MH370 The Answer?

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MH370 The Answer? Page 1

by Dennis Purcell


  Copyright 2015 Dennis PURCELL

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  A commercial airliner disappeared on a regular flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March eight 2014.

  The mysterious disappearance of flight MH370 and the fate of those on board remains unsolved and the final resting place of the crew and passengers remains unknown.

  This is despite a massive effort by a number of nations to locate the missing plane. It seems unthinkable, to most of us, that a large commercial aircraft cannot be quickly and accurately tracked if it has crashed or flown off course.

  The best technology available was initially unable to determine just where the plane may have gone. Did it crash? Was it hijacked? After frantic days of searching it was finally revealed that communication systems on the aircraft had been disabled, presumably by the pilots. It was further revealed that military radar had tracked a complete change of course with the aircraft heading in a Westerly direction and away from its original destination.

  The movements of the plane then became a little uncertain but it was clearly under the control of a competent pilot and on a set course. Media reports suggested that the plane then headed South over the Indian Ocean. This route was indicated by regular information being received by engine manufacturers and other sources. The subsequent search of the target area provided a few pings thought to be from the aircraft’s black boxes but an underwater search has not provided any further contacts.

  The slow and uncertain progress of the search has raised many unanswered questions.

  Why was there no debris found in the search area? If the plane ran out of fuel surely a fall of thirty five thousand feet would cause massive damage on impact with the ocean. (A part of the plane was found some months after the disappearance. It has been assumed that this debris would have drifted a considerable distance from any crash site)

  Why was it necessary for the pilot to fly the plane thousands of kilometres to one of the most remote places on earth where the ocean was deep? Perhaps there is a good reason to make the plane (or possibly the cargo) completely disappear. Who were the two passengers travelling on stolen passports? Reports that no passengers were deemed suspicious were issued only days

  after the disappearance. This seems to be much too small a time frame to complete thorough checks. Surely the fact that that these two passengers were not who they claimed to be should ring alarm bells.

  The manifest indicated that there was nothing suspicious in the cargo hold. Could the Malaysian Government be a little embarrassed that it may be possible to smuggle undeclared freight on to the aircraft? Are their security controls all that tight?

  The disappearance of MH370 is likely to remain the greatest mystery of this century.

  This story (entirely fictional) is an attempt to explain some of the remaining unanswered questions. In doing so it was necessary to examine any possible justification for this obviously well planned and executed event. As the plot unfolds the reader will find many likely answers to their questions. At the same time our moral and ethical values may well be challenged.


  Anna gazed steadily at the screen in front of her and let her thoughts wander for a moment. Her job was to monitor communication activity from around the world but this didn’t prevent her from thinking about the week off that she was due to take on the following day. After all the system would let her know if there were any urgent alerts coming through.

  The job was super boring and she wondered why she had volunteered to work and live in such a remote place. After graduating from the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra as a navy Lieutenant she was looking forward to a life of adventure, perhaps aboard a naval vessel patrolling overseas. No such luck with the only opportunities open to junior officers being land based. “On reflection some of the American officers were not too unattractive and the social life wasn’t at all bad. I’ll be able to catch up with friends and party on in Perth next week. Haven’t seen some of them since graduation. Probably hear some more about the sex scandals at the Academy” she thought.

  Without any warning the screen in front of her flashed repeatedly and words ATTENTION----- URGENT MESSAGE---- FOR TRANSMISSION TO WASHINGTON appeared.

  Anna jumped to attention and quickly read the further instructions. HIGH PRIORITY INTERCEPT RECEIVED. Forward to Washington IMMEDIATELY.

  “What’s this” Anna thought. Some activity at last. The attached message was encrypted and could only be decoded on the computer in Washington. There was no indication what the contents could be but Anna knew Pine Gap monitored mainly Asian and Middle East traffic. “There must be something be something going on in the region. ”When the transmission was safely forwarded and acknowledged Anna was able to settle down again and concentrate on more important things. “With just a little luck I may run into that really hot young guy I met last time I was in Perth”


  Present; US President

  Secretary of State

  Director CIA

  PRESIDENT Well Larry. What’s so urgent that you pull me out of bed at this time of night?

  DIRECTOR Sorry to spring this on you Mr. President. We have a potentially very serious situation emerging in the Middle East. I know this is the very last thing you need with all the unresolved problems in the area but I am sure you will want to keep up with any significant events affecting Iran.

  SECRETARY So let’s hear what this is all about.

  DIRECTOR Certainly Charles. The Pine Gap facility has intercepted a message which we have established originated in Chechnya. Their coding abilities are not very sophisticated and the message indicates that the terrorist elements in Chechnya have managed to acquire certain nuclear assets. These were probably lost by the Russkis during the breakup of the Soviet Union. Clearly the Chechens don’t have the capacity to utilize these assets themselves but they would be very willing to sell to the highest bidder. Based on this message, and our knowledge of what may have been “mislaid” by the soviets, we have every reason to believe that they may have small supplies of weapons grade plutonium but more likely a trigger for a small nuclear device. These triggers are extremely sophisticated and difficult to make.

  What is particularly worrying is that they seem to have made contact with the Iranians. Since the closing down of Iran’s nuclear enhancement program they have been severely restricted in progressing their ambitions to build a viable nuclear weapon. They would be prepared to pay handsomely for an opportunity like this.

  You will both be fully aware of the implications of any upgrading of Iran’s nuclear capability.

  PRESIDENT OK. I agree that Iran must not be allowed to have access to any form of nuclear weapons. They just cannot be trusted to behave in a responsible manner. How do you read the situation and what steps would you recommend at this stage?

  SECRETARY The Middle East is still our major problem area. The Palestinian situation is completely bogged down with no sign of an early resolution. Egypt, Syria and even Libya and Turkey are unlikely to resolve all their conflicts any time soon. Whatever moves we try to instigate in an effort to bring peace to the region they are usually seen as meddling in local affairs. With regard to Iran there has recently been some progress in maintaining a reasonably cordial relationship but the A
merican public are expecting a lot more to happen. They would not forgive any major setback to our image in the region.

  In short the area is a tinderbox which would require only one spark to ignite a major conflict.

  No one wants a repeat of Iraq or Afghanistan and there is every chance that any outbreak of hostilities in the region could escalate quickly.

  The problem must be resolved without delay and it will be best if we are not seen to be directly involved in the affair.

  DIRECTOR Unfortunately the Agency is not able to maintain a strong operation in Iran and reliable information is difficult to obtain. We do however have a good relationship with Israeli security. As you know Israel are very concerned to keep Iran out of the nuclear club and have been very close, on occasions, to attacking and destroying that country’s nuclear research facilities. My suggestion is that approaches be made to the Israeli Prime Minister to seek their co-operation. The assistance of Mossad would be invaluable in finding out what Iran is up to.

  SECRETARY I can certainly see to that Mr. President. With your agreement I can arrange a hook up with Mr. Netenyahu very quickly.

  PRESIDENT Very good. That’s agreed then. In the meantime the CIA can continue to monitor the situation and also go back over any communications between Chechnya and Iran over the past two to three weeks. Not a whisper of this to go beyond these walls.


  A wisp of blue smoke curls around the bare light bulb in the unkempt cellar space. Three men sit around a small metal table smoking. The smallest of the three is Argun, a dark eyed and dark bearded Chechen. He addresses the other two in Russian. “Dalkhan and Suliman. You have been chosen to undertake a hazardous mission, Insha’Allah, for the people of Chechnya.

  There is a package to be delivered and you will be entrusted to ensure that this package safely reaches its ultimate destination. You will be travelling through a number of Muslim countries where the majority of people are sympathetic to our cause and you can expect to receive every assistance. The two of you must remain in constant reach of the package, and each other to the extent that only one of you may sleep at any time. You will be armed and will enjoy the protection of Allah if you are required to destroy any enemies of the state. If those enemies happen to be Russian I am sure it will please Allah greatly. Here are your instructions to complete your journey. At the completion of each stage of travel you will be given new instructions, and in due course, instructions for the final delivery.

  May God be with you both. Allahu Akbar.”






  PRESIDENT Let’s get straight down to business. Contact has been made with the Israeli Prime Minister who is naturally disturbed by the information provided to him. He has undertaken to take on the responsibility of following up our information using the resources available to Mossad and has assured me that their network in Iran is extensive and agents are embedded where they will be most effective.

  There will be a small group of Mossad’s best agents working full time once they have received the information presently held by ourselves. The leader of this group will be contacting the director (and only the Director) in this regard. As little information as possible is to be retained in CIA files and we will not expect Mossad to reveal their methods. Any information relayed on to us is to be taken as correct without question.

  SECRETARY Thank God for the Israeli’s. Their methods may not be pretty but they are very, very effective.

  DIRECTOR I agree. Their situation is much more precarious than ours. Their very survival as a nation in such a hotbed of competing interests depends on them staying on top of the pile. Hopefully our communication surveillance skills can give them some more material to work with. Nothing further has turned up so far but we’ll keep checking.

  MOSSAD HQ TEL AVIV February28th

  There are three men and one woman sitting on comfortable couches spaced around the small office. They are sipping coffee and listening to the tall clean shaven man holding thick file.

  “Hi guys. I will be leading this operation and from now on you will be calling me Mordechai. My role is to act as coordinator and I will be available twenty four seven until our mission is completed. The guy over there with a three day stubble and a scowl on his face will be known as Orel. You, half asleep in the corner, are Kfir. The young lass impersonating a lady and smiling brightly is Chava.

  You have been selected as an elite group due to your excellent knowledge of life in Iran, a proven ability to speak the language and to blend in with the locals. Your courage and determination to succeed are legendary in the service. It goes without question that you are prepared to give your life for your country if this proves to be necessary.

  You will learn more about the nature of the op. as we go on. Preliminary details are provided in these briefings.

  The information we have received indicates that the Iranian Defence Ministry are deeply involved in the planning process. I need a list of all our agents in Tehran and it will be particularly helpful if there is someone available to operate within Defence. A tall order I know.

  If anyone needs a few hours off to arrange their personal affairs please let me know as there will be no opportunity to do so in the near future.

  I expect to have more information for you in a day or two. In the meantime prepare yourself for what may well be a very challenging task.


  The spacious Minister’s office is equipped with a modern desk, chairs and couches. Carefully selected artefacts, paintings and rugs provide a pleasant counterbalance to the strong lines of the furniture. Through the large plate glass windows can be seen the slow crawl of traffic on Debestan road as the temperature creeps up into the low thirty’s under a blazing sun.

  The Minister sits behind the expanse of his executive desk and demands the attention of his two senior staffers. “This is a significant day in the history of our country. Allah has given us the opportunity to finally bring down the state of Israel and drive the Jews from our region.

  We have been tasked, Insha’Allah, with the glorious duty of providing the means to achieve this end.

  I cannot give you full details, as Jew spies are everywhere, but we need to arrange the delivery of a very special consignment to our brave scientists. The importance of safe delivery to Iran cannot be over emphasized. The actions of the infidel Americans with their truly despicable sanctions means that we will have to achieve our goal through stealth. Normal means of entry must be avoided. For this reason our defence planning group have arranged for the package to be delivered to the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. Plans have been formulated to bring the article to Tehran under cover of a brilliant diversionary tactic which, I must admit, I can take credit for. You will be required, Insha’Allah, to organize the details of this plan which will be executed by defence personnel.

  Security and attention to detail is of great importance to the success of our mission. We will meet again in two hours. This will give you time to read through your instructions and provide a basic plan of action. We will then be in a position to select the best men and women for the task and complete detailed planning. Kuala Lumpur has been chosen as the departure point as security at the airport is not always strictly supervised and I am sure that airport staff can be persuaded to assist if necessary. The Ayatollah is taking great interest in this operation and we cannot afford to fail. May God be with you. Allahu Akbar.”


  The three men gather around the desk with their notebooks switched on. The senior staffer begins. “Minister. I have received a briefing on conditions at Kuala Lumpur airport. Your preliminary plan of action appears to be attainable and we can
expect some limited assistance from within the Malaysian Government without divulging the full details of our mission.

  There are two potential agents expected to be available. They have been retained as “sleepers” for a number of years and they have no record of any association with any extreme Islamist organization. Their family background is without blemish and both me have the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. While continuing their studies at Tehran University they have been receiving secret training in all aspects of undercover work and their commitment to the state of Iran is total.

  It is now proposed that these two men will be equipped with the necessary papers and bookings will be made on a Malaysian Airlines flight to another destination. They will not know their final destination until immediately before the flight. Arrangements are also being made to facilitate these passengers through the Kuala Lumpur boarding process.

  At this stage we are looking at flight MH370 to Beijing on a date to be decided.


  A young Iranian woman sits quietly in a comfortable apartment near the centre of the city. Her parents have not yet come home from work at Tehran General Hospital and she has time to think back over her sometimes privileged, but eventually tragic, life.

  As the only daughter of two highly qualified medical practitioners she has had the opportunity to choose a career which has taken her into a prestigious position in the public service.

  Her early childhood was spent at one of the best private schools in Tehran and Farah was invariably one of the brighter students and also popular with her fellow students. Entry into the law faculty at Tehran University was a formality only and Farah swiftly adapted to a freer and interesting lifestyle. This was also an introduction to the realization that life for many of Iran’s citizens was far from easy. Since the revolution in May nineteen seventy nine the country’s politics had been dictated by the Muslim clerics with little room for dissent. There was a growing dissatisfaction among the relatively privileged and growing middle class and, in particular, the generation now attending University.


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