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#FutureHusband Page 3

by J. Nichole

  “The airport?” Her voice hitched when she asked. I explained my travel schedule with her and I watched as the smile stayed planted on her face. “So you don’t mind traveling?” I shook my head, although traveling for work was far from a vacation. She snickered. “You know I went on a date last night with a guy who’d prefer staycations over traveling.”

  “Hmm.” I didn’t want to knock the guy ‘cause he probably had his reasons. “Guess it isn’t for everyone.” By the screwed up look on her face I could tell that wasn’t the response she wanted. “What’s that look for?”

  “I couldn’t ever date a guy who doesn’t like to travel.” She looked down at her glass of water and stirred her straw. “Seeing the world, experiencing different cultures, interacting with people who may be nothing like you.” Her eyes rose and met mine. “There’s just nothing like it. It adds dimensions to a person’s character.” I couldn’t dispute anything she said. It was all true, and I could tell she was passionate about traveling.

  “Traveling was one of the reasons I chose my consulting job, but because I travel for work I don’t have as much time to travel for pleasure.” That and because I needed to spend time with Yara.

  “I could imagine traveling all the time has its disadvantages.” Our food arrived at the table and between bites she asked, “What school did you go to?”

  I had already seen the Howard tag on her keychain, so I smiled when I told her, “We are rivals.” Her eyes narrowed and I said, “But we don’t have to argue about whose school is better.” She wore a smirk but it didn’t stay on for long.

  Before we left the restaurant we planned on a schedule to see more houses, and although I would have liked to follow her home and see her body without that dress, I thought it’d be difficult because I was a one-hitter quitter, and hitting it then seeing her again for the house search would be difficult. Besides that, I still tried to keep my love life on the road.

  “Alright, in a couple of weeks you’re going to have some spots for me to check out.” I looked down at her sitting in her car and said, “And remember, no fixer uppers.” She laughed and I had to convince my dick it was time to go.

  Monday night, I was in a foreign bar looking for a chick to help release my sexual tension that was still lingering from the thoughts of Anaya. The bar was scarce though, and the few black women there were in a group having a good time. I sipped a beer and watched the game until I saw one of the ladies staring my way. When I smiled, she left the group and made her way over to me.

  I watched as her curves moved in her tight skirt, and her chest lobbed out of her low cut shirt. She invaded my personal space and said, “Hello,” as the scent of her perfume caught my nose.

  Usually, I was the one to approach a woman at the bar. Chat with her for a bit to test our chemistry, and then invite her to my room. This one knew what she wanted, and I went along to see how she’d approach it. “Hey,” I said as I looked back to her group of friends who were still chatting amongst themselves.

  “Bartender,” she yelled, “I’ll have what he’s having.” She took the neck of the beer and clanked my bottle. “To whatever the night leads to.” I had to admit she was bold, and it had me turned on.

  “Whatever it leads to,” I repeated. “What’s your name?” I asked.

  “Laura, and yours?” She watched my lips as I told her my name. “Hmm, Russell.” She rolled my name off her tongue and I just imagined her screaming it in the bedroom. “What are you doing in Memphis?” she asked.

  “Here for work,” I said. “Are you from here?” She nodded her head. With her head back, she drank the remainder of her beer, and if we were alone I’d kiss the skin she had exposed to me.

  “What do you say we get out of here?” She looked at me, confident that I’d agree. As I pulled out my wallet to pay my tab, my phone rang. Nolan could wait. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and stood beside Laura, towering over her petite body.

  She didn’t even acknowledge her friends before we left. Damn. Something about the way she moved had me on edge, and I said, “Hold on, let me take this call.” Thankfully, Nolan was calling again and we hadn’t made it outside of the bar yet.

  “Dude, what’d you do to ol’ girl?” I looked around to find Laura waiting patiently.

  “Huh?” I asked, still trying to think of my next move with her. Whether I’d take her to the room or think of an excuse.

  “I was sitting here ear hustling while Shay was on the phone with Anaya.” I laughed because Nolan was over here gossiping. “She’s feeling you, bruh.” I didn’t need a phone call to tell me that. She was clearly affected by me, as much as I was of her. “What are you going to do?” he asked.

  “Right now, I’m leaving a bar in Memphis, and…” I waited for him to fill in the blanks. When he did, he tried to convince me that I needed to stop sexing random ladies. “Bad timing,” I groaned.

  “When you’re back, make that shit happen.” Laura was shifting beside me and I was being rude. I hurried Nolan off the phone with a promise I’d think about it.

  I’d think about it, right after me and Laura hit these sheets. I looked to her and apologized, “Sorry about that, ready?”

  She looked at me and sighed. “Think the wait made me lose my courage.” She looked back to her friends. “Have a good night,” she said softly and walked away.

  That wasn’t the last I saw of Laura. Walking through the client’s office the next morning, I was glad our night didn’t end as I was hoping. When I saw her leaning on a desk near the conference room I did a double take as she looked down. “Shit,” I mumbled.

  “What was that?” Donald, our team lead, asked looking in my direction.

  I shook my head and took a seat at the conference room table. As we set up our presentation and the clients began filtering in, along came Laura. She sat across from me but avoided eye contact, her boldness from the night before non-existent. Her cleavage tucked away in a modest sweater and her curly hair pinned into a bun.

  I’m glad we didn’t fuck, but I was still left with my dilemma. I was tense. I ignored those thoughts, and the ones of Anaya, as I focused on our presentation.

  During our break, I checked my emails and saw an email from Anaya. A list of houses and a time to meet. I scrolled through the pictures of the houses, some would need some HGTV magic, and others were farther than I wanted to be. Guess my hope to work with Anaya for a while would come to fruition.

  I tapped an email in response telling her to scratch a few from her list. My phone rang, and I saw Anaya’s name across the screen. “Hello,” I said into the phone.

  “You know if we scratch those, you only have like two to look at, right?” she said without a greeting.

  “Don’t want to waste our time.” I could hear her shuffling. “Technically, my lease isn’t up until March.” I heard her drop something in the background. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s just I try to stay within a couple of months when looking for a house. I don’t like to prolong the process.”

  “Oh. Alright, we’ll see what these two look like. Maybe one’ll be a winner,” I said with doubt that either of them would work. “I have to go, but if you find anything else send it over.”

  I had to hang up because I saw Laura headed my way. She looked around the break room before she lowered her head. “Had I known you’d be on this project ...” Before she could finish I nodded my head. I too, would have avoided her. Last thing I needed was a reputation with my co-workers. “Almost glad it didn’t work out.” She bit her lip, and my dick thumped against my leg.

  “Almost.” I stared at her before I continued, “Too bad we’ll be on this project for a couple of months.” Had we not, I would have jotted down my room number for her to meet me after work.

  She put her hand on the table, and I followed her gaze to her ring finger. Our eyes connected and shit got even more complicated. I attempted to open my mouth but the words wouldn’t come. One thing I didn’t do was fuck with marr
ied women. After Veronica, I’d never even mess with a woman in any type of a relationship. I knew how that shit felt. “Wow,” I finally said before looking down at my laptop.

  Laura took that as her cue to move on from me. My phone was to my ear as I walked out of Durham & Smith. “Nolan, bruh, I have to thank you.”

  “Oh you finally came to your senses about Anaya huh.” He laughed to himself and I knew he probably had that big ass goofy grin he wore when he was feeling gassed.

  “You’ll never guess what kind of shit you kept me out of by calling last night.” He stopped laughing. “I was headed up to the room with this sexy chick. I didn’t even approach her.” I remembered her approach and the feeling I had that it was a bad idea. I needed to listen to my own self more often. “Homegirl, is the client for my next project.” I took a pause then said, “And today she had on a wedding ring.”

  “Damn.” Nolan knew my thoughts on cheating. It was the cardinal sin in my book. The point of no return. “Maybe you’ll take me seriously more often.” I should have kept this to myself. I’ll never hear the end of how he helped me. “Listen when I say, Anaya, you should give her a shot.”

  “Let’s be honest. I don’t think either of us want to be on Shay’s bad side.” Shay had that ignore feature on lock. If she was pissed, there was no doubt about it. I’d only witnessed it towards Nolan, but I’d be damned if she threw that towards me. “I’m not trying to break her heart.”

  “Oh, you still on that no relationship bullshit?” I nodded my head, although he couldn’t see me. “Every woman isn’t Veronica.” If only that was my hang up. I’m over that. It’s having a woman around Yara. I could handle a break-up; I’d been through the worst. It’s the risk of taking away someone from Yara and that would be an automatic no.

  His voice was calm, even toned when he said, “Better find a house soon then.”



  Dear #FutureHusband, spray your scent around the house so I can inhale you when you aren’t around.

  That post didn’t make it to my page, but as Russell stood closely behind me I inhaled him. Deeply. His scent, as hypnotizing as Old Spice on an older man, made me want to bathe in it.

  “This one is close,” he said. His arm went over my head, pointing to a brown mark on the ceiling. “Think they had water damage at some point though?”

  “It’s possible.” I moved away from him to gather my thoughts. “Any house you’d consider would require an inspection.” He continued looking around. “If it doesn’t pass then you could cancel the contract.” He moved closer as if he was tempting me.

  “And the master, it’s the same size as the second room.” He stood in front of me. “Let’s check out the second one.” I cleared my throat and followed him out of the condo. “I’m not one of your most difficult clients, am I?” he asked as we drove to the next location, farther away.

  Russell wasn’t my most difficult client; in fact, I was still showing houses to Daniel and his ever-changing wants, wife. The only negative of showing Russell houses was that my hormones were on peak, and being around him just left me horny and agitated.

  “No, not my most difficult.” I looked at him and winced. “But you are definitely making me work for this check.” He laughed and I asked, “When I’m not able to find something within a couple of months, I suggest waiting the market out. Sometimes what you want just isn’t available yet.” I turned to him and his eyes were set on me.

  “But then will I run the chance of not finding something before my lease is up?” he asked.

  “What would be worse? Settling or another year in your apartment?” We rode along the highway as I let him ponder his options. I’d had this same conversation enough times to know, it would end with a pause on the search. I wasn’t exactly ready to not see Russell, not yet anyway. Other than being a Hampton Alumni, he may have been worth getting to know.

  “How about we give it till the end of November,” he offered as I pulled into the driveway of the next condo. “I’m not ready to give up yet.” I admired his tenacity. If he was willing to keep looking I’d be willing to keep working, and I’d be able to see if this thing I was feeling was merely a sexual attraction.

  “We can make that work.” We walked into the condo and Russell left me behind to look through the place. Because we were farther out, it was a newer building with more amenities, and needed no work. He’d even be able to come in under his budget. “If you don’t like this place,” I offered when I found him in the second bedroom, “I’m thinking you’ll be hard to please.”

  He turned from the window and smiled. “It is on point.” He followed me to the kitchen and I told him about the available clubhouse with a gym and swimming pool.

  “It has an indoor kids play area too,” I added and his head cocked to the side. “Not that you’d need that now.”

  “Right,” he mumbled. “Can we take a look at that too?” he asked. I nodded my head and hoped we would be sealing this deal.

  In the clubhouse, he looked around and stayed in the gym area long enough to make me think he was imagining himself working out. “What do you think?” I asked as we walked towards the kids playroom.” He stopped and glanced at it too.

  “This would work.” His smile spread and it made me happy to finally find something for him.

  “Yeah.” I smiled in return. “Let’s get back to the office and I’ll put in an offer.” He took a deep breath and he started fumbling his hands. “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Wasn’t really thinking it would happen this fast,” he said, his smile gone.

  I looked around and led him outside, maybe cool air would calm his nerves. “We could wait, but it could be off the market.” He shook his head. “Alright,” I said slowly.

  “No, let’s do it.” He nodded his head. “I don’t want to lose it.”

  He sat across from me while I walked him through our offer, and once he was comfortable with the details he asked, “Think they’ll accept?”

  “Depends on if they are ready to sell. At the very least, they’ll counter and you’ll still be within your range,” I said confidently. But we didn’t have to worry. After I made the call to the realtor, the sellers accepted the offer including our contingent based on a passing inspection. I stood from my desk and said excitedly, “Russell, it’s yours!”

  He wrapped his hand over his mouth. “Oh shit,” I heard through his fingers. He stood and looked at me, and before I could react his arms were wrapped around me. The strength of his biceps flexing against my arms was tight, but not too tight. The embrace lasted longer than a beat, and I felt the pace of my heart quicken.

  When he finally backed away, we both held each other’s gaze, his brown eyes inviting. I bit my lip and said, “We have some papers to sign, once they send over the final details. Do you have time for that today?” He looked down at his watch and nodded his head. We had started later in the day, and it was nearing dinner, but I was happy to be wrapping up the deal.

  “What do you usually do to celebrate closing a deal?” he asked as we both took our seats.

  “Plan a weekend trip,” I said honestly. “It’s been my thing for a while now.”

  “Where to this time?” he said, sitting back in his chair.

  “I was thinking a trip to Seattle.” I like to visit places I haven’t been before. A long plane ride from Virginia, but I heard it was worth it. “I’ll have to see if one of my girls wants to tag along. I try not to travel alone.”

  “If I weren’t making a large purchase right now, maybe I’d invite myself along,” he said with a laugh.

  “Nonsense, you got this,” I reassured him. “But I get it.” I liked the sound of him on vacation with me. “Maybe next time.”

  We wrapped up the last of his paperwork and as he walked me to my car he said, “I was looking forward to looking at more houses with you.” We stood beside each other awkwardly before he continued, “But since we won’t have a realtor-client rela
tionship to respect”—he leaned closer to me—“can we go on an actual date?”

  “An actual date would be nice,” I said. “When are you picking me up?”

  “If you’re free tonight…” He shrugged his shoulders. “Text me your address and I’ll be there”—he looked at his watch—“in a couple of hours.”

  I texted him my address and went home to freshen up and change into a date-worthy outfit. I didn’t ask him where we were headed, but going on an actual date with him had me excited. Not only was my roster still vacant, but my last few dates ended without so much as a kiss, and I was overdue for some loving. Not that Russell would get it tonight, but he could get it.

  “Now this place is nice,” Russell said from the front door as I had him wait for me to grab my purse. “Looks like you could give me help decorating when I move in.” I smiled and thought it would be nice to help him decorate. Decorating was how I ended up in real estate, and I didn’t get into it enough now that I was busy showing houses instead of staging them for builders.

  “I could do that,” I said when I emerged from my bedroom. “Where are we headed?” I asked as I locked the door to my condo.

  “Let’s just say it’s a surprise,” he said with a wink. I followed him to his car, and he opened my door. This real date was off to a good start.

  When we arrived in front of Bad Saint, I turned to him and said, “You know they don’t accept reservations, right?” The restaurant was known to have long lines, but I heard it was worth the wait.

  “I happen to know someone,” he said as he escorted me out of the car. We walked past the long line and into the restaurant where Russell mentioned something to the hostess before we were sat at the countertop.

  If an actual date with Russell was like this, we’d have to go on more actual dates. “I took a wild guess,” he said as we browsed the menu. I looked from my menu to him. “Since you like to travel, I thought you’d love different cuisines.”


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