Counting Kadence (Whispers In Wyoming Book 4)

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Counting Kadence (Whispers In Wyoming Book 4) Page 2

by Danni Roan

  “Are you cold?”The deep voice was gentle.

  “No.” she responded, opening her eyes. “Why are we going to Yellowstone for our honeymoon?”

  The silence that met the question seemed to go on forever and slowly Michelle turned to look at the man behind the wheel.

  “It’s close,” he finally offered tentatively.

  “I’ve never been to Yellowstone,” she said, remembering to be patient, “but I have to warn you, I did not bring cloths for roughing it.”

  “Oh.” Kade glanced at her. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  Michelle could sense Kade’s discomfort.

  “I’m sure it will be alright.” She squeezed his hand, realizing that she hadn’t released it. Her hand felt small and delicate in his, but she rather liked the sensation.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stop and get something to eat before we get to the hotel?” Kade offered, his eyes steady on the road.

  “I’m alright.” she replied, turning back to study the golden prairie as it whizzed by.


  “We’re here.” A deep rumbling voice woke Michelle and she blinked, confused and bewildered.

  She must have drifted off to sleep.

  The sound of a car door opening made her sit up straight, noticing the large building they’d stopped next to, golden light pouring from its windows into the pre-dusk gloom.

  Her door opened and she gazed down into the handsome face of Kade Ballard, who raised his hands toward her.

  “Can I help you down?”

  Michelle’s lips tugged into a grin as she slid in to the man’s waiting arms. He lifted her as if she were a feather, holding her for a moment before placing her feet firmly on the ground.

  “This is beautiful.”

  “Not what you expected?” humor hummed in Kade’s voice.

  “No, not at all.”

  Hefting the bags from the back of the truck, the man in the dark suit and lilac tie offered his elbow, and together they entered the Lake Hotel.

  The petite woman in the white dress stepped into the hotel foyer, gazing about her, oblivious to the guests watching her; smiling at the new bride.

  Signing the register, Kade took the key card offered him, slipping it into his breast pocket, and turned back to his wife. She sure was a pretty little thing. Taking a moment, he watched her standing in the middle of the room, turning in a large circle to take everything in.

  “You ready?” he asked, stepping to her side and making her jump.

  A few moments later, he stood in front of a white door, his hands sweating on the handles of the suitcases he’d carried from the truck.

  Michelle reached up and pulled the key card from Kade’s pocket, opening the door and stepping through.

  “Aren’t I supposed to carry you or something?” Kade asked

  “Did you want to?”

  Kade shrugged, not sure what to say, stepping through the door and putting the bags down. He didn’t know what to say, what to do. It had always been that way, with women, for him.

  “You look uncomfortable.” Michelle moved toward him, her dark eyes taking in his features as she reached for his tie, tugging it loose. “It will be nice to get out of these clothes,” she added with a devilish twinkle.

  Kade’s heart started to pound as Michelle’s hand came to rest on his breast. She was so tiny, only coming to his collar bone, but he was drawn into her eyes each time she looked at him.

  The silken sigh of his tie falling from his shoulders filled his ears and he swallowed hard when his bride unbuttoned his collar.

  “Better?” There was mischief behind her eyes as she patted his chest, her face turned toward his.

  “Uhm hum.”

  “Now me.” The sprite like woman turned, offering her back and the long line of buttons running from the nape of her neck to her lower back.

  Kade dragged in a ragged breath and started on the buttons, wishing his hands weren’t so big and clumsy.

  “So, you’re part of the ranch,” Michelle mused.She could feel the man’s warm hands working on the buttons of her fancy dress. Each time they brushed her flesh, she suppressed a delightful shiver.


  Michelle laughed. This one was a talker.

  The last button popped on her dress and she felt the big man’s hands go still.

  Shimmying slightly, Michelle let the dress slip from her shoulders, falling in a heap around her feet. The man’s soft groan was rewarding.

  Stepping out of her dress in only her expressive bustier, panties and stockings, Michelle snuck a peek at her groom. She liked the sudden sense of power she had as she studied his face. She was barely five foot three and she’d easily felled this oversized man.

  “I think someone mentioned food,” she commented, reaching for a light floral dress from her bag and slipping it over her head.

  “Yes Ma’am,” the gruff voice behind her croaked, dragging his eyes from the shapely form of the woman he’d married. For some reason, his mouth had gone completely dry and he struggled to speak.

  Michelle bit her lip, trying to keep from laughing, “Why don’t you change and we’ll go down to the dining room.”

  Shedding his jacket, obediently, Kade draped it over the chair by a small round table. “I’m ready.” He said, his voice still gruff.

  “I have to admit this is nothing like what I expected when you said Yellowstone,” Michelle commented, walking down the lush corridors on his arm, as they headed toward the restaurant.

  “What’d you think, I was going to put you up in a tent?” Kade’s stretched his fingers nervously, making the tendons crack, then grinned at the look she shot toward him.

  “We could go someplace else if this isn’t good for you,” he continued.

  “No,” Michelle answered quickly, trying to put his mind at ease, “it’s beautiful here.” The sound of astonishment in her voice made Kade grin.

  “Sounds like you’re surprised.”

  “Frankly I am,” Michelle answered honestly. “When I think of Yellowstone, I think of wilderness and wildlife, not a posh hotel with five-star dining.”

  “You’ve never been here before?”

  “I’ve barely been out of New York,” Michelle said, stopping and smiling at the server showing them to their table.

  Kade pulled out the chair for his petite wife. He still couldn’t believe that it was official. He’d signed the contract agreeing to stay married to the little woman for a full year. In the meantime, there were a load of things to talk about in-between.

  He’d thought the whole notion was crazy when Phil had first mentioned it, but after reading his great-grandfather’s letters, and learning about how love bloomed in hard times, now he had faith that it would all work out.

  “Will you need to return to New York?” Kade asked, taking a seat and trying not to worry about the answer.

  “No!” Michelle yelped, then quieted, squirming slightly in her chair. “I mean, I’ve brought most of what I need with me and can have a few extra things shipped when I have a new address.” Her eyes grew wide and Kade leaned forward, concerned.

  “I’ll be living on the ranch, won’t I?” she finally asked, her dark eyes bright.


  “And Phil will be there?” A slight smile tugged at her lips. “I’ve been so dim. I need to get my brain in gear.”

  “Phil and Chase just moved into the old Allen house,” Kade answered.

  Michelle scowled, making a little crease appear between her brows.

  Kade studied her, puzzled by the look.

  “Which one’s that?”

  “The little one story, in the horse pasture,” Kade said.

  “So, I can see Phil anytime I want to?” Her voice was bright with excitement.

  “Sure, I guess.”

  Impulsively, Michelle reached out and laid her hands over his where they rested on the table. “I think I’m going to like this arrangement,” she chirped, pulling b
ack and picking up the menu before her.

  Kade picked up his menu, staring at it without seeing. He didn’t know if he should be happy or insulted that the woman across from him was more excited about her friend than her new life with him.


  “That was fantastic!” Michelle enthused, sprawling across the king-sized bed with a contented sigh. “I think that wasthe best steak I have ever eaten.”

  Kade sat carefully next to her, making her giggle as her side of the bed rose under his weight.

  “If you liked that so well, I’ll have to fix you a steak when we get home. There are advantages to living on a ranch, you know.”

  Michelle sat up, turning toward the man next to her. Sitting, it wasn’t so hard to look him in the eyes. They were blue, like a darkening sky, and full of hope and perhaps a little worry.

  “Did you enjoy your meal?” she asked, studying his face. She had been pleasantly surprised at how handsome he was. She’d learned all too well, however, that looks could be deceiving and felt a hint of caution.

  “It was good.”

  “How ‘bout dessert?” she asked, walking her fingers up Kade’s arm suggestively.

  Kade felt like he needed to tug at his collar again, but he’d taken the tie off hours earlier.

  “You, ah…” he tried to make his thoughts clear. The matchmaker lady had told him that some women didn’t want to consummate the marriage right away. “I mean…”

  Michelle’s lips on his made him giddy, answering the question in one fell swoop.

  Chapter 2

  Michelle rolled into the solid form sleeping soundly beside her and snuggled close to his warmth. She was wide awake, having grown accustomed to working odd hours with her home-based business. Computers cameras and reprographic equipment didn’t care what hours you kept.

  As the wedding date approached, she’d quietly had all of her equipment packed into a storage in anticipation of her move. She squirmed slightly at her cowardice, but pushed the thoughts away as she contemplated her new husband.

  He sure was big. She studied his silhouette in the soft darkness. His bare torso looked like chiseled marble in the trickle of moon light coming through the window. Gently, she ran her hand down his flat abdomen.

  Under other circumstances, she would have used him for a model in one of her body building flyers for the various gyms she did work for. All those bulging muscles and hard angles would have people lining up to join, but for some reason, she didn’t want to share him with the rest of the world.

  The man stirred and Michelle grew still. She wasn’t ready to wake him, yet. She hadn’t even known the man for twenty-four hours, yet somehow, she felt warm and safe and comfortable snuggled into the curves and edges of his body, but what would time bring? Could she truly trust him?

  Kadence. She thought of his name. Who named their kid Kadence? She’d heard the name Kade before, who hadn’t? The hunky football player from Georgia was well known, but Kadence?

  Kadence Ballard; Kade. It was a strong name, and Michelle liked it. She suspected she liked the man as well, but only time would tell.

  Beside her Kade shifted, rolling toward him, his bulging arm falling over her dark hair and pinning it uncomfortably to the mattress. Craning her neck, she kissed the hollow in his throat, breathing in his masculine essence and tasting the salt on his skin.

  A deep purr hummed in his chest and she was just able to make out the light reflecting in his eyes.

  “You’re on my hair,” she whispered.

  Kade pushed himself up on his elbow, releasing her hair, setting her free to shimmy up where she could kiss him.


  “Michelle, Michelle.” The resonant tone of her name made Michelle ‘hmmm’ into her pillow.

  “Michelle, you need to get up. If you want breakfast, you need to move.”

  “Why?” Michelle asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Where are we going?”

  “This package includes a tour of parts of the park,” Kade said. “Today it’s…” he paused, studying a brightly colored brochure, “it’s a private drive through the park to see the wild life.”

  Michelle shimmied to the edge of the bed with a groan, letting her feet touch the soft carpet. “Do I have time for a shower?” she asked, heading to the bathroom, pausing to lean back out the door when Kade didn’t reply.

  “If you keep ogling me like that, your eyes are gonna’ fall right out of your head.” Michelle’s giggle trailed her into the bathroom, evaporating behind the closed door.

  “Ready.” She said only minutes later, pulling a snug pair of jeans over slim hips. “I’m starved,” she added, skipping toward the door.

  Kade followed his little wife down the hall. She hadn’t been happy being rousted out of bed, even though he’d been awake for hours, but she seemed determined to get breakfast now.

  She had been stunning the night before in her elegant white dress with her dark hair looped up in some intricate swirl on top of her head. It had even made her seem a little taller, but now she took his breath away.

  He wondered for a minute if it was wrong to enjoy the sway of her hips in her snug jeans, or the way her nearly black hair swished like a horse’s tail with each step. He shivered, remembering the way those heavy curls had felt on his bare skin mere hours ago.

  “Is it a set breakfast or a buffet?” Michelle was speaking to him again and he had to arch backward to keep from trampling her when she came to a sudden stop at the restaurant.

  “We have both,” a server spoke, indicating they should follow her to a table. The dining area was busy, but not full, and they were soon seated.

  “Oh, my gosh!” Michelle enthused, looking out the bank of huge windows surrounding the room on the misty morning. “Look at all the bison.” She looked back at Kade. “I’ll be right back,” she added, jumping to her feet before he could rise and racing down the hall.

  “Did she forget something?” a young woman asked with a smile.

  Kade shrugged, not sure what to say, or where his wife had gone. Being married was already confusing.

  In only a matter of moments Michelle trundled back in, a heavy bag over her shoulder. “Now I’m ready.”

  Kade looked at the worn, brown leather shoulder bag questioningly.

  “Camera.” Michelle patted the bag with a satisfying thump as she settled back in her chair. “Let’s eat so we can get out there.” She glanced up at the windows again. “I’ll get fantastic shots.”

  Once again, the petite, dark-haired woman ate a hearty breakfast, practically wolfing down her food in her excitement to be out with her camera.

  “Oh, look at the bus!” Michelle exclaimed, heading toward the antique yellow vehicle, snapping photos furiously, its wide brown fenders shining in the early sun.

  “We’re booked on that one, hope that’s okay.” Kade indicated one of the tour busses.

  “It’s wonderful. I’ll get some great shots from this thing.” She slipped her arm into his with a grin, her satchel smacking her hip as she climbed aboard.

  “That’s a big camera,” Kade said, tucking his long legs into the confines of the seat.

  “This is the smaller one,” Michelle said, adjusting the lens and fiddling with various dials and buttons. “I use a lot of my own images to create my brochures, ads, even book covers,” she said smiling.

  “So, you’re a photographer?” Kade asked, shifting to get as comfortable as possible.

  “That’s part of it,” Michelle replied, aiming her camera at the window. “I used to do events, weddings, birthdays, new baby pictures.” She turned her dark eyes on him, running them over his form with a slow grin. “Now I create all kinds of advertisements, brochures, and fliers.”

  “That brings me to another question,” Kade said. “Are you going to need to go back and forth to New York for work?”

  “Kade,” Michelle laid a hand over his, “I’m not going back to New York.” Her brown eyes met his, and the worry in their de
ep blue tightened her chest. “When I had my interview, I said I was looking for a quiet place to work.”

  Relaxing, Kade lifted his arm, laying it across the top of the bus seat behind Michelle, who snuggled in close, looking out the window. She was a big city girl in the middle of nowhere with a strange man, but for the first time in a long time, she felt free.


  “Kade.” Michelle’s elbow in his ribs made him groan. “Kade, wake up, I’m hungry.” Michelle’s voice finally sank in.

  “Again?” he asked, rolling over and tucking her into the crook of his arm.

  “Yes,” she squirmed loose, “again.”

  “Eat the stuff in gift basket.”

  “I finished that earlier.”

  “All of it?” the man sounded surprised.

  “Yes, now get up, I’m hungry.”

  Kade shifted, making the bed creak as he reached for the bedside table lamp. “I’ll see if anything’s still open in the hotel.”

  “I want donuts.” Michelle spoke impulsively, rolling onto her stomach and propping her chin on her hand.

  Kade grinned. “Donuts?” he queried raising a brow, “Where am I supposed to find donuts at one o’clock in the morning?”

  “I don’t know,” Michelle said, kicking her feet in the air.

  They’d been married for four days, and his wife was a revelation. To start with, she ate more than he did, and all the time. She was also confident, funny, and very sexy.

  Kade’s deep rumble was accompanied by the sound of him picking up the phone. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I can’t believe you actually did this,” Michelle said half an hour later, delicately shoving the last bite of toast and jam into her mouth.

  “You said you were hungry,” Kade answered blankly.

  “Yes, but…” she stopped looking up into Kade’s bewildered blue eyes. “It was very nice of you, that’s all,” she offered, leaning over and kissing him sweetly.

  Stacking their plates on the small table, Kade flipped off the light and crawled back into bed, pulling Michelle close and dropping a kiss on her forehead.

  It had touched his heart when she’d thanked him for ordering toast from room service. It was almost as if she’d been surprised he would do such a thing.


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