New Quarters

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New Quarters Page 29

by Tey Holden

  “What Ker? What is he going to do? I need to know, if it’s going to have an effect us. I may not want to do it. What is Phillip going to do?”

  “It won’t affect us. He is going to claim the land based on that old English law. Addy, my mother had a nobility title. It’s passed on, so it’s my turn. I need to claim it now to shut these idiots up once and for all and to allow me to have clear title to the land, to all of the property. The property is not just the cottage, the inn, and the town of Altee, it’s practically the entire shire.”

  Addy opened her eyes. “What? Your mother was nobility?”

  This is what Karen had feared. The fact that she owned practically the entire shire didn’t have an impact on the woman, but the fact that her mother was nobility did. Karen knew her Addy. “Yes. Please don’t make a big deal of it.”

  One thing about Addy was that she was very focused. So, as this was no time for nonsense, she rapidly came to her senses. “Let’s not worry about that now. Let’s go back in and see what Phillip does. We’ll talk more about this later.” She held Karen’s face in her hands again. “God, you are beautiful woman! I love you.” Then she kissed her pressing her against the wall of the stall almost making the wall rattle.

  Karen grinned breathless. “Ever made love in a bathroom stall?” Addy asked with a naughty smile.

  Karen grinned. “No. How about you?”

  “No, but if we kiss like that again, Phillip may need to ask for a continuance. Come on let’s get out of here. We can have a bathroom stall rendezvous later!”


  Addy chuckled as she peeked out to make sure no one was in the bathroom, so that they could come out of the stall unseen. “Promise.” She grinned as she walked out of the stall followed by Karen who was beaming. They were already outside the bathroom when Addy stopped. “Wait! What was your mother’s nobility title?”


  Addy gasped. “You are a Lady?” Addy covered her mouth and started to laugh.

  Karen didn’t utter a word. She just smiled and watched Addy have a laughter attack in the courtroom hall. Karen grinned, biting her own lip, as she watched her love bent over laughing. People stopped to check if she was okay.

  “Are you done?” Karen asked grinning. This was not really the reaction she had expected. Karen felt very relieved to see that Addy had taken this so lightly.

  “Yes, my Lady, for now.” Addy said in a mocking tone. All and all, she always had the ability to make Karen laugh, and once again she had achieved her purpose to relax Karen. Addy had her own way of doing things. She had not missed a word of Karen’s revelation back in the bathroom. She was much too smart not to know how to handle a situation that was giving Karen a lot of grief. Humor was always her way to deal and face the worst situations. The bigger the problem the more humor needed.

  Karen looked much more relaxed now. They went back into the courtroom smiling and arm in arm. Karen looked like a whole different person when she entered the courtroom. She looked and felt invigorated and ready to deal with anything.

  She was also sure that the bit of information regarding her noble ancestry would be used by her adorable tormentor in some unthinkable way at a later time, but for now they had to beat the crap out the family with it, and she was happy to do it. She had the most powerful force in the world right next to her and no one was getting near it, or any of her dreams. Karen called Phillip to the side to talk to him privately.

  Two minutes later, the court was called to order and the proceedings began. Phillip got up and spoke. “The defense calls Dr. Gertrude Kirkland.”

  “What?” Addy exclaimed. Karen looked pleased. Phillip was holding on to his last card. At stake here was also Aunt Charlotte’s reputation. Karen had made it clear to Phillip that, as much as possible, Aunt Charlotte’s name had to be cleared as to any doubts regarding her sanity.

  Phillip was aware of Karen’s desire to clear her Aunt’s name and to hold off on the nobility issue, unless it became strictly necessary. However, he knew that the nobility card would trump anything, and he was ready to play it, if required. He was sure it wouldn’t because Dr. Kirkland was a very reputable witness.

  The barrister from the plaintiffs barely paid any attention, when her name was introduced as a witness for the defense in the discovery part of the proceedings.

  “Dr. Kirkland, can you please tell the court your credential as a physician?”

  Dr. Kirkland did. She was an established physician with an impeccable record.

  “Dr. Kirkland in what capacity did you know Ms. Charlotte McGill?”

  “She was my lifetime friend.”

  “So yours was a personal relationship, not a professional one?”


  “May I address you as Ms. Gertrude then?”

  “Of course.”

  “Ms. Gertrude, were you able to see Ms. Charlotte McGill during the last years of her life?”

  “Yes. The truth is that for the last two years of her life she lived with me.”

  There was a big commotion in the court. Addy and Karen couldn’t take their eyes from the woman, who was truly a very elegant lady.

  “She was alone and lonely. She had never been too close with her family, and when she fell ill with cancer, it seemed as if she had no one to care for her.”

  Karen gasped. She brought her hand to her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. Addy took her hand and caressed her back.

  “Dr. Kirkland, how would you describe her state of mind?”

  “She was fine, she was happy. We took the time to do some traveling.”

  “Were you with her the day Mr. Kimbell drafted her last will and testament?”

  “Yes, I was.”

  The trial went on and it became clear to all that Aunt Charlotte knew very well what she was doing when she drafted her will. Mr. Kimbell and the witnesses to the will were also called to testify.

  A recess was called after all the witnesses had been examined and crossed examined. Karen and Addy came over to talk to Ms. Gertrude.

  “Ms. Gertrude thanks for your testimony. I’m Karen, this is my partner Addy.” Gertrude looked, and smiled at Addy.

  “Karen you are just as pretty as you are in the pictures your aunt showed me. She would be happy to know that you are happy and that you also have such a beautiful partner. She was always afraid that you’d end up alone like she did. She really wasn’t alone, Karen, she had me. I just said that in the court room for effect.” Ms. Gertrude chuckled. “She always had me. All of her life.”

  “How come I never met you?”

  “I was her forbidden love, dear, that’s why.”

  “We must talk.” Karen pleaded.

  “Yes, we will, dear, but first let’s go back in there and finish putting these people in their place.” Ms. Gertrude turned to go back into the courtroom, but not before Addy spoke. “Ms. Gertrude, I would like to officially welcome you to our very small family.”

  “Addy, you are too sweet. You must tell me all about you. I know about Karen, but not about you.”

  “I would like for you to come and stay with us, so that we can chat and get to know you. I think Aunt Charlotte would have wanted it that way.”

  “Yes, I will be delighted. I think she would have liked that as well.” Gertrude grabbed Addy by the arm as they were walking to their seats in the courtroom. Addy winked, looking at Karen with a knowing face. Karen always wondered why people took to Addy rather than her. Addy’s reply was consistently the same, ‘because I’m the nice one.’ Karen rolled her eyes and smiled. She has just met this woman and already had her eating from the palm of her hand! Unbelievable!

  When the trial resumed, Phillip motioned to end the proceedings. The family’s lawyer yelled. “Objection, your honor. Is this a joke?”

  “Barristers, approach the bench.” The Judge ordered.

  They talked briefly. “This proceeding will continue in chambers with barristers for both parties present only.”

  When they came back into the courtroom from the Judge’s chamber, the court was called to order. The court clerk then called for Ms. Karen McGill Larsen to the witness stand.

  Karen was startled, at this point she was not expecting to be called to the witness stand. When Karen got up, Addy held her arm. Karen patted her hand, smiled and continued to walk. After taking her oath, the Judge asked. “Is your name Ms. Karen McGill Larsen? Are you the daughter of Lady Catherine McGill?”

  “Yes, to both questions, your honor.”

  “This case is very simple. Although, witnesses’ testimony have shown that Ms. Charlotte McGill was in full mental capacity when she drafted her will, such matter is irrelevant to this proceeding. Proof has been entered into the record that Ms. Karen McGill Larsen is in fact the daughter of Lady Catherine McGill. Therefore, this court adjudicates the land granted by Royal decree to the McGill family to Karen McGill Larsen, the heir of Lady Catherine McGill.”

  The judge looked at the relatives and their barrister. “All the costs of this proceeding fall on the plaintiffs, who knowing the outcome of the case filed this lawsuit thereby depleting government funding with a frivolous claim. The plaintiff will also be charged appropriate sanctions. This court will now recess.” The ‘bang’ from the gavel resonated in the courtroom and that was the end of the ordeal. There was a general uproar in the courtroom. The family was livid. Aunt Margaret fainted, and Aunt Elizabeth had a coughing spell. People ran to provide assistance.

  As it turned out, since Addy had taken so well the news about her mother’s nobility title, Karen authorized Phillip to pull the nobility card in the judge’s chamber and end the trial, and he was delighted to do it. On the witness stand, Karen breathed a sigh of relief. Addy approached rapidly knowing that Karen might be shaky getting out the podium. Phillip walked over to meet them as well. When Addy approached her, Karen held Addy’s hand so tight her knuckles were white.

  “Nice job, Phillip.” Addy commented as she slowly caressed Karen’s back.

  “I didn’t really have to do much. We had excellent witnesses, and the best legal papers.” He looked to Karen and then Addy and smiled. Addy smiled also.

  “Is she going to be alright?” Phillip asked Addy in reference to Karen.

  “Yes, she will.”

  “Thanks, Phillip.” Karen shook Phillip’s hand.

  “It was my pleasure.” Phillip also shook Addy’s hand and walked away.

  “Come on, honey. Let’s go home.” Addy took Karen’s arm and they began to walk towards the door. As they were leaving the courtroom, they passed by the relatives. Charles stood up in front of Karen and stopped her, grabbing her by the arm.

  “You queer bitch, who do you think you are showing your ass around here after being gone all your life only to take what’s ours. You are a bloody shame, look at you!”

  Karen, who was still recovering from the aftermath of the court proceedings, was so shocked she didn’t know what to do, or how to respond. When Addy saw Charles grab Karen by the arm, she stepped in between the two.

  “Get your filthy hands off her!” Addy thought he was going to hurt Karen because he looked very angry.

  “What are you going to do bitch? Hit me?” Charles replied defiantly.

  Oh, what a nice thought! Karen’s eyes opened in pure terror knowing what was about to happen. She knew it was coming and was paralyzed, unable to lift a finger to prevent it. Oh no!

  Addy narrowed her eyes and with the meanest and most determined look Karen had ever seen on her face, she held him by the shoulders, lifted her leg and with her right knee hit him right in his balls. The man shrieked and bent over in pain.

  “Exactly! And you are lucky I don’t hit you again.” Everyone was astonished. Surely, the folks in those tranquil latitudes had never seen such a scene.

  “Let it be known, that she,” Addy pointed to Karen, “is a Lady by title, but I am not, and if you ever lay a hand on her, or even come within ten feet of her again, I’m going to refresh your memory on how a plain woman can make a man cry.”

  Ms. Gertrude covered her mouth to hide her laughter, but failing to do so, her laughter resonated throughout the courtroom. Phillip, a man who had trouble barely grinning, went hysterical, almost doubling up like Charles, but from laughter rather than pain. After that incident, Addy became his idol.

  Everyone in the courtroom who saw the exchange was either astonished, or laughing depending on which side of the family they were supporting. Karen’s grin was beyond description. She had never felt so much pride in her life for anyone. Addy was a force to be reckoned with, her very own private force.

  “Come on, Ker, we have a life to live. Let’s get out of here.” She took Karen by the arm and they walked out of the courtroom with Gertrude and Phillip, who held the door open for them. They all gathered outside and continued to laugh before they said their good byes, and Ms. Gertrude promised to call and make arrangements to visit.

  In the car, Addy got in the driver seat. Karen had not spoken a word, but could not stop grinning and looking at Addy in astonished admiration. She was still in awe at the ferocious creature she loved. The direct hit to Charles balls was spectacular. It was a moment she would never forget as long as she lived.

  Addy asked. “You okay? I’m sorry for the scene, baby, I lost it with that man.”

  “Addy, you were wonderful, phenomenal! No one has ever defended me like you did today. I’m still speechless.”

  “So you are not mad that I lost my temper in there? I just couldn’t control myself.”

  “No! How could I possibly be mad? I’m delighted. I can’t believe you kicked him in the balls!” Karen laughed. “I can’t believe you beat me to it.” Karen continued to laugh. “All my life, I’ve wanted to hit the bastard. You sure gave it to him!”

  Addy looked at her laughing. “Really? You know this is the first time in my life I have ever done such a thing, right? I have never hit anyone. When he grabbed you I was so mad, I felt like I could have taken him down with one blow.”

  “You did, baby, you did.” They laughed.

  “Let’s go home, I need a drink and to sit back and relax now that it’s all over.” Addy said as she started the car. At home, they grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and, after pouring it into their customary frozen glasses, sat to drink it. “After I hit the guy, I worried that he might hit me back. Maybe I shouldn’t have done it. He just made me so mad. I can now understand why some crimes happen in the heat of passion. Sometimes the urge is uncontrollable. I didn’t think you’d be so happy with my loss of temper, after all he is family, and aggressive behavior is never good.”

  Karen looked at her. “Addy, the only family I have in this world is with me right here. Those people have always been strangers to me. Nothing they’ve ever said or done with regard to me has ever been kind. And you are right, aggressive behavior should not be condoned, but I can also see why these things happen sometimes. If he had laid a finger on you, I would have shredded him to pieces myself! I wish the incident hadn’t happened, but if a punch ever needed to be thrown in any particular circumstance, that was a very appropriate one in my book, so my brave, courageous partner, I’m very proud of you, and I thank you for coming to my defense. Cheers!” Karen offered a toast with her glass of beer and Addy joined her.


  A few weeks after the trial, on a Saturday morning Karen was in the cottage fixing lunch when she received a call from the front desk. It was JP. “Honey, I think you have trouble. There’s a woman here asking for you. She says she’s an old friend, and guess who is with her?”

  “Who? What’s her name?”

  “The woman’s name is Susan St. James, and the other woman is non-other than your nemesis, Alana Dickerson.”

  “Shit! Double shit! JP, Addy is not here. She went to town. Tell them that I’m in the middle of something.” She looked at her half eaten sandwich thinking that it was true. She was in the middle of lunch “I’ll wait for Addy t
o get home and then we’ll both go. But in any event, as much as you can, please, try to keep them away from us by any means.”

  “Okay hun, I know Alana you want to kill, but who is the St. James woman? If you ask me, she looks like no saint.”

  “She’s the woman who was going with me to the ranch in Las Vegas, and who I dumped at the last minute. It was then that Addy showed up at the ranch, remember?”

  “Oh my God, Karen, you are in deep shit, baby! This is like double jeopardy. Do you think she’s come for revenge and what about her being with Cruella? Is that a coincidence or what? I’m sure she told her that you and Addy are together. I fear the worst. Be very careful. There could be blood here!”

  “I assure you it won’t be Addy’s or mine’s, JP. We are solid. I’ll talk to Addy about St. James and if Alana makes a move on Addy, I’ll have her hide.”

  “Oh, I know, baby. You better find Addy quickly, and prepare her for the situation. I think these two are up to no good. Watch your back, and especially Addy’s. I think they are going to try to get to you through her. She is your Achilles heel, you know?”

  “Yes, that’s what I fear. Thanks, JP, just be on guard. Tell James the situation also. Remember the more the merrier. Let’s keep it crowded. How the hell did we accept their reservation?”

  “It was under the name Singleton, do you know who that is? And it’s also for the Earl’s suite.”

  “Susan was married once, I think that was her ex’s last name. That tells me that there was deliberation to hide their real names, and money is not an issue with either of them, but if they are willing to pay that kind of money for that room, they mean business. So, yes, looks like trouble lurks. Be more than prepared.”

  “Oh, honey, you’ve just recruited the best and you know it! Those two better not mess around here.”

  Okay, all the worms are out of the can. Now what? Never a dull moment for sure! At that very moment, Addy made her entrance. Her hands were full of packages, and Karen ran to help her. “Is there more in the car?” Could there be more?

  “No, babe, this is all.”


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