The Staff of Power

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The Staff of Power Page 9

by D E Boske

  “Kyler!” He heard his name and as he searched for the speaker, someone wrapped him in a bear hug.

  “Trighton!” Kyler said, laughing. Trighton was a good friend of his. They had grown up together and had always been close. When Kyler decided to travel with the Shivvendari Mage, it had hurt him deeply.

  Trighton’s hair was the color of polished bronze, and his eyes were azure. His good looks and charisma had won him the choice of many elven females, because Kyler would always attract the most attention. Every maiden wanted Kyler and they could not understand why Kyler remained alone. Trighton nodded to the Mage, neither respectfully nor disdainfully.

  He noticed how Tynuviel clung to the Mage and it disgusted him. He was Ni’ Kulana, not an elf. Though he knew the Mage’s life span would mirror the elves’, he still thought they should

  should marry within their own ranks.

  Kyler introduced Shaz and Trighton flashed him a tight smile, not at all happy about another outsider in his home. The ancient forest filled Shaz with reverence. This place was more captivating than he had imagined. The elves were beautiful people that tended to the land and only the foolish would consider them weak. They were the best bowmen, and their sword skill was far superior to all the races of Corillia.

  It seemed as though through the course of the night, the whole elven population had come to greet Kyler. Now the Mage understood why. He was not the only one to keep secrets. He hoped his enchanted tome had recorded the song. The magical tome never ran out of pages and yet never grew in size. It burned the flowing elven script onto its pages there to remain forever, unless the owner knew how to clear the contents. Though he understood the elven tongue and could speak and write it as well, a very difficult task indeed, he wanted to go over the song again, to read it without distraction. The noise of the celebration had cut down his ability to hear the whole thing clearly.

  The celebration was nearing its end and so he rose, holding his hand out for Tynuviel. They walked hand in hand, saying nothing, needing nothing but the closeness of each other. It had been so long! It seemed like only yesterday that they last saw each other. When they arrived at her door, they just looked into each other’s eyes.

  “Would you like to come inside?” She asked, already knowing the answer.

  “You know I can’t. Nothing has changed Tynuviel. You know that I love you. I just cannot get involved right now. There are some things that I must see to.”

  The explanation sounded weak voiced aloud. He was not sure how she would accept it, if at all. He dare not tell her the truth. It was bad enough he had told Kyler some things. Though the elf still knew next to nothing, and the Mage intended to keep it that way. He needed the elf, and that sob story about Raschel seemed to work with the compassionate Kyler. Tynuviel merely nodded and turned to go inside, but he caught her arm.

  “Maybe after this is all over we could…that is if you…Tynuviel I…”

  He just could not seem to find the words. She seemed to understand for she smiled at him. He drew her to him, kissing her softly. The world seemed to spin away, and he lost all track of time. He held her tight and guided her to her door. With her back to the door, he kissed her again, urgently and she did not fight him. It took all of his discipline to release her and not go inside. Though he truly wished to, he knew that he could not. Not now, and although he would not utter the words aloud, maybe not ever, to even think

  them pained him. He wanted her badly, needed her; the ache was burning him alive.

  He returned to the rooms that Galavad had provided for him and settled into a comfort-

  able chair. He had to take his mind off Tynuviel. He wanted to go to her, but knew that to be foolish indeed.

  He removed the enchanted leather tome from an inner pocket of his Shryvven. He sighed deeply as he thought of Tynuviel one last time. Then he opened the book. The words magically transcribed when he had spoken the command word.

  Welcome home O weary traveler

  You who walk among the stars

  ‘Tis good to see our kinsman returned

  We felt your presence from afar!

  The birds they sing and tell of your passing

  The gentle breeze whispers your name

  The earth rejoices at the sound of your footfalls

  You who can all animals tame!

  ‘Tis time for the celebration

  Take heart! He has returned unharmed

  The sword he wears so casually at his hip

  Was forged by Shenna herself!

  His hair spun from gold

  All who look upon him know

  That he is the pride of Kiri A’ Nouell

  The prince of all the elves!

  Darian easily translated it to the common tongue for he was fluent in their language. He had always known that Kyler was special, but to be the son of the Monarch Galavad! That meant that Tynuviel… His heart began to beat rapidly now. They were going to speak with the elven council in a weeks’ time and Galavad would be there. When he was finally able to meditate, it was fitful.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Morphindinaetlus knew Darian was not many days ahead of him and his small army. The human woman had not told them anything, though his faithful servant had released the Pit Shrykes on her. She possessed an inner strength the dragon could not understand.

  He followed their trail all the way to the town Marubiel. He would find the Mage, and when he did, he would strip him of the Staff of Power and rend his body with his terrible claws. No, maybe he would capture him and torture him for an eternity. Once captured, he could drain him of his magical energy. A sweet punishment indeed and one he intended to exact. He could not allow so powerful an enemy to exist and keep his magic. The Mage would surely rain destruction down on the dragon's head.

  His master only wanted the staff. The Mage was his to do with as he pleased afterwards. Of course, the elf would never let the Mage remain a prisoner for long. That suited the great wyrm. He had not killed an elf in many long years. He would surely enjoy killing this one. It would hurt the whole elven population. The Monarch’s son! The dragon chuckled to himself. Yes, he would enjoy killing the Mage and the elf. Just for sport, he set several homes aflame with his fiery breath on the way back to Ancient Mountain.

  The wyrm arrived at Marubiel ahead of his small detachment. He preferred it this way; he did not wish to cause alarm. No, he would send in his faithful servant to do his bidding. He wished to speak to a certain elf maiden in Mishkalan. He sent his ugly servant to the Platinum Pony to speak to a wench there. They would learn what they could. He flew off in the direction of Mishkalan. He planned to be back by the time that his servant was finished here in Marubiel.

  Now, Morphindinaetlus was a magical creature, and magic he did possess. He cast a morph spell and changed his appearance to that of the elf Kyler. He strode openly down the streets, passing booths and hawkers ‘til he came to the one he was searching for. He roared in anger as he saw the shop shut tight and the elf was nowhere in sight. The bitch eluded him! She must have known he was coming. Destroying her store, he became incensed when he found the tiny store empty. She had known far enough in advance to pack her things.

  Unbeknownst to the dragon, the Crebellan watched the display. The Crebellan was a creature of Faerie as ancient as time. It was also immune to magic and could therefore see through the dragon’s disguise. He watched and waited, then changed his form to a bird and followed the great wyrm back to Marubiel and to the Platinum Pony. He wondered what business the dragon could have here but remained silent as he followed the image of Kyler. He sensed the silence ward around the room and knew there was trouble. He knew he should return to Nephraete, but his curiosity was piqued. He wanted to find out who the person was and why they had them locked away. He changed his appearance to that of a picture hanging on the wall.

  Sweat dampened C.J.’s hair as she struggled to remain conscious. She had never felt such pain and just wanted to make it stop.

p; “Where is the Mage?” asked the ugly man.

  “I--- don’t--- know,” she rasped.

  “I see.” The deformed creature said with a smile.

  “No! No wait! What does he look like?” cried C.J.

  “He travels with an elf. They may have picked up another traveling companion. The Mage does not wear the robes of his order; he wears fine cut clothes.” C.J.’s mind was in a whirl. Could he be looking for Shaz’ two companions? She did not wish to tell this toad anything, but neither did she wish to die.

  “They… they were here—nigh on five nights ago. They were here for one night only and were gone by morning’s light. Please! That’s all I know. They did not say where they were headed.”

  “Good,” purred the ugly wretch into her ear. He moved so close that she could feel his hot, fetid breath on her skin. She shuddered at his touch, but she had lived through worse. If he decided to take her, she was determined not to fight. She wanted to live above all else. For a very tense moment, she thought he would move to kiss her, but instead he reached behind her to cut her bonds.

  The dragon was a little disappointed. He would have liked to see her die. They were out the door and gone as quickly as they had come. Once outside, the dragon resumed his natural form and took to the air. The people in the streets ran screaming, searching for a safe place to hide. The dragon paid them no heed. His gaze was on the east, for their path was now clear to him.

  They fled to Kiri A’ Nouell, to his most hated enemies. The elves! He knew better than to tangle with them now. The time was not at hand. He did not have enough power yet. His army was not big enough, for the elves were far too numerous. He wanted to annihilate them. Soon, he promised. Soon. He took to the sky and cut sharply to the west. In a few moments, he vanished from sight.

  Calisha went to find Nephraete. She would want to know what he had found out. He tuned his senses to her and followed them straight to her. He traveled for a day and a night without stopping until he came upon her scent. She was close by and well hidden. He taught her well, but she was no match for him. He was as ancient as time itself, and it took him little time to find her.

  “Calisha, it’s you,” she said, relief filling her soft voice.

  “Mistress, I followed the dragon. He used a polymorph spell to turn into the elven prince.”

  “What? How is this possible?” she asked in shock.

  “The dragon is an ancient beast and he has some magical ability. This is why he craves the Mage; he intends to drain him of his power slowly, painfully until ultimately, he meets his demise.”

  “We must find them and warn them.”

  “Are you sure this is wise?” asked the Crebellan.

  “How can you ask me such a thing?”

  “Your father would not be pleased, mistress.”

  “We’re not in Kaleika Bay anymore, Calisha. Nor do I wish to ever return. Please, you’ve always been there for me; you’re my friend and I trust you. I feel this is the best course of action. Will you come with me?”

  “Of course, you could not keep me away. We are inseparable you and I, forever. Does the elf prince know how you feel?”

  “No. He… No. We should leave right away.” Calisha could read the pain in her eyes and was sorry he brought it up. He set the course for them, and she followed him without further comment.


  Morning dawned bright and warm in the elven homeland. Tynuviel had not been able to sleep, not really. Knowing Darian was so close and yet completely unreachable was driving her mad. She wanted him desperately, to share his bed and his life, to be the one he depended on.

  He started to say something the other night. She knew there was much more to the story than he had told her. In fact, Darian told her next to nothing at all. Just some lame excuse she could not even remember. She sighed as she threw off the covers and rose to bathe in the warm springs. She gathered up her things and made her way to the small trail that led off into the trees. There was a bath inside her rooms, but she much preferred the warm springs and the open air.

  To the untrained eye, the forest looked impenetrable. As you came upon the tightly knit trees, a small opening lay carefully concealed. She pushed the branches apart and stepped through. The trail was not a clear path; it was covered with small plants and flowers, which she deftly avoided stepping on. It was a beautiful place. She loved her home and would gladly give her life in its defense.

  The elves were well versed in plants, flowers and animals. They were masters of nature and people from all over Corillia consulted with them.

  Occasionally, they would bring their sick to the Shak Ta’ Ru, elven healers, stationed

  outside the forest, and they would use their knowledge of plants and herbs to heal them; and their magic if the wounds were life threatening. The elves were widely respected, though most rarely ventured far from their forest paradise.

  The spring she sought lay at the bottom of a bowl-shaped valley. She made her way down the narrow trail easily. She stripped off her clothes and dove in, for it was quite deep. The hot water caressed her naked flesh, and she stayed under for a long time. When she emerged, Darian was just entering the water but when he saw her, he froze.

  “Tynuviel… what are…? I’m sorry; I had no idea you were here,” he lied. She enjoyed how uncomfortable he became in front of her. She let her eyes play over every inch of him, truly grateful for this moment fate had given her.

  “Don’t be silly. There’s enough water here for us both,” she replied. He seemed comfortable with his body, as he made no move to cover himself. He was well muscled with a chiseled body and strong muscular arms and legs. He made no move to leave, just stood there looking at her.

  “I… shouldn’t… it isn’t…” He sighed deeply, appearing to gather his thoughts. He wanted it to look like he was uncomfortable with the situation. When in reality, nothing could be farther from the truth.

  She splashed water at him playfully, flirting with him. Darian was torn. He really wanted to go to her, to be with her now in this beautiful, peaceful place. He also could not risk going into the water with her. He did not trust himself in this situation. He knew he would not be able to resist her. Why then, had he followed her here in the first place? What did he think would have happened? Stupid, stupid, stupid! He silently berated himself.

  Eventually, she gave up trying and finished bathing. She left the water slowly, letting him see her beauty. She dressed unhurriedly and made appreciative sounds as she gazed at his naked form. He turned as if to say something more, but looked into her eyes and let it go unsaid. Quietly, he turned and dove into the water.

  Kyler came down the trail, removing his weapons belt. When he came to the water and saw Tynuviel, he blushed involuntarily.

  “I’m sorry. I had no idea you two were here,” Kyler said.

  “I was just leaving,” his sister replied icily.

  Kyler could see the pain in her eyes and could guess the source readily enough. Kyler watched her go, wishing there was something he could do to make her feel better.

  “Nothing happened. We just talked,” Darian said hurriedly, misreading the look in the elf’s eyes.

  Kyler removed the rest of his clothes and dove into the water. They raced each other

  across the springs a few times, but the elf always won. After several laps, they sat on a smooth flat rock that lay inches below the surface of the water. For long moments, they said nothing.

  From out in the forest they heard the laughter of many maidens. Kyler sighed. It would be difficult to get back to shore without dozens of eyes seeing them. He smiled to himself. He was home. Kyler was used to it by now; women were always following him, wanting more than he could give them. Sometimes they argued over him as if he had no say in the matter.

  There was only one woman for him, but then a strange thing happened, try as he might he was not able to recall Destiny’s face. In place of hers was not who he had expected. In his mind’s eye, the only face that came to
him was a slender elf with gleaming silver hair, dressed in a white gown belted at the waist in circlets of silver. Her violet eyes saw through to his soul. It was the face of the seer. He could not understand. She must have done something to him. There could be no other explanation.

  Then it seemed as if she was trying to tell him something, looking behind her worriedly. She threw her hands up before her face and screamed. Kyler shook his head trying to clear it. When the vision was gone, Destiny’s image returned once more. He breathed a sigh of relief. Darian had been so deep in thought he took no note of the strange happenings.

  “Kyler, I do not know how much longer I can resist your sister. I want you to know that I care for her deeply, and to dishonor her or you is not my intention. I wish…” he trailed off, unsure of what else to say.

  “Darian, I know you care for her. I worry not for her honor. I know you, and you will do right by her. Just make sure you do it quickly; else I fear you will lose her forever. I know another who takes a great interest in her. I watched them last night for a while after you left her at the door,” said the elf, looking over at his friend as he spoke.

  “Who is it?” Darian asked a little sharply. He knew he had no right, had no claim on her. She was free to do as she wished, but he could not help the feelings he was experiencing. He wanted her desperately, but knew that now was not the time. Kyler studied him carefully, watching as his face went through the transformations. When he was sure the Mage had regained his composure, he spoke.

  “It’s Trighton. He has been after her for a while and now that you’re back, he’s coming on stronger. I will not get into what they said, that’s personal between them and does not concern you. Watch yourself around that one. He’ll not hurt you, for fear of wrath from the crown, but… We’d better get going. We can’t be late for our meeting with my father and the rest of the council.”


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