the amazing evening I had. Thank you, Anne. Matt x

  I quickly type out a reply.

  Anne: I was just laying here thinking about you too. I had the best night and that’s down to you. Sweet dreams. Anne xxx

  Setting my phone back down I curl up hugging my pillow to me, still smiling from happiness, I take back what I said earlier it wasn’t just a great evening it was perfect.

  Chapter 6


  It’s been just over a month since my first date with Anne, after that night we have been out a few times. I’ve taken her to a couple of the restaurants locally and we had a night out to the cinema. We text everyday too. I text her good morning and goodnight without fail. I like her to know I’m thinking about her even if I am busy and can’t talk to her. I keep checking the time only five more minutes then I can leave and collect Anne from her desk and then I get to take her back to mine for the evening. Today is Anne’s birthday and to celebrate I’ve decided to cook her dinner. This will be our first date not out and about, it will be private so I’m still quite nervous. I spent all last night cleaning and making sure everything was perfect, I’m a pretty tidy guy, but sometimes like most people, I do let it slip.

  Three minutes, I try to make it look like I’m busy and click the refresh button on my email inbox, nothing new comes up but waiting for that killed another thirty seconds. I start closing some of the windows that are open on my computer. I’ve never known the time to go so slow.

  “Hey, Matt?” I inwardly cringe at someone wanting me.

  “Yeah?” I look up to see Mollie heading towards my desk with a file in her hands, oh please don’t give me work to do now.

  “This needs processing.” She drops it into my tray.

  “Right now?” I ask hoping not.

  “It needs to be done by nine on Monday, a new starter needs it all then.”

  “No problem, I’ll come in early Monday and get it done.” I tell her.

  “What’s up with you anyway?” She asks.

  “It’s Anne’s birthday, I’m cooking dinner.” I tell her.

  “Well have fun.” She gives me a knowing smile.

  “Thanks.” I watch as the clock clicks over to five o clock. “Time for me to get out of here.” I say logging off.

  “Have a good weekend, don’t do anything I would do.” She laughs as she walks away.

  “Yeah, thanks.” I reply. Once everything is logged off I grab my wallet and keys from my drawer and make my way up the two flights of stairs to go collect Anne.

  I open the door and look around, Anne is sat at her desk typing away, I notice that Mr Mathias door is open. I walk over trying not to look to see if he’s looking at her.

  “You ready to go?” I ask her making her jump slightly, she obviously didn’t see me coming towards her desk.

  “Oh yes, I’ve just got to log off and check to see if Mr Mathias needs me for anything before I leave.” She says turning in her chair to look up at me. I notice that as she says his name, he looks up from his desk. From Anne’s desk you can see right in his office. I lean down and kiss her on the cheek.

  “Then go see the boss, so we can get out of here.” I tell her quietly. She smiles up at me then pushes her chair back and stands. “Hurry up Birthday Girl.” I call out as she walks towards his office, she walks in and sits in front of his desk. I wish I could hear what he’s saying to her. She stands and starts walking towards me. Leaning down to grab her bag before standing and linking her arm in mine.

  “Let’s go.” She says. I guide her to the lift and we wait in silence.

  Once we’re in the car and heading to my place I ask her.

  “How was your day?”

  “It was okay, Mr Mathias had three meetings today which meant I had plenty of work to do. How was yours?” She asks back.

  “It was okay, the best part of my day was coming up to get you, I liked doing that.” As we stop at a red light I look over at her seeing a blush creep up her face. I can’t wait to get her back to mine so we can just relax.

  As we pull up outside my building I park in my allocated spot and turn off the engine.

  “Wait there I will come around.” I tell her. She smiles sweetly but doesn’t say anything. I climb out of the car and rush around to the other side and open her door for her.

  “You’re such a gentleman.” She says as she takes my outstretched hand in hers and climbs out of the car. I close the door and push the lock button on the key fob.

  I guide her in through the communal door and up the stairs to my flat.

  “It’s nothing too flashy.” I tell her as I open the door and let her walk in first.

  “It looks very homey I think it’s great.” She says as her eyes flit around the room.

  “Can I get you a drink?” I ask her.

  “Sure, what have you got?” She asks sitting on the sofa and slipping her feet out of her shoes.

  “Wine, beer, coke…” I start reeling off what I have.

  “Wine is fine, thank you.” She says removing her jacket, I take it from her and hang it up on the hook I have by the front door. I go into the kitchen and pour her a glass of wine, grabbing myself a bottle of beer out of the fridge too.

  “Here.” I say handing her the glass and I take the seat next to her.

  “Thank you.” She says taking it from my fingers, every time we touch I feel like I’m getting an electric shock from her.

  “I’m making Carbonara for dinner I hope that’s okay?” I ask nervously

  “That’s lovely, I love Carbonara.” She says.

  “Do you want me to put the TV on for you while I go and start dinner?” I ask her.

  “Ummm if you would like.”

  “I’m sorry I’m really nervous.” I chuckle at my admittance.

  “Me too.” She says shyly.

  “You would think we would be over this by now.” I say which makes her laugh.

  “Would it be weird if I came to keep you company while you cook?” She asks.

  “That would be great, I’ll grab your drink for you.” I tell her just looking for another excuse to touch her. We both stand and make our way to the kitchen. As we walk in I hear her gasp.

  “Oh, Matt the table looks lovely.” I set the table before I left for work, I wanted it to look nice for her. It’s set all posh with napkins and everything, the napkins are red as is the table cloth.

  “I wanted to make your birthday meal special.” I tell her. She runs the tips of her fingers across the edge of the table cloth, I had noticed it is her favourite colour.

  “It’s wonderful, no one has ever done anything like this for me before.” I really love seeing the smile that’s spread across her face it’s even better knowing that I’ve put it there.

  “Well I’m glad I’m the one that has done this for you.” I say looking over at her and smiling as I pull some pans out of the kitchen cupboard.

  Once dinner is ready I serve it up and walk over to the table where I have just sat Anne, I put the plate down in front of her and put mine in its place before going back over to the fridge for the bottle of wine I have already opened.

  “This is amazin
g.” Anne says, her hand covering her mouth as she swallows a mouthful of food. I smile at her as I take my seat and began eating mine.

  Once we’re both finished eating I ask if she wants some ice cream, but Anne politely declines. I leave the room and head to my bedroom. When I come back Anne has moved to the sofa, she is sat on the sofa with her glass of wine I can’t help but think how she looks so right in my home. I walk over to her and sit next to her.

  “I have something for you?” I say as I pull the box out from behind my back.

  “Oh, Matt thank you, you didn’t have to.” She replies. I take the glass of wine from her hands and hand her the box to open. I have wrapped it in shiny red paper and tied a red ribbon around it. Anne carefully pulls the ribbon and loosens it, it falls into her lap, she finds the join in the paper and pulls the tape, so the paper comes loose. She is unwrapping it very carefully, me I just rip the paper off. Once she has the paper off she lifts the lid on the box and lets out a gasp.

  “Oh Matt, it’s so beautiful.” Her fingertips caress the necklace laying in the box. I had found it last weekend when I was out shopping with my Mum. The white gold necklace has a pendant of a set of angel wings on the middle of the chain, as soon as I saw it I knew it was perfect for Anne.

  “Would you like me to put it on you?” I ask her, she manages to tear her eyes away from the necklace as they come up to meet mine.

  “I would.” She says nodding her head slightly. She looks stunned. I lean forward and take the box from her. She turns herself around while I carefully pull the necklace from the box. I undo the clasp and bring the necklace round in front of her. She pulls her hair out of the way and I clasp it again. Just before I pull away I place a soft kiss against her neck.

  “Matt thank you so much this necklace is so beautiful.” She says almost breathlessly as she turns back around to face me.

  “You deserve beautiful things.” I tell her.

  We stay on the sofa chatting for about an hour before Anne starts to yawn and decides it is time to go home. She calls a taxi since I have been drinking and can’t drive her home.

  I help her into her coat and walk her to the door.

  “I hope you’ve had a lovely birthday.” I give her my best smile.

  “It’s been amazing, thank you so much.” She says just as the buzzer goes off.

  “Hello?” I speak into the intercom.

  “Taxi for Anne?” The voice asks.

  “We’re coming down now.” I say.

  “I guess I should go.” Anne says biting her bottom lip, she looks sad to be leaving. I take a step closer to her and lift her chin up slightly.

  “Thank you for letting me spend your birthday with you.” I say in almost whisper.

  “Thank you for spending it with me.” She says as I place my hands on each side of her face cupping it gently and bring my lips to meet hers, my fingers sink into the hair at the nape of her neck. I put everything I feel into that kiss, I hope it tells her exactly how I feel about her. As we pull away from each other I notice that her cheeks are flushed, and her chest is moving rapidly, I kiss her again quickly because with Anne one kiss is never enough.

  “Let’s get you in that taxi.” I take her hand and lead her down the stairs and out into the warm evening air.

  “Thank you so much Matt, this evening has been perfect.” She says as I open the taxis door for her. She kisses me on the cheek before climbing into the taxi.

  “Let me know when you get home.” I tell her as I close the door, she nods her head at me. I stand there and watch the taxi as it pulls off and disappears out of sight.

  Chapter 7


  Locking my Mac, I grab my bag to head out to lunch. Stopping by Brad’s office I knock on his door, poking my head around the open door. I smile as he looks up from the papers he's studying at his desk.

  “I’m heading to lunch.” He gives me a puzzled look.

  “Okay.” He replies questioningly.

  “You do remember I’m having a long lunch. I have a meeting with my solicitor.” I watch as his brow furrows as he thinks, and I can tell by the blank expression on his face he has completely forgotten.

  “Erm yeah of course I remember.” His serious face breaks into a telling grin as he reaches into his pocket pulling out his wallet and holds out a twenty pound note. “Can you grab me some lunch while you’re out please?”

  “Of course.” Taking the twenty from him and pushing it into the side pocket of my purse, “What do you fancy?” I blush as he chuckles, and I look back to him to see a wicked grin break onto his lips. Setting the papers down on his desk he leans back in his chair and stares at me intently.

  “Oh, Anne do you really want me to answer that?” He raises an eyebrow. “Why don’t you just surprise me. I bet you can guess what I like. Get lunch for yourself out of that too. Just let me know if you need anymore.” Shaking my head at him I can’t help but smile as I walk from his office.

  “Thanks, I will.” Turning as I reach the door. “Nothing is a surprise.” Pulling the door to behind me I hear him muttering away to himself. I’m sure he mentioned my bum, puzzled I shake my head laughing to myself as I head to the lift taking it down to the ground floor.

  Stepping out into the warm sunshine I slip my sunglasses on as I make the short walk to my solicitor’s office this gives me time to clear my head before the meeting. I have been waiting and dreading this day for ten years. I turned twenty five last week and my trust fund matured I just need to sign the papers and the money my parents both left to me when they died will be mine. It feels strange to know in an hour or, so I will have all their money which is a sizable amount, enough for me to be comfortable for the rest of my life.

  I sit in the bright modern reception of my solicitors and think back to the day my life changed. I sat in a reception then too it wasn't bright and modern, but it was dark and dreary with a fluorescent light flickering overhead. That time I had been pulled from class and I was sat outside my head teacher’s office. I hadn’t done anything wrong to my knowledge, but the school secretary looked solemn. The headteacher buzzed and with a sad sympathetic smile the secretary told me to go on in.

  I opened the dark wood door and saw my Nana sitting opposite the head, she stood when I walked in turning to me opening her arms. It was obvious from her red puffy eyes she had been crying, walking over I hugged her asking her what was wrong. She sniffed, and her breathing shuddered with emotion as she wiped the fallen tears away with the back her hand. She released me and sat back down pulling me to the chair next to her, patting the seat she gestured to me to take a seat. Her voice cracked as she told me there had been a terrible accident and my Mum and Dad had died. I felt numb and sick. I sat shaking my head as my Nana pulled me to her and held me. She was nodding her head telling me how sorry she was. It couldn't be real the pain in my chest was so tight, I felt I couldn't breathe. She held me while I sobbed I felt like my heart had broken. Mrs Ford the headteacher was very nice telling me how sorry she was and to take a few days off school. She told my Nana she would forward any work to me at home, so I didn’t get behind after all this was a very important year.

  I later found out a driver of a stolen car had hit my Mum and Dad’s car head on sending them across the road and in front of an oncoming lorry they hadn’t suffered as they died instantly on impact. The driver was only eighteen and had a record for stealing cars, he was later caught and charged with stealing, driving without a licence or insurance and causing death by dangerous driving. It makes me sick to my stomach he is roughly the same age as me and probably out of prison within ten years with the rest of his life in front of him.

  My Nana took me home to her house. I went from being in denial, to being devastated, to being angry then back to devastated. I didn't know how I could go on. Everyone treated me a little different, I was the orphan girl now, people would give me sad smiles, or they would avoid me because they didn't know what to say to me when all I wanted was them to trea
t me like they always had.

  I eventually moved into my Nana’s house. She did ask me if I wanted to live at home, but honestly, I didn't, it held too many memories and reminders. My Nana had become my guardian and I lived with her until she had died last year. It was hard, and I missed my parents terribly. I never forget them I thought of them every day and there were times it was harder than others like my eighteenth birthday and my twenty first. Now I have met Matt I wonder what they would think of him. Smiling I reach for the angel wing necklace he gave me for my birthday, it has hung around my neck since the day he fastened it there. People say it gets easier with time I don’t think it does I just think you learn how to live with it. I couldn’t have been more loved, and I treasured the years I had with my Nana. She taught me a lot and made me believe in myself and for those years I am thankful. The receptionist taps my arm gently.

  “Are you okay Miss Ryder?” I’m jotted from my thoughts, embarrassed at my emotions getting the better of me, I brush away a tear that’s running down my cheek and clear my throat.

  “Sorry. Yes, I'm fine thank you.” She smiles down at me,

  “Mr Thompson is ready to see you now, you can go on in when you are ready.” Thanking her again I gather myself together and walk into his office. Harry Thompson was my Dad’s solicitor and best friend since they were at school, he moved to London after meeting his wife Lisa at university. Since the death of my parents not only has he looked after my trust fund and dealt with my parents and Nana’s estate, but he has checked on me from time to time too making sure that I am okay and had everything I need.

  Harry smiles and stands as I walk into his office, it’s full of dark wood furniture and he walks around his large mahogany desk to me wrapping me in a hug and kisses my cheek before holding me at arm’s length.

  “Anne you grow more beautiful every day.” I laugh and hug him back. “You know you have been saying that since I was five years old.”


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