Savage Devil: A High School Bully Romance (Green Hills Academy Trilogy Book 1)

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Savage Devil: A High School Bully Romance (Green Hills Academy Trilogy Book 1) Page 13

by Josie Max

  Take care of her. My heart pounded in my chest. Memories of when my mom died and his uncle came racing back.

  “No. I want to be with my aunt,” I said with a whimper.

  “But, Violet, your clothes, all your school stuff, everything is there in your room.” He leaned closer, refusing to take his eyes off me.

  “But I want to be with my aunt right now. I miss her.”

  Knight turned to Arabella. “Can you give a few minutes?”

  Arabella looked at me. “Can I, Violet?”

  What could he do to me in a hospital? I grumbled out a yes and Arabella turned to leave. But as she got to the doorway, she said, “I’ll be right in the hallway.”

  She left and Knight turned back to me.

  “What if my uncle finds out you’re staying with your aunt? He might think you’re going to tell.”

  I knew that, but I didn’t care.

  “I’ve just been in a bus accident. I can’t even remember how it happened or why I was at Winter River University to begin with. I want comfort. That’s not what I feel when I’m in your home.”

  I gasped for breath after my brief speech.

  He groaned. “But I can protect you. I can’t protect your aunt or you in your aunt’s house.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Okay, Superman.”

  “I’m serious, Violet. If you stay with your aunt, it’s risky.”

  Taking a deep breath, I said, “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

  He paced the room. “I got money and can have anything you need brought to the house. I could hire an at-home nurse to take care of you.”

  Why did he care so much? I wanted to ask him, but it was difficult to talk. And I was growing tired.

  “Can we discuss this another time? I need rest.”

  He marched up to my bed and pointed into my face. “The only reason I’m letting this happen is because you were almost killed. The moment you feel better is the moment you come back to the house.”

  He turned and strolled out the door, punching the wall as he left.

  “What the hell?” Arabella said with a sneer. “What crawled up his ass and died? Oh, right . . . it’s his soul.”

  “I told him I was staying with my aunt.”

  “And he got that mad? What a controlling psycho. Don’t worry, Violet, I’ll make sure he stays away from you.”

  I mumbled something, but my eyelids grew heavy. Thoughts of what Seraphina had said to me on the bus before she locked me inside danced around my head.

  Knight was the one with the footage.



  “THERE’S A YOUNG WOMAN at the front entrance to see you, Mr. King,” Hugh, my new butler, mentioned as he came into the kitchen.

  I nodded to Hugh, who turned and left.

  “You think that’s Violet? She’s coming back, right?” Ava frowned and crossed her fingers on both hands.

  “Yes, she’s coming back, just like I promised. But I don’t know if that’s her.”

  Violet needed some time to heal. Then she’d realize how much safer she was here. Especially when I explained that she never had to worry about my uncle stepping foot in this home ever again.

  I slid off the bar stool and patted Ava’s back. “You stay here. If it’s Violet, I’ll send Hugh for you.”

  It had been a week since the bus crash. Violet wasn’t speaking to me. She left the hospital five days ago. When I saw her in that hospital bed, I wanted to punch someone.

  That accident shouldn’t have happened.

  I told Violet I’d protect her and the one day I wasn’t around she was almost killed.

  That bus incident was a mess. It was made to look like an accident, but to someone like me, it looked very much on purpose.

  I meandered to the front entrance. Bile rose in my throat as my eyes landed on the person waiting for me.

  “Seraphina. What are you doing here?”

  She gave me her usual sly grin. She thought she looked cute, but I thought she looked pathetic.

  “Knight, I came to bring you a housewarming gift.” She held out a small box in her palm.

  It looked like a ring box wrapped in blue paper with a small white bow on top.

  “I don’t need a gift.”

  She took a step closer and slid her hand down my arm. I jerked away.

  “Baby, I know you don’t need anything.” She waved her arms around the room. “Not since all this is now yours. You’re welcome by the way.”

  I flattened my lips. “It was a deal. That’s it. I already promised I would follow through when the time comes.”

  I hated that I owed Seraphina and if she kept holding it over my head, I might have to forget about the agreement.

  “You will. And in the meantime, I thought we could celebrate with some sparkling wine in your room.” She tried to reach for me again, but I backed away.

  “Seraphina, thanks for helping with transferring the deed of the house into my name. Legally, this house became mine once I turned eighteen according to my parents’ will, but I knew my uncle would make it difficult and try to claim that I had no right. I’m happy your father could help me with the paperwork.”

  “Now, was that so hard?” she murmured in her annoying baby voice.

  My nose flared and I glanced back toward the hallway that led to the kitchen. Ava wasn’t lurking about, thankfully. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be soon. She had a habit of not listening to me and letting her curiosity take over.

  I smiled as I realized how much Ava was like me.

  “Yes, it was hard.”

  Seraphina rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Just open your gift.”

  “Will you leave after?”

  She pushed her hands on her hips, causing her fake tits to jet out. “I know your trashy new girlfriend isn’t here. We can fool around. I can suck you off just how you like it.” She slid her finger down her throat.

  My stomach twisted. “We broke up months ago. Why can’t you accept that?”

  Seraphina stomped her foot and growled, “Really, Knight? You chose that slutty piece of garbage over me? You know she’s just using you, right?”

  “You know nothing, Seraphina.”

  She folded her arms over her chest and let out a forced laugh. “My mom know everything that goes on in this town. Did you know that she tried to have sex with the mayor and his friends all at the same time? She’s such a slut. Probably thought they could be her sugar daddies.”

  “Shut the fuck up. You don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

  Her lips curled. “I know exactly what I’m talking about. And so do you. I mean, you’re the one who filmed it.”

  That fucking bitch.

  I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the library, shutting the door, and slamming her against it.

  She pushed her tits into me and moaned, “Yes, Knight. Please—”

  “You’re sick, you know that?” I slid my fingers into her hair, pulling her head back. But I wasn’t delicate about it.

  Her smile faded to a scowl. “Fuck, you’re hurting me.”

  “That’s right, I am. So, you thought you could mess with me? Take my phone and go through my things. I wonder what would happen if I went through yours, hmm. What would I find?”

  Her eyes widened and there was unadulterated fear staring back at me. “No. Knight. You wouldn’t.”

  I slid my finger down from her ear until my hand was gripping her throat. I felt her swallow, and if it was earlier this year, I’d be hard. But nothing about Seraphina turned me on anymore.

  Seraphina made me happy in another life—a life when I hated the world and all the people in it.

  For the past two years I had a crash course in the sick and twisted lives of the adults around me. She eased the pain from that knowledge.

  But I realized she knew about all the crazy shit that went on in this town, and she didn’t care.

  As I stared at one offspring of those fucked-up a
dults, I shuddered at what I avoided becoming.

  “I know what you like, Seraphina. We dated for a year, and I know all your dark and messed-up secrets. Just try to threaten me again and see what happens.”

  She pushed me back and with a shaky hand, wiped the tear from her cheek.

  “Fuck you, Knight. You’re no saint. You’re just as twisted as me.”

  “I’m sure that’s why everyone calls me the devil.” I grinned.

  “So that’s it.” Seraphina threw her hands up. “I get one night after giving you this place.”

  I nodded. “That was the deal you agreed to.”

  She turned her back to me and after a few seconds, she screamed. It wasn’t ear piercing like she did when she was pretending to get hurt so she could get someone in trouble. Her howl was deep and angry.

  She opened the library door and marched out. Right before she reached for the front door to leave, she turned back. “If you think this is over, you’re crazy. Just know that I haven’t even started.”

  Seraphina left and slammed the front door behind her. I chuckled and wondered what sad little ideas that girl thought she could come up with to scare me.

  Unlike her, I didn’t care what anyone thought of me. Her love of spreading false rumors would have no effect on me. And I doubt she could get anyone to call me names at school.

  “A present! Yay. I love presents.”

  Ava walked over with Seraphina’s gift in her hand. I was about to tell her not to open it, but I should have known better. She liked to rip wrapping paper away first and ask questions later.

  The paper was already shredded and on the floor by the time I turned to face Ava. She lifted the black velvet ring box and frowned.


  I reached for the box. When I saw what it was, my mouth fell open.

  “It’s a tooth. Is it a shark’s tooth? My friend Jacob has a necklace with a shark’s tooth, but his looks pointy.” Ava continued to ramble as I stared at the thin gold chain with a human tooth dangling from it.

  When I lifted it up the padding popped out and behind it was a folded-up piece of paper. I opened the letter and read:

  Not only did you get the house you wanted, but you got your wish, too. Violet is gone.

  I swallowed. That was what I had wished for.



  “HE’S OUTSIDE AGAIN,” Aunt Dahlia said.

  “I told you, I don’t want to see him. Tell Knight to leave or I’m calling the police.”

  I groaned as I pulled myself up from the couch. I missed a week of school, but the principal and my teachers understood. Knight had been stopping by every evening with takeout and my textbooks.

  I hadn’t asked him to come by and since it’s Saturday, there was no reason to drop off schoolwork.

  “Knight seems sweet. Isn’t he the boy who found you at the pond?”

  I nodded, wincing. My shoulder and neck still hurt, but it was nothing a little over-the-counter medicine wouldn’t help. I wore a sling on my arm but hadn’t worn the neck brace in five days.

  When I looked in the mirror after the accident, my appearance horrified me. And even more in shock that Arabella had said nothing to me. She could have at least brought a hairbrush to the hospital. I still had bits of leaves in my hair when I left.

  I looked a lot better since then. The swelling and most of the bruising had faded. I just had some yellowing around my eye.


  Dahlia sighed. “I told you you’d find a boy when you got to Green Hills. And he’s very good-looking.” Her brows rose and fell.

  I snorted. “Please stop, you’re embarrassing yourself.”

  She gave me the Adler smile. “Everything I predicted came true. You found a friend. Arabella has come over to visit every day. So, there’s no denying that you two are friends.”

  I bit my lip. “She’s cool. The only decent person in that school.”

  “It would never be easy, you knew that.”

  I gave a hard laugh. “The understatement of the millennium.”

  “Yes, the bus accident was scary. But you lived. And, if this letter is any sign, you’re one step closer to your dream.” She held up an envelope with the address label of Winter River University.

  I yelped and reached over, grabbing it from her hand.

  In my excitement, I forgot it was difficult for me to open the letter. “Uh . . . can you help me.”

  I could use my finger, but it was painful. It was just easier to get someone else to open mail.

  “Anything for my favorite niece.” Dahlia ripped it open and pulled out the letter, handing it over.

  I nibbled on my lip. What if Winter River found out I missed a week of school? They were particular about attendance.

  Shit. That hadn’t occurred to me this past week when I was lying in bed in pain and feeling sorry for myself. I should have sucked it up and went to school.

  My hand shook as I unfolded the letter.

  It was so shaky I couldn’t read it.

  “I can’t.” I handed it over to my aunt.

  “I’ll do it.” She cleared her throat. “Dear Ms. Violet Adler. We are excited to inform you we have selected you as a small group of people invited to apply, with scholarship, to Winter River University. We have been a university since—”

  I cut my aunt off as I screamed. I would have jumped up and down, but it hurt my shoulder. Tears of joy were meandering down my cheeks.

  “Does that mean you got in?”

  I shook my head with a wince. “No, they invite you to apply first. And this is the invitation. They only have a select group of people they allow to apply and from that, they make their decision. But I got my foot in the door.”

  I wiped at my tears as my aunt gave me a hug. Finally getting some good news after so many horrible weeks was wonderful.

  Maybe something good would come out of me going to Green Hills.

  There was pounding coming from the front door that broke our joyful celebration.

  My aunt went to check it out.

  “What’s going on. Is she hurt?” I heard Knight yell.

  I groaned. He would not stop. No matter how much I ignored him, he wouldn’t leave me alone. It was time to shut him down.

  When I got to the front door, he stood there glaring at my aunt.

  “Stop trying to scare her, it won’t work,” I said and placed my hand on her shoulder.

  “Why don’t I give you two some time to talk.” She nodded and stepped back, heading into the kitchen.

  “I’d let you in, but we have a strict no assholes policy.” I leaned against the door.

  Knight stood there, his body practically vibrating from irritation. “Why haven’t you responded to me? I’ve texted you and have come here every day. What did I do?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You know exactly what you did.”

  Knight threw his hands up, letting out an exasperated sigh.

  “No, I really don’t. Last I checked, I was keeping you safe in my home. And it’s my home now. Once I turned eighteen, it became mine. I finally signed the papers. My uncle can’t get into the house. I will have him arrested if he tries.”

  My head jerked back. “Really? You own that enormous mansion?”

  “Yes, it was my parents. But once my uncle took over as our caregiver, he made it his. Even tried to circumnavigate my parents’ will to claim he should be on the deed. But my mom, being a Saget, had the best lawyers. Any deed or contract or will that had her name on it was airtight. He couldn’t do anything. I suspect that’s why he’s been on vacation for so long. He knew he didn’t have a house to come home to.”

  I rubbed my forehead. “That’s crazy. So, I don’t have to worry about your uncle coming after me anymore?”

  He sighed, leaning against the door frame. “I never said that. Here’s the thing, Violet. My uncle is a powerful guy. He still has money of his own. But he won’t be able to get into my house. I brou
ght in an entirely new staff, had all the locks changed, and put in new security. Inside my home, you’re safe. Outside . . . I don’t know.”

  I glanced back toward the kitchen. My aunt wasn’t there. I hope she hadn’t heard Knight.

  “But the footage of me,” I lowered my voice, “getting undressed in the pool house. The one that was shown at the rally a couple of weeks ago. That was from you.”

  “No, that was from my uncle.” He rubbed his face. “He installed those cameras in the pool house. After what he did to you, I went into the pool house later that night and removed the cameras. I went into his office after you fell asleep that evening and got onto his computer. That’s when I saw the video link up to the pool house. I took them away and removed the footage from my uncle’s computer.”

  “Then why did Seraphina say you gave it to her?”

  “Because she’s a psycho bitch who hates you. What she failed to mention was that she got the footage from my locker. I kept that stuff in my gym locker because those are the only lockers in the school that don’t get random searches. And my uncle would never get access to it. If I kept it in the house, he might find it.”

  That made sense. But there was something I was still confused about.

  “When you caught me in the locker room, I heard Seraphina. But that was after the rally.”

  He smirked. “She was putting back the things she stole. Thought I wouldn’t notice them missing, but I did. I punished her. There was a reason I wasn’t on the field trip. I was there at Winter River, but not to see the sights. She’ll discover soon enough that it’s not wise to mess with me.” His features darkened.

  Everything made sense now. It wasn’t Knight fucking with me, but Seraphina.

  He reached out and slid his finger down my cheek. My skin broke out in goose pimples down my back. He leaned in and I inhaled his spicy cologne. “I miss you.”

  My nipples hardened. He was warm and all I wanted to do was reach for him.

  “Why me?” I asked, still unsure.

  “You’re different.”

  I kicked the door frame. “You mean I’m not a spoiled brat.”

  He slipped his fingers under my chin, lifting my head until I gazed into his glittering gray eyes.


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