Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One

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Borrower Queen: The Sixer Series Book One Page 12

by Ravyn Fyre

  “Wicked. I always knew there was a reason why I hated mushrooms. Why didn’t someone go back in time and have your uncle aim in a different spot?” Sher asked in contemplation.

  “Our elders forbid it. Fern pixies can be vindictive. No one was willing to risk another exposure and possible outbreak,” Beatress whispered back as we caught up to our group.

  “How did you know how he contracted it?” I asked as Cenara ushered everyone into a gymnasium or coliseum of some sort with large granite columns leading into an inner arena. Huge double arched doors guarded by uniformed trolls blocked our view. I may have stumbled a bit as my eyes did a double-take. In the past couple of days, I’d seen plenty, but somehow the presence of a couple of fairy tale trolls dressed in black fatigues had me questioning my mental stability. Luckily, my friends paid no attention to my strange behavior as they pushed me toward the outer stairwell.

  “My cousin is an echoer,” Beatress added matter-of-factly like that was all the information I would need. She must have seen the look of confusion on my face when she said, “He can replay events of the past, and sometimes if something is premeditated, events of the future. His gift uses the echo of time to reflect things back to him as if he’s watching it from a mirror image. It comes in handy as a lawman when he can project those images or videos into the minds of those around him. He has a hundred percent success rate. It helps that he only takes on those he knows he can defend.”

  I was about to ask if she’d ever seen his gift in action when Cenara’s next statement caught my attention. Our guide held up her finger as she grabbed onto the door handle. She waited for us to be quiet before she continued, “Normally, this area is off-limits to Sixers before their initiation, but seeing as we’ll no longer be competing in this space, I thought it would be an interesting addition to our tour. This building serves as our training facilities the majority of the year and will be home to quite a few of you once you join our army. If I timed this right, we’d be able to witness some of our men and women in action. They scheduled a scrimmage this morning since the majority of our forces were here for the trials. Nothing like watching the young Sixers try and defeat the big guys. Rumor has it even the king plans on joining in on the fun.”

  My heart flipped with longing at the possibility of seeing my mate again. I pinched myself to bring myself back to reality as Cenara pulled the door to the stairwell open with a flourish. I couldn’t afford to lose myself to the thought of his presence. I forced myself to move forward as we entered the stairwell one at a time. I jumped when she patted me on the shoulder with false encouragement as I passed. A shiver of warning worked its way up my spine when I heard the roar of a fired-up crowd cheering behind me. With trepidation, I entered the metal stairway and forced myself to climb. I wasn’t sure I could control my reactions if Kalen were injured or hurt in front of me. I knew our group was passing through, and a small part of me hoped he was late to the party, but the piece of my soul connected to him knew he was already here.

  Gasping for breath by the time we reached the top, I promised myself if I made it through the next several days, I would devote myself to a healthier lifestyle. Pushing myself to the front of the room needlessly as we crowded into an all-glass room had me thanking the stars I wasn’t afraid of heights. The viewing room was suspended from the ceiling and gave us an unimpeded 360-degree view of the gruesome scene below. It was hard to justify the carnage when they were supposedly on the same team. As an outsider looking in, it appeared they were trying to kill each other.

  A massive implosion in the center of the room drew my attention as I covered my ears protectively. It shouldn’t have surprised me to find the man who starred in every wet dream I’d ever had to be at the center of the action. Rows of Sixers writhing on the ground in front of him were a testament to his power. The onslaught should have been a huge turn-off, but I found myself rubbing my legs back and forth to relieve the throbbing need between my legs. Eager to move on, I sidestepped the goth guy from earlier and tripped over my own two feet in my eagerness to escape the pull Kalen had on me.

  Throwing my arms out to catch my fall, I squealed in surprise when warm hands jerked me to a stop, but not before I bit my lip in the process. The golden boy from earlier held me in place a moment longer than necessary before he deposited me on my feet and released me with reluctance. Swallowing thickly, he said, “Careful there, little one, I’d hate to see that silky skin marred in any way.”

  Oblivious to his physical response to me, I sucked on the injured lip and murmured, “A little bruise or scar, for that matter, only add character, in my opinion. Thanks for the save anyway.” I pushed my way toward the blinking sign on the wall and prayed it was an exit. I sighed in relief when the door clicked closed behind me, leaving me to gather my unraveling thoughts—barely giving the desolate metal platform that overlooked the proceedings a second thought. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, only to cringe seconds later when the fighting below reached my ears. Counting the seconds until the tour moved on, I risked a glance over the edge and gasped. My mate was no longer in the center of the room. No, instead, he was headed right for me. Mindless in his approach, he shoved everyone out of the way and scaled the wall directly below the platform I was standing on.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Scrambling backward, I plastered myself to the wall. Why was Kalen headed my way. Until it hit me, I was bleeding. My hand flew to my split lip. Shit on a shingle, I was bleeding. Looking left, I contemplated if I’d have enough time to open the door and immerse myself within the group to buy myself some time but thought better of it when I heard and felt his possessive growl. No matter how much I wanted to move, his distress called to me. Frozen in place, I trembled with desire and a little bit of fear. Knowing full well I’d be in a load of trouble when my mate realized what I had been up to. Gah! If only I had access to my powers!

  I drew in a trembling breath, sucking the injured lip into my mouth as Kalen vaulted the railing and landed in front of me with his head bowed and one knee bent. He reminded me of Superman or some kind of superhero. My ladybits flared to life as I looked at the specimen in front of me. Muscles bulging from tension, he stayed crouched, ready to pounce. He flipped around and assessed the area for my would-be attackers. When he was sure I was in no danger, he stood to his full height and inhaled deeply. A shudder pulsed through his body before he turned to assess me. I could tell the moment he recognized me from earlier as a look of confusion replaced the pure wonder stamped on his face moments before. I barely contained a squeal when he flashed to me, and his eyes searched my face for answers. I felt my resolve slipping and knew it wouldn’t be long before I folded and begged him for forgiveness as my body and soul succumbed to the inevitableness of us.

  My fight or flight instincts finally decided it was time to kick in as he leaned in to take a giant whiff. He must have noticed or anticipated my intention because before I could move a muscle, he pressed forward, caging me within his arms. Grinding his hips into my womanhood, he let me feel how excited he was to see me. Using my attraction to his advantage, he buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. He pulled away from my hair and snarled when the smell he was expecting to find didn’t match my blood. I cringed at the look of frustration plastered on his face as I struggled to hold my breath. I knew the second I let it go; he’d find the evidence he was looking for. My eyes started to water, every cell in my body screaming for air. Looking up at the ceiling, I prayed for a miracle. I was no closer to finding out who was trying to kill us and take over the empire my mate had created. This couldn’t be the end of my adventure.

  Divine intervention couldn’t have come at a better time as the door to my left slammed open. Kalen crouched as he turned to face the door. It shouldn’t have surprised me when Golden Boy and his two friends stormed out onto the platform ready to defend me, but when Beatress and Sher pushed their way to the front, I slumped forward in defeat. A part of me appreciated the support these two girls
willingly gave after only knowing me for a matter of hours. At the same time, the rational part of me feared for their safety as they butted their noses into something they didn’t understand. They showed more loyalty than some of my closest allies. My family and close friends treated me worse for far more trivial matters, but there was no way they could know what they were stepping into. I’m sure they would rather be anywhere else if they realized they were getting between a Strix and his fated mate.

  Kalen flipped around, ensuring he placed himself between the newcomers and me, and let loose a roar that rattled the metal platform we were standing on. If my friends were smart, they’d cower in his presence, but instead, Sher took a step forward, showing courage when she cut to the chase and demanded an explanation for his behavior. “Lord Kalen, unless you claim the woman behind you as your mate, I demand to know why you are scaring my friend with your brutish behavior.”

  If I weren’t seconds from passing out, I would have hailed her bravery. Instead, I prayed she could see the gratitude in my eyes as unwanted tears invaded my vision and black spots threatened to pull me under. Not wanting my friends to pay the price of my rebellion, I reached out tentatively, my whole body shaking as I placed my hand on his back to get his attention. His already rigid form felt like it turned to stone in response. A far cry from our previous interactions, he peered over his shoulder at me with a look that said I meant nothing to him. I dropped my hand as if he burned me and cringed when he snarled, “I claim nothing! Cenara! These quarters are off-limits. Take our guests and leave this area immediately!”

  “Of course, my lord,” Cenara replied with a bow. Turning her attention to our group, she pointed to the door I’d come through and said, “You heard the king, everyone out!”

  Even with all of my knowledge and the minuscule connection my soul was sure we still had, it was hard not to take his comment personally. Most of my brain was well aware when I finished this crazy mission, he would prove his love for me a billion times over, but the small, insecure and utterly human portion of my brain felt devastated by his declaration. My mouth dropped open to apologize and with it the breath I’d been holding. I realized my mistake the second Kalen inhaled sharply and released his breath on a shudder. Slapping a hand over my mouth, I peered at him through my lashes. I couldn’t help the shiver that ran up and down my spine at the look of possession in his eyes. He closed the distance between us with a single step and grabbed both of my wrists. Yanking me into him, my hands landed on his chest before he flashed us away with my next breath.

  The second we appeared in his bedroom, I pushed against him to put some distance between us. Only to groan out in frustration when he didn’t move a millimeter. “Dammit, Kalen! Let me go!”

  Something told me it was the familiarity in which I used his name, rather than the actual demand, that made him listen to me. So when he opened his arms wide, I stepped away quickly before he could change his mind. Unable to handle his scrutiny, I turned, pretending to assess the room. He watched my every move like a predator, ready to pounce if I tried to escape. Which was laughable if you thought about it, considering he could flash to my location whenever he wanted. Licking the wound on my lip, I cursed my luck before taking a deep breath and facing him. Wringing my hands together, I opened my mouth and closed it a few times as I tried to think of an explanation to justify my actions. In the end, I settled for ignorance and denial. “Why did you bring me here?”

  “I needed a place to think,” Kalen growled, shoving a hand through his black hair.

  “That doesn’t tell me why you brought me along for the ride,” I snapped.

  “You make me feel things that should not be possible,” Kalen replied, cocking his head to the side in thought. He stalked forward and circled me like prey, mumbling to himself about his mental stability.

  Aware of his animalistic nature, I didn’t move an inch when he stepped up to my backside. Close enough for me to feel his heat, but far enough away that it made me want to eliminate the distance. I craved his touch. It left me aching and needy as anticipation coursed through my blood. I released a moan when I felt his breath on the back of my neck when he leaned down and pulled a strand of my blond hair to his nose. Growling out a curse, he released it just as quickly and stepped away. Taking his body heat with him. Moving to face me again, he searched my eyes before he admitted, “Either I’m going crazy, or fate is playing a joke on me. My soul screams ‘you’re mine’, but my brain says ‘you’re not’, because your smell is repulsive.”

  Gasping in disbelief, I couldn’t stop myself from taking a whiff to verify I didn’t smell foul before I responded, “Well, that was rude and uncalled for. You don’t see me spouting off insults against you for kidnapping me! You big . . . big barbarian!”

  “If that’s your idea of an insult, you'll need to work on it some. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.”

  “Gah! Maybe I’m just smart because I know you’re the king and can have me beheaded, for all I know, if I tell you how I feel about you! Take me back to my friends. I’m missing out on important information all because your brain has decided to play tricks on you.”

  “I believe you have a valid point,” Kalen replied, tapping his finger against his chin in thought.

  “Well, of course, I do!” I answered with a bit of skepticism in my voice. When he smiled at me wickedly, I shook my head in confusion and said, “Wait. Which of my points was valid?”

  “The tricks part, of course. Something is definitely off here. Maybe it is you who is playing tricks on me, and until I figure that out, you’re not going anywhere!”

  “You can’t do that! I have the trials to compete in . . . and . . . and I can’t sleep in your room!” I sputtered out as I paced about the room and flailed my arms around for emphasis. I was lost in my thoughts and didn’t notice Kalen go still from my comment.

  The second I stopped to face him and demand he answer me, I froze at the look of murder in his eyes. Barely containing his rage, he seethed, “How did you know these were my chambers? Who do you work for?”

  Refusing to let him intimidate me, even though I was practically shaking in his presence, I gestured to the gargantuan canopied bed in the corner and shrugged, “Um, calm down there, big guy. With the bed behind you fit for a king, I just assumed that was where we were at. Sorry, I didn’t realize you were the type of man who took women to random rooms for hookups. Kind of gross if you ask me. I mean, how do you know if the sheets are clean? And to answer your other question, I think it's safe to say I’m unemployed.”

  “Before you answer this next question, female, you should know I don’t like to be lied to. Why are you unemployed?” Kalen demanded.

  When I continued to stare at him like he was crazy, he flashed to me, grabbed my chin gently, despite the anger swimming underneath the surface, and said, “Is your unemployment recent? Tell me, was it because you failed to snare my attention?”

  “Ha! Are you serious right now?” When he maintained his glower at me, I continued, “Of course you are. Why wouldn’t you be serious? My recent unemployment has nothing and everything to do with you!”

  “You have five seconds to explain yourself before I have you thrown into the dungeon!”

  “You’ll regret it if you do!” I taunted. Which might not have been the best response considering he threw me over his shoulder and flashed us to the dungeon. Dropping me onto the cold stone floor, he sneered at me and said, “The only thing I regret is thinking you might be my mate!” Turning on his heel, he strode to the open door and slammed it shut behind him.

  Scrambling to my feet, I called out after him, hoping he was just trying to give me a scare and wouldn’t leave me here, “Wait. I’m sorry. I’ll answer the question! Come back!” When nothing but silence answered me, I screamed at the ceiling in frustration.

  Chapter Twenty

  When it was apparent I was alone, and he wasn’t coming back any time soon, I stopped yelling, pressed my back against the door, and slumpe
d to the floor. Besides a mattress that had seen better days in the corner and a shoddy wooden bucket, the room was empty. A single tiny rectangular window high up on the outside wall gave the only light, and by the looks of it, it wouldn’t last long. I hoped they kept the hallway lit. The barred window in the thick wooden door would provide a modicum of light. It’s not like I was scared of the dark or anything but being in a dungeon cell with who knew what kind of creepy crawlers in the pitch black didn't sound like my idea of fun.

  Swearing out loud, I promised myself that if he left me there overnight, I’d make him regret it. Although if I thought about it, if that were to happen, I’d be the one begging for forgiveness. Considering the potion I took that morning lasted less than twenty-four hours, I probably had less than twelve hours before it wore off. If he waited until morning to collect me, he'd know without a doubt that I was his mate. And I had no doubt he’d make me pay for my deceit, regardless of how righteous I thought my plight was. Crap! Why couldn’t I have answered his stupid question? I could have avoided incarceration. I was always a girl who believed everything happened for a reason, but I was having second thoughts when faced with a flawed reality.

  Letting myself bask in the possibility this was anything less than desirable was an insult to my intelligence, especially considering my current accommodations. Kalen pampered me last time I was here. I had no doubt my second time on this planet was worse than my first time through. I mean, hands down, being treated like a queen beats a stint in the dungeons.

  Pushing myself up off the floor, I took in the four black stone walls of my prison and shuddered. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and choked. I was never any good with closed spaces. My mouth felt drier than the Sahara Desert. Forcing myself to dredge up enough spit to get my tongue off the roof of my mouth, I let out a sigh and began to pace. I couldn’t afford to freak out. I needed to keep my cool so that I could figure out a way out of here. Considering it took three giant steps to cross the room, it didn’t take long before I felt like I’d been spinning in a circle and got a bit dizzy.


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