Joe (Delta Forces Book 4)

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Joe (Delta Forces Book 4) Page 4

by Elizabeth Lennox

  He didn’t even bother to take off her panties, which was fine with her. He simply pulled the small scrap of satin out of the way and pressed into her heat.

  “Yes!” she gasped, arching her back, wiggling so that she could take all of him. He was huge! So wonderfully huge, he filled her completely. But he was going too slowly. She needed him to…yes, like that!

  Then he started thrusting and it was so glorious, she couldn’t even speak. Sandy heard some incoherent sounds, but she couldn’t translate them into actual words. She could only concentrate on the strangely, amazingly beautiful feelings that were pouring through her. And then the explosion throbbed throughout every cell in her soul and she cried out, her arms tightening around his neck.

  She felt him thrust harder into her, again and again. Moments later, he climaxed and she felt his muscles stiffen, then slowly relax.

  With her eyes still closed, Sandy had to admit that the climax was the most beautiful thing she’d ever experienced.

  Slowly, he pulled out of her, keeping his arms around her waist as he lowered her feet to the ground.

  “I didn’t mean for that to be over so quickly,” he admitted, raining small, teasing kisses down her neck and over her shoulder.

  “Yeah?” she replied, smiling because it had been so wonderful. “What did you mean to happen?”

  He sighed and looked around at his entryway. “Well, a bed had been in the plan.”

  She grinned, sliding her hands up his chest. She suddenly realized that they were both still wearing all of their clothes, although hers were in disarray. “How about if you show me?” she whispered, going up on her toes to kiss his chin.

  “I can do that,” he laughed, and scooped her into his arms. “Round two, coming right up!”

  Sandy soon discovered that round two was even more amazing than the first, although slower. And he was a bit more thorough this time. She loved every moment of round two. And round three.

  Chapter 7

  “Hi guys!” she called out to “the herd”. They were all thrilled to see her, even though she’d taken the dogs on a long run right before heading to the wedding yesterday, not to mention they had automatic feeders. The dogs also had a doggy door that she’d adjusted so that it would only open to their weight. Anything heavier, like a burglar, would keep the door locked. Anything lighter, like a kitty, would also keep it locked.

  Sandy scratched the dogs’ ears in greeting as she sighed and leaned against the door, closing her eyes to savor the moment. It had been a good night. A wonderful night! Joe was…he was an incredible lover. He was funny and generous, uninhibited and creative.

  Pushing away from the door, she headed up the stairs to her bedroom. “Come on guys. Let’s go for a run.”

  She hurried up the stairs, the four furry balls galloping up behind her. The dogs jumped up onto the bed, spinning and dancing with excitement, eager for attention. “Nope! You guys are going for a run.” And she turned to pet Mittens and Bear. “You guys okay last night? I know you don’t like it when I’m not here, but goodness, I had a wonderful time!”

  She laughed when Bear tucked his head under her chin, purring happily. Mittens braced her black pawed feet against her shoulder, doing his best to rub his cheek against hers. “Yes, you’re cute too.” She stroked Mittens’ back as well.

  “Okay, let’s change and go for a run!” she announced.

  Instantly, the dogs raced to the door, understanding the one word. Sandy walked over to her dresser and changed out of her lavender dress that was completely wrinkled now, after spending several hours on the floor of Joe’s bedroom.

  Quickly, Sandy grabbed a pair of leggings, sports bra, and shirt. Stuffing her feet into her shoes, she turned to her guys and smiled. “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go!”

  The dogs hurtled down the stairs, pausing at the front door where their leashes hung on a hook inside the coat closet.

  Finally, she was out the door. Life was pretty good, Sandy thought.

  Joe woke up and reached for Sandy. But when his hand only encountered cold sheets, he opened his eyes and looked around. Listening hard, he waited for a sound that would indicate she was in the bathroom or the shower. Maybe making coffee in the kitchen.

  Silence. She’d left! Damn it. He threw off the sheets and padded into the bathroom. No way! There’d been something niggling at the back of his mind last night, something that was off. But he’d been so wrapped up in the sensuality of Sandy’s body and her responses to his touch that he hadn’t been able to think.

  Even now, he couldn’t quite put his finger on what was bothering him, other than the fact that she wasn’t here after the most erotic night of his life. And he knew for a fact that she’d been more than satisfied last night too! He’d felt her climax. Hell, he’d tasted her climax once! And it had been amazing! Just thinking about that moment made his body harden with the need to do it again.

  Stomping into the bathroom, he took a quick shower, then pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt. Grabbing a sweater and his keys, he headed out the door. He was too angry to shave or even grab breakfast. Besides, he wanted to have breakfast with Sandy. He wanted to see her smile at him and see the knowing look that told him that she’d enjoyed last night just as much as he had.

  Unfortunately, after driving over to her house, Joe knocked on her door, but no one answered. More evidence that she wasn’t around was the lack of barking at his knock. In fact, he only saw the two cats, staring at him through the front windows.

  “Damn it!” he muttered, stepping out onto the front steps and looking around. Her car was still here. So she must have taken a taxi over to the church where she’d left it the day before. Somehow, she’d gotten home and that pissed him off too. She was too damn independent! If she’d woken him up, he would have gladly driven her back to her car. Then he would have followed behind her and made breakfast for her, had a conversation.

  That’s it! That’s what was bothering him! He remembered her soft hand leading him out of the reception area and onto the darkened patio. Sandy had wanted to tell him something last night, but…they’d never gotten around to that conversation.

  Had they? He couldn’t remember a lot of details, but he was pretty sure that she hadn’t told him anything that would hinder a relationship between them.

  Or was he just a one-night stand?

  Damn, he felt used. And at that realization, Joe chuckled, shaking his head as he stepped down the stairs. Before slipping into his truck, he looked around again, still searching for Sandy. Had she gone for a run? Come to think of it, probably.

  He’d come back later. Maybe she wanted to go out to dinner with him. Then they could have that conversation that they hadn’t had last night.

  Yes, that was a pretty good plan.

  Chapter 8

  Sandy missed Joe. Carrie and Derick were still on their honeymoon and would be through the end of the week. She’d been without Joe for two whole days, but she’d noticed he’d tried to call her.

  Unfortunately, there’d been a series of break-ins over the weekend. As the lead detective on the case, she’d been gone at odd hours of the day and night. So, when he was at work during the day, she was dragging herself back home to shower and catch a few hours of sleep, give “the herd” some attention, then head right back out the door. When he was home and she might have called him, Sandy hesitated, not knowing what she could offer him other than sex.

  So, it was Friday night of the following week before they finally connected. He was just stomping his way down her front steps, muttering under his breath, when she pulled into her driveway.

  Joe stopped, watching her with a mixture of hunger and rage on his face. “Where the hell have you been?” he demanded.

  Sandy slammed her door, irritated that their first contact with each other was angry words. “Working.” At the first sight of him, Sandy had thought to invite him in. Hopefully for a repeat of last week’s wonderful night. But he was so grumpy, she didn’t want to
talk to him.

  “Why haven’t you called me back?”

  She walked up the stairs and unlocked her front door. “Because I’ve been investigating a series of break-ins on the west side of town. I’ve been called out almost every night to deal with alarms going off, and the forensics, trying to find fingerprints, footprints, and all that fun stuff that bigger cities have specialized teams for. But we’re a small town and a small police force. We don’t have those resources,” she grumbled as she walked through the house, petting the dogs, scratching the cats and heading for the kitchen. “And right now, I haven’t eaten since…” she glanced at the clock with a sigh. “I actually don’t remember…and I’m starving.” She opened the fridge and peeked inside. “So if you’re going to be grumpy, then you have to leave. Because I just don’t have the energy to…”

  Sandy stopped when he pulled her into his arms and just held her. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  Sandy closed her eyes, leaning into the strength of his arms and absorbing as much of it as she could. It was wrong to let him do this. But it felt so wonderfully right!

  “I’m sorry too,” she whispered, squeezing her eyes closed against the rush of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. She told herself to pull away, but it just felt too good to be back in his arms. “I should have let you know.”

  He sighed and she felt his breath blow her hair. “How about if I order something for dinner?”

  She thought about that for a moment. Sharing a meal with Joe? Sitting down and talking with him?

  It sounded wonderful. “How about if I tempt you to my lair?” she suggested instead.

  He looked at her carefully. “You need to eat. You just said that you hadn’t eaten in too long to remember.”

  She forced her smile to brighten, then slid her hands up his chest. “I haven’t seen you naked in too long too.”

  Sandy saw the conflict in his eyes, but she could also feel his arousal growing against her stomach. She knew him. Not well, but after their one night together, she knew what turned him on. “Just touch me, Joe,” she whispered, going up on her toes to kiss him.

  After that, Joe took over. With a groan, he bent down to kiss her, taking over the embrace. He also lifted her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to her bedroom. How he knew which was hers, she wasn’t sure, but it felt wonderful. And when he touched her this time, there was a bit of reverence in his hands.

  That scared her more than anything!

  Chapter 9

  She did it again. “Damn it!” Joe muttered. For the past two months, Sandy would call him up and ask if he wanted to come over. And of course, he would head on over to her house, determined to talk with her, to maybe take her out to dinner or to a movie. Hell, he’d even love to watch a movie at either her house or his own, although they normally went to her house because of her pets.

  So here he was, glaring up at the ceiling again. She’d worn him out last night, her desire matching his own. Which was to say, insatiable! Every time they came together, it was explosive.

  His voice alerted the dogs that he was awake and they jumped onto the bed, wagging frantically as they snuggled closer, eager for attention.

  “So what is it about your mistress that causes her to run away every time I try to get close?” Joe asked the dogs, rubbing their bellies. There was no answer, but Herbert offered a blissful groan of appreciation.

  Joe showered and dressed and, since Sandy hadn’t bothered to stick around, Joe had no regrets about sifting through her bedroom. There were only a few makeup products, but Joe knew that Sandy had perfect skin and saw no need to cover anything. Just mascara and a few different shades of lipstick. She had an odd number of toothbrushes and he made a mental note to ask her about that. Why did she need three toothbrushes? An electric one, a manual brush, and one that had plastic circles in the center. He used her mouthwash, showered, and dressed in the clothes he’d worn yesterday. After taking the dogs out for a walk, throwing the ball around for them in the backyard, then making sure that they both had food and clean water, he petted the cats, then headed out the door.

  When he reached his own house, he changed clothes, then worked in his garden for a bit. He liked gardening, but nothing he did could come close to what Derick had with his vegetables. Idly, he wondered what Derick did to relax during the winter months, when the vegetables didn’t grow.

  Probably tilled the soil and composted. The man was obsessed with his garden.

  Several hours later, he stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead, admiring the yard. It looked good but, it would look better if Sandy were here with him. Damn, she drove him wild, he thought as he headed inside for a glass of water.

  Chapter 10

  Sandy sat outside of her house, staring at her cell phone. Should she do it? Should she call him up?

  It had been a very long day. Another break in. Another victim. She hadn’t found any clues and it was bugging her. She and her partner, Jimmy, who had been on the force for ten years, had spent the whole day combing over each of the crime scenes, looking for anything they’d missed.

  And in the end, they’d only frustrated themselves further with nothing more to show for it.

  Looking up at her house, she noticed that the cats were in the window, meowing at her. The curtains on the side of the house wiggled, which meant that Herbert and Roxy knew that she’d come home. In a moment, they would…sure enough, the two dogs exploded through their doggy door and were waiting eagerly at the gate in the fence.

  Opening the gate, she locked it behind herself. “Come on guys. It’s just us tonight.”

  She glanced over at Carrie’s house, automatically checking to make sure that everything was still safe, then walked into her own house through the back door.

  The doorbell ringing surprised her and she peered towards the front of the house. She could only see big shoulders and a tall silhouette, but Sandy knew exactly who was standing on her front porch.

  Smiling, she hurried to the door, all four animals crowding her feet. She almost tripped over Mittens when she darted in front of her, but Sandy was used to the stampeding horde.

  Pulling open the door, she beamed brightly up at Joe. “Hi there!” she greeted him, then remembered to temper her response.

  Joe eyed Sandy, knowing that something wasn’t right. Not just because of the stress lines around her eyes, but because of the overly bright smile that…for some reason, felt off.

  “Can we talk?” Joe asked.

  That surprised her since she was already stepping back to let him inside. Joe didn’t want to go in. He knew exactly what would happen if he stepped inside. But he couldn’t do that.

  Okay, so he could. He wanted to go inside! Hell, he wanted to step into her house and never leave. But something wasn’t right. Every time they were together, it was amazing and mind-blowing. But Sandy was never with him the following morning. That really pissed him off. Because he wanted more than just sex with her. He wanted a life. He wanted her, all of her. He wanted what his friends had, and Sandy kept pulling away. Oh, she gave herself to him sexually. She was a warm, giving lover that never failed to blow his mind.

  But she pulled away from him on every single other aspect of a relationship.

  And that was the crux of the problem, he realized. He’d been trying to figure out what was wrong. Because seriously, as a guy, Joe loved sex! He’d always loved sex!

  Unfortunately, now that he’d seen his friends find a woman to share their lives with and how happy they were with their wives, Joe wanted that too. But damn it, he wanted that with Sandy! He wanted the home and the love and hope and family and all of it! No other woman had ever made him want those things. But he did now – with Sandy.

  “Why don’t you want to come inside?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Because if I step inside, you’re going to seduce me.” He said, and saw the confirmation sparkling in her eyes.

  “You don’t want to have sex
with me any more?” she asked, and he heard the hurt in her voice.

  “I do, Sandy. But…” he rubbed a hand over his face. “I want more than just sex! I want you! I want to get to know you!” He paced along the porch. Finally, he turned to face her and his chest hurt when he noticed her cringe. Her shoulders were pulled in, as if she were trying to make herself as small as possible.

  He knew that look. After years of hunting down terrorists in some of the worst places around the world, he’d seen the effects of cruelty. It was there in the way Sandy held herself. It was in her eyes, the fear that he would hurt her.

  “I can’t do that, Joe. I’m sorry,” she whispered, her lips barely moving. “I can’t give you that. It’s…” she closed her eyes, her body shrinking further. “It’s sex or nothing.”

  He watched her, aching to fix whatever was wrong. “Why?” he finally asked.

  Sandy turned her face away. “It’s just the way it has to be.”

  “I don’t believe that,” he insisted, reaching for her. But she cringed away and he let his hand drop to his side. “I don’t believe that anyone as warm and giving as you are could want such a clinical relationship.”

  Sandy ached. She wanted to go inside her house and curl up with her pets. She wanted to feel their eager, furry bodies protect her.

  But Joe deserved so much better than this. He was a sweet, caring guy. Yeah, she knew that he was a big-time bad ass. He was a superhero that went out into the world and stopped bad guys.

  In the end, Sandy knew that she had to be honest with him.

  “Come inside,” she whispered, staring at the floor.

  He hesitated, but when she walked through the door, he came in behind her, closing it softly. It was warmer inside her house, but Sandy couldn’t feel it. She only felt the lonely, aching pain that had been her almost constant companion since…Brett.


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