Kiss Me

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Kiss Me Page 14

by Lexy Timms

“I didn’t pack anything. I only took a few changes of clothes,” Katherine explained.

  “You’ve done this several times? You just get up and leave it all behind?” Talia asked with amazement.

  Katherine slowly nodded her head. “I’m only telling you this because I don’t plan on leaving again, but I only take one suitcase and my giant purse. Usually, I have to take the bus and I can’t take a lot, especially if I’m going to be doing any walking.”

  Talia shook her head. “I can’t imagine just picking up and starting over. When you said it before, I guess I imagined you with boxes of stuff and unpacking and all that.”

  Katherine gave her a faint smile. “Nope. Just me and my trusty suitcase. I’m sick of running. I’m sick of putting together a home only to have to leave it all behind. I’m not going to run anymore. I’m going to stand up and fighting back.”

  “Amen sister! Let him hear you roar!”

  Katherine giggled. “I plan on it. I want to thank you, Talia. It is you that gave me the first glimpse of what a normal life could be like. I honestly had never allowed myself to really have a friend before. Meeting you and hanging out with you, it was exactly what I needed. It showed me I could have a life again.”

  Talia’s head cocked to the side. “I’m sorry no one else showed you that before me.”

  “It takes a special someone to push past my barriers and to make me listen. You did that.”

  Talia burst into laughter. “You were a bit of a tough nut to crack.”

  “Well, thank you for being so patient with the new girl at work and forcing me to hang out with you,” Katherine said, truly grateful to have been shown the light.

  Talia drank her coffee. “You’re going to be happy, Kat. You are. You’ve been through the worst of it. I think Ben is an absolute dreamboat.”

  Katherine nearly spat her coffee across the room. “A dreamboat? I don’t think I’ve heard that since, oh I don’t know, nineteen fifty.”

  “He is a dreamboat and he cares about you. That man was a wreck while you were gone.”

  Katherine felt that familiar twinge of guilt. “I know. I hate that I did that to him. I didn’t mean to hurt him. My goal was to try and protect him from my asshole-ex. Seems like I failed on both counts.”

  “It’s okay. You’re back and you are sticking around, right?”


  “Good, let’s hit up the market and see what we can make together. I feel like baking!” Talia said excitedly.

  “Let me grab my purse,” she said and jumped up, truly happy and looking forward to a day with her best friend.

  “Oh, when we get back, you’re filling me in on all the dirty details of your time away. I know there’s a big story there,” Talia said, giving her a stern look.

  Katherine nodded her head. “Absolutely. I will spare you no detail.”

  They walked out the door and headed down the sidewalk. It was a cool, sunny day and the smell of fall was in the air. Talia insisted they go to a specialty shop that served all things pumpkin spice. Katherine tried a few things but had to pass on the rest. She ended up buying a few candles before they continued on their shopping trip, doing a lot of window shopping and browsing antique and vintage stores.

  “What are you in the mood for?” Katherine asked, as they finally made their way to the grocery store, both of them carrying bags from various stores with new treasures.

  Talia shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know. How about a simple pasta?” she suggested.

  “Works for me,” Katherine said, picking up a basket and heading down the aisle.

  The women shopped some more, giggling at nothing in particular and picking up ingredients to make a fresh pesto, along with some bread and a couple bottles of wine. As they walked back to Katherine’s place loaded down with their loot, she couldn’t stop smiling. She had thoroughly enjoyed herself. She had so missed the companionship of another female. Ben was great, but Talia brought something else to her life.

  As they walked up the stairs to her apartment, Katherine got a sudden icy chill down her spine. She stopped walking and turned around, her eyes scanning the parking lot, looking for Tim.

  “What’s wrong?” Talia asked.

  Katherine shook her head. “Nothing, I just thought I heard something,” she lied.

  When they reached her door, she tested to make sure it was still locked before sliding the key in. Her stomach twisted in knots as she pushed it open, not crossing the threshold.

  “Kat?” Talia whispered from behind her.

  She stepped forward, her ears completely tuned in to any sounds in the room that indicated someone was there. She scanned the area, looking for anything out of place before inhaling deeply. All she got was a strong whiff of pumpkin spice.

  “It’s okay,” Katherine said with relief, putting all her bags on the table before heading into the bathroom.

  When she came out, Talia was standing there, her arms crossed over her chest and staring at her. “What is going on?”

  Katherine let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry to have worried you. It’s just, well, it isn’t over yet. I’m worried Tim is going to come after me. I had a weird feeling we were being watched.”

  “I’ll check the closets,” Talia said, without another word.

  Katherine smiled, thankful to have someone who was understanding. Most people would have told her she was crazy or ran out the door for fear of their own lives. Not Talia. She was in it for the long haul and that meant everything to Katherine.

  “Good?” Katherine asked when Talia came out of bedroom.

  “All good. Now, I’m starving, let’s get cooking!”

  “I’ll open the wine,” Katherine said, jubilant at the idea of cooking and drinking with her best friend.

  “We need music, something upbeat. I want to dance like no one’s watching.”

  “I’m watching,” Katherine joked.

  Talia shrugged. “But you don’t count. You’re my best friend and only best friends can dance in front of each other with wild abandon.”

  Katherine raised an eyebrow, handing Talia a glass of wine. “I wasn’t aware there were rules to the friendship thing.”

  Talia nodded. “Oh, there are. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you everything. I’ve got you.”

  Katherine had to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall again. She knew Talia had her back. Ben had told her she had a circle of people who cared about her and were willing to stand in her corner. It was a foreign feeling, but one she appreciated more than she would have ever expected. She’d thought the lone wolf way of life was the way to go. No one could hurt you if no one got in. The people in her life now were not fans of that mindset and had quickly changed her opinion.

  She watched as Talia threw one arm up, the other hand still clutching the wine glass as she did some wild dance move, her head bobbing back and forth as she spun around, a smile of pure bliss on her face. Katherine put down her own wine glass and joined her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  HE CLOSED THE LAPTOP and powered down his office computer before standing up, righting his suit and grabbing his wallet from his desk drawer. It was a good day. The week was off to a great start and he had finally caught up on all the work that had been piling up since the day Katherine had disappeared. It had been a little embarrassing to realize how badly he had let things slide as he focused all his time and energy on finding Katherine.

  Now that she was back and determined to stay, he was able to focus on his company. He was already planning on extravagant gifts to be delivered to his management team that had picked up the slack. He had a whole new lease on life and had a little extra spunk as he looked forward to what he hoped was a very promising future with Katherine.

  “I’m headed out,” he said, stopping at Rachel’s desk.

  “Tell Will I said hi,” she said with a smile.

  Ben chuckled. “I will. Thank you for letting me borrow him.”

p; She giggled. “I can share him. Just don’t forget he’s mine after five,” she said with a wink.

  Ben nodded. “Yes ma’am. I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”

  He made his way out of the building, anxious to talk to his best friend Will. With being caught up with Katherine and all that drama, and Will exploring his new relationship with Rachel, they hadn’t talked in a couple weeks beyond the occasional text or in passing. It was time to catch up and solidify their friendship.

  When he got to the restaurant, Will was already there. His head was down as he focused on the tablet resting on the table. Ben knew he was probably hard at work arranging the next big event. Will paid attention to every detail, which was why he was the best at what he did.

  “Hey, I know you,” he said, looking up.

  “Ha. Ha.”

  Ben sat down, quickly ordered a diet cola and settled in.

  “I’m glad she’s back,” Will said right away.

  “Me too. I can’t tell you what a relief it was to know she was okay. I let my mind go to some very dark places.”

  Will nodded his head. “I can imagine. Rachel said Katherine has some big plan to free herself from the guy?”

  Ben grimaced. “She does. I’m not exactly thrilled with it, but this is what she wants to do.”

  “Is it dangerous?”

  Ben quickly filled him in about the documents Katherine had that proved he’d bribed judges and jurors. Will’s face was a mixture of shock and anger.

  “She is convinced he would rather save his career than pursue her or the lawsuit against me. I’m not so certain he won’t try to make her go away. Maybe I’ve watched too many movies, but a man who beats a woman, bribes judges and pays off jurors isn’t a pillar of the community. He’s one of the bad guys. A really bad guy and I’m sure he’s not afraid to take drastic measures to protect his image and lifestyle,” Ben said, expressing the opinion that had been on his mind since Katherine had told him of her plan.

  “It is definitely risky. There’s no other way?”

  Ben shrugged his shoulders. “She doesn’t think so. I offered to pay Tim. Money talks and that’s what that man wants. She thinks he would just keep coming back for more. She’s probably right, but I don’t like the idea of her showing her hand.”

  Will nodded. “It is risky, but she knows him better than you or any of us. It could work. I do agree that if you pay him there is nothing to stop him from continuing to extort you, especially if you and Katherine are together. He’ll threaten her, and you’ll pay.”

  “You’re right, I would. I would do anything to keep her safe and keep her from ever having to see him again.”

  The waitress popped over and they quickly gave their orders.

  “You’ll be there tomorrow, right?” Will asked.

  “Damn straight I will. I swear if he even looks at her funny, I will break his jaw. I don’t care that the dude is built like a linebacker. I will take him down. I will throw him through the damn window if I have to,” he growled.

  Will chuckled. “Settle down He-Man. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when she tells him what she has.”

  “Me too, and I plan on being nearby. I want to watch his face. I want to see him pale in panic at the thought of people finding out what kind of snake he truly is.”

  “What about the other girlfriend?” Will asked.

  “What about her?”

  Will took a deep breath. “What if he realizes it’s the other woman who gave Katherine the documents? Won’t he go after her?”

  “I’m sure he will, but Katherine said Alex is convinced she can handle him.”

  Will shook his head. “I do a lot of events for domestic violence survivors as well as those who didn’t make it out. It’s a horrible situation. They need to make tougher laws.”

  Ben nodded. “I agree. So, tell me about Rachel,” he said a grin spreading across his face.

  “How could I possibly tell you anything about Rachel that you don’t already know?” he laughed.

  “Tell me how you feel about the relationship. Is it good? Do you see it going anywhere?” Ben pried.

  He studied Will’s face as he brought up the subject. He noticed the subtle smile tugging at the corner of his lips and the twinkle in his eyes. He knew that look very well. It was the way he felt when he talked about Katherine. It was impossible to not feel happy with that warm and fuzzy feeling deep in his gut when he thought about her.

  “It’s going very well.”

  Ben rolled his eyes. “Quit being secretive. Spill.”

  “You sound like a woman.”

  “I don’t care. Is this something you see as a long-term thing?” Ben pressed on, not willing to give up.

  Will sucked in a deep breath. “I think so, but I don’t want to jinx it. Neither of us has really done the long-term serious thing. I think we’re both just kind of going with it for now, and letting it lead us to wherever it goes. If things don’t work out, I won’t hate her. I truly like her as a person and hope we can always be friends no matter what. She is fun, and I love spending time with her.”

  “You sound like you’re already planning for the breakup.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not planning on it, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Putting expectations on the relationship might ruin it. I like taking it one day at a time. I call her, ask her if she wants to go out and she says yes or no. It’s easy.”

  “Rachel is like that. She has a way of putting you at ease and doesn’t mind hanging out. It’s why I knew the two of you would be perfect for each other,” he grinned.

  It was Will’s turn to roll his eyes. “Great, now you’re going to take credit for our happiness.”

  “Damn straight I am. I waited until I knew it was exactly the right moment and look at the two of you now. I predict you two are going to be together a long time,” he said with complete belief in his statement.

  Their meals were served, both men started to eat before Will began to talk again.

  “I do really like her.”

  Ben smiled and nodded. “I can tell.”


  “Because, you get this little gleam in your eye whenever you talk about her. I understand your need to keep it casual, but I can tell you’re into her. You don’t have to pretend with me.”

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “What about me?”

  “How are you and Katherine?”

  Ben chuckled. “I’m madly in love with her and I’m not afraid to admit it. To you. I haven’t quite told her. I don’t want to send her running in the opposite direction.”

  “Oh, that’s brave,” he teased.

  “I’m taking it slow. I don’t want to freak her out. Maybe after tomorrow and we know what Tim is going to do I can tell her how I feel,” he said, still nervous over the idea.

  “Does she feel the same?”

  Ben shrugged. “I don’t know. I think so, but I can’t force her to say it. I don’t want her to feel pressured into anything. In many ways, she is delicate. Then, on the flipside, she’s the strongest person I’ve ever met in my life. There is a fine balance between the two and I’m giving her the space she needs to explore her feelings.”

  Will was looking at him like he was crazy. “Where is my friend? Who is this man speaking in riddles?”

  “Whatever. It’s true. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make her happy and that means letting her set the pace.”

  Will nodded his head. “I really hope it works out for you two. I like her, and I know she makes you happy.”

  “We should all go out again,” Ben suggested.

  “I’m up for it.”

  “We’ll wait until the dust settles with the Tim situation, but I think Katherine could use another night out like before. She had a blast and I want to show her a good time again,” Ben said, the idea sounding better the more he thought about it.

  “I think Rachel would like that too. She’s always telling me she wa
nts to get to know Katherine better.”

  “Perfect, I’ll talk to Katherine tonight. Hopefully she’ll be up for it soon,” Will said, excited to take her out, dance and really have fun without worrying about Tim coming after her.

  He and Will finished their lunch, talking about their jobs and getting together soon for a round of golf. When Ben left the restaurant, he was feeling good about life in general. He was ecstatic to see Rachel and Will’s relationship progressing, even if it was at a rather lazy pace. He wouldn’t rush them. This was good for both of them and he was content with them being happy.

  “You look happy,” Rachel commented as he strolled towards her.

  “I am. I have everything in the world to be happy about.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Then I should probably not tell you that Meredith called and said it’s urgent that you call her back.”

  His elation plummeted like an elevator freefalling. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  Rachel shook her head. “I’m not sure.”

  He stomped into his office and quickly called Meredith only to learn there had been a change in the meeting time for tomorrow. Once he hung up the phone, he rested his forehead on the desk, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. It was no big deal. Meredith had asked for the change to accommodate a court appearance.

  He was getting so used to Tim screwing things up, he’d immediately thought the guy had found out about the documents or had another trick up his sleeve. With his nerves back under control, he called Katherine to give her the updated schedule. He smiled when he heard the laughter in her voice. She was spending the day with Talia and it sounded as if she were having a blast. That was perfect. He wanted her to see how much their little world had to offer. She never had to run again.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  HER PALMS WERE SWEATY, and her stomach felt like it was filled with a million butterflies as she did her best to control her nerves. She couldn’t let Tim know he had her on edge. Her plan hinged on her being the one in control. It was important to turn the tables on him, let him know she was not afraid and would not run anymore.


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