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by Erickson, Carolly, 1943-

  8. L.P. XX:ii, 258.

  9. Pollard, l%n.;L.P. XVII, 649.

  10. L.P. XIV:i, 108.

  11. Ibid., XVIII:i,351.

  12. T. M. Parker, The English Reformation to 1558 (London, 1%6), 94.

  13. EMon, Policy and Police, 159.

  14. L.P. XII:i,331.

  15. Ibid., XVIII:ii, 300, 307, 308.

  16. Ibid., 307.

  17. Ibid., XIV:i,551.

  18. Ibid., VIII, 114; EWon, Policy and Police, 363; L.P. XII:i, 271.

  19. L.P. XIV:ii,48.

  20. Ibid.. XIX:ii,238.

  21. The following account of Henry's last speech to Parliament is taken from Byrne, 418-22.

  Chapter 44

  1. Roy Strong, Holbein and Henry VHI (London, 1%7), 29-32.

  2. LP. XVI, 203-4; XV, 321; XIV:ii, 41.

  3. Sp.Cal. VIII, 241.

  4. Ibid,, VII, 164; L.P. XIX:i, 326. Chamberlin, 191, gives the document in full.

  5. Chamberlin, 21 On. There is no evidence that Henry was moved about by mechanical means; when in 1546 Bess Holland said that he was let up and down stairs by a "device," she was almost certainly referring to the tram or traveling chair.

  6. L.P. XV, 524.

  7. Ibid., I, 279.

  8. Leslie G. Matthews, "Royal Apothecaries of the Tudor Period," Medical History, VIII, No. 2 (April 1964), 112-13; L.P. XII:ii, 176.

  9. L.P. XII:ii, 394 lists the goods the apothecaries supplied in 1546-47. Further details, including information on Henry's own remedies, are in Blaxland Stubbs, "Royal Recipes for Plasters, Ointments and other Medicaments," and Howard Bayles, "Notes on Accounts Paid to the Royal Apothecaries in 1546 and 1547," both in The Chemist and Druggist, CXIV, Special issue (June 1931), 792-96.

  10. Brewer, I, 233 and note.

  11. L.P. XX:i, 10; Sp. Cat. VIII, 219-20; L.P. XIV:ii, 142.

  12. L.P. Add. I:ii, 610, 564; XII:ii, 474; XV, 383.

  13. Ibid., XXI:ii, 400; XlViii, 317; Add. I:ii, 611.

  14. Ibid., X, 64.

  15. Ibid., XIV:ii, 344; XV, 159; XVII, 120; XXI:ii, 395.

  16. Sp. Cat. VIII, 318; L.P. XXI:i, 169.

  17. L.P. XVI, 628; Sp. Cal. VI:i, 412, 452.

  18. L.P. XXIiii, 294.

  Chapter 45

  1. Sp.Cal. VIII, 426.

  2. Ibid., 475.

  3. L.P. XXIiii, 185.

  4. Ibid., 360.

  5. Ibid.

  6. Sp.Cal. IX, 30-31.

  7. Byrne, 418.

  8. Elton, Reform and Reformation, 331-32. On the controversy over the royal will see Scarisbrick, 488-95, Lacey Baldwin Smith, "The Last Will and Testament of Henry VIII: A Question of Perspective," Journal of British Studies, II (November 1%2), 14-27, and Mortimer Levine, "The Last Will and Testament of Henry VIII: A Reappraisal Reappraised," //w/ona/i, XXVI, No. 4 (August 1964), 471-85.

  9. L.P. XXI:ii, 320-22.

  Select Biblipsraphy


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