Sinners are Winners (KPD Motorcycle Patrol Book 5)

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Sinners are Winners (KPD Motorcycle Patrol Book 5) Page 8

by Lani Lynn Vale

Maybe both of them, if I were being honest.

  He slammed into me again.

  And again.

  And again.

  I licked my lips and focused once again on where we were joined, unsure of when my eyes had left that spot.

  “Looks good, doesn’t it?” he rasped. “How you’re stretched so tight around me? How your wetness is coating my cock.”

  Yes, that did look good.

  So fucking good.

  “The sound is driving me insane, too,” he admitted.

  That was when I realized that the sound of us having sex was filling the room.

  The front of his thighs were meeting the backs of mine, making a sharp slapping sound each time they met.

  Then there were the wet sucking sounds of his cock entering into my very well lubricated vagina.

  That’s when I realized that I wasn’t just close, I was teetering on the edge again, seconds away from falling over.

  And he knew it.

  He could feel my muscles rippling around him.

  They were quivering and pulsing, and his teeth were gritted now as if he was holding on for me.

  I watched his face now, the muscles in his corded neck rippling with his attempt at holding on.

  “Hey, Saylor!” Nadine called right when I was about to be pushed over the edge a second time. “I found some Pepto for you! I’m leaving it on the table out here.”

  Then she was gone, and so was I.

  He followed seconds later, coming hard and deep inside of me.

  I tried to pay attention, but my orgasm stole my eyesight and my ability to form coherent thoughts for a second time that day.

  But God, did he feel good.

  So. Good.

  If I could just bottle that feeling up…

  When I was back to myself again, Lock was laughing so hard that he was nearly crying.

  “Stop!” I hissed. “This isn’t the least bit funny.”

  He grinned and looked at me, then pulled out.

  My breath caught in my throat as I watched the possessiveness roll across his face.

  Then his eyes traveled south, as did mine.

  I watched as his cock left my body, and with it a wave of milky fluid.

  His cum.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” he said, his fingers that were still on my splayed thighs clenched.

  His left thumb swept out and gathered some of the wetness, swirling it around and then sweeping it up to paint it across my labia, stopping for a second to thrum my clit as he did.

  I clenched, causing more of the wetness to seep out of me.

  “Shit,” he said. “If I didn’t know that people were looking for you…”

  I snickered and pushed him back, eyes on his chest where I’d just put my hands.

  “But we do know,” I said. “And my parents are out there.”

  His eyes snapped up to meet mine.

  “Parents don’t usually like me,” he admitted.

  That was a surprise.

  And I said as much as I jumped down and headed for the toilet paper that was sitting on the side of the toilet.

  Chapter 5

  Stay positive.

  Don’t freak out.

  People are assholes.

  Why aren’t you wearing pants?

  -Things Lock asks himself when he pulls people over


  I watched her walk to the roll of toilet paper and pick it up, breaking about half the roll off before she cleaned herself between her legs.

  “You better get dressed,” she said, looking at me watching her over her shoulder. “And there’s no telling how much privacy she will give me.”

  She being the wedding planner.

  My lips twisted again as I remembered how she’d interrupted us not once, not twice, but multiple times.

  “You gonna fake a stomachache?” I wondered.

  She gave me a roll of her eyes and pointed to the door.

  “Get your clothes on, mister,” she ordered.

  Grinning like a goddamn loon, I walked to the door and opened it.

  That was when there was a loud gasp.

  I looked up at the wedding planner.

  “Ummm,” she said.

  I closed the door so that only my head was poking out.

  “Do you mind turning around so I can get this bag?” I asked politely.

  The wedding planner turned.

  “Thanks, dear,” I said as I opened the door.

  Reaching down to get my bag, I pulled it up and covered my junk with it before closing the door once more.

  When I turned around, it was to find Saylor staring at me in horror.

  “So she’s already out there,” I offered. “No need to rush.”

  Saylor’s cheeks went pink as hell, and that pink stole all the way down her chest as she tried to come up with something to say.

  “You’re hilarious,” I snorted. “It’ll be fine. You’re an adult. I’m an adult.”

  Saylor nodded. “That’s true. I am an adult. I’m allowed to have sex with hot cops.”

  I grinned at her and started getting dressed. Once done, I hung my uniform up in my dress bag and watched as Saylor finished getting dressed.

  “You never got those ten thousand bobby pins out,” I said. “Do you want me to help you with that?”

  She studied her hair in the mirror, then shrugged. “I’ll get them out tonight.”

  My eyes went down the length of her body.

  She was in a tight black tank top and jeans, though the jeans she was wearing were filled with so many holes that they might as well be shorts for all they covered.

  “What’s the point of jeans like that?” I wondered, leaning casually against the counter.

  “Nothing,” she admitted. “I just like them.”

  I studied her breasts that were puffed up and spilling out of the top of her tank.

  They were on display and looked like they were practically begging for me to put my mouth on them.

  I stayed where I was, though.

  Despite wanting to go at Saylor again, I did have a reception I still had to attend, and somewhere in that reception were Saylor’s parents, whom I would be meeting by the end of the night.

  “I forgot shoes,” she said disappointedly. “Shit!”

  I looked at her cute little feet.

  “My sister left some of her stuff in my truck when we visited the lake this weekend,” I offered. “I might have some shoes in there.”

  She looked so hopeful that I almost prayed that I had some.

  “I could wear those wedding shoes,” she said. “But they hurt my feet so bad that I almost would rather go barefoot.”

  “I doubt that’d be a problem,” I admitted as I checked my watch. “But we need to head out there. The reception is starting in fifteen minutes, and people are going to be arriving.”

  She went to put on her shoes, but I halted her when I saw the state of her feet. She already had a blister forming on not just the inside of her toes but the outside as well.

  “I’ll give you a piggy-back ride to my truck,” I offered. “If nothing else, you can wear my Crocs that are in the bed of the truck.”

  Her smile was beautiful as she headed my way. “Your shoes will swallow me. But I’ll take them.”

  “How do you know they’ll swallow you?” I teased as I presented her with my back.

  I felt her hands on my shoulder, and I hunched down slightly so that she could get on without having to jump too far.

  When she was in place, her mouth went to my ear as she said, “I’m just assuming at this point. I’ve felt your hands span around my thighs, and your cock inside of me…so at this point it’s all guesswork.”

  I felt things below my belt start to tighten.

  “Fourteens,” I said as I walked over to my bags. “Can you grab my dress uniform? I’ll hang it up in the truck while I’m out there so
I don’t forget it.”

  She grabbed my uniform while I grabbed my bag, and we were off.

  Nadine, the wedding planner, was no longer in the dressing room. Nor was the bottle of Pepto.

  “I wonder if she told everyone what we were doing in here,” Saylor mused.

  I grunted out a negative.

  “She wouldn’t have said a word,” I assumed. “She wants to get good business here and telling everyone that two of her bride’s wedding party were caught fucking in the dressing room probably wouldn’t be good business for her. It’s better to be discreet, at least in my humble opinion.”

  Saylor rested her chin on my shoulder, and I could smell her sweet scent due to her proximity.

  Was it bad that I wanted that scent all over my pillow so I could smell it as I went to sleep at night?

  “There’s a side door right there.” Saylor jerked her chin in that direction. “That way you can avoid all the wedding guests.”

  “I don’t care about the wedding guests,” I admitted. “Plus, I’m parked right in front due to how fuckin’ early I had to get here today.”

  She pressed a kiss to the side of my neck. “Thank you for bringing the cake, by the way. And you didn’t mess it up.”

  I grinned and squeezed her legs which were locked around my waist.

  “There was a moment there that I was terrified,” I admitted. “Some douchebag pulled out in front of me out of nowhere, and I had to grab hold of the box it was sitting in. Swear to Christ, I saw my life flashing before my eyes.”

  “Oh, no,” she giggled. “Were you that close to hitting him?”

  I shook my head and nodded at a few of the guests, but didn’t stop or slow down, not inviting any chatting along the way.

  “No,” I admitted. “I was more worried about what you would do when you found out that I’d fucked your cake up.”

  She snickered. “I wouldn’t have been too mad. I would’ve been more worried about you.”

  My heart started to swell.

  “Did you flip the guy off at least?” she teased.

  I snorted. “No. I was busy with both hands. But I did yell at him. Not that the little punk heard me. Him and his little piece of shit green car…”

  “With the fancy wheels who listens to his music too loud?” she finished for me.

  I nodded “Yeah. How’d you know?”

  I grimaced. “I haven’t actually seen the man that drives it, but I’ve seen the car in the apartment complex. The man moved into the apartment two down from my own. He gets home and his bass is thumping so hard that it rattles everyone’s windows. I think everyone and their brother who lives in that apartment complex has complained, yet he never stops.”

  “Punk,” I grunted as I stepped out into the parking lot and headed for my truck. “Kid needs his ass whooped.”

  “I agree,” she said, reaching for my door handle. “Nice truck.”

  I snorted. “You said that yesterday.”

  “I’m saying it again today,” she shrugged.

  I turned and put her ass into the seat of my truck, then walked around to the back and started going through Ares’ shit that she’d left in the floorboard.

  “Bingo,” I said, holding up the flip-flops.

  Saylor grinned. “Sweet.”

  She slipped them onto her feet and I stowed my shit in the back seat before slamming the door closed.

  Offering Saylor my hand to help her down, she took it just as a loud motorcycle pulled into the spot beside my truck.

  I looked up to see two people that had to be Saylor’s father and mother on the bike. Saylor’s father staring daggers at me, and Saylor’s mother smiling like she’d caught her daughter doing something amazing.

  “Daddy! Mom!” Saylor smiled and waved. “Did y’all bring me anything?”

  Saylor’s mother rolled her eyes as she dismounted, being sure to hold on to her husband’s shoulders as she steadied herself.

  “Of course,” she said. “Your father wouldn’t just go someplace and not buy his daughter something.”

  The grin that kicked up the corner of my mouth was filled with amusement.

  “Daddy,” Saylor said. “Mom, this is Lachlan Downy. Lock, these are my parents, Adeline and Kettle.”

  I held out my hand to first Adeline, then Kettle.

  “Nice to meet you both,” I said politely, offering my hand to Kettle.

  Kettle took it while giving me a look that I couldn’t quite decipher.

  “The man that kissed her and nearly got her punched in the face,” Kettle said.

  A statement, not a question.

  “Yes, sir,” I admitted. “That would be me.”

  “He did not nearly get her punched in the face.” Adeline slapped her husband across the belly. “Plus, that kiss was the best kiss I’ve ever seen.”

  Kettle looked positively green.

  Saylor started to laugh.

  “How about we talk about what y’all got me?” Saylor suggested. “Because I’m starving. I haven’t eaten since last night because I couldn’t stop thinking about not fitting into this bridesmaid’s dress.”

  Another couple came up then, parking their bike right next to where Kettle had parked his.

  They swung off and removed helmets, their eyes coming toward me and Saylor. Saylor who was so close to me we might as well be touching.

  I could feel the heat of her skin, and I could literally twitch my hand and we’d be skin to skin.

  “Trance,” I offered him my hand. “How’s it going?”

  Trance took my hand and grinned. “Good. What’s going on here?”

  I’d met Trance through Justice earlier in the day. Trance was a part of the same motorcycle club that Kettle and Justice’s father, Loki, were. A few weeks back I’d purchased a motorcycle that belonged to Loki, and apparently that made me a-okay in their club.

  Though, way before that, we’d met a couple of times at a club party the Dixie Wardens had hosted—so I’d been told. I didn’t remember actually meeting them. I’d been a different little kid when I was growing up—preferring to go my own way and do my own thing. And remembering names and faces weren’t one of the things I really gave a shit about when I was a kid.

  Kettle grumbled something that had me once again looking his way.

  He was still staring me down as if I had committed the ultimate sin.

  Which, in part, I had.

  I’d kissed his daughter.

  At least, that was all he’d known that I did.

  I’d done much more than that just a few short minutes ago.

  “My father is withholding whatever food he got me because he’s mad at Lock for kissing me on national television six whole months ago,” Saylor offered.

  Adeline snorted and turned to the woman at Trance’s side. Her name was Viddy. Viddy and Trance were the parents of another buddy of mine’s woman, Oakley. Pace, my buddy, had donated a kidney to Oakley a few months ago. And it was a wonder that I hadn’t met the bunch before now.

  “How’s the motorcycle treating you?”

  I turned to find Justice’s dad, Loki, walking up with his wife, Channing, in tow.

  I grinned and offered him my hand.

  “Good,” I admitted. “I had to take the truck today since I was transporting a cake.”

  “Yours?” Loki asked, his eyes moving to Saylor.

  “Yep.” Saylor nodded once. “My last one before I move.”

  I felt something inside of me shift at her words.

  I didn’t want her to go.

  More importantly, I didn’t think that leaving was the answer just yet.

  Even though she was set to leave tomorrow morning.

  I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, my mother’s text alert, and I froze.

  “Something wrong?”

  I looked up to see Kettle staring at me as if he noticed my body stilling.

  “No,” I admitted
. “My mom texted me.”

  I tapped my pocket.

  “Answer it,” he suggested.

  I knew why he was wanting me to answer it.

  He wanted me away from his daughter.

  I felt my lips tip up at the edges as I nodded once. “Yeah, I think I need to.”

  My eyes never left Kettle’s, though.

  A challenge.

  “We’ll head inside,” Saylor suggested. “I have to make sure the cake is set up okay anyway.”

  With that, Saylor hooked her arm around her father’s and started to tug him inside, but she did look over her shoulder once to say goodbye.

  Oh, it was goodbye…for now.

  I waited for them all to leave before I pulled out my phone and made the call.


  “Hey, baby,” my mother said softly, sounding tired. “You done?”

  I found myself grinning.

  “Why?” I asked. “Something wrong?”

  “No,” she immediately soothed my worries. “I just thought I might get to see you today.”

  I’d been working a lot lately. And when I say a lot, I mean nearly every other day it felt like. When I wasn’t working at the station, I was working on my house. When I wasn’t working on my house, I was working out. When I wasn’t working out, I was sleeping.

  It was honestly a vicious cycle, and I was sad to admit that I hadn’t seen my mom in over two weeks.

  “I’m stopping by once I’m done,” I confirmed. “That’s still on. It’ll just be closer to around nine. Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” she answered. “What’s wrong?”

  I grinned, loving that she knew me so well.

  “I have something I want to talk to you about. It concerns a friend,” I admitted, excited now.

  “A male friend, or a female friend?” she wondered.

  I chuckled softly.

  “You know me so well.” I chuckled again. “It’s a female friend, and yes, I’m considering asking her to be more than my friend.”

  “Oh, Lock.” My mom sighed. “I’ve always waited for this day.”

  I started to laugh. “Mom, I haven’t even said anything about her other than I wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “True,” Mom agreed. “But you also never even mentioned the other ones. I had to find out you were dating that one chick by seeing you talking to her at the supermarket. Then, when I came over, you introduced her by name. There was no ‘this is my female friend’ or ‘I need to talk to you about my friend.’ Hell, I don’t even know what to think right now. You’re not asking for my engagement ring, are you? I still wear that.”


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