The Blade of Rebellion

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The Blade of Rebellion Page 8

by Ian Carter

  The secret catacombs were built a few years after the beginning of Edwin's reign, commissioned when Kai was unable to walk yet. Kai flashed his light left to right as the dark hallways stretched for tens of meters in several directions. Rough cobblestone jetted out from the walls and roof as Kai walked his chosen path of darkness; the faint smell of mould mixed with the stagnant air created a one of a kind smell. The water that slowly dripped down one of the walls glistened as Kai walked past, signalling to him that he had followed his memories correctly. The silence that filled the twists and turns of the tunnels only broke to Kai's steps; these tunnels only existed to lay in wait in case the escape of the royal family was needed.

  Kai was often the only one who would ever enter them, as most of the castle inhabitants were afraid of the creepiness that would envelop them. As he made his way, he remembered his father Edwin talking about them. The builders created the walls and ceilings to look identical throughout to confuse and ensnare any hostile element that pursued the escaping king and his family. At the same time, the pungent smell disoriented any who stepped into the tunnels. Thankfully, Kai had mostly gotten used to it by exploring them regularly.

  After he walked for a few more minutes, Kai stopped in front of a particular portion of the wall. The previous week, when he played with his friend, Kai was shoved against this part of the wall, and he thought he felt it give way slightly for a moment. The walls were supposed to be made solid, so he found it strange that it would move. Kai made a mental note of its location and made a mental vow to himself to come back another day to investigate alone. He once again found himself in front of the wall, determined to find out its secret.

  He leaned his torch against the wall and sat down in front of the wall, eager to begin his work. He traced each stone with his hands as he made his way across the row of rocks, and then moved up to the next row to continue in a cerebral manner. Kai checked and double-checked, each bump and crack, hoping to find the mechanism that opened the wall.

  Kai had loved to read growing up. He immersed himself in book after book and imagined himself as the main protagonist in their stories. He dreamed of saving the day and being showered by his adoring population's affection. He especially adored adventure books; stories of hidden treasure and intricate puzzles that the main character and his companions solved. Kai pictured those stories in his mind as he continued his search for a way to open the door. After half an hour, he retreated to the castle as not to cause worry among the adults. Every three days or so, Kai entered the catacombs and resumed his search. He was determined to find the mechanism; He craved the joy he would experience when it finally opened.

  However, as he finished his search of the wall on his sixth trip down, his heart sunk. Not a single stone was the key, and no crack in the wall volunteered anything to him. Kai returned to the castle, disheartened with his mind filled with nothing but regret and fleeting images of the wall illuminated by his small torch. The urge to discover the wall's secrets stayed fresh in his mind for the first few days afterward. Still, eventually, it faded away from his mind's eye as he began his Swordsmanship training in earnest.


  The day of Kai's departure to Stura had arrived just over a week after his father had decided to send him to apprehend Terrell Braga. Kai had spent the next days after the meeting recovering a little more before finally spending the last three days before the trip with Mason and Hayleigh. They worked with him on his skills while being mindful of his internal injuries so Kai could continue to heal. In between training sessions, Jensen instructed him on the roads he would be taking to Stura in addition to knowledge of the local areas on the route. Kai absorbed as much of this new information as possible with a positive attitude. Every so often, he would find it impossible to store another small detail, such as a local delicacy, into his brain. Kai persevered through his preparation as he craved for this mission to be a success. He wanted to prove to not only his father but the citizens of his kingdom that he could successfully wield a Blade. He wanted to be a king who earned their adoration rather than gifted it.

  Kai's eyes cracked open as Jensen and Rhea shuffled quietly around the room, careful not to wake him. Jensen had earlier scurried around the castle that morning to fetch required the materials to finish final maintenance on Kai's armor. Rhea meanwhile had spent the morning cleaning and preparing the clothing he would wear under his equipment. Kai silently took in the scene and smiled to himself. These would be the last moments for quite some time where he would be able to take in such a pleasant and comforting sight, so he revelled in his surroundings. Rhea's sweet scent filled the air and proved to be quite mesmerizing when paired with Jensen's rhythmic footsteps. After he had his fill, Kai threw the gold blankets and violet linens off and swung his legs over his bed. Jensen stopped in place and bowed deeply to him as Rhea quickly curtsied before she ran off to the bath and turned on the water.

  "Today is the day, Prince Kai," Jensen welcomed. "How do you feel this morning?"

  "I'm a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I've done everything I can to be ready for this morning. The notion that the families are looking to me for justice weighs on me. But I do have to admit that it's also exciting to take up such an immense challenge. I've wanted a chance to prove myself ever since I realized I had become such a spoiled child. This is it."

  "Just remember you are not alone, Prince Kai. You will be going with two very experienced and capable Bladesmen. It would be wise to lean on them in times where you are unsure and need guidance. I have personally relied on Mason's wisdom to cure many of the troubles I have gone through in my life. I find it wise not to hesitate and take advantage of those who offer you their strength."

  "Would you care to tell me about some of the troubles Mason has helped you with?" Kai slyly asked.

  "I'm afraid that will stay between Mason and myself," Jensen chuckled. "When you return victorious, I will consider regaling you with one or two of my stories. But just know he is a good man. Even though you don't know her very well yet, Hayleigh is also a brilliant young woman who can think quickly on her feet and come up with strategies in a flash. You can't go wrong no matter whom you choose."

  Kai nodded and shook hands with Jensen. Rhea had popped her head into the main chamber during the conversation and stealthily beckoned Kai throughout to enter the bath and begin the process of getting ready. Jensen wished him a good wash as he left to fetch Kai's breakfast.

  "When you get into a sticky situation, just ask yourself, 'What would Rhea do'? Then just do that!" Kai and Rhea shared a gentle laugh as Rhea bashfully lowered her head to the ground before locking eyes with him again. "How are you feeling, Prince Kai?" Rhea asked as she helped him disrobe.

  "Really? I'm scared out of my mind," Kai admitted. "But right now, there isn't another emotion I would rather be feeling. This responsibility is my chance to prove to myself and everyone else that I can be someone worth respecting. I want to prove to you that I'm as great as you seem to think I am."

  "You are every bit of a prince that I think you are." Rhea traced her finger down the top of Kai's chest. "Also, I'm sure I could make you feel some other emotions that you would prefer ..."

  Kai gave a small awkward laugh. "That will have to wait until I get back. I honestly couldn't look forward to anything more than when I come back and get to s..."

  Kai froze as Rhea wrapped her arms around his exposed chest and torso. She pressed herself up against his back in a deep embrace that made his heart race, yet also afforded him a sense of tranquility. Kai spun around and embraced Rhea tightly as the steam from the bath kissed their skin.

  "Please come back safe," Rhea whispered into his ear. "Come back to me in one piece, victorious and satisfied. We can start something new, and something fantastic together."

  "That sounds like something I can support," Kai whispered back. "I'll come back a man that can support and protect you properly, and more importantly, someone worthy of your admiration." The two separa
ted and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before Rhea motioned to the bath.

  "You'll want to hurry up. Your breakfast is coming."


  Kai's nearly empty breakfast plate laid on his bedside table with only a few morsels of egg remaining. Jensen strapped on Kai's travel armor piece by piece, showing Mason the process. As Jensen was not going along, the responsibility of helping Kai with his armor passed onto Mason. The polished silver chest plate gleamed in the sunlight that poured through the nearby window. Heavy leather surrounded the plate and could stop most non-Blade attacks. Small metal pieces linked with chain mail covered the outside of his arms and legs to balance protection and flexibility for his limbs. Accents of gold, crimson and violet were peppered into the armor to pay homage to the kingdom's heritage.

  Mason had already strapped on his travelling armor before arriving for the instruction. His armor was very light, and the plate covering the chest was half of what Kai's was. He notably did not have to worry about taking damage due to his extraordinary skill. Mason had chosen light and thin metal armor loosely strapped together with leather to allow him optimal movement. The metal plate he bore on his arms, legs, chest, and back were all stained a faded azure blue, in honor of his adopted parents. They had always preferred blue fabrics around their farmhouse in contrast to the kingdom's colors. The color of Mason's armor made the two clash a little, but there was hardly time or notice to make them match for the journey.

  Jensen had almost finished showing Mason the routine when a heavy rasp at the door startled the men. The door opened to reveal one of the castle's stewards.

  "Prince Kai, I've come to tell you that His Highness King Edwin has requested to meet with you at the shores of the lake as soon as you are ready to leave the capital," the steward announced. "Shall I inform him that you will comply with his request?"

  "Yes, please tell him I will be there within the next half hour or so," Kai answered. With a nod and deep bow, the steward left the men to their devices.

  "Must be having second thoughts!" Mason joked as he slapped Kai on his shoulder. The men laughed among themselves as they shared one of their last peaceful moments before their journey.

  "I wonder what he wants with me," Kai remarked.

  "Can't a father simply want to wish his son good luck on a difficult trip?" Jensen asked.

  "Yeah. I don't think that's it," Kai laughed.

  "I know why, but I swore to secrecy," Mason admitted.

  "What kind of friend and mentor would you be if you let me go without letting me know?"

  Mason, with Jensen's help, attached the final bracer to Kai's armor and slapped him on the shoulder. "A good one. Now, go and meet your father."


  Kai softly opened the door down to the catacombs and gave a brief look behind him before he finally entered. He had taken this route many times in his younger years in his attempts to discover an entry point into the hidden room. A few minutes into his search, he waved his torch in front of his face to locate the same falling droplets of water that confirmed the proper direction. Kai struggled to remember why he was even down there, unusually so late at night; He didn't remember how he left his room. He shook free of his doubts, and within a few minutes, Kai stood and faced the wall that had defeated him eight years earlier.

  He placed his torch in the usual spot and stood to the left of the torch half a foot from the wall. On its own, his left hand placed itself on a cobblestone that was at the very limit of his reach, at around chest height. Suddenly, a soft click echoed into the tunnel from underneath his feet. As if he was possessed, Kai's hand pressed against the cobblestone and activated the door's mechanism. The activation gave birth to a horrendous noise as the devices clicked, clanged, and moved the wall to the side. Kai bent down and picked up his fallen torch and held it forward into the room, but strangely nothing was illuminated by the torch's flame. A deep growl emanated from the darkness, which caused Kai to freeze in place. His heart pounded as he slowly twisted and waved his torch around, looking for the growl's source.

  Suddenly the figure of a woman came into view and floated a few meters from Kai. Her body was petite and frail as if she had wasted away before her death. Straight white hair fell gently onto her transparent white flowing robes that softly flapped as she hovered in place. A soft growl sporadically came from her mouth and caused Kai to shake with each utterance. His eyes trained on her body as he stood paralyzed.

  After a few terrifying minutes frozen in fear, Kai regained strength in his legs and began to step backward. The change in his actions caused the ghost to lift its head to investigate. For each inch her head raised, Kai's panic level reciprocated. The flames showed her eyes were missing and a line of blood across the full circumference of her neck. The ghost slowly raised her hands towards Kai as he let out a small yelp. The ghost's head reached a tipping point, and with a final upward movement, her head rolled off her neck and fell to the floor. The ghost's body then let loose a ghastly wail before it launched towards Kai, who screamed at the top of his lungs.

  Kai awoke to Jensen shaking him forcibly. Kai's eyes shot open as he leaned forward and continued his scream as Jensen threw his arms around Kai. He followed suit as Jensen began to whisper assurances into Kai's ear. Slowly but surely, Kai calmed down, and his grip on Jensen loosened. Jensen separated and placed his hands on Kai's shoulders.

  "Your Highness, are you all right?" Jensen quizzed. "I came to you when you screamed. Did you have a bad dream?"

  "I ... yes, I did," Kai answered. "I have no idea what I saw. A ghost, maybe? It was some sort of woman who had her head cut off. She had long, straight white hair and white robes. I've never seen such a woman before." Jensen opened his mouth, but instead closed it and patted Kai on the back.

  "Would you like me to get you anything, Your Highness? Perhaps some water or a snack?"

  "No. I'm okay, Jensen. Thank you," Kai replied. "I'm going to go for a bit of a walk if that's okay."

  "Of course, Prince Kai, would you like an escort?" Jensen asked.

  "Oh no, I will be fine. I need to clear my head on my own, I think." Kai stood up and thanked Jensen before he grabbed his overcoat and left his chambers. Rain pounded the stone walls of the castle as moisture seeped into the air around him and started to cling to his skin. Kai continued down the stairs and through the same corridors he had passed eight years ago until he arrived at the secondary pantry's hidden wood door. Kai followed through the door to find his old abandoned torch and the tinder he had used to light it.

  Kai's sense of déjà vu from his dream nearly crippled his legs and prevented him from moving, but he pressed onward through the tunnels. Kai's torch again found the small stream of water that slalomed down the cobblestone wall, which caused Kai to pause. Thoughts began to pour through his conscience. Was he stupid? Kai didn't believe in ghosts, but he also didn't exactly wish to challenge their existence either. His morbid curiosity won out and led him to the wall that hid the room he had seen in his dream. Kai placed the torch in its usual spot and stared at the wall. His heart pounded as he stretched his arms out wide and began to stretch his legs as well. He wanted to be prepared to run as fast as he could if needed.

  Kai placed his feet in the same position they had just been in his dream and looked at the cobblestone that required his left hand. He gulped before he finally placed his hand on it. Like his dream, the floor beneath his feet gave slightly as a small click echoed in the tunnel. With one final breath, he pushed in with his left hand. Another soft click happened before the door creaked and groaned to life in front of him. Kai grabbed his torch and backed up immediately, on guard for whatever waited for him in the exposed darkness. Once the door stopped moving, Kai held out the flame and waved it around. However, no sounds greeted Kai as they had done in his dream. Kai mustered up his courage, took a deep breath, and stepped into the room.


  Kai's boots crunched down the gravel path that led to
the lake's closest edge to the castle. The tall pine trees that lined the route strongly exerted their smell and Kai inhaled it deeply. The fragrance was one of Kai's favourite scents, as he had walked this trail countless times as a child. Kai spent most of his free time in the spring and summer, even the first part of fall, at the lakeshore. His presence was a common occurrence for the castle staff who needed to visit the lake for its pristine water. As Kai cleared the portion of the path lined with trees, he glanced to his left to see his father and General Ashentide perched at the water's edge. As Kai approached, General Ashentide bowed respectfully and moved away from King Edwin, which allowed the father and son to talk in peace.

  "Hello, father," Kai greeted him. "What would you like to see me about?"

  "Ah, Kai. How are you feeling today on the eve of your monumental journey?"

  "I have quite a few emotions right now, father. Elation, nervousness, determination, the gamut. I just hope I can do what I've been trained to do for my kingdom and my desires."

  "Excellent. Did Mason tell you why I've invited you here, Kai?"

  "No, father," Kai answered. "He refused to tell me. I have no idea."

  "Have you ever realized the significance of this lake, Kai?" Edwin quizzed.

  "Its water is the most vital resource to both the castle and the Capital. Beyond that, I've never really thought about it."

  "The water in this lake is extraordinary, Kai," Edwin began. "What I am about to tell you is a vital secret. Can you promise me that this stays with you, and only you? You cannot tell Hayleigh, Mason, or even Jensen."


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