Ghost Hunted

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Ghost Hunted Page 16

by BL Maxwell

  “Why?” Jason asked Jimbo.

  Jimbo scratched his scruff covered chin with his fingers. “So, what do you guys think about me spending some time down there? I could help you go over your data. Save you some time.”

  “Yeah, that would be good. Any particular reason you want to help out?” Now I was even more curious about his reasons.

  He grabbed the back of his neck with his hand. “I have to admit, while it was scary as hell when we were in that basement and everything went to shit, I still want to know more about all the ghost stuff. I was curious when I worked here, but I didn’t know how to find out more. Or how to try to contact them. Sure Louise let me know she was around, but there was nothing I could do to help. If you guys don’t mind, I’d like to work with you if you end up at another haunted house.”

  Jason groaned from my side, causing me to smile. “Sounds good. We can always use help. Right, Jason?”

  Jason’s eyes jumped between me and Jimbo, and a slow smile curled his lips. “Yeah, we can.”

  “Alrighty, let’s get this shit loaded and get the fuck out of here. I need to get to work and you guys need to go do . . . whatever it is you need to do. I do not need details.” He held his hand up like it would protect him from whatever he thought was going to happen.

  Jason laughed. “Let’s do this. I can’t wait to get Wade home and show him some of my moves.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that.” I looked at him wide-eyed. And instantly was in motion. “Come on, let’s get this shit packed and take Jimbo home.”

  I heard them laugh as I rushed off. “Get movin’!” I grabbed as many bags as I could manage and had them thrown in the back of the car before they had made it down the stairs. “Is there more stuff left in there?”

  “Nope, this is it,” Jason said as he walked down the steps.

  “How’s your hand, and your feet?”

  He lifted his hand and examined the wrapping. “They’re all good, new bandages would probably be a good idea. Why don’t we wait until we get the last of the stuff out of the basement? Oh, how’s your arm?”

  I lifted my arm and looked at the still clean bandages. “I think it’s fine. It’s not bugging me so let’s leave it for later.” I took his uninjured hand and squeezed his fingertips. “Let me just make sure we didn’t leave anything in the house and lock the door.”

  I jogged up the stairs and made a quick sweep of the downstairs. Not seeing anything, I locked the front door and walked back down to where they were waiting by the car.

  “Let’s get this over with. I know none of us is excited about going back there.”

  The three of us walked together to the side of the house. The door was still open.

  “I guess the symbol did protect us,” Jason murmured while he traced the star with his finger.

  “I guess it did.” Things could have been much worse than they were. I reached for Jason’s hand, and we walked back into the basement.

  It wasn’t nearly as intimidating as it had been. Where before it felt charged with energy, it now felt like any other basement I’d been in, cold and smelling of dirt and dust. We walked to the center of the room, and Jimbo walked over to where the salt had held us contained together. There was nothing there. The salt remained but the energy it had harnessed was now spent.

  “Let’s wrap this up and head home.” I moved to the camera and gathered it up, along with the cords and batteries that we’d left there in our rush to get everything set up last night. I noticed Jason standing in place, staring at the space where we’d been held.

  “Jason? You okay?”

  He shook his head and turned to meet my eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He walked over to the other equipment and gathered it up.

  “I think that’s it. Everyone ready?”

  “Yep, let’s go.” Jason reached out and took my hand with his injured one. I tried to be gentle, but he was not having it. He grabbed my hand as if there was nothing wrong. He was not going to let anything keep us apart any longer.

  We closed the door behind us and propped it shut with a board, making sure it didn’t blow open with the wind. We loaded everything into the car and all of us jumped in. “Jimbo, you want us to drop you off at your house or the restaurant?”

  “My house is the restaurant. I have a place in the back.”

  “Easy enough then.” I looked at him in the back seat and noticed he was grinning. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, man. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I meant what I said about helping you guys. Let’s do this.”

  I looked over at Jason to find him looking straight at me. “Yeah, let’s do this.”

  We drove Jimbo to his house, and he invited us to stay for breakfast.

  “Might as well. Then when we get home we can concentrate on . . . other things.” Jason waggled his eyebrows at me.

  I looked at him for a second before dissolving into laughter. “How? How did I not know you were interested in me all these years?” I got control for another second but after looking at the expression on his face I was laughing again.

  “All you had to do was ask. I have to admit, it was very flattering knowing you were interested. I just waited for you to make a move so I was sure.” He smiled at me, and just seeing him happy made me forget to be annoyed with him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  We ate breakfast while watching Jimbo set up the restaurant for business and made plans to meet up at my house when he drove down to the valley tomorrow, to start going through all the video and audio recordings. It would be nice to have more help. Finally, after exchanging phone numbers, we were on the road, headed for home.

  I was deep in thought, trying to work out what we should start on first, when Jason reached over and clasped my hand.


  “Hey, yourself,” he said back with a glint in his eye. He pulled our hands over to his lap and pressed the back of my hand against his cock and gave a little grind.

  “You know I’ll pull this car over right now if you don’t stop. I’ve been just about as patient as I can be.”

  He smirked over at me and raised my hand to his lips, kissed it and brushed his lips gently against the back of it. “I meant what I said, I love you.”

  “I love you too, and I really can’t wait to get back home. We have so much to explore with each other.”

  “Yeah, we do. So when do you want to tell your mom?”

  I groaned and looked out the window, which of course made him laugh again. “You have no idea, she’s been trying to ship us for years. You’ll be giving her what she’s always wanted, and she will not be quiet about it. Just so you know.”

  “Oh I know, and I can’t wait. Your mom is awesome.”

  “She is pretty awesome, when she’s not driving me fucking crazy. I should have bought a house a few blocks away rather than right next door. If she knows we’re together, she’s going to show up even more than she does now. Which should be physically impossible, but I know she’ll make it happen.”

  “So what are you going to tell her? Because you know she’s going to want every freaking, excruciating detail.”

  “I’m going to tell her how we went ghost hunting and ended up finding love, as well as being hunted by the ghosts.”

  He sat forward and looked at me for a second before bouncing back in the seat and laughing once again. “You tell her that and she’ll never give us any peace. She’ll be walking around with cartoon hearts floating around her head and dancing in her eyes.”

  Now it was my turn to smirk at him. “Maybe I don’t care if she’s happy about us being together. I’m just as happy, and since I’ve waited most of my life to acknowledge how I feel about you, I’m probably going to be just as bad as she is.”

  “Okay, okay, I get it. I love you enough to put up with whatever you and your mom throw at me. Just maybe give me some warning if she’s going to start planning seating arrangements for a wedding I have no clue about.�

  “Fair enough.” I squeezed his fingers and tried to not drive too fast to get to my house.

  It seemed to take forever to drive down Highway 50 when it was in reality only about twenty minutes. We took the exit and finally we were in my neighborhood.

  “Should we get some beer before we go to my place?”

  “Wade, if you don’t get me to your fucking house in less than ten minutes, I’m going to attack you in the car. I’m pretty sure we’d be a lot more comfortable in your bed.”

  I knew my mouth was hanging open, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. Jason slowly reached over and with his finger he pressed on my chin to close my mouth.

  “Keep your eyes on the road, hotshot, we’ve waited this long. I don’t want an accident or a ticket to make us wait any longer.”

  “Jason, I swear, you’re torturing me.”

  “I know.” He smiled again with that playful glint in his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, Wade. Once we’re together I want us to always be together. I’m sorry we’ve wasted so much time. I should have said something earlier.”

  “I don’t think that’s how it was supposed to be.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think we were supposed to get together exactly like we did. Exactly where we did.”

  “You do? Kind of a strange place to start a relationship.”

  “Not really. Think about it, you’ve been obsessed with The Vineyard House for years. What if the reason you were obsessed was because you knew on some level us going there would somehow end up with us together?”

  “Like fate?”

  “Yeah, like fate. Maybe we’ve always been meant to be together, but we needed to help Louise and Robert first.”

  Jason looked down at our hands he still held on his lap, not replying for a moment. “I think you might be right. I don’t remember any detail of what happened when he had control of me. But I do remember feeling love, being loved, and loving someone back. I thought it was our love. But maybe it was theirs. Maybe, even though he was crazy he still knew how much she loved him.”

  I had to clear my throat to dislodge the lump that had formed. “I think you might be right. She did love him. So much she stayed there when she could have left. She didn’t want to leave him there for all eternity.”

  “You know Jimbo is going to want to know all about this.”

  “I think you might be right. But maybe we don’t have to tell him everything.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” He kissed my fingers and smiled when we pulled up to the house.

  “Come on, let’s get this stuff unloaded so we can have the rest of the day to relax.”

  “Relax? I have a few things I’d rather do.”

  “Who are you and what have you done with Jason? Jesus, what are you doing to me?”

  “I’m not Jesus, I’m Jason, and I’m ready to get this shit unloaded already. Then we’ll both decide what to do next.”

  We both stopped talking and concentrated on carrying as much as we could at one time. Jason still had to be careful of his hand and his feet were still tender. I didn’t believe him for a second that they didn’t hurt. We hurried inside and dumped everything in the middle of the floor and then rushed back out and unloaded everything else.

  Even though I was in a hurry, I didn’t trust leaving anything in my car. I didn’t want to go out in the morning to a broken window and missing gear.

  Finally. Finally! We were done.

  We both stood in the living room and stared at each other. Now we were alone and were actually able to do something with all this lust, neither of us moved at first. And then we were both in motion.

  We crashed into each other and instantly our lips were fused together. I kissed Jason all over his face and trailed my lips down his neck. His groan made my dick pulse. I put my forehead to his shoulder and pulled his shirt aside so I could press my lips to his skin. Trying to slow us down a little bit.

  “Wade, I want you so bad. I’ve thought of this all weekend.”

  I looked into his beautiful eyes and knew this was it for me. I’d never want anyone else. He’d always been there as a friend, and now he’d be there for more. “I want you too, Jason. So much.”

  We kissed with even more heat, and abruptly he jumped up and clung to me, his legs wrapped around my waist and his arms around my neck. I reached down to cup his ass as I walked us into the bedroom. I laid him down and slowly crawled over the top of him, weaving our hands together above his head, and pressed my body to his.

  “Let’s lose some of these clothes,” I breathed against his neck as I continued to explore him as more and more delectable skin was revealed. With some wrangling and lots of contorting we were finally naked.

  “You’re sure this is what you want?” I needed to be sure. As far as I knew this was new to him.

  “I’m surer than I’ve ever been about anything.” He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer to him. “You and me just feel so right.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from thrusting against his hardening cock as he did the same. Just the feel of all that naked skin under my fingers made it hard for me to keep my hands in one place for any length of time.

  I kissed down his chest and circled his nipple with my tongue before pulling the hardened bud into my mouth and sucking. He groaned and threw his head back.

  “You like that?”

  “God, yes. Do it again.”

  For that kind of response, I was more than willing to lie here all night and give him exactly what he wanted. I moved to his other side and repeated the ministrations that had worked so well before. Once again his groan went straight by my dick.

  “Wade, please, stop teasing me. Fuck me, now.”

  I stopped instantly; he didn’t need to tell me twice. Scrambling over to the side of the bed, I grabbed the lube and condoms from my nightstand with shaking hands.

  Jason watched my every move. He was so blissed out already and we’d barely begun. I drizzled some lube onto my fingers and worked it around to warm it. Moving between Jason’s legs I motioned for him to bend his knees and pull his legs up to his chest. I rubbed and massaged his ass checks before slowly, ever so slowly, dripping some of the lube onto his exposed pucker.

  He jerked at the sensation before letting out a breath he seemed to have been holding, and relaxing. I slowly circled before working my finger into his waiting hole. He resisted me at first, but then after taking a deep breath, my finger slowly slid in. Reaching up with my other hand I slowly started pumping his hard cock in time with my other hand that was slowly pushing my finger into his ass, before adding another.

  I kneeled between his legs and watched as my fingers slid into him again and again. I kept the stimulation on his dick to a minimum, hoping to build the sensations for him.

  He slowly rocked into my hand pumping his cock and back onto my fingers that were working him open for me. “Jason, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I whispered to him.

  “Get in me now. I want you, Wade.” His eyes were closed, but his annoyance was apparent. He was ready for me.

  I pushed his legs back to his chest, and he gripped the back of his thighs. Slowly, so slowly, I pushed into him for the first time. I took it slow and entered him a little more on every small thrust. I didn’t want to hurt him. I wanted to make him feel good. I knew I wouldn’t last, it all felt too amazing. I’d waited forever for Jason, thinking he was just a fantasy I’d never get to actually experience. Now, thanks to a couple of ghosts, we were together.

  “What are you smiling at?” Jason asked, while gliding his fingers down my jawline.

  I smiled even wider and started thrusting harder, pumping his cock in time with my thrusts. Jason groaned and threw his head back against the pillow and gripped the sheets with his clenched hands.

  “Wade, please, I need to come.” He squeezed his eyes shut.

  I started thrusting harder and faster, forcing his head up closer to the headboard. O
ur breathing was loud and strained, and sweat poured down my face and onto my chest. Jason looked so hot, his skin glowing with both perspiration and desire.

  “I’m close, Jason. Please tell me you’re almost there too. I don’t think I can hold off much longer.”

  “I’m ready, but I don’t want it to end. So good.”

  As soon as he said that, I started to put everything I had into giving both of us as much pleasure as I could. Jason was now moving his hips in time with my thrusts. Riding my dick and using my hand to give him even more pleasure.

  “I’m coming,” I shouted, falling apart before him and then collapsing onto his stomach. It seemed to take forever for my breathing to return to normal. When I was finally capable of thinking clearly again, I realized he was gently combing his fingers through my hair. His eyes were full of wonder and love.

  “Well, hello. Did you survive?” he asked, with a smirk that told me exactly how he felt.

  “Oh, I survived all right. Not quite ready for round two, but I will be soon enough.”

  He laughed out loud and threw his head back. I grabbed the condom and pulled it off, tying it off before throwing it in the trashcan by my bed. I saw the remaining evidence of Jason’s release on his stomach and slowly drew my finger through it before I slid off the bed and held my hand out for him. “Ready for a shower?”

  He sprung up off the bed and ran gingerly into the bathroom, not even looking back at me. I heard the water start and then his head popped around the edge of the door. “You coming?”

  “Like you have to ask me twice?” I hurried to get to him, and when I turned the corner he was just stepping into the shower. Mmmm, wet Jason was something I could get used to, and something I didn’t want to miss.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The rest of the day was spent lazing around the house. We were just getting ready to start another movie when there was a knock at the door. Jason froze with a handful of popcorn held just out of his mouth.

  “Who is it?” I yelled from my place on the couch right next to Jason.


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