Doc (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 4)

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Doc (A Steele Riders MC Novel Book 4) Page 13

by C. M. Steele

  “Where’s Crystal?”

  “She’s at home with Jackson and Penny along with the others. I didn’t want her to drive out here. I need to call her, but I ain’t saying shit yet.”

  “I’m surprised he left her at all.”

  “Well, we weren’t sure if you were taken, or if you just left me.”

  “As mad as I was, I didn’t want to leave you. I just needed to breathe, and I figured, what place makes me happy? At least it used to.”

  “We’re going to get you your own. I’m not kidding, and you’re not going to argue with me about it.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “Good answer. Let’s go home.”

  The other officer approaches us. “I’m sorry to say that something went wrong with their footage. Apparently, there’s a glitch at that time. The cameras literally stop working for the entire confrontation. Do you need to see a doctor?”

  “I am a doctor. I’m taking my wife home. Please keep us up to date.” Joe gives them his business card and then leads me out of the building. The riders came in two different SUVs.

  “Check her car,” Joe orders Cyber.

  He uses a device and freezes. “Get back.” Before we know what happens, my car blows up, sending us falling back. I’m shielded from hitting the ground by my husband who has his arms around me. Cyber was the closest to the vehicle, but he walks up to us. “Are you okay? Damn, that was a close one.” He helps me up, and Joe follows.

  “Damn, the bastards are sophisticated. Let’s go.” We are all in the SUVs and driving back home. I don’t want to speak or even deal with the near-death experience. I don’t want to ever leave the house again.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  That night, we hacked into all the surveillance footage for the area. I wanted the best available shots of this fucker who put his hands on my wife. I want his head and whoever he’s working for. The bastard knew damn well who she was and where she was going. The bookstore. A thought crosses my mind, but that fool wouldn’t go through all that trouble to find Sophia.

  Cyber has the footage up and rolling as Sophia falls asleep in my lap. “Okay, this is her vehicle, and there it is.” It pulls out of the gas station moments later. It’s the first intersection once you get off the highway. Another car that was behind her pulls into the station as if this is a damn relay. Now this car is the one Sophia describes parking after her. Cyber zooms in to the image, and I recognize him, and so does Cyber. He’s a stockroom clerk at the supermarket in town.

  “What the fuck is he doing coming after my wife?”

  “I don’t know, but I’ve pulled the time that Sophia hits the center of town. I’m betting that car we saw turning into the station will be there too.”

  “Okay.” We have better angles to catch faces in the vehicles from our cameras. And when he loads it, I spot the car about half a block back from Sophia’s car. We zoom in, and fuck if my gut doesn’t know better. “That son of a bitch.”

  “What? You know him? I haven’t seen him around here before.”

  “Baby, wake up. I need to ask you something.”

  She groggily wakes up and gasps as soon as she sees the screen. “Why would he be in town?”

  “I don’t know. What’s his name, baby?”

  “Tony Perez.”

  “Run it along with the facial-recognition software.”

  “Who is he?”

  “The guy she had a date with while in Tennessee.” Cyber throws his hands up, unwilling to get involved in that.

  “How did you meet him?”

  “He was always in the bookstore when I’d go in. In fact, he asked if I was stalking him.”


  “We got a hit. Antonio Luis Perez Cortez, cousin of the Rodrigo Cortez.” A pang of guilt sweeps through me. This predator was after her then. My enemies had eyes on her all the way back then. She’d never been safe since she met me.

  “It’s getting late now. I need to call Boomer.” I look at my watch, and it’s two in the morning.

  I make the call, and Boomer picks up with a deep, sleep-filled voice. “Cortez.”

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Yes. The fucker and his people have been on Sophia since day one.”

  “Church, now.”

  Everyone shows up by three, all of the women resting in bedrooms and on the sofas while the club is on lockdown.

  “Cortez has been watching Sophia since Crystal and I married. This piece of shit tried to insert himself into her life back in Nashville. I want him strung up by his balls, boys. The problem is as soon as he knows we’re onto him, he’s going to run. Our one good lead is Tommy Pats from the grocery store. He’s the one who attacked Sophia. I want eyes on him tonight. He’s likely to flee as soon as he can. Either to hide from us or Cortez for failing. Doc takes the lead on it all. He needs to get his payback, so don’t kill the fuck. Bring him to us. Understood?”

  “I’m going to drive by the apartment complex where he lives with some roommates. I’m betting all of them are either in on it or tied to Cortez,” Law says. He’s technically on patrol tonight anyway, so this works perfectly.

  As soon as we find that fuck, I’m going to be putting a bullet in his head. I want a bullet in all their heads. “For the rest of us, let’s get some sleep. I have a feeling that things are going to be very busy soon.”

  “Doc, we have a sweet surprise at the clubhouse just for you and Sophia,” Jackson says on the other end of the phone.

  “We’ll be down there right now.” They must have found the bastard. I really don’t want Sophia involved in this because she’s pregnant and could hurt herself, but I want her to at least know that we have the fucker. Anytime there’s something going on, or even if we have a fucking meeting at the clubhouse, she comes with me. I won’t let her leave me again. It kills me that she felt neglected and I almost lost her.

  “Baby, we’ve got to go to the clubhouse.” Her eyes widen, wondering what’s wrong now. When she learned that Rico died, she fell apart, hating herself for being so mad at me and acting impulsively. What bothered her most was the fact that she’d been naïve for ever agreeing to go out with that guy. I was the naïve one, thinking she was safer without me. “We’re going to meet the fucker who tried to take you from me.”

  “Really?” There’s a light in her eyes that I haven’t seen inside her since this bullshit went down three days ago. Yesterday we tracked down Tommy, but when we found him, he’d been at my hospital’s morgue from an apparent drug OD the very same night.

  “Yep. I sure as fuck am not going to let you live in fear forever because of some asshole.”

  “Thank you. You know…I understand now more than ever why you left me in Tennessee. You weren’t exaggerating the danger even if it followed me there.”

  “Is this too much for you?” A sick feeling comes over me as I think of her leaving me, wanting out for good because this shit is too scary.

  “No way. I’m ready for more. They created a monster that I’m not sure they are ready to meet.” There’s a new glint to her eyes.

  “Good, but remember you’re pregnant. I don’t want you to get too close to the fucker. The thought of him touching you is more than I’ll be able to take.”

  We arrive at the clubhouse and find that Tony is tied to a chair. Blade stands in the corner of the room, twirling his favorite karambit. He forged them by hand and is very proud of them. Boomer is standing on the other side of him, watching with a smile on his face.

  I kiss my wife and then ask, “Baby, do you remember this asshole?”

  “Vaguely. It’s going to be fun to watch you work.”

  “So they turned you into a criminal as well,” the tied-up bastard says to Sophia.

  I let go of her and stalk toward him, reminding myself of the jealous rage I had months ago. “No, you don’t get to talk to her.” I punch him in the face. “I told you to stay away from her, but you had to come back. W
hen you and your men tried to harm my baby and me,” I tell him, thinking of the other night, “you put yourself here. You should have stayed away.”

  Seeing that his fate has only one path, he bargains, “Hey, I can help you. I can tell you where they hide most of their product. You can sell it.”

  “Interesting. Tell me where.” We don’t deal with drugs because we can’t make money off of unproductive, stoned employees.

  “Let me go, and I’ll tell you.”

  I grab his hair, slam his head back, and fucking laugh in his face, spitting on him. “Do you think I’m fucking stupid?” I drive my fist into his gut this time.

  “Give me what I want to know, and I’ll make it quick.”

  “If I’m going to die, does it really matter?”

  “We’ll see.” I stand back and look toward Blade. “Blade.”

  “Ah, I get to have a little fun.” He spins the karambit in his hand one more time before swiping it across Tony’s face. Sophia flinches in my arms, and I know she’s seen enough.

  “I’ll be back,” I say, walking out with my wife’s hand in mine.

  As soon as she’s with Crystal and Sammie, I walk back into the soundproof room. “Enough.” I pull my gun and shoot the fucker between the eyes.



  A year later

  Things barely die down before something else happens. We’ve had surprises, weddings almost all the time, and babies that soon follow. Everything has been crazy around here, but I hold my six-month-old son and count my blessings. Today is the day Steeleville Regional Hospital breaks ground, and Joe is the one to do it. He’s getting ready while I change this little guy into something special for the occasion.

  The build itself is going to take a while, but with Jackson’s expertise, the structural planning has gone smoothly, and they managed to get it all together sooner than expected. I’m happy, but I’m a little wiser now. There’s always someone with me wherever I go, and no more night trips unless Joe’s by my side.

  “I’m ready,” he says, walking into our son’s room. His hands slide around my waist with his chin on my shoulder. “He’s so perfect, Sophia. God, I want to come back home and start working on baby number two.”

  “Do we really ever stop?”

  “No, but I’m always up to the task.”

  “That you are,” I moan, reaching behind me and down the front of his trousers, stroking his thick cock.

  “As much as I want to play, I need to be on time.” He pulls away and then takes our son from me. “Come on, woman. I’ll take you as soon as we get back.”

  My pussy clenches, hoping the time will pass quickly.

  When we get there, we pose for pictures as Joe takes a shovel to the dirt on the site. “Perfect. Let’s get a shot of the happy family,” Sammie says with a knowing smile on her face. Joe hasn’t noticed, but I’ve unbuttoned David’s jacket, making sure to get a picture of his shirt that Sammie made. She takes a couple and says, “Great. I got it.”

  I turn David to his daddy, revealing his shirt for Joe to read. Who comes first? The hospital or Little Simmons #2. The countdown has begun…

  “Are you serious?” he says, grinning from ear to ear while Sammie sneakily takes more pictures. I nod, and he’s pulling me in with one arm around my waist, the other protecting our son, and kisses me in front of the crowd. Cheers erupt.

  “I need to get to work on this hospital in a hurry.”

  “That you do.”

  Within a week, our photo makes headlines and brings in more people interested in working at the hospital before it’s even up and running. This is something the town needs badly: qualified medical professionals to take the jobs. I, on the other hand, have my own task of adding to this wonderful town. I’m about to open up my own bookstore. After everything that happened, I decided to focus on having our son and reducing my stress. Now, I need new books to read, and I refuse to go to the store in Dallas. My store is down the street from the bakery and next to the coffee shop. The shelves are in the process of being built, and I’m acquiring product for them this week. It’s going to be amazing.


  Four Years Later

  “Relax. You know I’ll never let you fall.” We ride through the countryside on my Harley. It’s the perfect day for a date. The weather is a nice seventy-five and the winds minimal. I have a tee with my Riders vest, and my sexy wife is wearing a creamy sundress with knee-high brown cowboy boots, looking good enough to eat.

  I love taking her out on my motorcycle every once in a while. With her being pregnant almost all the time, it’s not that often that she gets to feel the vibration between her legs. I love when she’s on the bike because the second we get off, she’s on her knees sucking my dick, horny as hell and ready to fuck. Today we’re riding out to a very secluded stretch of land owned by the riders. I want my wife naked and taking me deep, but I’ll settle for her taking me deep with her panties around her ankles and her dress over her waist.

  We pull up to the spot where we’re going to have a nice little glass of wine while resting on a blanket. There’s a large tree in the middle of an empty field. I turn off the engine and help her off the bike.

  She takes the rolled picnic blanket and splays it out on the grass as I pull out the wine and glasses. “This is so romantic out here.”

  “It is. I love the open space and the time alone with you,” I say, sliding my arms around her slender waist. Sophia hardly held on to the baby weight longer than a month. She claims that she’s much bigger than before, but I haven’t noticed. She’s as sexy as the day I met her. Probably more so since she gave me all my babies.

  “I suppose we don’t get much of that anymore with three boys,” she sighs as I help her down to the blanket and pour us both a glass.

  “To us.” I raise my glass to her.

  She clinks it and says, “To us.” She swallows the entire flute of wine down in one large gulp and sets it down on the other end of the mat.

  “Are you feeling too stressed out?” I question.

  She settles on her knees, directly in front of me. “No, hardly. I love that I can take the boys to the bookstore and work while they play in the child’s section. I miss you.”

  “I’m here, Mrs. Simmons. What are you going to do with me now that you got me here?”

  “I’m going to take advantage of you. Finish up that glass, handsome.” I do as she says and drink down the rest of the wine and set the glass down next to hers. She stalks toward me on her hands and knees, straddling my thighs. She threads her fingers through my hair and presses her lips firmly to mine in a demanding kiss. Losing the will to hold back, I growl and slam her backward onto the soft material, thrusting my cock against her sweet spot.

  “Fuck, you’re soaking the front of my jeans, baby. You love having my ride between your legs.” I grind my hips, loving the moans coming from her sweet mouth. I brush off the blonde hair that falls on her face and tuck it behind her ear. Looking down at her flushed face, I ask, “What do you want?”

  “Your thick, come-covered cock down my throat.”

  “Fuck, never let anyone say I don’t give you what you want.” I push myself back, kneeling and undoing my belt to free my cock. I give it a squeeze to stave off the urge to come too soon, all the while watching my wife’s eyes staring at it. “Get over here and wrap those luscious lips around me.” She crawls toward me with her ass in the air, licking her lips as she grabs my shaft. Her tongue does a full circle around the tip before she sucks me into her hot mouth.

  She bends down and cups my sack, giving my balls loving treatment. Then she does something she’s never done and sucks on each one, releasing them with a pop of her lips. I almost lose it and come on her face.

  I push her back down onto the blanket and toss her skirt over her waist, slide her panties to the side, and thrust deep inside her. We both grunt as I punish her pussy. Sophia claws my back over my vest, arching her back and mewling as she screams
out in an orgasm.

  I lean over her, kissing her lips. “Damn, you’re trying to kill this old man.”

  “No way. I’m just addicted to you.” My dick stiffens again and I grab her thigh, wrapping her leg around my waist and take her sweet slit until we’re coming for the second time.

  We lie there with my body protecting her from anyone lurking when I feel the ground shake a little. I immediately lurch up to a kneeling position to see a giant bull coming this way. In a dash, I grab Sophia’s hand and lift her to her feet and over my back. The bull continues to come toward us as I hop onto the motorcycle and bring her to straddle my front, so she’s covered if he attacks. I rev the engine and speed out of there like a bat out of hell and finally make it to the main road.

  There’s a pickup truck headed our way, and I recognize it as one of Cowboy’s vehicles. We pull up alongside it. “Your bull just tried to gore us.”

  “Shit. Sorry. Thanks.” They turn the vehicle off the road and in the direction we came from to chase that bastard.

  As soon as we pull up to our house, Sophia can’t stop giggling. “What’s so funny, babe?”

  “Sorry. It’s just a bad way to meet our end. Can you imagine the headlines?”

  “Man and wife speared by bull while rutting in the meadow.” I chuckle and then carry my wife inside and set her on her feet, loving how we can now laugh in the face of danger or at least once it’s over.

  I shake my head at my sexy wife as she kicks off her boots. “What am I going to do with you?”

  She passes by me, dropping her boots by the door, and says, “We have all night. Perhaps you’ll think of something.” She winks and sashays her way upstairs.

  A second later, I’m taking two steps at a time. We may have all night, but I want to make sure not a minute is wasted.


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