Devil's Prince (Satan's Brood Book 1)

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Devil's Prince (Satan's Brood Book 1) Page 17

by Louise Furley

  As her body convulsed around him with her rushing cries, he let himself go. Wrapping his arms around Sveti, holding her fiercely tight, his teeth grit, a vein at his temple hammered as he pistoned into her with unbridled violence.

  Feeling his body blistering from the inside out, on the tip of a bomb, with a guttural grunt, he roared her name and exploded, his seed blasted from his engorged phallus, surging into Sveti’s delicate channel.

  He mindlessly pumped and pumped until he shot his everything, then paused feeling his body contracting and emptying with jagged seizing spasms.

  Yet, he couldn’t stop impaling her, she was his obsession, she stole his body, his brain, his heart, he thrust so deep he pounded against her womb. Growls gouged up from his heavy chest, and he collapsed on her soft giving form with heaving growling grunts.

  Under his panting weight, Sveti squirmed for air.

  His heart pounded out of his chest and into hers. Dev shifted slightly so she could breathe. Still inside her, his hand found her breast and latched onto it, a leg stayed sprawled over hers. She wasn’t moving until he let her. He had never experienced a climax such as this before, unimaginable, unmatching.

  Dev had never cuddled in his entire life. The word, the action had never even been in his vocabulary. Not with a familial caretaker, and not with any woman he had sex with.

  Months ago if someone had said anything so absurd to him that he would be in a very feminine lavender room with white ruffled curtains, embracing the most breathtaking creature he’d ever seen, a human no less.

  And after having the most mind-blowing sex he’d ever had, and was now holding her, wanting to keep her tight to his chest so she couldn’t leave him, so they could imprint upon one another. Add to that they had technically wed with their act, well, he would have sent the men in white coats to take that person away.

  It was unheard of, that the Principé Devilos Dravidian, great great grandson of Lucifer, had a heart and wanted to hold this woman in his arms. Other than his close friends he’d known all their lives, he shook his head, he had never had feelings, cared for another soul, until her.

  As he rolled to his side to look at Sveti, his manhood slipped from her incredible body.

  He had wanted her since the second he’d laid eyes on her. He knew he’d have her, it had been an internal fight to wait and not take her by force. Every day his beast fought him to just grab her, fuck her, claim her. His breathing slowed, he hugged her tightly.

  Dev acknowledged that she hadn’t been fully willing, but he couldn’t wait any longer. The longer he waited the closer to danger she crept.

  She was partially turned towards him, her eyes drifting closed. He had known from the start that she would be his. After seeing her at that party, he would never admit, even to himself, the back of his mind was endlessly plotting and planning how to find her, get her. Steal her if he had to.

  Even when they weren’t speaking after the river incident, he never stopped scheming how to win her, keep her. And she, them together, it had been even a thousand times more amazing than he thought it would be. His body, brain, still rang with the intense tumult of his release.

  Dev’s face relaxed into a pleased smile, and her intensity, damn, she was made for love, for him. He’d never enjoyed the sexual act as much as tonight, when they’d shared pleasure, he didn’t just take what he wanted and move on.

  It was just so different, with her; he wanted to give so much more than receive. His heart clenched as if in the grip of a fist at the sight, the very thought of his Svetiessa.

  Brushing the flaming hair back behind her shoulders, drawing each lock through his long fingers, he asked quietly, “Hey, Prințesă, you okay?”

  “Mmm,” the murmur was part awake, more asleep. He had depleted her young virgin’s body.

  Smiling, at least she seemed all right with what they had done, hell, she’d screamed her release until she was hoarse, her little nails had dug into his back. His gaze traveled down her body. He glanced at her feminine folds, and quickly away, or he would be in her again in a flash. She needed time to rest. She would be sore.

  His hands itched to play with her tits. But he saw the pinpricks of his claws around the soft mounds, those, as well as the marks from his incisors and horns would disappear shortly. Thank Zues, she’d freak if she saw them.

  He had penetrated more than just her woman’s channel, and gave her more than just his semen, but she didn’t need to know about that right now, not yet.

  His horns. He was going to have to explain what he’d done, without asking her, telling her first before he did it. But not now. He reached his arms around her to pull her close, nestle her softness against his chest.

  With a sated sigh, Sveti cuddled into his embrace.

  He palmed the back of her head lifting it to gaze at her. Her eyes were closed, she was already asleep. Zues, she was pure bliss. His bliss.

  Snuggling her back in his arms, his hand slid down her silken skin to cup a rounded butt cheek, he squeezed it, holding onto it firmly, possessively, as he drifted off with her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dev broke consciousness feeling a soft warm bundle in his arms. He had never literally slept with a woman before. He wouldn’t have liked it before, it would be creepy waking up next to someone, even one he had fucked. But surprising himself, he sure as shit loved it now.

  Still asleep, Sveti rolled on her side burrowing her bottom into Dev’s already hardened erection.

  “Sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear, lifting her shiny curls, caressing them between his coarse fingers he sifted them under his nose. He brushed the tendrils back and forth, inhaling her scent, feeling the satin of her tresses against his rugged skin.

  Settling her hair behind her so his lips could find the silky flesh of her neck, he licked then sucked, loving the smell and taste of her, his animal instincts were already showing themselves.

  She didn’t wake. Sliding his hand over, he coiled his fingers around a sweet breast and clutched it, kneaded it softly, tranquilly. A murmur hushed from her lips but she still didn’t awaken.

  He gently tugged her nipple with his thumb and finger until it peaked, then moved to the other, over her shoulder he watched them pebble. He skimmed his palm over the plush curves, and down her thin ribs to splay over her concave belly. “Damn, woman,” he muttered, “you need to eat before you get sick.”

  Lowering his hand he curled his fingers over the tender folds of her womanhood. Her hips wriggled, she sighed but didn’t wake.

  Dev whispered, “I need you again, baby, I tried to wait, but having you once, hell, now I crave you worse than ever. Like the red in my blood, you’ve woven your beautiful soul into mine,” he took a breath and cuddled her. “I find ease and comfort, release and searing desire when I’m with you, Svetiessa.”

  Her sleek back rounded into his massive chest. Dev never thought he’d be so gentle with a female, never thought the word ‘sweetheart’ would come out of his mouth, unless of course in sarcasm.

  He stroked his fingers over her sex like he was playing a harp. Light yet strong, slow and fast, the melody he plucked entranced her hips to furrow imperceptibly against his hand with his cadence, but she still slept in his arms.

  Although asleep, her body responded to his manipulating fingers. When her silk oozed into his hand, he nudged her legs apart, fisted his thick shaft and carefully slid it in from behind, forcing himself to move slowly into her tight woman’s channel.

  Dev maneuvered her slightly to bend forward with her back arching so he could go deeper. He played her clit like feathers beating a drum, phallus sluicing deep until he was entrenched inside her, paused, then eased back out.

  His rhythm increased, but he still moved carefully to not startle her or unduly hurt her if she was sore from earlier. He was big and she was so small, and so pure and fresh he just couldn’t get over it.

  Sveti stiffened slightly. “Devilos?” her slur drowsy.

  “Aye swee
theart,” he acknowledged, surging his thickness slowly into her, feeling his flesh glide along the satin walls of her tight sheath. His balls gently slapped her skin, his breath a slight breeze against her ear wafting wisps of flaming curls.

  He moved his hand from her tender genitals to brush the hair off her face. His deep voice rumbled a slight tease, “Were you expecting someone else’s hard cock inside your sweet pussy?”

  In a sleep heavy voice she murmured, “Hmm, what are you…uh,” his harder thrust pushed a soft grunt from her. With a quiet sigh, her tush nuzzled against his hips, forcing his shaft deeper.

  “I’m sorry, baby, I couldn’t wait until you wakened, are you okay?” His hand covered her lush breast, fondled it with his big fingers and hard palm before slipping back to stroke her clitoris, speeding up his rhythm.

  But she was still more asleep than awake, “Mmmm,” her languid shimmy against him made his dick throb. Even as he plunged harder and faster, she slipped back into sleep.

  His lips smiled into her hair; if he didn’t have a strong ego he would think he was boring her. But she was still healing, gaining her strength back, she refused to admit it, but she still tired quickly.

  He held her hips taut and thrust faster, feeling the seething vortex of tight tension building in his testicles.

  Dev forced himself to keep his fangs and claws sheathed; he didn’t want her to wake suddenly to acute pain. She hummed and grunted slightly as he plunged faster into her delicate body until the heat boiled over and he started to come.

  Hissing Sveti’s name in a roar muted in her hair, he wrapped his arms around her holding her tight, his body went rigid and held, then he convulsed into her, his seed spilling into her female’s cleft.

  As his body spent in her, panting, his hands roamed all over her body, stroking, caressing every beautiful curve of her luscious skin. Dev prayed one of his seeds would take root in her womb.

  He feared their linking was tenuous, he was well aware he had deliberately seduced her last night when she was in a fragile state of mind.

  She was so terrified of going home she was frantic to figure a way out, and he had with intentional calculation taken advantage of her panic. And when she realized it, she may try to run again. But if she was with child, his child, it would tether her to him. He wouldn’t have to fear her ever leaving him.

  Petting her, Dev smiled, he had never in his life thought he’d have a woman of his own, much less a child. He pictured little children with her flaming curls skipping about, and drifted off to sleep while still inside her.

  When Sveti woke she felt as if steel bands encircled her. She shifted and the bands tightened. A warm breath stirred the hair next to her temple.

  Her body stiffened, the Dravidian. Last night came hurtling back to her. She had tried to leave, he wouldn’t let her, offering himself, well, he didn’t exactly offer, he told her they would mate.

  Right now she felt his powerful chest pressed against her back with his rhythmic breaths. She was caught in his embrace, and one of his legs pinned her to the bed as if he thought she’d leave, and he wasn’t going to let her go.

  She felt his semi-erection pressing into her bottom. He was asleep and he was still hard. She shuddered remembering last night.

  How could he still be hard? He had broken her virginity, they’d had sex, amazing, excruciating, out of this world sex. Her body shuddered again recalling the…second orgasm he’d wrung from her while inside her.

  Like a rough violent amusement park ride, her body had riddled with sensation, she felt as if she’d reached the sun and flown straight into it then exploded into sharp radiant splinters from the inside out.

  Her fingertips touched the side of her neck. He had…bitten her, sunk his fangs into her flesh. Odd, she drew her fingers over the area, the puncture marks were gone. He had scored his fangs into her and it hadn’t hurt badly. On the contrary, sensation had rained into her with exquisite pain, so on the precipice of pain and pleasure, her body had been bombarded as if by electrifying shooting stars.

  Even as she felt the heat rise now between her legs in remembrance, the wetness gathered, she frowned. He had tricked her. Her sex suddenly clenched with wet heat rippling through it.

  And, it was hazy, but she faintly felt when he had taken her again while she flickered between blurred awareness and sleep. His huge manhood slick with her silk sliding in and out of her relaxed body from behind, he had played her body like a sonata on a piano.

  Sveti had fallen back asleep, but her body felt the memory of his coming inside her, hard and full and fast, his roar of release muffled in her hair, spilling his seed, claiming her again.

  She only vaguely felt him cleansing her with a warm damp cloth before tugging her back into his strong embrace.

  He had stripped her clothes from her against her will, but hadn’t forced her like he said he wouldn’t. But, her fists clenched in anger, he had beguiled her like a fat worm dangling on a fishing line with his dark velvet voice, and his skilled mouth and hands of magic.

  Her cheeks flamed as she remembered she had begged him, like he said she would, to take her. He’d made her do that, forced her to beg him to penetrate her virgin’s body.

  The anger built as she concluded that he had purposefully seduced her. My Goddess Satrine, they were wedded, by chemistry, a biological attachment. He was not only a vicious fiend, he proved he was also ruthlessly sneaky.

  Why had he done it? What was in it for him except a ball and chain around his ankle? What about his other women? She shifted again, but his arms tightened more and his rumbled sigh pulsed over her ear.

  Well, she wasn’t standing for it; she would find a way out of the marriage. Even as she contemplated how, she knew she couldn’t fight the chemical binds. But that didn’t mean she would have to stay with him.

  Yet she knew those were the rules, the principles of what they’d done. He said he expected her to stay with him, he owned her now. Damn him.

  Regardless, she would find a way out of it. Gingerly, she slowly unwound from his arms and wriggled out from under his heavy leg. Squirming without jostling the bed, Sveti worked her way off until she was on her feet.

  She paused and looked at him. He was sprawled on his side, his big arms flung out as if searching for her in his sleep. The long tousled hair, a spray of black showers on the lavender pillow and spread over his enormous bronzed shoulders. He would put a Greek god to shame.

  Even in repose his face was darkly harsh made up of hard planes and severe angles. Dark whiskers covered his strong jaw. The only thing soft on him was his lips, yet they were ruggedly carved in masculine beauty.

  Her fingers ruffled over her lips remembering the lurid assault of his mouth on hers. The sheet rumpled just below his hip, his muscled back bare, she could just make out the dark hair that covered his thick chest. He was fearsomely, dangerously, beautiful.

  Her body stirred as she stared at him, remembering his strong body wrapped around her, over her, pounding into her. He was all strength and hot aggression, he had brought her to heaven as he’d promised. Her breasts felt swollen, aching from his rough caresses, his lips, teeth on them.

  Thinking about his thick male member thrusting so fiercely hard inside her, her nipples tightened crying for his fingers to pinch them, his tongue to lap them, her sex was damp. She wanted to- no, she shook her head, no, he was a cheat, and she wanted no part of him.

  All she had to do was remember how he’d easily held her captive with his great strength and effortlessly ripped her clothes off her body ignoring her protests.

  She turned on her heel and hurried into the bathroom. A quick shower, get dressed, and she was out of there. Since he was with her, there would be no guard outside the door. This was her chance to escape.

  Dev jerked awake. His limbs stretched out reaching for…her. Before he opened his eyes he knew she was gone. The bed was cold, empty. His lids slit open. He could hear the shower running. She should have waited for him.

  He slid off the bed to his bare feet. Dragging his fingers through his hair, he scratched the mat of hair on his chest and headed for the bathroom. He grabbed the knob to turn it, it was locked.

  “Son-of-a-bitch,” he cursed, “she locked the goddamned door.” Huh. Well, his little wifey will learn there will never be locked doors between them. She was not shutting him out. Ever.

  He twisted the doorknob right off the door, tossed it and pushed his way inside. It was steamy, he could just make out her body through the mist on the glass doors.

  He could see her nude silhouette, her luscious curves moving in scintillating languor as she bent and stroked soap over her legs and up over her arms.

  He brushed his teeth with invisible speed, and grabbed up a bar of soap off the sink, he was as hard as a rock before he reached the glass doors. As quietly as possible, he opened the door.

  She was humming while she ran her soapy hands all over that incredible body. Fuck, it sent goose bumps streaking up his cock.

  The water sprayed the entire chamber, he rubbed the soap until his hands were filled with bubbly lush lather then set the bar on a dish, and crept up behind her.

  Her hands were raised as she re-pinned loose hair, Dev slid his foaming hands around her and cupped her breasts. She let out a squeal.

  Sveti screamed. Big hard hands covered her breasts with foamy soap. Before she could grasp them and pull them off, he was feeling her up, mauling her ripe globes, his head bent to her, wet black hair slid over her shoulder as he growled in her ear.

  “Godsdamn, Wife,” he nipped her earlobe, “a glimpse of your body detonates my cock to iron, these bounteous tits, ahh,” strong fingers squeezed and caressed, “soft and fat and lush, how did I ever live before without my hands so full of them?”

  His erection rammed against her butt, brawny chest pressing her slim back, hands hard and hungry, clenching and massaging, sliding up and down her body and back to reclaim her plush breasts with his strong, aggressive grip.


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