On His Face: A Brother's Best Friend Romantic Comedy

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On His Face: A Brother's Best Friend Romantic Comedy Page 15

by Tabatha Kiss


  He winks at several other girls in class, firing a pair of finger guns in their helpless directions.

  “Hey, where’s your boyfriend?” Jenna frowns at me with disappointment. “You said I was going to get to ogle his peep tonight.”

  I furrow my brow, just as confused as she is.

  I step out of the classroom and pause.

  Drew lingers in the hallway with his hands in his jean pockets. He stands up taller as he spots me, but puts on a casual look for the rest of the class as they exit around me.

  “Oh, there he is,” Jenna says, stopping beside me.

  “There he is,” I say.

  “He’s got prick face again.”

  I frown. “No, he doesn’t.”

  “Scowly McScowlerson.”

  “He looks totally normal. Stop it.”

  “Oh, sure. Totally normal.” She gives my shoulder an affirming pat. “Well, I’m heading over to Bobby’s. I’ll see you later.”

  “See you later.” I process what she said as she walks away. “Wait, Bobby? Really?”

  She turns up her hands. “I can’t help myself.”

  “You have a very serious problem!”

  Jenna ignores me, giving Drew a nod of acknowledgment as she passes him. I shake my head once, filing that drama away for another time.

  My stomach feels heavier with each step toward Drew. Why wasn’t he in class? Where did he go? Why didn’t he tell me? Am I over-thinking this?

  Of course, I am. I’m Heidi Newbury.

  I shake off the thoughts as I stop in front of him. “Hey,” I say.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  He nods, the question loaded. “We need to talk,” he says.

  I stiffen, and he chuckles. “You’ve got to stop doing that to me, man…”

  “I’m sorry,” he says, smiling as he opens the classroom door beside him. “Come on.”

  I walk inside, and he closes it behind us. With a quick glance to make sure the room is empty, I lean against a desk and cross my arms.

  “Are you okay? We missed you in class.”

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he answers. “Something came up, that’s all.”

  I almost don’t want to ask, but his face is full of words unspoken. “What came up?”

  Drew clears his throat as he leans on the desk across from mine. “I couldn’t do it,” he says.

  “You couldn’t do what?”

  “Be naked in front of all those people.”

  “Why not?” I ask. “I thought you were okay with it.”

  “I was going to,” he says. “You were cool with it and I was cool with it, or so I thought I was.” He takes a breath. “After the other night, I just couldn’t bring myself to share that part of me with anyone else. Anyone but you.”

  I smile. “Really?”


  “The girlfriend conversation really got to you, huh?”

  He chuckles. “It didn’t hit me at the time what that really meant, you know? It meant commitment. And trust. And... all those things I’d never even thought about before. Until I met you. Then, I thought about how good it felt to be with you like that and I just...” He shrugs. “I told Professor Wilson something came up. Gave her a list of names so she could find a replacement at the last minute.” He squints. “Who showed, by the way?”

  “Uh...” I wince. “Corey.”

  “Oof,” he says.

  I laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think he’ll be invited back anytime soon.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Jenna told me the term was helicoptering. I took her word for it and decided not to look it up myself.”

  He chuckles. “I will send Professor Wilson an apology.”

  “Good idea.”

  Drew stands up and bridges the gap between us in one smooth stride. “Do you have any plans tonight?” he asks.

  “Oh, yeah.”


  “You’ve got me on a busy night,” I say. “I was going to crash the Beta Kappa party, then join the pub crawl until I was too wasted to drive myself home.”

  He nods. “Sounds like fun.”

  “No, the real fun begins when I call my sugar daddy to come pick me up.”

  Drew just smiles, long in on the joke.

  “Netflix and books,” I say, giving the genuine answer. “My usual Thursday night go-to.”

  “You want some company?”

  “I’d love some.” I smile as I push off the desk. “If you know a good sugar daddy, tell him to hit me up.”

  Drew hooks my elbow. “Ha-ha,” he says as he yanks me back in for a kiss.

  Chapter 28


  Keep your back straight. Sit real close.

  And touch him.

  It wasn’t bad advice after all.

  Drew’s lips lock with mine again as the movie plays on in front of us. Honestly, we didn’t make it ten minutes before the smooth touch I had on his thigh sparked something more. A caress here. A kiss there.

  The next thing I knew, I was on my back.

  Drew feels up my thigh, his hand traveling past my skirt to grope my breast above my shirt. Shivers dance through my body every time, twisting my nipples into hard nubs and making me ache for just a little more. I spread my knees wider. He shifts even closer, the thick outline of his prominent erection tenting his jeans. It presses hard against my body and I can’t stop myself from rolling my hips and grinding us together.

  A groan lingers in the back of his throat. Our tongues meet in the middle, a wet, teasing lap that fuels our passion even more.

  Drew moves his hand back to my thigh again. I quiver, waiting for that shiver-inducing grope, but he shifts his body instead and feels up my inner thigh toward my panties.

  I gasp as his finger touches my crotch. He looks at me, his green eyes deep and seductive, as he slowly pushes my panties to the side with a single finger.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he whispers.

  I tremble, his fingertip tickling my labia. “No,” I answer, my entire body begging for more.

  He touches my wetness, stopping as the tip of his finger pushes inside. “Are you sure?” he asks again, his intentions more than obvious.

  “Yes,” I say, stealing another kiss.

  He swirls his finger around my opening. It’s slick and wet, becoming even more so as he teases what my body so badly needs. I nearly shake, completely taken by the seemingly endless torment as I wait to be played with.

  Drew pushes his finger inside. My mouth opens, reacting to the sensation for the first time. In and out. Firm and slow. My pussy clenches around his knuckles as steadily fucks me with his finger.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he whispers.

  I jolt as the pressure builds inside. It’s quick and uncontrollable, almost as if Drew has tapped into some secret place deep inside of me. I moan against his mouth, tempting his eager tongue to come out and taste me again. I swell, I tremble. I let passion take over as everything else fades away.

  A key slides into the front door lock.

  I stiffen. It turns.

  “Shit!” I whisper. “It’s Jenna.”

  Drew backs off, his lovely finger pulling out of me, and we quickly sit up.

  The door swings open. Jenna steps inside as we shuffle into place. Her brow arches as one edge of her mouth curls.

  Clearly, we weren’t fast enough.

  “And just what are you two kids up to?” she asks, knowing full damn well what we’re up to.

  “Watching a movie,” I squeak.

  She rolls her eyes. “Yeah. I, too, find the Netflix menu absolutely riveting.”

  I look at the TV, blinking twice. When did the movie end?

  Jenna kicks the door closed. “I’m going to bed,” she says.

  “Wait. What happened with Bobby?” I ask.

  She pauses near the hallway. “Well, turns out he had frat boy on the menu tonight,” she say

  I bristle, disappointed for my friend. “Oh, that sucks. I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not. They let me watch.” She winks at us, smiling proudly. “Good night, folks.”

  Drew raises a curious brow. “Good night, Jenna,” he says.

  I shake my head as she saunters down the hall to her room. Classic Jenna.

  “She’s such an... interesting gal,” Drew says.

  “She’s never boring, that’s for sure.” I grab the TV remote and flick it off. “I guess we should call it a night, too.”

  “Yeah.” He nods. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  Drew yanks me off the couch with him. Before I can even say a word, he hoists me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  “Drew! No!” I say, laughing hard.

  He carries me down the hall to my bedroom without a word and nudges the door closed behind us. My center of gravity shifts wildly as he marches toward my bed. He drops me onto it. I land on my stomach, still laughing as I bounce softly on the mattress.

  Before I can flip around, Drew lowers onto the bed behind me. He plants one hand on both sides of me, preventing me from turning over as he bends down and kisses my lower back over my shirt.

  I bite my lip as shivers dance up my spine. He kisses me again, traveling upward into the crevice between my shoulder blades. I feel his body hovering inches over mine as he pushes my hair to the side and kisses my neck from behind. I curl back, turning my face to meet his lips in a heated kiss that picks up right where we left off before.

  Okay. Maybe we shouldn’t call it a night just yet.

  His front presses against my back. I feel his erection dig into me. I purposefully push my rear backward, rubbing him, tempting him, and a groan teases the back of his throat.

  He abandons my lips and nibbles on my neck again. I bow my head, trembling as he slides downward. He reaches the small of my back and raises my shirt to kiss the hidden skin beneath. I chuckle, his tongue tickling my spinal column, but that only encourages him to push my shirt up even farther.

  One inch. Two inches. Another. The more he licks, the more I quiver with greed. I raise my arms and he takes the hint, pushing my shirt up over my head. I quickly toss it aside and settle into place as his lips return to fire delicious sparks throughout my body.

  Drew kisses downward again. I instinctively push my rear against him and he draws my skirt up, reaching around my raised hips to slide his hand into my panties again.

  His fingers cradle my clit. He grinds with smooth, gentle circles, instantly reawakening the interrupted pleasure from before. I grab the pillow beneath my head, ready to smother the moans building on my tongue.

  “Heidi,” Drew says, his whisper full of heat in my ear, “can I taste you?”

  My clit throbs against the pads of his fingers, but those words send more intense shocks through my body.

  I turn my head, bringing our mouths closer together, but they don’t dare touch. “You mean...” I pause as another spark fires through my core. “Use your mouth on me?”

  “Yes,” he says. “I want to eat your pussy so badly.”

  I jolt as tensions build inside all over again. He waits for my answer, but his sinful fingers continue that circular motion on my clit.

  “Yes,” I say, wanting it.

  Drew flips me over onto my back. He kisses me once on the lips; a single, aching kiss that rattles my knees. Then he kisses downward. He gropes and nibbles my exposed breasts. His heated breath becomes more savage and wild, feeding into my own pleasures. I twitch and shudder. My core clenches and my sex begs to feel his mouth. I gaze at him, his stunning green eyes flicking up at me as he hooks my panties beneath my skirt and pulls them down to my ankles.

  I close my eyes as his lips touch untouched skin. Each kiss along my inner thigh leaves ripples of pleasure. He places a hand on the other thigh and I realize he’s pushing them even farther apart, exposing the depths of me for his eyes, for his mouth, for his tongue.

  Drew slides to his knees on the floor.

  I relax, sinking even deeper into my mattress. His smooth kiss lingers on my belly as his hands travel up to my breasts. He kisses down, down, down until his head disappears beneath my skirt. Heat rises on my skin. I feel everything as his tongue parts my lips and he licks me up and down.

  The pleasure becomes... uncontrollable. I purr and shake beneath Drew’s firm hand on my stomach. He ravages my clit, lapping and sucking and nibbling until I’m squirming. His tongue points down, laving the area just above my entrance, and heat charges through me.

  “There!” I gasp.

  He does it again. My back arches. My toes curl.

  “Oh, shit,” I say in a full body spasm. “Like that...”

  Drew learns me as I discover myself. Where I twitch. How to make me moan. It’s like he’s memorizing it so he can make me feel this way over and over again; the way a good lover should.

  I lick my lips, wanting so badly to do the same for him.

  His tongue returns to my clit. My thighs jolt on their own. It’s far more sensitive than it was before, but he offers me no mercy. He laps even faster, presses even harder, takes me ever deeper than I thought possible. My tongue ties, releasing nothing but disjointed sound of pleasure. I submit to him, hoping this never ends.

  Drew reaches out and takes my hand. I give it an unrelenting squeeze as every part of me erupts at once.

  I gasp, arching my back as Drew shoves his tongue inside of me. He fucks me quickly, eagerly tasting as much of my cum as he can. I place my other hand on his head. I comb through his hair, the thrill of the fuck bewitching me even more. I squeeze him. I pull him closer. I grind on his nose, awakening a kink in me I didn’t know I had.

  Drew chuckles. He takes a full breath and plunges in again. He lets me roll my hips, humping and moving until I hit just... the... right...

  I come again with an intense, full body orgasm unlike anything I’ve ever felt in bed alone with my rabbit.

  Sorry, buddy. You’ve been replaced.

  I whimper for Drew. Every muscle hums with pleasant exhaustion. I don’t want to stop, but my body won’t let this continue. I settle hard against the bed. I let my arms fall to my waist. I turn utterly and completely numb.

  Drew kisses my clit once more. Then, he leaves a trail of wet kisses up my body. His arms curl around me, taking hold, pulling me against him. I can do nothing in my jelly-like state but just be. Be loved. Be lifeless and endless all at once.

  Be his.

  I taste my own sweetness on his tongue. It’s a foreign flavor, but not an unwelcome one. I kiss him back, my weak arms finding the strength to hold him. Everything about this feels so very filthy, but I can’t get enough of it.

  I want to make him feel the same way.

  I rise, naked in nothing but my skirt. I guide Drew onto his back on the bed. His brow shifts in surprise, but he lets me take control. I straddle his waist. He cups my breasts as I ride the bulge of his pants.

  “Drew, can I taste you?” I ask, mimicking his request from before.

  He shudders beneath me. “Heidi, one touch of that tongue will finish me.”

  I laugh, happy to tease. “Is that a no?”

  Drew sits up and gives me another wild kiss. “It’s a yes,” he says, his eyes going soft and serious. “If you’re ready,” he adds, letting me choose.

  “I’m ready,” I say without thought. “I want it…”

  I don’t even need to think about this. If I can make him feel a fraction of the way I feel, I’ll do it. I’ll give him everything of me; body and soul.

  “I want to suck your cock so badly.”

  He laughs with a heated groan on his breath. “Fuck, you’re so sexy,” he says.

  I pull his shirt off. His warm chest touches my breasts as he kisses me hard and fast. I place my palms on his pecs and he submits, lying back down. I kiss his jawline. His neck and collarbone. The valley between his nipples. I pause at his tattoo along his right ribs. I
kiss it. I lick it. He laughs and pulls me back to him for one last kiss before letting me run wild again.

  I pinch his tented zipper, stopping to give him one more teasing glance before dragging it down. His briefs obscure his cock, but the thick outline of him is hard not to notice. I’ve seen it, I’ve felt it, but I’ve never put it inside of me. There’s no turning back after this, but I don’t want to, either. I want to make him come. I want him to use me the way I used him.

  I lower onto my knees beside the bed, taking his pants with me as I move. He shifts closer to the edge and plants his feet on the floor. I settle between his open legs, my face mere inches away from his cock for the first time. My heart pounds. My sex throbs. My tongue eagerly taps the roof of my mouth as I part my lips for him.

  I try to remember everything I’ve heard about blowjobs, about gag reflexes, about technique and using your hands and all that stuff, but all it does is paralyze me. I pause, stiff and overwhelmed, until I feel Drew’s hand on my face. I look up, drawn toward his eyes by a firm pinch on my chin. I lose myself all over again in his green eyes. His strong jawline and thick lips.

  Don’t over-think it.

  You’ll only drive yourself crazy.

  I open my mouth to him. The second my tongue touches his tip, Drew inhales sharply. He rests his hand on the back of my head, but he doesn’t force me down. I take my time. I lick his sweet pre-cum. The more I taste, the more I want. I suck softly, my cheeks caving in. He makes the most delicious noises above me, sounds of aching pleasure and filthy greed. I take him deeper into my mouth. Everything I do makes him clench or grunt or breathe even harder. His pleasure drives my own, making me wetter between the thighs.

  I bob my head, and his fingers clench around my hair.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, the word like a sharp flick to my clit.

  I moan on his cock. His core flexes as his chest heaves. He pushes the hair out of my face. We make eye contact and I see his aching desire staring back at me.

  “Can you go deeper?” he asks, breathless.

  I push down, relaxing my throat as I feel his cock press against it. It’s almost too much at first, so I back off, but Drew doesn’t seem to mind. He groans anyway, his head falling back as his fist tightens around my hair. I bob for a few seconds, catching my breath and relaxing my throat to try again. My eyes water as I stretch my jaw open wider. I take him deeper, as deep as I can, and Drew tugs me back.


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