The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 1

by D E Boske

  The Dregian Chronicles

  Book One: The Staff of Power

  By D. E. Boske


  Copyright © D. E. Boske, 2016

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents described herein are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, or are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, events, or locals is entirely coincidental

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, except by an authorized retailer, or by obtaining written permission from the author. Any inquiries may be addressed via email to: [email protected]

  You can also email me anytime at [email protected] if you have questions or comments.

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  This book is dedicated to my mom. I love you and will miss you always. I would like to thank my first readers JBug and Brian B. Thank you for your valuable insight, thoughts, and ideas. They were a big help in shaping the finished product. A big thanks to Mirna Gilman for the awesome cover art!


  Dawn broke early on the Logan Plains. The fiery orb rose in the sky and burned across his vision, leaving him temporarily blinded. When his vision returned, he scanned the distant horizon, searching for a sign.

  They should have met two days ago. Darian’s absence did not bode well. The Mage was never late. The elf scanned the sky, silently cursing the lack of cover. He did not wish to be out in the open when the sun was full in the sky, as there were reports of heavy goblin activity in the area. The elf knew dark times were ahead, he could sense it. There were other far more nefarious creatures that populated Corillia and lately, Kyler’s elven senses screamed warnings that things were about to get interesting.

  He removed some bread and cheese from his pack and consumed it without interest. He took a deep draw from the flask at his belt, knowing he would need to conserve the rest.

  The Logan Plains was a vast grassland where the vegetation grew several feet high across much of the vast open plains, making it the perfect hiding place for ambushes. The summers were sweltering, but at night, it grew cool. The winters were harsh; the bitter cold winds blowing down from Thunder Peak stripped everything bare.

  The day began to grow warm, and Kyler loosened his forest green cloak. Even by elves’ standards, Kyler was handsome. Flawless features, high cheekbones, perfect almond shaped green eyes and a dazzling smile had won many hearts, elves and human alike. Golden hair framed his face and hung down his back.

  He was dressed in loose-fitting pants and a tunic in earthen tones, along with soft, supple black leather boots. He had a sword belted at his slender waist, and a bow and full quiver strapped to his back. Kyler began to worry for his friend, though he knew Darian could take care of himself.

  A thrumming noise began to emanate from behind him. The air seemed to warp and shift, but before he could free his blade, Darian stepped from the open portal.

  "Sorry I’m late. I ran into some complications." Darian was a man of above average height, with a strikingly handsome face and short, dark hair. Silver-grey eyes shone with delight as they came to rest on Kyler. He did not wear the robes of his order. Instead, he wore a deep blue brocaded silk tunic stitched with silver thread, loose-fitting black pants and soft leather boots. He struck a regal pose.

  Kyler breathed a sigh of relief at his friend’s outlandish return. A teleportation spell, he should have known. "Where have you been?" asked Kyler with a smile.

  "There's a grove not ten miles from here. Let us go there where we can talk and eat some real food." The Mage wrinkled his nose in distaste at the remnants of Kyler's breakfast. He did not offer to teleport them so Kyler did not even consider asking. Darian was a secretive man who used his magic only when it suited him. They respected each other, or else they would never have remained friends this long.

  As they walked, the day grew warmer, so that Kyler had to remove his cloak entirely. He moved with an easy grace and a strength that belied his appearance.

  The Mage seemed indifferent to the heat. Darian had many tricks and secrets. The Staff of Power hung from the belt around his waist. He was never without it.

  Only the most powerful Mages carried a staff. The Order had been truly surprised when Darian earned his, because none had done it before at such a young age. One of the few times he drank too much, he let this slip and Kyler would never forget. Darian scarcely spoke of his time at Piri-Tuma, and he rarely lost his control or composure.

  Kyler had seen the things the Mage was capable of and had great respect for his friend. Darian was lean and fit and the elf knew the Mage had many blades concealed about his person. He was a good fighter, unusual among Mages, and he carried a sword belted at his waist. Many a goblin felt its bite.

  As they walked, they spoke of times past, but talk inevitably turned to a subject painful for both.

  "So, how is she?" asked Darian jovially, but the pain mirrored in his eyes betrayed him.

  "She's fine, but she misses you," answered Kyler, a hint of amusement on his lips. "Father is trying to marry her off, but she has refused every suitor. She loves you Darian."

  "I know," he replied quietly.

  “Is it The Order?" asked Kyler.

  "You don't understand!" exclaimed Darian heatedly.

  "Then help me to understand," Kyler whispered.

  They walked on in silence for a time. In the distance, they could see the grove, the image shimmering in the heat haze. As they drew near, Kyler caught two rabbits. His fingers flew to his bow, nocking two arrows in quick succession and firing faster than Darian could follow.

  Once inside the camp, Kyler cleaned and prepared them to roast on spits over the fire. The smell of roasting meat permeated the air. Only then did he notice how hungry he was. He dropped his pack and cloak to the earth, taking a seat on a log across the fire from his friend. He withdrew a hunting knife from its sheath strapped to his boot and carved a slice of meat for himself when it was ready.

  "It’s not The Order," Darian broke the silence. “It’s me. It has something to do with the Test and the vow I made,” he lied.

  Before a Mage earned his staff, he must pass several tests, each more difficult than the last. Failure meant certain death. No Mage ever spoke of the Test to anyone. Each Mage faced a different Test according to his abilities and strength. Once the Mage passed the Test, he took possession of his staff, which was created during the Test of Power. The staff is unique to the Mage and the Test he passes. Therefore, no two staffs are ever the same.

  "Tynuviel will not understand. For that matter, I do not understand. I know you care for her. Very rarely do elves fall in love with Ni’ Kulana, one who is not an elf," replied Kyler in all seriousness.

  "All these things I know and more. What life could I offer her Kyler? People despise me for my innate abilities. They fear me, and yet I protect them. People hate me, scorn me, then bow and scrape to get my services when they need something from me.”

  "She accepts you for who you are," said Kyler.

  "Indeed," whispered the Mage. This word, however, was not lost on the acutely sensitive ears of the elf.

  Darian moved off alone. After a while, he began to chant in low tones. His hand dipped into a pouch tied to his belt. He threw the contents into the air, where the powder sparkled and shone like a thousand diamonds in the firelight. Darkness was approaching when the Mage was finally satisfied. He seated himself at the fire, a haunted look in his eyes.

  "We’ll be safe here tonight. Nothing may pass the borders of my spell." The Mage retired

  early, ro
lling himself in his blanket. Soon he was deep in meditation, a state the elves and Mages called Ru Nay’ Sha.

  Kyler was unable to slip into the meditative state. Thinking things through, he tried to make sense of it all. Darian was his friend, and he did not want to see him in such torment. He sensed there was much more to the story than his friend was letting on.

  He wondered anew about the Test of Passage, and if it was necessary. Apparently, The Order thought so. Kyler knew it was a test of magic to determine how much power you can handle and for how long, but the specifics... he had to guess for himself. Darian would never tell. Of that, he was certain. He was not even sure he really wanted to know.

  Finally, he slipped into the trancelike state of the elves, a dreamless sleep where the conscious mind roamed free.

  She stood before him, so beautiful, eyes bright with desire. She whispered something to him, but he did not understand. She wore a gown of diaphanous material; her slim form visible beneath the soft cloth.

  She moved to kiss him, but he pulled back, why? He knew he wanted her more than anything he’d ever known. Somehow, he could not bring himself to get close to her. The pain on her face was palpable. She pouted and it only made him want her more.

  She tried to kiss him again, this time, he did not resist. Her lips were soft and sweet and the fragrance of her hair filled him with longing. She put her slim arms around his neck, drawing him near. A moan escaped his lips as he bent to take her in his arms. He did not know how much time had passed, nor did it matter. All that mattered was being with this beautiful woman who had come to mean everything to him. The kiss became more urgent, demanding…

  Darian awoke with a start, sweat forming on his brow. His heart hammered so loudly in the silence of deep night! It seemed his spells could protect him from everything but himself. He must learn how to guard against such dreams. How he wanted it to come true!

  Alas, it was out of his hands. A choice he was not sure he would make again if given a chance. He put his hand over his eyes as if trying to wipe the memory away. The fire burned low and he moved to build it up, the chill night air biting him as he removed the blanket. Kyler lay nearby in a deep trance. The urge to wake his friend and tell him everything nearly overcame him.

  He forced those thoughts away. From strict training came strict discipline. He could not. No! He must not tell anyone, even Kyler. He hated keeping secrets from Kyler. In the time they

  had known each other, they had come to trust each other, depend on one another. Kyler was the only one who accepted him for who and what he was and did not judge him.

  After he left Mogan Dar, everywhere he went, people gave him a wide berth. He decided to travel to Kiri A’ Nouell for his own reasons. He’d always wanted to see the elven forest because it was a safe haven. Even The Order could not penetrate the ancient magic of the elves. The events unfolding in Mogan Dar gave him the perfect chance to escape. He had not been back yet. That was when he met Kyler…

  The elf was out on a hunting expedition, and Darian stumbled onto their small party. Not by accident.

  That was the first time he met Tynuviel. She had been scouting ahead when she caught sight of him. Bow in hand; she called to him to stop where he was. So deep in thought, he had not heard her. Purely out of curiosity, she stayed her hand. When he came upon her, all he could do was stare at her.

  She was undeniably the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, and he had been witness to many. Her slender figure, delicate features and pointed ears gave her an exotic look. She wore a light shirt that laced up, which she had partly undone, and it made him stare even more for it partly exposed her breasts. Her tights were dark green and clung to her curves in a way that made him forget to breathe. Blue eyes penetrated his defenses, and he coughed uncomfortably. Her hair was the color of warm honey, and she wore it in a ponytail. She put up her bow then, and laced up her shirt with a tiny smirk.

  "My brother will not take kindly to your interference," her voice was melodious, and it took him a moment to realize she had spoken in the common tongue.

  "You mean he’s not expecting me? And to think, I thought the elves had better manners,” he replied flippantly.

  "For Ni’ Kulana, you're cute," she stated simply. It was then that three other elves came into view. Darian cursed his ill luck. The elf male in the lead came forward.

  "Please forgive my sister. She is a bit overzealous at times. But tell me, what are you doing so close to our border?" the leader asked.

  "I did not realize I was so close. Please forgive me. I meant no harm," said the Mage, a touch of sarcasm in his tone, as he clapped his hands together making a half bow.

  It grew tense waiting for a reply as the elf considered his words. When his response came, it was not what the Mage had expected.

  "I am Kyler Brighton," the elf said as he extended his hand in greeting.

  "I am Darian Brade," replied the Mage, gripping his hand firmly.

  "Please join us for our evening meal,” Kyler offered. The other elves relaxed then, the conflict over.

  "Please," Kyler motioned him to walk beside him in the lead, a sign of respect.

  The other two males seemed to disappear into the brush, but the girl stayed close to Darian, openly admiring him. Kyler didn't seem to mind, so Darian kept silent. She smelled like sweet wild flowers and walked with her hands behind her back, but remained quiet and let Kyler do the talking. For the first time, he noticed the resemblance; he was as exquisite as she was. He could not tell their age, but they seemed young.

  “So, you still have not answered my question." Darian sighed. "You must understand; we do not get many visitors here, let alone one of your kind,” Kyler explained.

  "And just what is my kind?" asked the Mage insouciantly.

  "Forgive me. I meant no offense. We do not get many humans that visit us, let alone a Mage of The Order," said the elf.

  That's because humans are not necessarily welcomed here. Certainly not invited, Darian thought. However, what he said was, “How did you...?” he forgot he wore the dark blue robes of the Dregian Order. The rest of his clothes he carried in a pack.

  "When I left Piri-Tuma, I just started walking, unsure of where to go," he lied.

  "Piri-Tuma, the school of Mages. Why did you leave? I can tell by your robes that you are of high rank." Kyler looked directly at Darian as he finished, patiently waiting for him to gather his thoughts.

  "I have passed the Test and earned my staff. I chose to travel. I do not wish to remain cloistered inside," Darian said, as he unconsciously touched a small rod tied on a cord wrapped about his waist.

  At this announcement, Kyler stopped and riveted him with his green eyes. He seemed to consider this for a moment, then simply nodded and continued walking.

  The girl walked beside him now, and Darian noticed that she had unlaced her blouse again. Suddenly, he wished he had changed his clothes before he had left. He took control over his body temperature, getting it back to where it should be. She brushed up

  against him and smiled at him when he looked at her. That smile filled his vision and quickened his heart. Kyler appeared oblivious.

  Abruptly, the earth took on a different appearance. The grass smelled sweeter, the flowers were brighter, and the trees taller and healthier. The forest floor was free of debris. It was then that Darian realized he was on elven land. He could feel the magic of this breathtaking place. Obviously, he had heard of Kiri A' Nouell. Everyone had, but as Kyler had been quick to point

  out, very few had ever seen it. Even when they traded goods with the humans, they did it outside of their forest home. Why then, had Kyler been so quick to bring him here?

  The smell of roasting venison filled the Mage’s nostrils, and he remembered that he had not eaten yet. When they finally arrived, the two male elves were already there, in addition to two others Darian had not yet seen.

  One of the elves glared with open hostility at him and grabbed the girl’s arm, whispering har
shly in the elven tongue. Kyler came between them and took him off to the side to speak with him. The girl returned to Darian’s side, undaunted.

  “I'm Tynuviel." She gave him her most dazzling smile. Her wrist had several bracelets in gold, silver and platinum. They made a tinkling sound as she extended her hand in greeting. Darian hesitantly took it in his, and his blood seemed to boil from her touch.

  "He doesn't seem to like me, does he?" he gestured at the irate elf.

  "Oh, that's just Killini," she said, as if that should explain everything. "He's angry because he has proclaimed his love for me, but it is unrequited. He doesn't like you because I do."

  It took a moment for her words to sink in. When they did, the Mage was truly stunned. Recalling his oath as he took hold of the staff, he knew he could not get involved with this beautiful woman. The laws of The Order were specific and demanded his attention. She laughed, and his discomfort passed. He knew then that he loved her desperately. He felt as though he could tell her anything.

  Kyler came walking back to them. Whatever they said, Killini was not appeased. He glared openly at the Mage and subsequently stalked off into the trees. Kyler took in the scene before him, and then glanced back at Killini, but by then, he was gone. Kyler pulled Tynuviel aside, speaking urgently in low tones. The Mage could guess it was about him that they spoke. The conversation over, they both walked back to Darian.

  "Please, join me at the fire," said Kyler not waiting for him. Tynuviel put her slender arm through Darian’s and they walked together. He wanted to ask her what they spoke of, but ran out of time. The other elves seemed not to care that she was with him, though they openly admired her.

  "Well, you met Killini already. This is Tulani, Meriac and Plistin,” said Kyler.

  "Well met," they said, looking from the girl to the Mage.

  "Thank you for your hospitality. I'm Darian Brade." He thought he saw respect in their eyes. Or was it curiosity?


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