Forever Magic

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Forever Magic Page 6

by T. M. Cromer

  The trapdoor opened, and his wife’s brilliant blonde head came into view. She scanned the area and entered the garage more fully. “Safe?”

  “Seems to be.” He tossed her the keys. “I’m going outside to survey the surrounding area. Be ready to drive like a bat out of hell if need be. Careful with her. She’s a powerful beast and needs a firm hand.” Not unlike GiGi herself. “Take to the road and don’t stop for anything or anyone. Don’t even dream of going to your family’s estate. I’ll meet you in two hours at the Carter House in Franklin. I’ll call you before then if it’s safe to return. Got it?”

  “You’re not coming with me?” Her hand shook as she unlocked the car and pulled the door open.

  “No. I have to clean house and find out who wants us dead.”

  “Ryker, don’t go back. There are too many.”

  “I have Granny Thorne’s cloaking spell and the ability to glamour into one of their own. I’ll be fine.”

  She flung herself into his arms and held tight. Ryker savored holding her one last time. With her wrapped in his embrace, her willowy frame pressed to his, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply of her unique floral scent.

  He nuzzled her hair and kissed her temple. “It’s going to be all right, sweetheart. I promise.”

  “Please come with me. I don’t want you confronting those men. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you.”

  “Just promise me you’ll have a proper mourning period before you hook up with that toad, Drake.”

  She snorted a laugh and pulled back to cup his face. “If you run to your death because of some stupid macho need to prove your manhood or worth, you get no mourning period. I’ll be too pissed at you.”

  “Fair enough.”

  They stared at one another. All the hurt faded away, but they had no time to say the things that needed to be said. Ryker went for the kiss and packed all his love into that one action. She returned his kiss with a passion that rivaled that of their younger years. They broke their embrace to drag oxygen into their lungs. Each stared at the other in wonder.

  “I do love you,” she whispered.

  “The feeling has always been mutual, sweetheart.” He smoothed back a wayward lock of her hair. “I’ll see you soon. Try to stay out of trouble. Oh, and no picking up admirers along the way.”

  “I’ve been such an idiot.”

  “At times, yes.” He grinned. “But exceedingly clever at others. This isn’t goodbye, GiGi. I’ll meet you in Franklin in two hours.”

  “Two hours. Don’t be late.”

  He tangled his fingers in the hair at the back of her head and lowered his mouth to hers for a sweet, drawn-out kiss. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Releasing her, he strode out the door to check the surrounding area. He must be a fool to stay behind to deal with the nuisance of the soldiers when he had a warm and willing wife on the other side of that garage wall.

  Utilizing the words to the Thorne cloaking spell, he effectively became invisible. As he jogged toward their home, he heard his sports car roar to life. A quick glance over his shoulder showed GiGi easing out of the garage. She cast one last look his way and floored it in the opposite direction. The throaty rumble echoed off the trees along their land and faded in the distance.

  Ryker sent a small prayer up for the Goddess to ensure GiGi’s protection, then crept through the woods to see what he could find out about their house breakers.

  With each mile that passed, GiGi’s anxiety grew. She tried every phone number in her contact list with no success. Either the entire family had been ordered not to answer if she called, or her family was in dire straits.

  Only a short distance outside of town, she pulled to the shoulder of Southall Road and let the Corvette idle. Running away was not an option. She was a Thorne, dammit, and Thornes didn’t hide. Of course, she didn’t want to appear like one of those too-stupid-to-live characters in a romance novel, who didn’t have the sense the Goddess gave a mule and who stormed into trouble at every turn. Ryker would kill her himself if she was captured or injured—especially after telling her to flee.

  Her phone rang, and she scrambled to pick up.

  “What’s happened?” Alastair asked without preamble.

  GiGi gave him a rundown, then asked, “Is everyone okay? No one is answering when I call. I’m worried, brother.”

  “I’m scrying as we speak. Everyone seems to be fine with the exception of your fool husband.”

  “What?” Her heart stopped, and her stomach rebelled. “What happened to Ryker?”

  “I misspoke. I should’ve asked why that dunderhead is rushing into danger instead of seeing to your safety.”

  “He did see to my safety, but he insisted on returning to see what he could discover. I’m worried, Alastair.”

  “Don’t be. Head to Thorne Manor. I’ll grab my security team and provide backup for your husband.”

  “Thank you,” she said feelingly.

  After they disconnected, she drove straight to her family home where two of her nieces were awaiting her outside. She gave Summer and Autumn a brief explanation of the situation.

  The three of them loitered on the wide, wraparound porch as they impatiently waited for word from Alastair or Ryker.

  “Did it work?” Autumn asked curiously.

  GiGi shot her a sharp glance. “Did what work?” It was not a stretch to guess what her niece wanted to know.

  “The plan to lock you and Uncle Ryker in.” The mischievous look gave Autumn away as did the amused smirk playing about her mouth.

  “None of your business. But whose idea was it to steal our clothes?”

  Summer gasped and let loose her laughter. “Mama never told us she was adding that little touch,” she said when she could finally catch her breath.

  Autumn’s eyes sparkled with humor. “Oh, to know the details of how you found that out.”

  If the current circumstances were any less dire, GiGi might have found the whole thing as funny as they did. However, she was too worried about her husband and her brother to join in their amusement.

  A shift in the air pressure indicated an incoming witch, and they all remained still in anticipation of an arrival.

  Aurora appeared and rushed up the steps to join them. “Alastair wanted me to wait at home, but I couldn’t stand to be there with only stoic Alfred for company.” She embraced GiGi. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m so far from all right, and you are on my shit list. I thought we were friends. How could you pull a trick like this when we have enemies coming out of the damned woodwork?” GiGi’s irritation was in direct correlation with her fear for the men. She knew her anger was probably out of proportion, considering she and Ryker were on their way to clearing the air between them.

  Aurora’s hands dropped to her sides. Remorse coated her words when she said, “I had no idea you’d be attacked, GiGi. None at all. Alastair wove in an escape clause to the spell.”

  The energy crackled and sparked in the air around them.

  “I should be allowed to make my own choices, Rorie. Not be forced into a relationship I didn’t want!” she snapped.

  The horrified expressions on their faces caused her heart to sink. She spun around. Her timing couldn’t have been worse, because with the rise of her emotions and the elements she’d inadvertently summoned, the arrival of her husband and brother was hidden.

  “Ryker, it’s not like it sounded.” She held out a hand, silently beseeching him to understand.

  “Do you want it now?” He asked softly.

  Tears burned her eyes, and she swallowed back a sob. She nodded.

  He handed off his weapon and what looked to be the pie she’d prepped to one of Alastair’s security team, then bound up the steps two at a time. Stopping just shy of her, he said, “Prove it.”

  She flew into his open arms and clung to him, her nose buried against his throat.

  “Tell me what I need to do to prove it to you.”

; He shifted his head until his lips were in line with her ear. “What if I said you had to off Pretty Boy Drake?”

  “Consider him dead,” she returned.

  “You are speaking my love language, sweetheart.” He heaved a regretful sigh. “As much as I want to explore the lengths you’d go to in order to make up, we should discuss what happened.” He lowered his voice for her ears alone. “Also, when we are alone, I’m going to take great great satisfaction in spanking your delectable ass for not listening when I told you to head to Franklin.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” she retorted.

  He barked out a laugh. “There’s my girl.”

  Did she imagine the emphasis on “my”? She hoped not.


  His timing always seemed to be crap when it came to his wife, but Ryker was learning to obtain all the facts regarding her conversations without overreacting. Twice in a single day he’d walked in on a damning statement. The horror and remorse on her face the last time had made it impossible to turn away. Her pleading eyes had done him in.

  Mostly, she wasn’t wrong. GiGi should be allowed to make her own choices and not have a relationship forced on her. Which was why, when he was sure they were safe, he’d give her alone time to decide once and for all if she wanted them to reconcile. If, after a quiet interval when emotions weren’t as high and life had settled to normal, she still wanted to be with him, he’d be all in. But he didn’t want regrets on either side.

  “What are you thinking about?” GiGi asked quietly from beside him.

  Instinctively, he looked down the length of the dinner table to judge who was paying attention. It was an old habit, one he’d spent years cultivating to maintain privacy during a conversation. With a rueful shake of his head, Ryker focused on his wife. “You.”

  She questioned him with her soft violet-blue eyes.

  “More specifically, us,” he corrected.

  “Are you having second thoughts about what you heard earlier?”

  “No. Not in the way you might think.” He lifted her hand and bussed her fingertips. “You have the right to determine what you want on your own, without the game-playing.”

  Her hand tightened beneath his. “Thank you for understanding.”

  “When everything settles, I’ll give you time to decide if it’s me you want or if it’s the divorce.”

  She straightened in her seat and tugged her hand away. “What the hell does that mean?” she whispered fiercely. “I told you I loved you and that I’m ready to move beyond what happened.”

  “People say things in the heat of the moment, sweetheart. Sometimes they don’t truly mean it, but they voice the words because they think they are never going to see the other person again,” he explained in a calm, matter-of-fact tone. “I don’t want you to have regrets.”

  Her mouth tightened, and she stared down at her plate. Ryker had the feeling he’d made a misstep where she was concerned. What was new? He’d been misstepping their entire relationship.

  He sighed heavily and laid a gentle hand on her knee to gain her attention. “GiGi, let’s not find a reason to fight tonight. I’m emotionally and physically wrung out. I want to eat my dinner then share a glass of wine with my wife on the porch swing.” He leaned closer. “Maybe I’ll get to steal a kiss while I’m at it. Please don’t be mad at me for trying to give you what you want.”

  She rose and tossed down her napkin. Wordlessly, she held out her hand, palm down, for him to take. When they were ensconced on the swing, he set it in motion with his toe and cuddled her close.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. It was odd to hear her voice devoid of rancor or sarcasm. He’d almost forgotten her normal, melodious way of speech.

  “For what?”

  “For saving my life today. For not having a meltdown that I didn’t meet you in Franklin. I couldn’t not check on my family.”

  “As to the first part, I will never not protect you. As for the second, I was a fool to ever think otherwise.” He pressed his lips together to hide his amused smile.

  She shifted to face him. “About Sebastian, I did enjoy flirting with him. He’s made me feel alive in a way I haven’t in a very long time. I think he reminds me of you in a way. When you were younger and more carefree.”

  The struggle to suppress his jealousy was mighty.

  “He’s good looking, rich, and intelligent. What’s not to be attracted to?” He couldn’t meet her questioning gaze. “It might just destroy me if you pursue a relationship with him, but if you feel the need…” The remainder of the offer stuck in the back of his throat. No way could he condone an affair, but GiGi had to determine what she desired.

  “I don’t want him, Ryker.” She trailed a finger across his brow and circled it down his cheek to pause at his lips. Her gaze followed the path, and she stared at his mouth with unconcealed hunger. “I only want you.”

  “Thank the Goddess,” he said feelingly.

  She straddled his lap and cradled his face.

  Taking her time, she traced his features. The smooth softness of her touch as she teased along his lips and through his beard was erotic as hell. She trailed her fingertips over the plane of his cheeks and paused just above his cheekbones to secure his head. All the while he sat immobile and allowed GiGi to explore to her heart’s content. Finally, she did what he’d wanted her to do all day; she claimed his mouth in a kiss that shook them both to their cores.

  Ryker’s hands were everywhere in a flurry of movement. Gripping her neck, dragging her closer, sliding under her top to caress her breasts, locking on her ass. He couldn’t decide where he wanted to touch her the most and felt the need to explore everything at once. She was no better. The fingers of one hand dug into his hair while the other hand, of its own accord, roved his shoulder, chest, and throat. Pleasure flooded him. Pleasure from her physical touch, sure, but the enjoyment and gratification of knowing she wanted to touch him, wanted to be with him as his spouse, as his better half, was so much stronger.

  GiGi gyrated her pelvis until Ryker gripped her hips and halted her movements. Dragging his lips from hers, he struggled to inhale. “Jesus, sweetheart,” he panted out. “I fear if you continue, I’m going to lose control.”

  “Would that be a bad thing?” She teased.

  “It would be if you don’t want all hell and back to witness me taking you here and now. There isn’t much by way of privacy on this porch.”

  She released a low, wicked laugh. It deepened when he groaned.

  “By the way, I knew it was you down in Grand Cayman, posing as the hired help,” she murmured.

  She’d been magnificent in her anger, and then later, in her blasé striptease act. He chuckled at the memory and toyed with her erect nipple. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Are you trying to say, you weren’t the hot guy who delivered my bags?”

  He paused in the action of worshiping her throat. “The bellhop? I was room service. You better not have stripped for any other employee.”

  She giggled and stretched her neck to allow better access.

  “GiGi,” he growled.

  “I didn’t. I just wanted you to admit you glamoured into the resort worker.”

  “There are days I think you should have been the secret agent. Your ability to uncover information is frighteningly efficient.” He drew back and met her laughing gaze. “How did you know it was me?”

  “Like you said, you would never not protect me. Although how you knew where I went so quickly has me curious.”

  “I may have charmed your wedding ring to track you.”

  She surprised him when she laughed and glanced down at the jewelry in question. He expected her to have a fit.

  “How does it work?” she asked.

  “A simple pin on my Google Maps.”

  “We’ve been married for longer than Google Maps has been around,” she protested.

  “True. Prior to the digital age, I used a paper map.”

nbsp; “Clever.” She shifted her hips to rub against his straining erection, and he nearly moaned his frustration. “I think we should put the same spell on your ring.”

  Regret struck, swift and strong. “I didn’t pick it up after I threw it earlier.”

  “I did.” The hand she’d tangled in his hair eased, and GiGi drew back slightly to dig around in her pants pocket.

  His eyes began to sting, and he closed his lids to ease the burn. Inhaling deeply, he got his wayward emotions under control. “Thank you.”

  Slipping it on his finger, she raised his hand to place a kiss on the ring. Love shone brightly from her violet-blue eyes. Her irises were lighter than he’d seen in a long time—a witch’s tell. It only required one glance to determine the happiness of a Thorne witch. No words were necessary as they shared a moment of understanding. Finally, he cleared his throat of the raw emotion.

  “I’ve never taken it off since the first time you put it on my finger.”

  She frowned her confusion. “How did you hide it on missions?”

  “A simple spell. The magic was so light, most times I avoided detection. The times I didn’t, I blamed it on Blockers.”

  “I’m surprised Zhu Lin let you get away with that.”

  “He believed me to be a trusted member of his team. Until I gave myself away to save Winnie, he seemed oblivious to my deception.”

  “I never thanked you for your sacrifice the day she was rescued.”

  The somber quality of her tone testified to deep feelings in regard to the memories surrounding that incident last year. He’d blown a cover that had taken him years to perfect in order to get Winnie and the men of the family out of Zhu Lin’s compound. The Witches’ Council chewed his ass and suspended him for a month.

  “Speaking of Winnie…” He strove to make the conversation lighter. “I hear she’s going to have three babies for you to spoil.”

  Instead of happiness, GiGi’s expression tightened. She nodded and managed a small smile.

  “I know sometimes it feels like a lifetime, sweetheart, but that doesn’t mean you have to suppress your feelings regarding our own baby. You’re allowed to grieve.”


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