The Forbidden Plan

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The Forbidden Plan Page 19

by Erika Starits

  “Evander, you believe her? Analysse is obviously in a state of shock. She is tired and upset from the past few days of events. Surely a flesheater, an extremely ferocious and dangerous beast, would never be capable of the actions she claims.”

  I shot Zander an irritated glance. I was angry and hurt because he did not believe me and would not defend me.

  Zander had said the sage and kind man’s name. I committed it to memory.

  Evander declared, “It is a feasible occurrence, Zander. If it was a recently changed flesheater.”

  A recently changed flesheater!?

  Jace gruffly asked the pressing question, “What do you mean, Evander? Aren’t flesheaters a sub species of wild beasts from the Previous Sphere? But they evolved into ferocious predators on this land?”

  Every drudge in our group faced Evander. He leaned wearily on his cane before answering.

  “There is much you do not know about the Previous Sphere and flesheaters. There are bits and pieces I have yet to fit together nicely in my head as well. Many of my memories have been erased, but I will tell you what I do know, what I remember.”

  Evander glanced at me with an expression of encouragement before explaining more.

  “You will all learn why I believe this young woman. But first, let’s sit by the fire. I am too tired to stand and tell this story.”

  We huddled around the fire, entranced by Evander. His croaky speech drowned all competing noises. Not even the flickering sounds of burning wood diverted our attention.

  “The Previous Sphere was amazing, especially where I was from. I am from what was called the United States. Everyone was free. Everyone was entitled to an education. You could choose who you loved and married. You could choose the job and life you wanted to define you. Huge machines called cars, trains, and airplanes took us from one place to another. We could travel far distances in a matter of minutes. There was equipment used to calculate mind boggling equations in a matter of seconds. Machinery of every kind enabled our country to advance and produce many products quickly and efficiently. The technological advances were fascinating."

  Evander struggled to tell the next part of his account.

  “One day, my family and I were eating dinner. Or as we call it in Starosa, we were eating our eveningtide meal. Suddenly, we became unusually tired. We must have fainted or collapsed from exhaustion. I truly do not remember. When we awoke, we were in a strange facility. The place was heavily guarded by men and women armed with weapons. There used to be an electronic device...”

  He could sense some of his words would be unknown and confusing to his present company.

  He carefully explained, “There was a cube shaped object called a television. Someone would be talking and the whole country could see and hear them in their different houses and rooms.”

  He waited for us to digest his peculiar narrative. I had a troublesome time picturing the things he mentioned, but it was extremely intriguing. A few low rumbles sounded and our motley group indicated curious fascination.

  He revealed, “In the strange facility, there was an announcement on the television. It flashed pictures of the world in complete chaos. The person on the television claimed overpopulation and lack of resources sent everything into an uproar. Bombings were used for death and destruction. We watched scenes of people being injected with shots and turning into what we know as flesheaters. These creatures initially retained their human characteristics of intelligence and compassion. But eventually, they lost anything humane about them...except for a few physical mannerisms. These once human beings became flesh-eating beasts. Some of the beasts became carriers of the injected virus. If these carriers bit you and you managed to survive, you turned into a flesheater as well. The virus was to be used as a weapon of war, but it spurted out of control.”

  I traced the scar on my hand. The mark was a harsh reminder of the sharp, gruesome fangs from a flesheater attack. I enforced the image and frightening memory from my mind and released a sigh of relief. I must not have been bitten by what Evander termed a “carrier.”

  Evander gestured toward me and affirmed, “So, Ana could be right. This flesheater could be a person who recently changed. The beast has not completely taken over yet, it is obviously new to its form as a flesheater. It could even be another drudge from our community.”

  I became sick to my stomach. There was a person essentially trapped within the creature who rescued and helped me and I had been rude to him! Flashbacks of the flesheater’s wounded glances made me want to vomit. He was a human trying to cling to his humanity. He rescued and protected a frightened and hopeless drudge girl. The flesheater was mostly likely a drudge and I acted like I couldn’t get away fast enough.

  An impish looking woman who was a worker drudge asked, “What happened next in your story, Evander? How did you make it to Starosa?”

  Evander’s demeanor was mournful as he replied, “This is where things are extremely vague and unstable in my memory. After the news broadcast in the strange facility, I was given a small packet with a syringe and medicine vial. Supposedly, it was a cure. An antibody for if I was bitten by a carrier flesheater and survived the attack. The next thing I remember, I woke in this wilderness. I could not find my family anywhere. There were flesheaters everywhere. I barely escaped multiple onslaughts and luckily, I was never bitten.”

  The ancient man closed his eyes. There was noticeable pain etched in his features as he recounted his nightmarish recollections from the past.

  “The flesheaters’ relentless prowling forced survivors into the direction of the community. Short of collapse, I discovered the towering electric barricade. It surrounded the beginnings of Starosa. A group of us gathered there shouting and screaming for the people inside to help. The elder Chief Meadows let us in. I was thankful to be safe from the lurking and terrifying entities of the wild. Especially from the humans who had turned into rabid beasts. I spent many days and nights with vicious creatures mercilessly hunting me. And without an actual weapon to defend myself. Finally, I was secured within a towering fence of protection. I would be a drudge, a slave in this new place to live, but did not care. I was simply happy to be alive and protected. If staying in Starosa meant I was safe from numerous outside terrors, I eagerly became a drudge. Presently, many flesheaters have been killed by humans, each other, or starved to death...but there are still enough out here to keep you on your guard.”

  Instantly, we searched the darkness and listened intently for the eerie sounds of the savage beasts. I shivered with nerves. Were they watching us and waiting to pounce? I searched the chilling shadows and into the surrounding trees. My hands tottered with fear.

  Zander noticed my anxious gaze into the darkness. He grabbed one of my unsteady hands and leaned in close to whisper.

  “Don’t worry, Ana. Evander said there are not as many flesheaters as there were at first. Flesheaters are fearful of fire so we have a large flaming one, despite the warm weather outside. We are in an armed group of strong and capable drudges. We will be safe.”

  He gently squeezed my shoulder after offering comfort. Every now and then, you could spot the silver lining in the dark cloud that was Zander. Right now, was one of those moments. I believed him and he calmed my unease.

  Soon after, we divided cooked animal and plentiful berries for food. Water was passed around for all to share from a few hollowed rocks. There was a little stream and pond nearby, where they had been collecting water. After we ate, Evander encouraged everyone to try and get some rest.

  Once the sun set, I became intensely aware of my extreme fatigue. I found a spot to rest next to the fire. My stomach was full and I was not desperate for more water. It was a remarkable sensation to have enough sustenance to thrive and not just survive. The comforts of being full and hydrated made me sleepier.

  Zander laid next to me. He turned his sturdy frame to face me. His glistening eyes were thoughtful as he smiled. He moved a stray piece of loose hair from my cheek and careful
ly placed it behind my ear. His touch was pleasant and welcomed.

  I whispered, “How did all of this come about? How did everyone escape? What is the plan?”

  Zander chuckled heartily within his throat. His silky and smooth voice floated to me in the darkness.

  “Ana, you were not the only one sneaking out past sleep hours.”

  He shot me a mischievous grin. I rolled my eyes in mocked irritation. I was pleased to discover my ridiculous secret meetings with Jude were entertaining to him. In the past, they only brought hate and seething anger.

  He willfully expressed, “A group of us have been meeting and planning an escape for months. In the middle of many nights, weapons and other items were snuck out to those on Remembrance Duty. These resourceful supplies were hidden in the wilderness. When there was enough hidden loot, we arranged the disappearances. Those who vanished took shelter in the forestland. They hid from the elite tens and did not return to Starosa.”

  The mention of Starosa kindled a stab of sympathy for Brenna. She was still suffering in that dreadful place. She remained a drudge, while I was free. I feared any potential encounters she might have with Rykeir or Chief Meadows. I loathed the future beatings, she and other drudges would endure, while I had escaped.

  I demanded, “What about the other drudges left behind in Starosa!?”

  I would never feel free if we deserted drudges to die in awful servitude. Their faces would always haunt my memories and daunt my new-found freedom.

  Zander shook his head and answered curtly, “I don’t know, Ana. Let’s be happy we are out of there for now…okay?”

  His gruff comment troubled me and I retorted, “I am happy, but I am not comfortable with moving on and leaving the others.”

  Zander scrutinized me before responding.

  “Some of our group says we should flee with our current liberty and start over somewhere new immediately. Others believe we need to first free more drudges if we can.”

  I gestured enthusiastic agreement and asserted, “Yes. We need to liberate more drudges.”

  Zander countered my statement, “Ana, we are not a large group. What are we going to do? March back into Starosa? They have guns, we don’t.”

  I thought about this for a moment, but my opinion was not changed.

  “Yeah, but it would be worth it. It would be an honorable effort. Trying and failing is better than not trying at all.”

  Zander turned from me and stared at the blanket of stars in the sky. He obviously did not agree. How could he be fine with abandoning our people? Sure, it would be great to leave and never step foot in Starosa again. It would be easier, but it would not be right. I moved to look at the stars as well, but they did little to comfort. I tried to calm my tired body and relax. On top of the irksome disagreement Zander and I had, something else was nagging at the back of my mind and making sleep impossible. Was it distress for the drudges left in Starosa? I could not determine the cause of my sudden edginess.

  It required a lengthy amount of time to fall into a restless, disturbed sleep. I envisioned glowing yellow eyes with traces of brown. They were inflamed with hurt, sadness, and rage. The flesheater writing in the dirt flashed in ragged images. The words, “I am Ju,” stabbed in and out of my unconscious state. The healing claw wounds in my side burned my skin. Suddenly, I was dreaming about Jude...his charming smile and his handsome face. My slumber became more agitated. My heart beat faster and thumped hard against my green shirt. Would it jump out of my body and onto the dusty floor? I broke into a bothersome sweat.

  I am Ju... I am Ju…

  Flesheaters were human at one time and Jude Meadows was missing from Starosa.

  I am Ju…. I am Ju...

  I wildly woke from fitful sleep. I screamed as a realization ambled through my blood-filled veins. The flesheater who saved me was Jude Meadows!!

  Chapter 25

  Zander and members of our camp attempted to comfort my alleged night terror and resulting hysteria. My company did not know the real reason behind my frantic outburst. They assumed it was the result of a horrible nightmare. I did not divulge any information to counter their assumptions.

  The flesheater who saved and protected me was Jude. The realization caused an unceasing pang of agony. It was a constant, stabbing pain that I would have to deal with for the rest of my life. Jude was a flesheater. Every minute he was turning less human and into a ferocious creature. There was not a plausible solution to remedy this dreadful circumstance. I would have to officially let him go and forever. The sadness was as thick as mud as I determined to swallow it.

  In the morning, we enjoyed a plentiful meal of wild animal, berries, and abundant water. It was decided we needed to explore and come to know the land better. How far did it expand in every direction? Was there a bountiful area we could call home in the future? Once we acquired more knowledge of the land, we would decide our next plan of action.

  I was not keen on searching the land before helping the drudges in Starosa, but the decision was ultimately unanimous. I resolved to push for a rescue mission as soon as possible. When the time came, I would fight for the freedom of more drudges.

  After eating, I was sitting quietly and lost in my thoughts. One of the sustenance drudges approached. I managed to recall her name was Andrea. She was beautiful and tall. She had long, flowing, and reddish colored hair. Her eyes were brown. The distinct brown most commonly reflected in the people's eyes of Starosa. She seemed to be near her thirtieth year. The smoke from the fire encircled and wrapped around us like a thin gray blanket. Her voice was calm, comforting, and cordial.

  “Hey, why don’t you go wash in the stream? It flows into a nice, adequate pond of water. I think it will do you wonders. You can get your clothes cleaned too. Come on, I will go with you.”

  She helped me to my feet. I glimpsed Zander listening and he traipsed our way. He had a slight limp, but seemed to be recovering speedily from his shot wound. Apparently, the bullet penetrated his flesh, but did not enter deep into his leg. His voice boomed as he stalked forward.

  “No, I better go with her, Andrea. I am not letting her out of my sight again. Old Jake made me promise to take care of her and I will keep my word. I’m keeping my eyes on her from here on out, I swear it.”

  He pointed to his chest with a long finger, and made the customary cross over his heart. I shot him a disapproving glance.

  I teased, “You better take your eyes off of me. Especially while I’m washing in the stream.”

  I meant for it to be a joke, but grimaced inwardly. My statement made me embarrassed and my cheeks were hot.

  Zander never failed to disappoint and affirmed, “Oh don’t you worry, like I would want to see that.”

  He smirked in a playful manner, but his comment hurt for some unknown reason. Even his jokes could be laced with callous remarks.

  Andrea looked at us with raised eyebrows and shook her head.

  She insisted, “Analysse, you might look like a slight disaster right now. But no one can argue. You are beautiful. This one is full of it.”

  She lightheartedly shoved Zander in the arm and announced, “He can come. It will be nice to have an extra look out. Let me grab my knife.”

  As we strolled to the water, Zander carried a weapon I had rarely seen before. It was called a hatchet. He aimed at certain spots in the distance and threw the hatchet hard and fast so it lodged deep into the trunks of unsuspecting trees. Each time he pulled his weapon free, it made a disconcerting noise as it dislodged.

  It was a longer walk to the stream than I anticipated. However, when I saw the sparkling water and the welcoming pond, the short trek became instantly worth it.

  Minutes later, I was cleaning filth, sweat, and smoke from my body and hair. On top of my exposed left shoulder, my fingertips grazed the branding scar of bondage. A miniscule, pointed triangle with no base burnt into my skin. The raised, rugged disfigurement signified the harsh existence I readily deserted. The clear blue water turned mu
rky as I rubbed my discarded clothes together in a feeble attempt to wash them.

  Andrea gave me something called a mint leaf and I used it to clean my teeth. It was not the toothbrush and paste we had in Starosa, but it would work. She also provided me with a comb fashioned from small twigs. It was a feat to untangle my messy hair. I almost hugged her when she gave me a thin piece of string to tie my hair back. My bangs still fell softly against the sides of my face, but it was very relieving to have the rest of it up and out of my way. I was enjoying the warm water and basking in the sun when Zander hollered.

  “Hurry up already! You are acting like we have all day!”

  He was so irritating and I did not want this fleeting moment of pleasure to end. Reluctantly, I departed from the deeper part of the pond to dress. My wet clothes were cumbersome to handle, but I managed. Fully clothed, I made my way onto the land. I replaced my socks and worn brown shoes.

  I was tenderly tying my tattered shoelaces...when we heard them. My breath caught. Clawed feet were pounding the ground. Growling, howling, and thrashing were headed our way. It sounded like all of the flesheaters in the entire wilderness were violently charging.

  Andrea, Zander, and I shot one another panicked and fearful glances. We were separated from the group which could be detrimental to our survival. Andrea instantly readied her knife and positioned her footing into a defensive stance. Zander gripped the handle of his hatchet so tightly his dark skin appeared white at his knuckles. I did not have a weapon and so I stood in the middle of them. Their backs flanked me and they prepared to face the approaching dangers.

  Andrea screamed as four flesheaters crashed through the trees. They surrounded us within seconds. Zander did not hesitate and attacked with his hatchet. Andrea regained her composure and combated with her knife. Claws, fangs, drool, and snarling encompassed me. I heard a pained screech and turned to see Zander hacking off one of the creature’s arms. He speedily swung his hatchet into the same creature’s stomach, killing it.


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