My Brother's Keeper

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My Brother's Keeper Page 13

by Alanea Alder

  Amelia bumped shoulders with her mate. "She does not."

  Darian gave Amelia a look. "Then answer me this: Why did Meryn have binoculars to give you right after you first arrived?"

  Amelia opened her mouth then closed it. She looked over at Meryn. "Why did you have binoculars?"

  "She likes to bird watch," Aiden answered.

  Anne looked around the table to see if she was the only one who didn't believe that. She leaned forward in her chair to see Rheia's expression. Okay, that would be a big, fat no.

  Meryn grinned. "Yup, I like to watch."

  "Oh, Meryn." Elizabeth hid her face against Gavriel's upper arm. Gavriel's lips twitched as he tried not to laugh, but every once in a while, a snicker would escape.

  Colton and Darian were exchanging looks. Colton nodded toward Aiden. Darian shook his head and pointed to Colton.

  And the winner is? Anne wondered who would be brave enough to tell Aiden the truth.

  Colton cleared his throat. "You know, Aiden, I don't really think Meryn is bird watching."

  Aiden frowned. "What else would she be doing with binoculars?"

  Kendrick raised his spoon and sipped his soup. "I assume you have a ranking system?"

  Meryn laughed and nodded. "I even created a database."

  Kendrick nodded in approval. "You'll have to show me how it works. I'd love to get some of the reference materials I've accumulated over the years into an easier to search format."

  "Ranking system?" Aiden frowned.

  Meryn ignored Aiden's question. "Sure, swing by the office any time," Meryn offered.

  "Excellent," Kendrick agreed. "By the way, where did I rank?"

  Meryn shook her head. "We haven't placed you yet since you haven't worked out with your shirt off."

  Realization dawned on Aiden's face. "Meryn!" he bellowed.

  "What? It gets boring around here," she complained.

  "To whom is she referring, when she says 'we'?" Gavriel asked, his lips dancing along Elizabeth's neck as he spoke.

  Elizabeth laughed, her cheeks flushed. "Noah. They only have me judge in the event of a tie."

  Colton turned to Rheia. "Did you know about this?"

  Rheia nodded. "I helped supply the chest measurements they needed for some of the more closely contested ranks."

  Colton became thoughtful then turned to Meryn. "Am I at least in the top ten?"

  Meryn nodded. "Your smile saved you."

  Colton beamed a bright smile around the table. "Yes!"

  Anne looked at Kendrick then at Meryn. "Can I help judge when Kendrick is shirtless?"

  Meryn nodded enthusiastically. "If we have three judges we won't have ties anymore."

  Kendrick looked at her. "What makes you think I'm going to train shirtless with these lunatics?"

  Anne flashed him a sultry look to show him how she felt about the thought of seeing him bare chested. Kendrick's amber eyes darkened before he turned to Aiden. "What time do you muscle heads start in the morning?"

  Anne winked at Meryn who was all smiles.

  "Between never and never thirty," Aiden replied sourly.

  Kendrick shrugged. "I guess I can walk around shirtless in the house."

  Gavriel growled. "We start right after breakfast. Keep your clothes on in the house when you are around my mate."

  Kendrick turned to Elizabeth. "No offense, but I'm attracted to teal-eyed nurses who like to introduce me to anime shows and then don't let me watch the endings."

  Anne smiled wide. "I didn't know you liked the show that much."

  Kendrick groaned. "Was that all you heard?"

  Anne blinked. "Huh?"

  "Nothing." Kendrick shook his head.

  "I can't wait to tell my minion we have someone else to help us," Meryn said, swirling her soup with her spoon.

  Kendrick smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Minion! I completely forgot about Basil! After we got back, I told him to inventory his new supplies along with what he already had. I promised to show him the crystal spells today. I hadn't anticipated helping in pitched battles with ferals this evening."

  "You got a minion too?" Meryn asked excitedly.

  Kendrick nodded. "Basil Barberry. I felt horrible about taking his spot on Alpha so I decided to show him some higher-level magic while I'm here. I can't believe I forgot about him."

  Darian chuckled. "Don't worry about that one. He's sharp as a tack and a hard worker. As soon as he saw everyone mobilizing, he volunteered to help escort the hostages. He and the other trainees helped to get them settled in the city. I bet you anything he'll be here first thing after breakfast and ready to go."

  Kendrick slumped back in his seat, looking relieved. "Thank the Gods. I'm glad he wasn't upset."

  Colton laughed. "Our trainees are great, well, except for Sterling. But you've already handled him."

  Aiden laughed loudly. "It made my morning coming back from that council meeting to find Sterling stewing in his own shit. I'm going to talk to my father. There has to be something that can be done about him, he's not cut out to be a warrior. He's too rank-conscious."

  Colton was about to respond when they heard a knock at the door.

  Meryn jumped up and ran out of the room toward the door.

  Everyone stood and hurried after the small woman.

  "Don't answer it, Meryn!" Aiden yelled.

  Meryn froze mid-step, hand extended toward the doorknob. She straightened. "I told you, bad guys don't knock."

  Aiden strode past her. "Only in your own little world."

  Meryn rolled her eyes and pointed to the door.

  Aiden opened it. "Can I help you?"

  Anne stayed back with Kendrick. They couldn't see the visitors past Aiden's large body.

  "Is Meryn or Amelia here?" A female voice asked. Aiden opened the door further. Anne could see a man and woman standing on the porch.

  "Mother!" Amelia cried and flew past Aiden into the arms of a dark haired woman and tall, silver-eyed man.

  "Amelia! It's so good to see you! Let me look at you." The woman turned Amelia around taking in every inch. "I've been so worried! We got reports on the road that ferals attacked the city. Of course, I told your father to drive faster so we could get here to help."

  "Lily and Marshall Ironwood, I presume," Aiden said, opening the door completely to allow the couple to walk in, Amelia wedged between them.

  Marshall stopped and offered Aiden his hand, and they clasped forearms in greeting. "It's great to finally be able to meet you, Commander. I have heard nothing but wonderful things from my sons."

  "They are a credit to your line. I trust them implicitly with running the units in Storm Keep," Aiden said, smiling at the older man.

  Anne's attention wasn't on Aiden or Marshall; she was watching Meryn who had quietly walked behind the men and closed the door. She was hunched in on herself, trying to appear as small as possible. It was clear, at least to Anne, that she was scared to death to meet her relatives.

  Finally, Amelia's head popped up and she looked around. She spotted Meryn off to one side, went to her, and had to practically drag her by the arm to stand in front of her parents.

  "Mother, Father, this is Meryn. She's my baby sister-cousin."

  Lily pulled Meryn into her arms. "My dear, sweet child." She pulled back and looked at Meryn carefully. "You look just like your mother."

  Meryn looked like she was about to bolt at any second. Anne was about to go to her when Ryuu appeared at Meryn's side. "Denka, perhaps everyone would be more comfortable if we returned to the dining room?" he suggested.

  Wordlessly, Meryn nodded and led the way.

  Anne didn't know a lot about Meryn's past, but when boisterous people got quiet, it was never for a good reason.


  Anne noticed that Kendrick's entire body had become tense. He kept his head down, concentrating on his soup.

  She leaned closer to him. "Dinner can't be that fascinating," she whispered.

>   Kendrick's mouth moved, and Anne had to assume it was his attempt at a smile. Amelia was practically vibrating in her chair as she made introductions, and Meryn looked like she was two seconds away from sliding under the table.

  She and Kendrick had chosen to scoot down to open up seats for Lily and Marshall next to Amelia and Darian. This put Kendrick at the end of the table opposite Aiden with Amelia sitting to his left. He didn't look like he was happy with his new seat.

  Lily had her arms around Amelia and was brushing away tears. "Thank the Gods that you're safe! Caiden waited until we called to tell him we had arrived in Lycaonia to tell us about your kidnapping. It's all our fault!"

  "Lily." Marshall called her name sharply.

  Meryn sat up, bristling. "She can say whatever the hell she wants to."

  Anne grinned. There was the pint-sized whirlwind she had come to know. Beside her, Kendrick snorted.

  Marshall turned to Meryn, a look of shock on his face. "Of course, she can," He stopped and raised his right hand. He began to whisper, and the air seemed to shimmer. "There, I've soundproofed the room. I was simply warning her that we could be overheard, sweetheart. I wasn't trying to censure what she was saying. Once you get to know your aunt, you will realize that would be an impossible task."

  Lily beamed at Meryn. "You don't act a thing like your mother," she said laughing.

  Meryn shrugged. "I wouldn't know; she died when I was little," she mumbled.

  Lily sobered instantly. "I wish you could have known her. She was sweet and kind. She never had a bad word to say about anyone, much like my Amelia here."

  Meryn stared down at her plate. "I'm not like her at all."

  Lily smiled. "No dear, you're not." Meryn winced. Lily continued. "You're just like me."

  Meryn looked up, eyes wide. "Really?"

  Marshall chuckled. "Gods help us all, but I think she's right. Lily would have put me in my place exactly as you did just now. She's very fierce about the ones she loves."

  Amelia stared at her mother in shock. "She is?"

  Lily cuddled Amelia closer. "It's time we told you the truth about what is happening. You and your brothers are already being targeted, there's no reason to hide what we're doing anymore."

  "Mother?" Confused, Amelia looked from one parent to the other.

  "Yes, Lily, Marshall, please share what you mean." Kendrick sat back and crossed his arms.

  Marshall glared at her mate. "I don't have to answer to you Kendrick Ashwood, despite you being my daughter's athair."

  Kendrick laced his fingers behind his head. "I think we're all very curious as to what you meant by your statements, that's all."

  Lily pulled back and took Amelia's hands in hers. "Your father and I haven't been traveling around communing with nature all these years."

  "What have you been doing?" Amelia asked.

  Lily looked over at Marshall who nodded encouragingly. She took a deep breath. "Right before you were born, we were tasked with a very important mission. We've been tracking down Storm Keep's missing royal couple."

  Beside her, Kendrick exhaled slowly. Anne looked up and saw that his jaw was clenched and the muscles in his neck were strained. She reached out, took his hand, and slowly began massaging the center of his palm. She was satisfied when he relaxed a fraction.

  "I thought you were eating alfalfa sprouts and learning yoga!" Amelia exploded.

  Lily shook her head. "It has taken us decades, but we're close to finding our king and queen."

  Gavriel leaned forward. "Kiran and Celeste disappeared over five thousand years ago, just after the Great War and the creation of the four pillar cities. Their castle had just been finished when they were attacked and forced to flee."

  Marshall nodded. "That was when the council rose to power. The royal house fell, and the heads of the two noble houses were murdered." He looked over at Amelia. "That would be your great-grandparents and the Ashleighs' great-grandparents. The two noble families wouldn't be able to return to Storm Keep for nearly one hundred years, and even then, they weren't allowed to move back into the royal palace. So, the surviving family members slowly bought up most of the land around the castle and built the two enormous estates that still stand today, the left and right sides that create the gate tower for the upper city.

  "To this day, we have carried out our sworn duties to protect the royal family. We, the Ironwoods, act as the royal shield; the Ashleighs act as the royal sword. We protect the royal family from harm and they destroy their enemies."

  "Well, obviously y'all did a real bang-up job, seeing as how they were kicked out of their own castle and have been missing for five thousand years," Meryn said sarcastically.

  Marshall winced. "I have spoken with Thane's father and compared the journals that we have from our parents. There is more to the story than we know. Despite actually being there and witnessing everything firsthand, their accounts of the events of that night are sketchy. Even our covert interviews with the few remaining witches who were alive at the time revealed the same exact vague details. Whatever happened was so subtle and so precisely done that the entire kingdom failed to realize something huge had taken place. It was only after I compared my notes with Thane's that we even saw the pattern. When asked certain questions, everyone gave the exact same response. It was as if one day we had a king, and the next, we had a council, and no one marked the change."

  "That's impossible! The people must have turned on the king, there's no spell that can affect so many different people all at once," Kendrick insisted.

  Marshall nodded. "You're right, which is what led Thane and me to Noctem Falls."

  Kendrick sucked in his breath. "The vampires?"

  Gavriel shook his head, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Wait a moment, what you are suggesting could be grounds for the next Great War; be very careful what you say."

  Anne gripped Kendrick's hand tightly. He squeezed her fingers and covered their joined hands with his right hand. He turned to her, and she watched his lips move silently. She felt the pressure in her ears build.

  He turned to her. "We don't have much time before Marshall notices that I cast a soundproof bubble."

  "What do you need me to do?" Anne asked. Whatever was happening, she knew she would do anything he asked.

  "My levelheaded nurse." He smiled tightly. "I will have to reveal some things that may change our lives forever. But if you tell me right now that you don't want any part of this mess, I won't say anything. We can remain an archivist and a nurse and probably live a fairly normal life."

  Anne searched his face for a clue to what he was talking about; all she saw was sadness. "If you say whatever you were going to say, could it save lives?"

  He nodded once.

  "If you don't say anything, could good people die?"

  He nodded again.

  She brought his hand up to her lips and kissed his hand. "Then I think you already know what we should do."

  He turned their hands over and kissed hers in return. "I love you, Anne Bennett. I wanted you to know that before everything changes. I loved you from the moment I saw you in my dreams. I loved the way you wept for my brother because you saw your friend was hurt. I love how you can watch a love story and be swept away. I love how, in a crisis, you remain a rock in the storm. Fate could not have chosen better for me."

  "And I love you, too, Kendrick Ashwood. I love how you can tease one moment and be serious the next. I love how protective you are of the ones you care about. I love how patient you were with me, how you weren't pushy or angry about our situation. I love that you are probably the most powerful one at this table, but you're also the kindest."

  "I have to collapse the bubble now." He leaned forward and kissed her lightly.

  She smiled. "Remind me to tell you about our sons later."

  "What!" Kendrick exclaimed.

  All eyes turned to them. Aiden looked around as if evaluating possible threats. "Everything okay, Kendrick?"

  Anne look
ed up at her mate and smiled. She reached up and patted his cheek. "He'll be okay," she said casually.

  Kendrick blinked, then blinked again. He turned, looked at everyone, and blinked again.

  Anne, super nurse, one. Almighty Kendrick, zero. This will probably be one of the best moments of our relationship. I should take a picture!

  Anne reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. "Kendrick, look this way."

  He turned, still looking shocked. She clicked the picture and put her phone away.

  "You are a very, very evil woman," he croaked.

  "Don't be silly." She looked at Marshall. "I'm sorry, what were you saying? We may have missed a bit."

  Marshall had an amused expression on his face as he looked between them. "Kendrick, welcome to being mated." He tuned back to Gavriel. "As I was saying, we don't believe that the entire vampire race is plotting against the witches. Hell, we're not even saying a large faction even knows what happened, but the only explanation for that many people suddenly being perfectly fine with losing their beloved king is if they were manipulated by either a very powerful vampire or a small group of vampires working together."

  Amelia looked at her parents. "Why? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let me think that you just didn't want me?"

  Lily covered her face, and Marshall reached past his mate to run a hand over Amelia's hair. Anne could tell Amelia had been hurt by her parents' revelations.

  Marshall smiled at his daughter. "Because my darling, it was the only way to keep you safe. There wasn't a day that went by that we didn't think of you."

  Amelia wiped at her eyes. "What about that day when I was little, in the forest, when you tried to teach me to commune with nature, and I ended up covered in bug bites? Was that just an act to make me believe your story?"

  Lily shook her head. "We were being tracked and monitored. It was the only way I could think of to make you sit still. We didn't come home for a long time after that."

  Darian held Amelia close. "Why now? After all these millennia, why did you have to leave right after Amelia was born?" His voice was stern. It was clear he didn't like anything upsetting his mate, even her own parents.

  Marshall responded. "Thane Ashleigh had a vision that our king would return. So, we started searching for him while he and his brothers tried to uncover the truth about what happened five thousand years ago. We're supposed to find our king and queen and protect them, and they are to eliminate any remaining threat to them."


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