Loving My Cowboys (Blessing, Texas Book 1)

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Loving My Cowboys (Blessing, Texas Book 1) Page 7

by Lacey Davis

  “Said Tennessee.”

  “Did you know that his men have been stealing Lily’s cattle and harassing her? They came in the middle of the night and attacked night before last, but Will and I were there.”

  “I’m not surprised. He’s hired some new guns. That’s who was in here threatening me. The Sweet B is in danger,” he said, running his hand through his hair. “Look, I don’t want no trouble in town, but the man has an army working for him. And some look like hired guns.”

  “That’s obvious,” Seth said.

  “Lily should sell to Jim White. Then maybe all these hired guns would leave town.”

  “Not going to happen,” Seth said, knowing that he and Will would protect Lily and her ranch.

  Like a bolt of lightning, it hit Seth. “Do you know if Calvin Smith is working for him?”

  Seth pulled out the wanted poster from his shirt pocket and held it to where the sheriff could see it. “He looks familiar. Wait a minute, isn’t he the guy who robbed the bank the other day?”

  “Yes,” Seth said.

  “I know Jim White pays his men well, so why would he be robbing our local bank?”

  Why did it feel like everything was starting to come together? “Don’t know but I’m headed there to talk to the banker and find out.”

  “George is useless. Some say Jim has him in his back pocket.”

  A chuckle escaped from Seth. “Funny, that’s what I heard about you.”

  The man shook his head. “I do my best to keep Jim White from owning this town, but a man with deep pockets, it’s hard not to step aside and let him have complete control. What people don’t realize is that he’s bought up most of the small businesses. Much more and we will have to change the name from Blessing to White.”

  The sheriff was neither confirming nor denying that Jim White had him under his control. Yes, he’d witnessed the man arguing, but when you were bought and paid for, sometimes you were required to do a job you didn’t want.

  “Another thing I need to let you know about. We found Garza. Dead.”

  “Shit,” the man said. “How did he die?”

  “Bullet hole in the chest. From a Colt Peacemaker.”

  “A hired gun,” the sheriff said. “With him out of the way, they thought Lily would sell. But that woman is as stubborn as they come.”

  Seth didn’t say a word. But the sheriff was treading on dangerous ground. No one, not even another lawmaker, was permitted to talk bad about their bride.

  “I’m here to capture Calvin Smith and take him back to Waco and if that means cleaning up the town, then so be it. No one is going to continue to harass Lily Parker any longer unless they want to face our guns.”

  “Whoa, I’m on your side and I would appreciate any help you can give me in cleaning up this town. Jim White needs to go.”

  Why did Seth get the feeling the man was talking out of both sides of his mouth?

  He stood, needing to get out of this dirt hole office. “If you learn anything about Garza’s killer, let me know. We’re going to give him a decent burial, but that doesn’t mean it’s over. I’m looking for his killer.”

  “Good luck, Ranger,” the sheriff said as Seth walked out the door. He got the feeling that Jim White owned the law in this town. He doubted the sheriff would ever look for the man’s killer. And more importantly, why did he think that the hired guns were there to convince the sheriff to help them take the Sweet B?

  As he walked across the street to the bank, he couldn’t help but think back to the day they met Lily, running out of the bank with the sack of cash in her hand. He’d been shocked to see a woman bank robber, but then the banker cleared things up.

  As he walked inside, his spurs jangling, two tellers sat behind cages helping customers and doing bookkeeping. The safe was behind them encased behind a large door.

  “Is Mr. Elam available,” he asked a man sitting in the lobby at a desk.

  “Let me check. And who shall I tell him wants to speak with him?”

  “Texas Ranger, Seth Ingram,” he said, watching the way the bank operated and wondering how any criminal could think he would get away with robbery.

  “Ranger,” Mr. Elam said, coming out of his office. “Please, come in.”

  Seth took off his hat and entered the office.

  “Have a seat,” he said, sitting behind a big heavy oak desk. "I’m just so thankful to you and Miss Bradley for stopping the robbery."

  “The man that robbed your bank was Calvin Smith. Lily Bradley identified him. Can you tell me anything about him?”

  The banker sighed and shook his head. “He’s a hired gun that Jim White uses to intimidate the town folk around here. If you own a business and refuse to sell to Jim, then Mr. Smith pays your business a visit. A not too friendly visit.”

  That was interesting, but was it true?

  “Was he trying to purchase the bank from you?”

  “Yes, he made me an offer and I refused. Why in the world would I sell my bank to a man who would do nothing but run up the interest rates on the people in town? Also it would give him access to all the loans. He could force them to sell and take the land.”

  Seth had never considered that Lily might have a loan on the land.

  “What about Lily Bradley, who is now Lily Parker. Is there a loan on her ranch?”

  “Oh no, Joe Bradley did not owe anyone. That’s why Jim White has not been able to get his hands on his land. The property is free and clear.”

  As Seth sat in the banker’s richly decorated office, he wondered if he was telling him the truth. Both the banker and the sheriff had told him that Jim White pressured the ranchers to sell, even the business owners in town.

  “Yet, Lily said that you refused to give her money out of her father’s account.”

  “Yes, I was waiting for her to marry.”

  That didn’t make any sense.

  “But there was no husband in her future. How did you expect her to live, to eat?”

  The man shifted uncomfortably in his chair and then he sighed. “Jim White said she was going to marry his son, Matt. That just any day now an engagement would be announced and that I was not to release any money to her.”

  It was all Seth could do not to punch the man in the face.

  “Did you ask Lily if this was true?”

  “No,” he said.

  “She could have starved to death because of you. There was no engagement. She told Jim she would rather die than marry his son. It was just his attempt to force her into marriage and claim her land.”

  The man nodded. “I realize that now. It wasn’t until the bank robbery, an act to force me to sell, that I realized Jim White will do whatever he thinks is necessary to get what he wants.”

  Seth stood. “Mr. Elam, you will allow Lily Parker to withdraw whatever sum she needs from her father’s accounts now.”

  “Oh, yes, tell her I’m looking forward to her coming into the bank.”

  Shaking his head. “Don’t let me ever learn of you withholding funds from someone again or I will personally come in here and make certain that we shut down your bank. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir. Of course.”

  Seth turned and walked out of the banker's office. Why did people act like a fool when it came to other people’s money? You would think the banker believed other people’s cash was his own.

  As Seth glanced at the sun, he knew he had about one more hour before he needed to return to the ranch. But first, he wanted to ask some of the business owners if they were forced to sell because of Jim White.

  After he went into five shops and learned that all of them now belonged to Jim White, he’d had enough. Climbing on his horse, he headed back to the Sweet B, ready to see his woman and tell Will what he’d learned.

  A sense of purpose filled him as he rode out of town. He’d been right to contact the Texas Rangers and ask for help.



  Lily worried about Seth until she
heard him open the front door and walk inside. Upstairs with Will, they were once again fucking, only this time, it was just the two of them and she missed Seth.

  While Will was the brooding dark man, Seth was her light-hearted fun guy. The one who made her laugh at dinner and moan with ecstasy at night.

  Will seldom cracked a smile and often she would see him gazing off in the distance as if he were watching a replay of something that troubled him.

  The bedroom door opened, and she opened her eyes, to see her man. A soft smile spread across her face as Will filled her pussy with his cock.

  A slap across her backside had her returning her focus to him, squeezing his cock. She heard Seth shedding his clothes and then moving onto the bed beside her.

  His fingers reached out and tweaked her nipples, his mouth covered hers in a kiss that had her melting into the bed.

  “Seth,” she moaned against his mouth. “I missed you.”

  “Darling, why did I know that the two of you would be doing this without me?”

  “It was all Will’s idea, not to wait for you,” she whispered.

  Smack, his hand met with her bottom and she sighed as pleasure filled her. Her husbands were now her life and she couldn’t wait until they had a family. Children.

  “You were the one who was naked all day while you cooked and cleaned. Shaking your breasts, your ass and just begging me to spank you."

  “I did not,” she groaned.

  Seth slid beneath her with Will on her back. She was sandwiched between her men and a sense of rightness overcame her. This was where she belonged, with her men surrounding her.

  “Well, now I’m home and I can’t wait to bury my cock in your pussy,” Seth whispered against her ear. “Feel you squeeze my cock and milk it.”

  Just the words were enough to spiral her closer and closer to the edge. “Me too.”

  Will leaned back and shoved his cock over and over into her. “I’m going to come,” he groaned. “You can come again.”

  That was all she needed as her body vibrated and groaned and pulsated. She felt him drive into her one last time, holding her hips against him as he spilled his seed within her, coating her pussy walls.

  Before she could catch her breath, they were switching places. Putting her on top of Will and Seth taking her from behind.

  She felt his fingers on the butt plug. “Soon this contraption will no longer be needed. Soon we’ll take you together. I can’t wait to claim you at the same time, truly make you ours.”

  Gasping for breath trying to recover, Seth pulled it from her body, leaving her empty. She suddenly missed the feeling of being full. Of having something in her ass and in her pussy.

  He reached behind him and picked up another one. “The next to the last one, Lily darling.”

  His fingers dipped inside her puckered rosebud twisting and turning as he slowly began to ease the larger plug into her bottom, rubbing her clit, tweaking that little nub full of nerves. Sending heat racing through her as she gasped for air, moaning.

  Once again, she felt the fire building within her. She felt her need rising. Both men were different in their lovemaking. Each one giving her something she had never experienced. With Seth, she knew she would receive a slow, hard fucking that would leave her worn out.

  With Will, it would be hard and fast and take them racing to the cliff.

  When the new larger plug was finally inserted, he slapped her on the ass. “Good to go. Now I want you to cup my balls as I enter you.”

  This was something new and she did as he asked, listening to his moans as she felt his balls, moving them around in her palm, caressing them as he slowly pushed inside her. She was slick and wet with want for him and Will.

  “Squeeze me, darling and I’ll pinch your clit.”

  She did as he asked, his fingers sliding through her slick folds until he found the little nub that caused her to moan as he pinched and rubbed it.

  Will leaned took her breasts in his mouth, sucking and lapping at her nipples.

  They were all skin to skin with Will beneath her and Seth behind her, his hand moved to her backside and he lovingly rubbed his hand over her cheeks. Then he slapped first one and then the other.

  How could something that should be painful feel so good? Why did she want more? She turned and gazed into his emerald eyes filled with desire. “Do it again.”

  He grinned at her and instead of doing as she asked, he pushed on the butt plug. A spasm of pleasure rocked her and then his palm smacked one cheek and then the other.

  “Seth,” she cried, knowing she could not last much longer.

  “Go ahead, darling. Come all over my cock.”

  Once again, he twisted the butt plug, turning it until she was moaning, the sense of fullness bringing her closer to the edge. Tingles of heat spiraling from her ass to her pussy as she clenched him and the plug, feeling stuffed. Would this be the way it would feel when they both took her?

  Smack, his hand hit one cheek and then the other two times in a row and she screamed out as passion shook her body, her orgasm overtaking her, wrenching her from the inside out.

  Will reached down and grabbed her clit prolonging the pleasure.

  “Oh, Will,” she cried, her body vibrating with pleasure. Her handsome, fertile husbands had her under their control. And already she could feel herself starting to fall for them. They came into her life with a bang and she felt so lucky to be their wife. For without them, she feared what would have happened to her.

  After she came, all she wanted to do was lie down on the bed and sleep.

  But she could feel Seth still sliding in and out, and in and out, of her pussy. She clenched his cock as hard as she could.

  “Darling, do that again,” he groaned.

  And she did, over and over, until she felt his seed explode inside her. With a groan, he collapsed on top of her back and rolled them both to their side. Will was right there beside her as well as she snuggled with her men.

  Gratitude filled her as she thought of how she had been alone for so long and now she had these two men. She never dreamed marriage would be so good.

  After a few minutes of heavy breathing with the smell of sex still in the air, she reached out and stroked their cheeks. “Do you guys know how happy you make me?”

  “Hopefully as much as you make us happy,” Seth said.

  Will smiled. “Enough that I’m ready to fuck you again.”

  “As much as I agree with Will, we need to talk about serious matters. I’ve got information on Jim White and it’s not good.”

  Will groaned. “Damn, but I hate it when you go all business-like.”

  Lily stroked both of their cheeks. “How about we eat the roast I have cooking downstairs and afterward, I’ll suck both of your cocks.”

  The two men were jumping from the bed and then they reached back and helped her alight.

  “Food and sex, what could be better than that?” Will said.

  “You men can talk while I set the table,” she said.

  Seth’s hand caressed her bottom and then he popped her there. “Honey, don’t delay. I’m eager to feel your lips around my cock.”

  She grinned at him and then raised up and kissed his lips. “Seth, you make me happy.”



  The next morning, she rose from bed and hurried down to the kitchen. This morning she wanted make certain her men had a good breakfast before they left the house to confront Jim.

  Last night, they lain in bed for hours talking about Jim White and the possibilities of who was involved in trying to take the Sweet B from her and who killed Garza. She had begged them not to go to his house, but being the Texas lawmen they were, they would not back down from a fight.

  And while she respected that, she also feared for their lives. Jim would think nothing of killing her husbands in order to get to her. To take her land. At the moment, she would give it to him to keep her men safe.

  But last night, they refused he
r offer to sell the land.

  As she stood at the stove, a hard male body pressed against her back, a cock, ready and willing.

  “Good morning, darling,” Seth said.

  “Good morning,” she whispered as she turned in his arms and gazed up at him. “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m always hungry for you. But food sounds good.”

  She smiled and looped her arms around his neck, moving her mouth over his lips for a kiss. Just the feel of him pressed against her was enough to make her want him again. If she could, she would use all her weapons to keep her men from leaving her today.

  “What am I missing out on?” Will said as he walked into the kitchen.

  The kiss broke and Seth whispered, “I was just thinking of taking Lily right here on the table. Spreading her out and eating her for breakfast.”

  “I’m in,” Will said.

  Would that keep them here? She began to remove her dress she was allowed to wear when cooking to keep her from oil burns. With a sigh, Seth put his hand on hers, stopping her.

  “Honey, not this morning. But someday soon, I’m going to spread you out on that table and have you for breakfast.”

  A sigh escaped from her. This morning they were dead set on confronting Jim White. Quickly, she buttoned up the front of her dress.

  She gave a nervous laugh, her heart wrenching inside. “The eggs are just about done. The biscuits and the bacon are ready or I would take you up on that offer. Sit and let me feed you.”

  “Hate to see good food go to waste,” Seth said. “I guess we need our strength for today.”

  Terror ricocheted through her body at the thought of losing her men. They had just come into her life and she didn’t want what they had together to end.

  Last night, she had made it abundantly clear as to her feelings and they refused to back down. Whether she wanted them to go or not, they would confront Jim today.

  Quickly, she dished up the food and carried them each a plate to the table.

  “Eat,” she told them.

  Then she fixed her own plate and sat. They had not eaten a bite and were waiting on her.


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