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#FutureHusband Page 16

by J. Nichole

  “Em hmm,” she purred. “Just like that.”

  “Or how I wait till you’re ready, to dip my tongue as deep as it’ll go, and wait for your legs to tighten around my head?” She moaned, causing the grip around my dick to tighten, while my eyes closed.

  “Yes.” And she didn’t need to say anything else. I knew that ‘yes’; her legs were collapsing and she was biting her lip. She was there and my hand kept gliding until I was there too. “Babe,” she sighed. I knew that tone too. I’m sure her cheeks had turned red. She confirmed when she tried to apologize.

  “It’s tough, I know.” I went to the bathroom to grab a towel. “It definitely will never beat the real thing.”

  “Actually,” she dragged, “I was going to say that was perfect.” I looked into the mirror, my shoulders squared, and a smirk on my face. “When you come back though, I may have you locked up in my place all weekend.” She paused. “Well maybe after Yara falls asleep. I won’t let you out of your room till she wakes up bright and early the next morning.” She laughed nervously.

  “Ah, well being locked in a room with you for six to eight hours won’t be the worst way to spend my night. Much better than falling asleep on the couch.” Speaking of sleep, Anaya yawned loudly into the phone. I’d like to think she wasn’t purposely yawning into the phone. I said, “Sleep tight,” anyway.

  I’m glad Anaya was all in for the phone sex. Each night, for the rest of the week, we worked on perfecting our skills like we were applying to be operators. Each of us taking turns with leading the call. Although I found the releases fulfilling, I needed that real thing.

  As promised, as soon as I got Yara tucked well into bed, Anaya locked the door behind me and pushed me onto my bed. She didn’t waste a minute of our borrowed time. She climbed on top of me, kissing me down my neck, chest and even along the hem of my jeans. With each kiss, I tried to tuck them into my memory for the next time we had to rely on phone sex to get us off.

  That was till she unbuckled my pants and the warmth of her mouth wrapped around my dick. There was no storing that memory for later; it was too good to think of anything else to even try.

  She sucked and bobbed, till I was about to scream out. Then I remembered I couldn’t, not if I wanted more. I had to hold that shit in so I wouldn’t wake Yara. “Babe,” I whispered, “stop.” She did, her eyes met mine and I sat up wrapping my arms around her back pulling her up to kiss her. I missed those lips on mine as much as I missed her.

  “Lay back,” she said pulling away from me. “Close your eyes.” Listening to her use her phone sex voice was intriguing. I laid back and closed my eyes just as she asked. I waited patiently, but when I didn’t hear anything I thought it was a joke till I heard her say, “Now open.”

  I did, and she stood in front of me in a lacy lingerie set. She could have saved it ‘cause it was coming off. “Come here so I can take that off of you.”

  She giggled before crawling back on the bed beside me. It was my turn to give her something to commit to memory for later. I rubbed each of her legs before I spread them apart. I kissed around her belly button, teasing her before I ripped the lace of her panties with my teeth, just enough to slide my tongue into her hot spot.

  She moaned, and moaned, and moaned but when they got louder than my walls could conceal, I reached a finger into her mouth and she sucked on it. I couldn’t wait till her ‘yes’ came because the combination had my dick rock solid and ready to be inside her.

  I hovered over her after rolling on a condom. “Babe, I can’t wait,” she huffed. I was inside of her before she could say any more. “Hmm,” she hummed into my neck with her nails clawed into my back.

  We rocked, nice and steady, before she thrust her hips into mine making me lose it. Completely. I moved my hand between us and continued the motion till she shook. Then my head went to her chest and I could have gone to sleep right there.

  “Oh no,” she warned. “I have a few more hours.” She delivered on her promise, giving me short breaks between each time to gather myself before she was crawling on top of me or pulling me on top of her. So when she finally said, “Now let’s sleep,” it was hypnotic. My eyes closed and I was snoring.

  I woke with the sun, and before Yara came knocking on the door. It was time to tell Anaya about my next project. I rubbed a finger down the length of her arm and whispered, “Anaya.” She rolled away from me, pulling a pillow over her head. I threw it off and said, “I need to talk to you.” She mumbled in response. “It’s about my next project.”

  When she finally rolled back over and I had her attention, I told her about Oregon. More about the trips home every other weekend. “Every other weekend,” she said slowly. She sat up on an elbow and looked at me with more focus. “What about Yara?”

  I told her about the temporary plan to go back to my old schedule with Veronica and of course she frowned. “We have to improvise till this project is over.”

  “And how long is that?” she asked.

  “Three months.” She shook her head and I knew that’d be three months too long. “You can come out to visit,” I said honestly.

  “To Oregon? You want me to fly to Oregon for a weekend.” I nodded my head.



  I wasn’t flying to Boomfuckville, Oregon—well, not again. I did once, when Marley and Lisa convinced me if I didn’t, Veronica would probably love to make up for the time she let distance come between her and Russell. I hopped my ass on a long flight across the country to surprise him.

  We toured the town, fucked like rabbits, and laid around enjoying grown up time that we rarely had at home. But when he asked me to come again a few weeks later, I had other plans. Marley and I took a trip to Napa Valley to celebrate the end of the design project and the partnership I signed with Brent, the architect.

  I was on the west coast so I could have skipped on up to Oregon before heading back east, but I didn’t. Marley shamed me the whole flight home. “It was like, what, a two-hour flight?” she asked as we waited to exit the plane. I rolled me eyes and ignored her comment.

  “You know, between being a step-mom, and a considerate girlfriend...” I sighed. “Nevermind.”

  “What?” She pulled on my shoulder. “You aren’t growing restless from love are you?” I cocked my head waiting for her to explain. “You know relationships take work. Every day won’t be butterflies and roses.”

  “I didn’t say I was ready to call it quits, but boy, I am starting to wonder how long we can keep this up.” I shrugged. “I’d never cheat, but some days I understand how Veronica did.”

  Marley’s mouth opened wide. “Any day when you can empathize with the ex, is a bad day.” She gritted her teeth.

  She was right. “What can I say?” She shook her head and I knew she was disappointed. “I mean, I’m not breaking up with him.” That thought hadn’t crossed my mind. This Oregon project wasn’t going to last forever. But what about the next one?

  The days grew longer, and longer. And two weeks started to feel like a month. When I tried to sex him up over the phone, I was less and less enthused, hoping the moment would hurry, faking my pleasure, and when it got really bad, I even acted like I had a headache to avoid the attempt altogether.

  It was shameful.

  I dove into another design project to help pass the time. This project was a renovation for a single guy, newly divorced; he wanted to swag out his condo. The works, complete mid-life crisis if I would tell it.

  One day, as Brent and I sat in his office with the final design, I laughed. “This is life—the good years, the slump, then the comeback.”

  Brent sat back in his chair and stared at me. “What phase are you in?” he asked.

  “I thought I was in the good years.” I looked down at the design then back to him. “But somehow I feel like I’ve slipped into the slump.”

  He put the drawings away and said, “Good thing the comeback is coming. Let’s go out and grab a drink.” The white
boy with the British accent was asking me out for a drink. Surely, I agreed. When we walked into the bar in Roslyn, the crowd looked more like him and less like me, but whatever; a drink is a drink.

  “What’s your drink of choice?” he asked before the bartender approached.

  “It’s a dirty martini type of night.” He nodded his head and ordered one for me and bourbon for himself. “We’ve kept things professional all this time we’ve been working with each other.” Uh oh, was Brent getting fresh? “I know you’re a realtor by day and a design extraordinaire by night. What else is there to know about the Anaya Hartley?”

  The question felt like the trick question an interviewer asked when they said, “Tell me about yourself.” They weren’t looking for the ‘I hung out with my friends at happy hours, and traveled the world for fun.’ They wanted to know what you’re looking for in a career, goals, aspirations and shit. But because the martini was extra dirty, I took his offer to know about me seriously when I told him, “Anaya Hartley is trying to live life spontaneously.” I left out the why because the last thing I needed was to be crying at the bar with Brent.

  “Okay.” He nodded his head. “How are you doing that?” Brent transformed into a therapist and the bar his couch.

  “Trying to not have too many expectations. Travel every single chance I have, experience new things, see different cultures and people.”

  “That’s inspiring.” He narrowed his eyes. “But why the slump? Sounds like you should be in the good years.”

  I waved my hand in the air and said, “Circumstances are changing, relationships and such.”

  “Ah, boy problems.” He winked. “Is he worth it?” I wanted to reward Brent for the question of the day; instead, I patted his back. “Then make sure you do what you have to do to still be living the good life.” I took those words to heart.

  Before we left the bar, Brent had told me about the love of his life, back in London. “She’s a true Brit. I’ll never convince her to move to the US.”

  “So long distance? Or,” I asked taking the last sip of my drink.

  “When I’m finished doing business here, and I return home, I hope she hasn’t found a new love.” He finished his drink and we parted ways, setting a time to meet in a couple of days.

  It was either the therapy session with Brent or the dirty martini, but whatever it was had me putting on my best phone sex voice and actually hitting my peak. I believed Russell hit his too, or at least it sounded like he did. “Wow,” he said as I closed my eyes. The time difference alone was a bit much, but after hitting my peak, I was exhausted.

  “You’ll have to tell me more about that tomorrow,” he said before he wished me sweet dreams. I mumbled before hanging up and rolling over deep between my sheets.

  That next day in the office, I was in a much better mood. Almost like I had actually gotten some good loving the night before, instead of just a whisper in my ear and my own hand job.

  “Girl,” James said walking into my office with his eyes bulged out. “Have you seen the men in the conference room?” he asked. My eyebrow arched. “Girl, go run by the copier.”

  I laughed and printed the listing for my next showing that afternoon. As I walked past the conference room, I slowed my stride and tried to take the whole room in. There were some nice looking guys. Looked like they were giving a presentation to the management team, but I didn’t stare too hard. I didn’t want to make it obvious.

  I popped into James’ office and said, “Not bad.” He rolled his eyes at me. “Not like it matters to you, but neither of us is available.”

  He huffed, “Girl, when I said my vows, I never said I would stop admiring God’s creations.” I laughed, a hearty laugh, and left him sitting in his office.

  When I heard a knock on my door I didn’t even look up from my laptop, I just knew it was James coming to tell me what else he found out about the mystery men in the building. “Yes,” I said.

  “Excuse me.” I looked up and my mouth dropped. Russell’s mouth held a wide grin and between that and his suit, I was giving him one right back.

  “Russell?” I said as I stood to embrace him. “What are you doing here?” I was just on the phone fucking him to sleep the night before, and as far as I knew, he was still in Oregon.

  “I don’t want to interrupt, but as soon as you wrap up for the day swing by.” He looked over his shoulder and nodded his head. “I have to run back to headquarters.”

  “Okay,” I said with confusion. I watched him walk out of the office with the group of guys from the conference room.

  “Get out,” I heard James say from beside my door. “You know him?”

  I nodded my head and smiled. “That there is my boyfriend, Russell.”

  “Boy, he is a man full of surprises ain’t he?” He shook his head and left me standing there thinking the same thing.



  When Veronica grew tired of me being on the road, she was very vocal about it. Anaya, on the other hand, had tried to act like it wasn’t bothering her, but she failed. I knew the exact moment when it became too much; her mood changed and our conversations reflected all her feelings.

  I didn’t want to sit back and wait for her to cheat or end our relationship. The look on her face when I knocked on her office door was priceless, but the look on her face at my door now, damn. “Russell,” she said with excitement. She threw her arms around my neck. “Why didn’t you tell me you were back?” she asked.

  I led her to the couch and said with a smile, “I felt you could use a surprise.” Her eyes narrowed and I continued, “I also didn’t know if I’d be able to pull it off.”

  “Are you on a project for my company?”

  I nodded my head. “And from now on, I’m only on local projects.” She gasped and wrapped her arms around my neck again. I’d never grow tired of her hugging me just like that.

  “I don’t even know what to say,” she said, tears forming in her eyes. I didn’t expect her to cry. “It was getting tough. Could you tell?”

  I arched my brow and laughed. “I have a headache,” I mimicked her voice when she’d lie and tell me she had a headache and didn’t want to sexy talk with me. “Honestly, it’s beyond my time to be home. Thankfully, my company agreed. That travel shit is only good for so many years.”

  “Yeah, I’d imagine it was tough on you not being able to see Yara often.” I nodded my head. “So like, mid-week dates, random sleepovers, grown folks time in the middle of the week?” Even more evidence she had to be thinking about me not being around.

  “All of that.” I kissed her forehead. “And no more phone sex, only the real thing.” I winked.

  “Yes to all of that.” She kissed my lips. “Wait,” she paused, “were you back last night?”

  I laughed, and nodded my head. “Yeah, and I still want to know what got into you.” She took her phone sex game to new levels. Left me wanting to ruin my own surprise and pop up at her house.

  She smirked. “I was feeling down on myself and Brent and I went to a bar, had a nice little therapy session that got me back in the game.” I looked at her with my head cocked, but didn’t ask any questions. I could only be thankful that he stepped in and helped when she needed it.

  “You good now?” I asked, realizing that it could have been more than me being away bothering her. “Is the partnership with him too much work?”

  She nodded her head. “I’m great now.” Then she looked down at her hands and said, “He reminded me that true love could overcome distance, that it should be more than that, and that life is what I make it.”

  “Brent came through with all the facts.” I laughed.

  “He did, he really did.” She put her hand on my knee and asked, “Now what?”

  I shrugged because I didn’t plan out what would happen once I was back home full-time. I just knew as long as we were together, I’d be happy.

  “How about we spend the night together,” she said, biting her l

  “Oh, I thought that was a given.” I laughed.



  “Russell,” I said walking through his condo. “We have to get moving if we are going to get to the airport on time.”

  “I can’t get her to put on her shoes,” he yelled from Yara’s room.

  I walked into the room where Russell was trying to put a shoe on a wriggling Yara. “Yara, don’t you want to see the beach?” I asked. She nodded her head. “Well you have to put on your shoes so we can get to the airport,” I said, grabbing the shoe from Russell’s hand and placing it on her foot.

  After months of convincing Veronica I wasn’t the devil trying to kidnap her child, she let us plan a trip out of town. Yara’s first ride on a plane, and me and Russell’s first getaway together.

  Not only did I have to convince Veronica to let this trip happen, I had to convince Marley the next trip I took would be for us.

  “Okay, we’re ready,” Russell said as he scooped up Yara in one arm and grabbed my hand with his other.

  It wasn’t the trip I thought I’d be taking, but it was a trip, and one with not only one person I loved, but two.

  “Anaya,” Russell said as the plane took off, “I love you. Thank you for loving me and Yara just as much.” I leaned over the armrest and kissed his lips, till I heard Yara squeal. Russell and I both laughed before he planted kisses all over her cheeks.

  As I watched him, I smiled when I realized the #FutureHusband I’d been talking to all these years was now sitting beside me.

  The End


  #FutureHusband is my eleventh book as an indie author, and if you’ve been rocking with me since my first, hugs and kisses to you!

  If this is your first dip into my stories, you have some catching up to do. But welcome to the tribe.


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