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Anne Page 8

by Rubie Jo Thomas

  “Of course, I want to I’m just a little speechless it sounds perfect.”

  “Then you had better go and get ready, I’m starving and want coffee and breakfast.” I say on a smile. Matt’s lips press to my forehead again before he steps away turning back to his bag, he pulls out shorts and a polo shirt.

  “This okay?” He asks questioningly, holding up the clothes in his hands.

  “Perfect.” I reply as I watch him grab clean boxers and his wash bag.

  “I will get dressed in the bathroom you can change in here, just give me a shout when you're decent okay.” I nod my thanks smiling as he closes the door behind him.

  I quickly dress in a floral sundress and gold sandals, checking myself in the mirror I apply lip gloss before I call out.

  “I’m ready.” The door instantly opens, and Matt walks out dressed in the cotton shorts, polo shirt and his trainers, he drops his wash bag back in his bag, he holds out his hand to me.

  “Let’s go and have some breakfast.” He smiles down at me as I slip my hand into his.

  Breakfast is a fancy affair on china crockery with silver cutlery, a coffee pot and toast rack. I order a full English without the black pudding, Matt orders a stack of buttermilk pancakes with syrup. The food is lovely the fried eggs cooked perfectly, the freshly squeezed orange juice is to die for, so smooth and not too cold.

  “Those are thick pancakes.” I say as I watch Matt eat another fork full. “Are they good?” I ask, he nods in reply.

  “They are, but not as good as my Mum’s, I think she adds a pinch of cinnamon to hers.” He holds a folk full of pancakes to my lips. “Try some open wide.” He says smiling as he makes the folk fly around like he is feeding toddler. I laugh and eat the pancake.

  “They really are good.” I reply licking the sweet syrup from my lips. Matt swallows and re adjusts how he is sat as he watches my lips and I blush looking back at my empty plate. He clears his throat and finishes off his cup of tea.

  “I’m done if you're ready we can go.” Matt says holding his hand out to me. I nod taking his offered hand and let him lead me back to our room where we pack our bags ready to check out.

  After putting our luggage in the boot of the car we take a steady stroll in the sunshine down to the marina. I speak to the attendant showing him my booking form. He calls over Clive who is our designated Captain for the day, he greets us with a smile and a handshake and leads us to our boat, once onboard he gives us a quick tour above and below deck as well as a safety talk and introduces us to the rest of the crew before heading back above deck to set sail.

  After changing into my bikini in the small bathroom, Matt and I make our way up onto the deck to watch the scenery of the south coast line pass by as we sail steadily along. Matt removes his polo shirt and we sit side by side on loungers in the sunshine his hand wrapped around mine our fingers entwined, every so often he squeezes my hand and points out a bird or the coastline. A young man called Liam fetches the bottle of champagne I had ordered, I know Matt has to drive home later, but one won’t hurt him, and it is early enough in the day for him to have a glass.

  “Happy Birthday Matthew here’s to you.” I say as I clink my glass with his, unable to wipe the smile from my face at how happy I feel at this moment.

  “Thank you, Angel this is truly a day to remember. Thank you for all of this.”

  “You’re welcome.” I reply as plates are set out on the table set up next to us, the plates laden with food. This is much more than a picnic. Tiny sandwiches with crusts cut off, dainty sausage rolls, little tartlets and a plate of fresh seafood, it all looks delicious. I eat until I am stuffed and lay back holding my stomach.

  “That was delicious, but I really ate too much.” I say and Matt chuckles.

  “Well I left room for dessert, looks like I will have to eat yours too then.” He replies. I watch as the empty plates are taken away and a round cake with a cartoon style tiger on the top is fetched out and set in front of Matt. The crew of the boat stand in a semi-circle around us and start to sing happy birthday to him, I join in smiling at Matt. They call out three cheers of hip hip hooray before discreetly disappearing. Matt stares at the cake laughing.

  “Rawr!” Matt imitates playfully making me laugh. “What!” Matt exclaims as he leans over my sun lounger. “Be careful I might just bite.” I stop laughing as I reach out and hold his face in my hands bringing him down to kiss me softly, our lips brush against each other’s before his lips press hard against mine and his hand slides into my hair tilting my head back as he deepens the kiss. My hands wander over the bare skin of his back feeling his taut muscles, I tense as someone clears their throat making my hands instantly drop from Matt as he breaks the kiss resting his forehead on mine.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt Sir, Miss the Captain wanted to let you know we are heading back to the marina now.”

  “Thank you.” Is all Matt says before we hear feet walk quickly away. “Shall we head below deck and freshen up and you can get dressed?” Matt questions.

  “Sounds like a good idea.” I reply as Matt moves off me holding his hand out to help me up. We walk down the few steps to the cabin and I splash water on my face to freshen up before reapplying lip gloss and pull on my dress over my bikini. Matt heads to the bathroom and I quickly lay his present on top of his shirt on the bed, turning to the mirror I pretend to be fixing my hair as Matt emerges from the bathroom, stopping he looks at the small box. Walking over without a word he pops the box open revealing a set of platinum cuff links in the shape of an anchor.

  “Anne Thank you.” He snaps the box shut and stuffs it into his pocket as he walks over to me. Spinning me around to face him before wrapping his arms around me, he wraps me into a bear hug nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck as he squeezes me tighter.

  “Easy Tiger.” I say playfully. “I need to breathe.” His grip on me loosens slightly. “Are you okay?” I ask, concern lacing my voice.

  “Yes, just a little lost for words this really has been an amazing day.”

  “There is nothing you need to say. Thank you for sharing your birthday with me. Now let’s go and sit on the deck and enjoy the last of this boat trip.” I feel him nod and gradually he releases me smiling as he takes my hand interlocking our fingers and we make our way to the deck watching as the marina comes into sight.

  The drive home was quiet, neither of us said much as we got closer and closer to home. The nearer we got the more I realised I don’t want this to end yet.

  “Will you stay?” I blurt out in a rush.

  “Sorry Angel?” Matt asks as he glances at me questioningly.

  “Stay with me tonight.” I repeat in a rush before I lose the nerve. “I just don’t want this weekend to be over quite yet.” I look out of the window in case he says no, but his hand clasps mine squeezing it.

  “Of course, I will.” He says bringing my hand to his lips, turning it in his hand he presses a kiss to my palm before setting it on his leg. “I’m not ready to say goodbye yet either.”

  It is late when we pull up outside my flat and we climb out of the car. Matt grabs the bags as I lead the way, unlocking the doors for us. Once inside Matt takes his bag to the bathroom while I check my answer machine for messages, not that I expect there to be any. Heading to the bedroom I open the third drawer of my chest of drawers and pull out some pyjama shorts and a vest top, turning I see Matt standing in the doorway watching me.

  “I won’t be long.” I say holding up my pyjamas as I squeeze through the gap between Matt and the door frame. Once in the bathroom I undress, I cleanse my face before pulling on my pyjama’s. I return to the bedroom seeing Matt stretched out in my bed.

  “Comfy are we.” I say teasingly before yawning.

  “I will be comfier when you get in.” He states as he pulls the duvet back for me to climb into bed. I don’t need to be asked twice, I walk over and climb into bed Matt’s arm instantly snakes around my shoulders pulling me against his chest, I lift my h
ead kissing his lips, he instantly kisses me back, when he pulls away I lay my head on his shoulder my eyes instantly close. “Much better.” He says. “Goodnight Angel.”

  “Goodnight.” I say on a yawn already half asleep.

  Chapter 14

  After an amazing weekend away, it is back to work and trying to decide on which apartment I want to buy too live in. I have narrowed down the selection to three, but I am still undecided on which one is my favourite. Having called and made appointments to view them on Saturday I was hoping Matt would come with me and give me his thoughts. He has been reluctant to talk about me buying a place and always seems to change the subject. I grab my phone and quickly type him a message.

  Anne: Hi, I was hoping you would come with me and look at the three apartments I have short listed on Saturday and tell me your thoughts. A xxx

  I hit send and stare at my phone for what seems like forever, but in fact it’s only been about five minutes. Knowing I can’t stare at my phone all night I shower and pull on the Rolling Stones t-shirt I still have of Matt’s from our weekend away, I may have packed it in my bag instead of his. I climb into bed and grab my kindle from where it sits on my bedside table. Powering it up I click into the book I want to read and lose myself in the world of romance. After about half an hour I feel my eyes closing, my phone beeps alerting me to a text message I quickly snatch it up hoping that Matt has finally replied to my text.

  Matt: Sorry Angel I can’t I am working at the centre. M x

  I immediately type out a reply.

  Anne: The appointments aren’t till the afternoon. A xxx

  Matt: I have to work later. M x

  Anne: Okay I just really wanted your opinion, but never mind. Goodnight. A xxx

  Feeling a little deflated about the apartments and Matt’s lack of excitement for it all I turn my phone onto silent, just before I plug it into the charger it vibrates in my hand.

  Matt: I will see what I can do. Goodnight Angel. M x

  Plugging the charger in and setting the phone down on the bedside table I try not to overthink things and try not to feel a little excited that he might come with me. I close my eyes to try and get some sleep.

  The week flies by and every time I have mentioned the apartments or if I show him any of the brochure’s Matt always finds a way of changing the subject. I don’t know if he thinks I expect him to move in or thinks me buying my own home would change something between us, but I am truly happy with things how they are right now.

  I wake up on Saturday morning and get ready with my usual routine, I sit at my table with my coffee and start to make notes on each apartment, things I like and didn’t, things I want to check and questions I have about each property. Making lists always makes me feel more organised and in control, so armed with my brochure’s, notebook and pen I head out of my apartment and down the stairs. Pulling open the door I jump as I see Matt standing there, his key poised ready to go into the lock.

  “Good Morning Angel.” He says, the smile not quite meeting his eyes. He steps back to let me through the door. “I didn’t mean to make you jump.”

  “Morning. It’s okay, I wasn’t expecting you.” I say pulling the door closed behind me.

  “I wanted to make sure I could get away, it’s not too busy this morning I managed to get away and I thought I would surprise you.” He says soothingly as he takes my hand turning it in his he raises it to his lips and plants a kiss on the palm as he leads me to the car. He opens the door and once I’m safely inside he strides around the car and climbs in. “Where is your first appointment?” He asks as he starts the car.

  “They are all at Canary Wharf if you head there I can give you directions from there.” I say smiling as he pulls away not saying anything.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask nervously.

  “Sure.” Is all he says, and we drive in silence to the first apartment.

  The estate agent is there waiting and greets us cheerily. I introduce Matt who shakes her hand and nods curtly. She leads us into the building and we take the lift to the 8th floor stepping out we enter the vacant apartment. The place is completely empty, the living area is open plan with a large breakfast bar separating the lounge and dining area from the kitchen. I wander around looking at the space and the light, although the apartment is spacious it does seem dark. The kitchen isn’t that great either and could do with being replaced I look across at Matt who is just standing with his arms folded staring out of the window, I sigh and follow the estate agent down the hall and look at the bathroom and two bedrooms, they are all okay, but nothing special, nothing about this apartment feels homely.

  What do you think?” I ask Matt who is following behind us silently, hoping for some words of wisdom.

  “It’s okay nothing special for the money.” And although I know he’s being flippant he’s right.

  “I have another two to show you don’t forget.” The agent says cheerily and leads us back to the front door, we take the lift to the ground floor and across a courtyard to another tower block.

  “The other two apartments you have requested to see are in this building, one is a similar price to the one you have just seen, and one is a little more, but I’m sure one is perfect for you.” I reach for Matt’s hand as we enter the second building trying to bridge the space that seems to be growing between us. As we step into the light airy foyer the agent informs us both that this block has an on site gym in the basement and 24-hour security, so it will give us peace of mind. I have to admit that does make me feel more comfortable about being here alone.

  We take the lift to the fourth floor and enter a small apartment I look around at the empty space and try and imagine lounge furniture and a dining table in here, but I don’t see how it will fit. The kitchen is tiny, me and Matt can’t get in at the same time I frown, I love being in my kitchen sat on the counter helping Matt as he cooks.

  “It’s very small.” I say thinking out loud.

  “You aren’t kidding.” Matt scoffs which makes me a little annoyed he’s not being helpful at all and it makes me wonder why he even bothered coming.

  “Would you like to see more?” The agent asks questioningly.

  “No thank you this is definitely not the place for me.” I say shaking my head.

  “That’s fine let’s move on, the next is on the seventh floor.” She says as we enter the lift and she presses the button. Matt leans against the wall looking like a bored child I want to get to the bottom of what’s wrong with him, but I don’t want to cause a scene right now in front of the agent.

  As we step into the last apartment light floods in through the windows, it’s facing the opposite way as the others so must be on the other side of the complex, it makes such a difference. I walk over to the window and the view of the Thames makes me catch my breath.

  “There is a balcony that you can access from here or the main bedroom.” The agent offers helpfully unlocking the door before stepping aside. “Please take your time looking around, this is my last appointment. I will wait for you downstairs to give you some privacy and if you wish to view the first apartment again we can do that.”

  “Thank you.” I say to her retreating back and watch the door close. I wander around the living space imagining where the furniture will fit. There is a breakfast bar come island separating the shiny high gloss kitchen from the lounge which looks almost new. I walk to the hall and the two large double bedrooms are spacious and light, both bedrooms have fitted wardrobes the master bedroom has an en-suite. The main bathroom has a huge sunken tub big enough for two people and a walk-in shower, I start to feel a little excitement that this place could be mine.

  Matt has been following me around, but now he has gone back into the lounge, I make my way back to the living area to join him.

  “What do you think?” I ask nervously his mood hasn’t improved.

  “It’s nice I guess.” He says shrugging.

  “It’s nice you guess. You know what you shouldn’t have come
if you didn’t want to. I just wanted a little help and support in making one of the biggest decisions of my life.” Shaking my head at everything. “You know what forget it, you can go home, I can get the tube back to my place.”

  “No wait.” He says walking over to me and taking each of my hands in his. “I’m sorry. This is a lot to take in, but if you really want my thoughts then you should pick this one. It has security for a start, so I know you will be safe, the space and light are good and…” He pulls me closer and I feel the tension ease in his body. “I can see us on the balcony having dinner.”

  “You can?” I ask questioningly as I look up to meet his eyes.

  “I can, but this is your decision it’s going to be your home.”

  “I know, but it’s nice to have your support after all I am hoping you will spend a lot of time here.” I say grinning.

  “I will be wherever you are Angel.” He says pressing his lips to mine. “Now is that the first kiss in your new home?” I nod as my excitement grows.

  “Hopefully let’s go downstairs and make an offer.” As we make our way downstairs I text Harry.

  Anne: Hi, I have taken a second look at all the apartments now and the one on the seventh floor is the one I want; do you think you can get me a good deal. Anne

  Harry: I knew you would like that one don’t worry leave it with me I will make the call right now.

  Anne: Thank you.

  “Harry my solicitor is going to call and make an offer he’s trying to get me a good deal, I guess now we just have to wait.” I say as we step out of the lift. The agent is waiting for us and smiles looking at us questioningly. “Thank you for showing us around I really like the last one and have contacted my solicitor he will call you with an offer.” She nods and promises to do all she can to ensure I get the apartment.


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