The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 4

by D E Boske

  "No funny business, ye hear? She is like a daughter to me, and she truly cares for you. Please don't hurt her."

  "That's the last thing I ever want to do," said Kyler, looking him in the eye. "It took me a long time to admit it to myself, but I care for her deeply." The innkeeper visibly relaxed.

  "Glad I am to hear that lad. Take good care of her, ye hear? And have her home at a decent hour. She's on the morning shift don't ya’ know." The elf laughed, but it caught in his throat as he saw Destiny enter the rear door.

  Her cinnamon hair framed her lovely face, and her eyes sparkled as she looked at Kyler.

  She wore a low cut, green velvet gown with soft, black leather boots. The sight of her astounded him. Upon seeing them together, the customers grew loud and bawdy.

  "You look beautiful," he said when she reached his side. He respectfully rose, and she blushed furiously.

  "I thought we could go to my home, and I'll cook dinner. It's quiet, and we could talk."

  She took his hand as they left the Copper Bottom. The nervousness began to fade, and she mustered the courage to look over at him. He still wore his weapons; they were part of who he was, and she could accept that. In fact, she felt safe with him.

  The moon was full and bright and there were countless stars visible in the night sky. They walked as if they had the rest of their lives to get where they were going.

  "Why did you wait so long for me?" the elf asked abruptly. "Surely, you could have had anyone you wished for."

  "I thought that was obvious," she said softly. "I only want you. From the first time I saw you, I knew you were different. You have always treated me with respect."

  "You handled Shaz well tonight.” He complimented her. “You are very good at what you do. Why did you not go with Shaz? It would have served me right,” he said, looking over at her. Her nut-brown skin seemed to shine in the moonlight, and she shivered. Kyler quickly removed his cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders.

  "Thank you." She smiled at him, gripping his hand warmly. "I do not like that man. He makes me feel very uncomfortable. I want only you,” she said a bit huskily.

  They arrived at her cottage, a small two story. She had flower boxes full of flowers outside each window. Thin vines scaled the brick walls, climbing to the heavens. Once inside, the elf started a fire in the hearth.

  Destiny went to the kitchen to prepare their meal. Kyler removed a bottle of Nykessa, which he had tucked away inside his cloak and put it on the table. He helped her set the table, and then poured two glasses of wine, taking a sip from his own. She was chopping vegetables for a stew as he brought her the glass. She took a sip.

  "Mmm, Kyler, this is delicious. What is it?" She said with a smile that seemed to light up the whole room. She lit several candles to brighten up the place.

  “It’s called Nykessa. It’s elvish wine that we make in Kiri A’ Nouell.”

  “What’s it like? Your home, I mean?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “Beautiful, serene. The forests are ancient. I would love to show you my favorite places, Destiny,” he breathed, as he captured her lips with his. She pressed herself into him and rejoiced at what she found.

  She made fresh bread that she put on the hearth to bake. While they waited for the stew,

  they sat and talked at the table. He told her stories of his home, and of when he first met Darian. She told him where she had grown up, and how she came to be at the inn. She sipped slowly at her wine; she knew it was a potent drink.

  When the stew was ready, she spooned it into small crocks. She sliced the bread and retrieved a crock of butter from the cellar. The meal was delightful. It was a fish stew with a thick, creamy base. When the meal was over, they sat beside the fire on animal furs.

  The firelight danced in her eyes, and her hair was ablaze with color. He put his arm around her and drew her close. He knew he had to tell her, but he did not want to spoil the moment. Finally, she broke the silence.

  "You’re leaving again, aren't you?" she stated more than asked. Her tone was not accusatory.

  "I must. However, I will be back for you. I promise. There's trouble brewing in the north and by Shenna, I must warn my people." She knew that he was serious; he called on the name of his goddess.

  "You spoke of this once before. What have you found?" she asked.

  "The goblins are banding together just north of the Logan Plains, and..." he hesitated only a second before telling her everything. “And the green dragon Morphindinaetlus is here again."

  At the mention of the dragon, she sucked in her breath sharply. She was not yet born the last time the mighty dragon came forth to make war on the peoples of Corillia. She had not seen twenty winters yet.

  Besides, humans were not long of life, he thought with a pang of guilt. This must be why his kin did not often take a human lover. The pain of their loss… He shook his head as if to dislodge the troubling thoughts.

  "You know I cannot promise you anything. I want to, but... my duty keeps me on the road a lot," the elf said sadly.

  "I know,” she replied softly. "All I've ever wanted is what time you can give to me." He looked into her eyes and removed a ring from his finger, putting it on hers.

  "I love you Destiny. I will be back for you, if you'll have me."

  She leaned over and kissed him softly. He pulled her to him and kissed her again. She felt good in his arms, her breasts crushed against his chest. Gently, he laid her on the soft fur, removing his weapons. He laid down next to her and held her in his arms for long moments.

  "Kyler." The way she said his name made him heady. He kissed her again, passionately, stroking her face. He began to let his hands roam freely about her body. Gently, slowly, he slid his hand under her dress, caressing her thigh as she moaned. Covering her mouth with his, he moved his hand higher to her tender flesh, and she cried out in pleasure.

  “Kyler,” she said again, more urgently.

  “Yes,” He said as he moved to her belly and below.

  “Kyler please, make love to me.” He kissed her again, his passion mounting. She began to undo his shirt, desperately pulling it off. There on the fur, in front of the warm blaze they made love.


  The sun streamed in through the windows, and Kyler yawned and lazily stretched. He looked over at Destiny still sleeping. She is so beautiful, he thought, smiling to himself. He gently ran his hands over her body, drinking in the sight of her. It would be a long time before he saw her again. Suddenly, duty became as heavy as a mountain. She moaned softly at his touch and slowly opened her eyes, flashing that smile she shared only with him.

  "So, it wasn't a dream," she whispered softly.

  "No. I'm really here," he said, taking her in his arms. He kissed her, deeply regretting his journey. He tenderly nibbled her ear and kissed her neck.

  "If you keep this up, we'll miss breakfast," she said in a light tone. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  "Who needs breakfast?" Kyler said, kissing her in a way that made the world fade into the background. The sounds of her filled his head and urged him on.

  Finally, they rose. She poured water into separate basins, so they could brush their teeth and wash up. While she made breakfast, she constantly had to pinch herself. She could not believe that Kyler was here.

  She marveled at the ring that he had given her. It was obviously of elven make. A wide

  band of silvery metal with deep-blue sapphires lining the band set deep so that they were flush with the ring.

  She knew it was priceless and could not believe he would give this treasure away. She had always admired it from afar, and now he had given it to her. She could scarcely believe it. She jumped as he came up behind her and put his arms around her. She leaned into him.

  "You know I have to leave today,” he said sadly.

  "Yes, but I choose not to think of that now. Not while you're still here with me. Let's make the most of it. Do you really think we're in danger?
" she asked, turning around to look him in the eye.

  "Goblins are stupid, spiteful creatures. They kill each other as often as they kill humans, but for some reason, they are banding together and with their numbers, they could surely overrun Corillia. I must go to Kiri A’ Nouell and speak to Tyvale, head of the elven council. From there, I do not know where my road leads. It may be months before I see you again." The pain in his eyes broke her heart.

  "Kyler, you must do this. I will be here waiting when you return."

  "I know, but I do not know how long I will be gone and when I will be able to return for you. You are so beautiful."

  "There is no one else for me. My heart belongs to you. It always has." They took their time with breakfast, knowing they must soon return to the inn.

  After breakfast, they left the cottage, and she locked the door. They walked hand in hand down the cobblestone walkway.

  Their hearts were heavy, and they received many strange looks from passersby. They took no notice, as they were fully absorbed in each other. When they reached the inn, Shermin was out on the porch. A smile broke his face in two at the sight of the approaching couple.

  The summer air was warm and the sun bright as if mocking their sadness. Butterflies flitted from flower to flower and bees buzzed in the background.

  "Well, I best get back to work, hear?" said the innkeeper, going back inside.

  "I’ll miss you," Kyler said softly, as he took her in his arms, holding her tight. He stroked her hair, kissing her on the forehead.

  "I love you Kyler," she said simply.

  "I know. I'll return soon, I hope." He kissed her then, as if all the love he felt for her was in this one kiss.

  "I have to go," he said, releasing her.

  They walked into the inn together. There were a few people scattered in the common room. She knew it would be crowded before long. She turned as if to say something more, but

  the elf was gone. She briefly wondered if she would ever see him again and silently berated herself for such thoughts. She looked at the ring he’d given her and knew he would return.

  The elf sprinted lightly up the stairs. When he reached the top of the landing, he heard voices rising in a fever pitch. He opened the door to the room he shared with Darian and saw a fight was in progress. He quickly moved to break it up.

  "Hey! What's the matter with you two?" asked Kyler, coming between them.

  "You were right. He is arrogant!" exclaimed the Mage.

  "Maybe, but you have no right to order me around. I go where I want," said Shaz, eyes blazing.

  "What's this about?" asked the elf.

  "I'm coming with you," said Shaz, holding up a hand to stop any objection. “Hey, the way I see it, they held me prisoner, not either of you. That makes it personal to me. They’re looking for some Mage, and unless I miss my guess, this charlatan is a Mage, at least in his own mind. What say you Kyler?” asked Shaz.

  “Darian, he’s right. They did take him prisoner. He has a right to know why. Besides, we could benefit from another blade to guard our backs.” Turning to Shaz, he said, “As for this charlatan, he could turn you to a pile of ash with a mere thought. So don’t push him further.” The warning in the elf’s voice was unmistakable.

  “Another blade to guard our backs! Have you lost your mind? We can’t trust him! I don’t, and I don’t see how you could. Do you even know how to use that fancy blade you carry Shaz? C’mon Kyler! Goblins snuck up on him! Goblins!” Darian was in a rage. Kyler had never seen him like this before. He knew the situation was quickly getting out of hand and he had to do something.

  “Please excuse us for a moment,” Kyler said to Shaz. Pointing at the door, he forced the Mage to follow, stepping out into the hall.

  “Darian,” the elf said, looking him in the eye. “What’s the real problem? I’ve never seen you like this before and it scares me.”

  “I can’t stand this man. How do we even know he can fight? Maybe he carries that thing to impress the ladies.”

  “What happened?” asked Kyler, not backing down.

  “We were discussing our next moves and he became belligerent, demanding that we do things his way. I told him it didn’t work like that; it should be a group decision. Then I may have said something on the order of ‘You are not coming with us, you dolt!’ of which he took offense to. Though I cannot fathom why as it’s the simple truth. You and me have been travelling together for a while now Kyler and we understand each other and know how things should be done. He only cares for himself and I fear if we bring him along, he’s going to cause more trouble than what he’s worth.”

  “I sense a warrior spirit within him. I think he will prove himself useful. I think he uses his tough attitude to cover up his insecurity,” said the perceptive elf. He put a hand on his friend’s arm.

  “He must be pretty insecure,” said the Mage with a straight face.

  "Darian, have I ever been wrong before?" asked the elf.

  "Well there was that one time...” the Mage began. The fire drained out of him with Kyler’s calm demeanor and they both laughed.

  "Alright, I guess you're right. We could use another pair of hands."

  "No more arguing. We have to trust each other and get along if we plan on traveling together," said the elf. Darian rolled his eyes contemptuously.

  "He started it. It's a good thing you came in when you did. I was losing my temper. That's not a good thing for a Mage to do."

  "Don't let him get under your skin. Half the time, that's all he wants. I don't think he means what he says. He just does it to see how far you can be pushed."

  "Like a child, how reassuring. I’ll keep this in mind while I’m kickin’ his ass!” His tone softened, “I noticed you did not come back last night. How'd it go?" asked Darian.

  "It was nice. We talked and I lost track of time," said the elf, his smile telling the Mage more than he intended.

  "Is that right?" Darian said jokingly, and Kyler smiled. With matters decided, they went back inside. Shaz was sitting on the bed nearest the window. When they entered, he looked at the Mage with something bordering on animosity.

  "We both agree that you should come along," said the elf.

  "How nice of you," said Shaz, his brown eyes flat. "I say we go back to the valley and see what they're up to," he suggested.

  "No. We go to Kiri A’ Nouell. I need to speak to the head of the elven council."

  "I don't give a damn about the elves!" Shaz said heatedly. Kyler flushed in anger.

  “Still sensing that warrior spirit?” muttered Darian and Kyler shot him a baleful look.

  "Then go off on your own. But I promise you, Darian and I will not be there to rescue you again," said the elf harshly.

  Shaz hand flew to his belt to rest on the bone handle of a long knife. The Mage was the faster. He cast a spell, quickly freezing Shaz in place.

  "I like him much better now, don't you? Can we leave him like this?" the Mage asked as he went to take the knife from Shaz’s hands.

  Once he had the knife, he released the spell. Shaz could not imagine how Darian had come by his blade. Kyler stood with his arms crossed on his chest. Shaz seemed to think better of trying again.

  "We leave now. Are you with us or not?" asked the elf, looking at the fiery Shaz.

  "I'm in," he said, glaring at the Mage. He did not like to appear foolish. He did not like Darian, not at all. There was more to him he was sure. How the elf suffered his friend-ship; he would never know.

  They slipped out before Destiny saw them leave. Kyler felt that it was better that way. It was hard enough to leave her. If he saw her now, he just might stay. How could this have happened? He was an elf, trained in battle and battle strategies. He was a tracker, a warrior. How could love have crept up on him? How had he not seen this coming?

  They made it to the stable behind the inn and collected the horses that the Mage had acquired. They tied down their provisions, along with some of their gear and soon were on their wa

  The day was warm already, and the sun was not yet high in the sky. When they came to the town gates, Kyler dismounted and went to speak to Ro’ark.

  "What's he doing now?" said Shaz impertinently.

  "That's none of your concern," Darian replied acidly. Shaz looked as if he would try to strike him down and the Mage only laughed.

  "Did I miss something?" asked the elf as he mounted up.

  "Nothing of importance," said the Mage, issuing a silent threat to the newcomer. Shaz did not take the bait. He would best the Mage he swore to himself. His wounded pride would accept nothing less.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Tynuviel was high up in a silver birch. Lately, disturbing reports about some unknown predator were surfacing and a few border guards had gone missing.

  She whistled once, swift and high. A moment later, Plistin answered quick and low. They had seen nothing, but they would not desert their post.

  She worried for the two elves that were missing. That left only one other alternative.

  Not for the first time, she wished her brother were here. Kyler would know what to do. He always did.

  She thought briefly of Darian, as she did at least once a day. Why she still thought of him; she did not know. The last time she saw him, she was so angry with him, she hoped she would never see him again. He had hurt her more deeply than she thought possible. She had thought he loved her. How she was mistaken! She could not explain why, but she still loved him, and she missed him so much! The ache inside of her had not diminished. She was sure it would not until she saw him once more. She did not think he would come back here again. Not knowing she was here.

  Her thoughts scattered, as three hundred yards out, the trees shook violently, and the ground trembled beneath her. She whistled sharply twice, that was the signal. Again, Plistin answered, he was about ten yards away from her. Whatever it was; it was closing fast.

  It was two hundred yards away now. There were only five of them, and she did not think they would be able to stop it. She took the small horn from her belt, put it to her lips and blew three blasts. She hoped the others would get here in time. She silently said a prayer to Starshenna to watch over them and give them strength to vanquish this foe. One hundred yards, she readied her bow. She could see nothing, then suddenly, she saw it; huge and black, it blended with the shadows. It was fully eight feet tall. Huge, bat-like wings folded on its back, and it walked on the balls of its feet. There were no fingers or toes, just claws and teeth.


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