Holt Men of Clifton, Montana Book 12

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Holt Men of Clifton, Montana Book 12 Page 16

by Susan Fisher-Davis


  Sloane placed the phone down on the coffee table and stared at it. Well, that certainly put her in her place where Holton James was concerned. It hurt, but she’d get over it. She had to. He was angry with her and he had no right to be. All he wanted was her in his bed and she’d made the mistake of going there. That was on her.

  There was no way she would ever do this again. She would not hop into bed with the next man who came along. She loved the sex but if it was just for that reason alone, she was done with that part of a relationship. She was going to take her time and get to know how the man felt first.

  “All men want is sex,” she muttered.

  Huffing out a breath, she pushed to her feet and headed for the bedroom. Four came early and she had a lot of baking to do tomorrow. She just hoped she was able to get some sleep without Holt invading her thoughts. She snorted. Yeah, right.

  What hurt most was that she was so close to falling for him, and now she’d have to start over with someone else. Holt was not interested in settling down again. She knew he still loved Carolyn, but she was gone. He obviously wasn’t over her yet and Sloane couldn’t compete with that. She hoped he’d find happiness one day, but she was so tired of not having any in her life.

  Chapter Eight

  Holt stood at the indoor corral and watched as Richie tried to get on the young horse again. Although as he stood there, his thoughts were on Sloane. Damn, he really shouldn’t have snapped at her the way he had. It didn’t sit well with him that he’d talked to her in that manner and his mother would kick his ass down through the barn for doing so.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  “Something wrong?”

  He glanced to his side to see his manager, Al, staring at him.

  “No. Yes. Hell, who knows?” He narrowed his eyes at Al when he chuckled.

  “Woman trouble?”

  “With most men, there is always woman trouble.”

  “Hell, you got that right. I love my wife but damn, she can be a pain in the ass.”

  Holt leaned his arms on the top rail of the fence and placed his foot on the bottom rung. “I said some things I shouldn’t have. I know I hurt her, and I really need to apologize but I have a feeling she’ll throw something at me.”

  Al laughed. “No doubt there. We men know we hate to do it, but we do have to do some groveling once in a while.”

  “Once in a while? Hell, Al, try all the fucking time. If I had a dime for every time that I begged Caro to tell me what I did wrong, I’d have a hell of a lot more money.”

  “Well, then you need to make it up to whoever you hurt.” Al gave him a nod.

  “You’re right. I’ll go into town to apologize. I just hope she’ll accept it.”

  “I do too. Get her some flowers.” Al slapped him on the back. “I need to get the men out to ride the fence in the west pasture.”

  Holt nodded but didn’t say anything more. He knew he had to see Sloane. If she accepted his apology, he’d be grateful. It was more important than he expected. If she didn’t forgive him, he’d be kicking his own ass.

  An hour later, he pulled into an empty spot on Main Street and parked his truck. Taking a deep breath, he looked to the bakery and knew he had to grow some balls and walk into that store. He opened the door, stepped out then jogged across the street. He pulled the door open and heard the chime ring above it. People inside smiled or waved to him. After giving them a nod, he moved to the counter.

  “Hi, Holt. You’ll need to take a ticket,” JoJo told him.

  “I don’t want to order anything. Is Sloane here?”

  “She stepped out for a minute to go to the bank then she was stopping at the diner for more pies.”

  “I see. Okay. I’ll get with her later then. Thanks, JoJo.” He turned to go, but the door opened and Sloane stepped inside.

  She stopped in her tracks, and her eyes narrowed then she strode past him to the kitchen.

  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered as he followed her. “Sloane?”

  She spun around. “Yes?”

  “Can we talk?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I’m really busy and I believe you said all you needed to. Please leave the kitchen. Only employees are allowed back here.”

  He rubbed his hand around the nape of his neck and wanted to grab her and pull her close. Damn, she was stubborn but sexy as hell.

  “I’ve been back here before,” he stated.

  “New policy,” Sloane snapped as she set a bag on the table with Clifton Diner scrolled on it in red.

  He folded his arms, leaned against one of the tables, and stared at her. She didn’t look at him at all. She removed the pies from the bag, put them in the fridge then pulled an apron down, put it over her head, and tied it in the back.

  “Sloane,” he said quietly then tilted his head down when she placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. He slowly raised his head.

  “Go away, Holt. We’re done here.” She moved to the oven, pulled on mitts then opened the door and took a pan of muffins out.

  He grasped her arm in his hand, turned her to look at him then stared into her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “Good to know. I’m busy,” she said, jerking her arm from him then strode back to the table with the muffin pan.

  “Holy hell, woman. Give me a damn break here. I have no clue what I did to make you want to stop seeing me.” He jerked when she slammed the pan down onto the metal table then stalked to him.

  “Give you a break? Seriously? I did! I am not going to go to bed with you again. I am not going to get my heart stomped on. Again. I will find a man who wants a future with me. You are not him.” She took a deep breath. “Now, please leave.” She turned away from him.

  He stared at her stooped shoulders and knew he’d hurt her more than he thought. Blowing out a breath, he turned, walked out of the kitchen and then the shop.

  As he stood on the sidewalk, he stared down at his feet and shook his head. He’d really fucked up with her somewhere. She was such a wonderful woman, and he’d fucked up. He hurt her and he hated hurting anyone but especially Sloane. She’d just gone through a divorce and all he did was add to her pain and he didn’t even know how he’d done so. Didn’t he deserve an explanation? He did but it sure as shit didn’t look like he was going to get one.

  Getting his feet to move, Holt strode across the street to his truck, climbed in, and tore out of the parking spot in front of a car. The driver laid on the horn. Holt threw him the finger then drove home.


  Sloane blinked back tears as she removed muffins from the tin. No one in the kitchen said a word and for that, she was thankful. Damn Holt James for hurting her and double-damn him for coming here thinking she would forgive him for it. She didn’t want to ever see him again in this lifetime.

  She sighed. It was too bad it turned out the way it had. He was a fantastic lover, and she wondered if she’d ever find that kind of heat between the sheets again. Shaking her head, she doubted it. Just like Deidra, Lanie, and Rissa had told her, there needed to be chemistry between two people for a relationship to really work.

  “Unless it is just for sex,” she muttered.

  “I’m so sorry,” Nancy whispered as she rubbed her back.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s best I found out now. I like him. I really do, but he’s not what I need in my life.” Sloane gave her a sad smile. “He doesn’t want to be in my life. God! I shouldn’t be this upset over it. It’s not like we were in love, but I want love again, Nance. I do. I want a man who will love and cherish me and not bang his secretary on his desk.”

  When Nancy snorted out a laugh, and even though she didn’t really find the humor in the truth of it, Sloane laughed with her.

  “None of us want that kind of man, but I really think you should listen to what he has to say. Give Holt a chance. He came all the way in here just to talk to you. He feels bad that he hurt you. Yes, I know you didn’t tell me what happened, but I can
tell you’re hurting and since Holt is the only man you’re seeing, he had to have done something to hurt you. But he seems honestly sorry for it.”

  Sloane stared at her. “Listen to him? I don’t know.”

  “What can it hurt? People say things all the time that they don’t mean when they’re angry. You have to remember that Holt lost his wife to a terrible disease, so he’s skittish. I don’t think he’s had any kind of relationship since his wife died—except with you. Just like you, he’s afraid to love and lose again too.”

  “I don’t know—”

  “Just think about it. That’s all you can do for now.”

  “All right, I will. Let’s get back to work and hopefully, the day will pass quickly.”

  “Yeah, at times like this, I do wonder why I want a man,” Courtney said.

  “Sex. You want a man for sex,” Nancy said.

  “There is that,” Courtney said with a grin, making Sloane and Nancy chuckle.

  At six, Sloane pulled the door closed behind her, locked it then quickly made her way across the street to head for her apartment. As she started past the diner, the smells made her stop and inhale deeply. Damn, she was hungry. Taking a deep breath, she tugged on the door then entered the little restaurant. The bell jingled above her, and patrons inside called out or waved to her. With a smile, she waved then climbed up onto a stool.

  “Hi, Sloane,” Connie said as she passed by.

  “Hi, Connie. Is it all right if I let Owen know I’d like a burger?”

  Connie stopped, turned to look at her, and raised an eyebrow.

  “Since when do you need to ask? I can get it but if you want to let Owen know, please do.” Connie winked.

  Sloane hopped down from the stool and entered the kitchen to see Owen at the grill. He looked over to her and grinned.

  “Hey, Sloane. What can I get you?”

  “A burger with mayo, lettuce, onion, and tomato. Fries too, but only when you get a chance.”

  Owen smiled. “You got it.”

  She leaned against the doorjamb, folded her arms, and watched as he made her a burger. She loved this little town. Everyone was so friendly to her. She frowned thinking about Holt. Damn, maybe she did owe him an explanation. She did cut it off with him out of the blue and the poor man probably had no clue what was going on with her. She liked him and that worried her because she didn’t want to be hurt again. It was better to stop seeing him if he wasn’t interested in going further in their relationship. The way he had snapped at her over the phone hurt her more than she expected. She sighed. Then again, since her rejection of him seemingly came out of nowhere, it shouldn’t surprise her that he lashed out. Yeah, she owed him an explanation. Nancy was right, she needed to do that much.

  After a few minutes, Owen walked to her with a plate. She smiled as she took it from him, thanked him then reentered the dining area to take a seat at the counter. As she was about to take a bite of her burger, the bell jingled, and she glanced over to see a gorgeous cowboy enter. Dayum! He looked her way, touched the brim of his hat then took a seat on a stool.

  “Do you need anything else, Sloane?” Connie asked as she refilled her coffee cup.

  “I’m good. Who is that?” Sloane whispered as her gaze shifted from the hot looking cowboy sitting feet away back to Connie.

  “Dominic Blackstone.” Connie kept her voice low.

  “Somehow that name fits him. He certainly has that brooding cowboy thing down pat.”

  “He’s a good man.” Connie shook her head. “But he’s been through a lot.”

  “Haven’t we all?”

  “True, hon, but Dom more than others. Enjoy your dinner and let me know if you need anything else.”

  “I will. Thank you.”

  Sloane couldn’t help glancing in the cowboy’s direction again. He was looking at the menu. Good Lord. He was hot. His dark hair looked silky soft and in need of a trim where it showed beneath his hat. That black cowboy hat sat low on his forehead, and there was a tear in one knee of his jeans. On his feet were well-worn cowboy boots.

  Heavens. It was hot in here. She ran her eyes back up to his face to see scruff on his lower face, strong jaw, and neck then her gaze met his. His eyes were as dark as pitch.

  Clearing her throat, she turned back to her plate, picked up a fry, dipped it in ketchup, and took a bite. She could feel him looking at her, but she refused to look at him again. Something told her this man would not be interested in anything but sex, and she would not go down that path again.

  “Dom, this is Sloane Gates. Sloane, Dominic Blackstone,” Connie introduced them. “Sloane is my niece’s cousin.”

  “Ma’am,” he said in a deep voice as he gave a nod.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Blackstone.”

  “Dom, please.”

  “All right. Dom.” God! She wanted to giggle like a schoolgirl.

  A few minutes later, Sloane picked up her plate, got down from the stool, and entered the kitchen. She set the plate in the big sink, smiled at Owen as she cleaned it, stuck it in the rack then reentered the diner. She gave Connie a wave and headed for the door.

  She passed by Dom and smiled. He touched the brim of his hat, picked up his burger, and began to eat. Too bad she’d decided that just sex wasn’t worth it. Shaking her head, she knew that would never happen with Dominic Blackstone. As hot as he was, he was no Holt James. He was sexy but so was Holt. Dom seemed a little lost to her.

  This town and the nearby other two had some incredibly sexy men but it seemed that a lot of them had a tragic background. Maybe they just needed a good woman in their life to get them past all that. She was sure not all of them have had a bad relationship or a tragedy in their life, but it did seem that a lot of them had. But then quite a few had found happiness again. Proof being Lanie and Trent, Deidra and Preston, and Reece and Rissa. Deidra told her that it just took the right woman. Sloane wanted to be the right woman. She was faithful, loyal, and a good person. She just needed to find the right man. Holt popped into her head.

  Sloane climbed the steps to her apartment, inserted her key then pushed the door open. Closing it behind her, she locked it then made her way down the hall to the bathroom. After starting the water, she stripped, stepped into the tub, and sunk into the hot water. She leaned her head back and thought of Holt. She did owe him an explanation and she made up her mind that she’d call him as soon as she got out of the tub.


  Holt had just taken a seat in the recliner and raised the footrest when his cellphone buzzed. Picking it up, he frowned when he saw Sloane’s number. Was she calling to tell him to stay away from her again? He hit Answer and put the phone to his ear.


  “Holt, I…I believe I owe you an explanation,” she said in a low tone of voice.

  “That would be nice considering I have no idea what I did.”

  “Nothing really. I just think if this isn’t going anywhere, we should avoid the inevitable.”

  “And who said it wasn’t going anywhere?”

  “You did.”

  He sat up so fast that the footrest on the recliner slammed shut.

  “When did I say that?”

  “Not to me. I-I heard you told someone that you had no desire to get married again. Look, before you say anything, I know we’ve only been seeing each other for a couple months now, but I want to be happy again, Holt. It about killed me when I found out that Doug preferred his secretary to me. I gave him ten years of my life and he couldn’t do the same. I want a good man, but if you have no desire to settle down again, why should we keep seeing each other? Isn’t that why people see each other? To see if they’re going to be together. If it’s just sex, I’m not that kind of woman. I need to…feel something. I like you, Holt. I really do but if I’m wasting my time, tell me.”

  He huffed out a breath. “Sloane, I like you too. I do agree it’s why people get involved with each other. I don’t remember telling anyone that but if I did, it
was probably back when Caro died. I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life either. I want to share it with a good woman. The sex is great between us, we have a lot of heat in bed and that’s a good thing, but I think we fit together in more ways than that. Don’t we need to see where this is going between us? Don’t we owe each other that? I know I snapped at you on the phone and I can’t apologize enough. It just took me off guard that you wanted to end it without giving us a chance and I lashed out. Christ, I miss you already.”

  “I miss you too. It’s just the thought of being hurt again is scary.”

  “Hell, tell me something I don’t know. I know you were hurt by your ex, but I lost my wife too. I watched her suffer and I couldn’t do anything to make it easier on her. I can’t do that again, but I also know that God doesn’t give us mountains we can’t climb. I’m willing to try this, Sloane, and I hope you are too.”

  He held his breath, waiting then sighed when she spoke.

  “I’d like to try, Holt.”

  “Good. Will you come out for a visit this weekend? We can go horseback riding again. I think Skittles misses you too. If you don’t want to spend the night, that’s fine. I’ll respect your wishes but I want to see you, Sloane. I want to be with you, even if we don’t end up in bed.”

  “I’d love to come out. You can pick me up after I close on Saturday, and we’ll see where it goes from there.”

  Holt smiled. “Can’t wait. I’ll see you then, darlin’.”

  Early Sunday morning, he sat on the sofa in the living room, staring into the empty hearth. Buddy was asleep on the rug. Glancing over to the grandfather clock in the corner, he saw it was three in the morning. He leaned his head back, closed his eyes, and thought back to earlier in the evening…

  “Sloane, you are the most amazing woman,” he whispered against her lips.

  “You know how to make a woman feel cherished, Holt,” she whispered back.

  “I need you so much,” he said as he slowly inched into her.

  When her legs wrapped around his waist, he couldn’t stop himself from taking her hard and fast. She moaned and he pressed his lips to hers and captured her scream with his mouth. Feeling her body clench around his cock as she came threw him over the edge with her. A deep groan tore from his throat as he came. He lifted his lips from hers, leaned his forehead against hers, and tried to catch his breath. When she smiled up at him, he knew. He knew he’d fallen in love with her but he had no idea what to do about it. How did he move on with Sloane while still loving Carolyn?


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